Bad news, everyone

  • @serguey123 said:

    @Xyro said:

    I think it would be pretty clear if we're witnessing a Second Impact event. Unless it's in slow motion. That would be pretty wild.

    I think we would have noticed the First Impact first.

    "We" would have to have been around 4.5 Gyr ago to "notice" it, although one of the main chunks of debris is still visible in the sky for 27 out of every 28 nights...

  • @DaveK said:

    @serguey123 said:

    @Xyro said:

    I think it would be pretty clear if we're witnessing a Second Impact event. Unless it's in slow motion. That would be pretty wild.

    I think we would have noticed the First Impact first.

    "We" would have to have been around 4.5 Gyr ago to "notice" it, although one of the main chunks of debris is still visible in the sky for 27 out of every 28 nights...

    Yes, but prove that the impact occured was around, it was even taught in school, are we taught that in school? NO.  We noticed quarks but have never seen one, we noticed the big bang and this happened sometime ago.

  • @serguey123 said:

    @DaveK said:

    @serguey123 said:

    @Xyro said:

    I think it would be pretty clear if we're witnessing a Second Impact event. Unless it's in slow motion. That would be pretty wild.

    I think we would have noticed the First Impact first.

    "We" would have to have been around 4.5 Gyr ago to "notice" it, although one of the main chunks of debris is still visible in the sky for 27 out of every 28 nights...

    Yes, but prove that the impact occured was around, it was even taught in school, are we taught that in school? NO.  We noticed quarks but have never seen one, we noticed the big bang and this happened sometime ago.

    Well by that definition, we *did* notice the First Impact.

  • Oh $deity What did I start here. I thought I would be safe from derails like this here.

  • @DaveK said:

    @serguey123 said:

    @DaveK said:

    @serguey123 said:

    @Xyro said:

    I think it would be pretty clear if we're witnessing a Second Impact event. Unless it's in slow motion. That would be pretty wild.

    I think we would have noticed the First Impact first.

    "We" would have to have been around 4.5 Gyr ago to "notice" it, although one of the main chunks of debris is still visible in the sky for 27 out of every 28 nights...

    Yes, but prove that the impact occured was around, it was even taught in school, are we taught that in school? NO.  We noticed quarks but have never seen one, we noticed the big bang and this happened sometime ago.

    Well by that definition, we *did* notice the First Impact.

    No we did not, we missed some stuff, like calling it that way or other minor stuff

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @delta534 said:

    Oh $deity What did I start here. I thought I would be safe from derails like this here.

    But...this forum is mostly derails.

  • @delta534 said:

    Oh $deity What did I start here. I thought I would be safe from derails like this here.


    You must be new here.

    Edit: barks at boomzilla

  • @boomzilla said:

    @delta534 said:
    Oh $deity What did I start here. I thought I would be safe from derails like this here.

    But...this forum is mostly derails.

    I'm fine with derails, but it was the type of derail that got to me.

  • @delta534 said:

    @boomzilla said:
    @delta534 said:
    Oh $deity What did I start here. I thought I would be safe from derails like this here.
    But...this forum is mostly derails.
    I'm fine with derails, but it was the type of derail that got to me.

    Hey, I'm doing my best to maintain the traditions and standards of this forum

  • @delta534 said:

    Filed under: I lurked., Look at my join date

    Welcome to CS, where "," is used as a tag separator and your tags get randomly re-ordered.

  • This post is more of a cs test so ignore.

  • Garbage Person

     Hey, I just realized I'm racing on May 21st and 22nd. The jurisdiction the track is in requires a shutdown of all racing motors (seriously - you aren't even allowed to try starting the car) from 10-11 on Sunday so everybody can attend church services. Naturally nobody ever does - even the 'Good Christians' think this is stupid as hell.

    They also prevent retail stores from selling anything except food before 11AM. Which is just great when it's raining, you're spending the entire day outdoors, and you need some god damned ponchos - and no booze sales all day.

     It's obvious that Judgement Day will be brought about by us heathens trying to buy booze and car parts, and someone will start their car to see if it works after spending all night swapping the engine.

  • @serguey123 said:

    @DaveK said:

    @serguey123 said:

    @DaveK said:

    @serguey123 said:

    @Xyro said:

    I think it would be pretty clear if we're witnessing a Second Impact event. Unless it's in slow motion. That would be pretty wild.

    I think we would have noticed the First Impact first.

    "We" would have to have been around 4.5 Gyr ago to "notice" it, although one of the main chunks of debris is still visible in the sky for 27 out of every 28 nights...

    Yes, but prove that the impact occured was around, it was even taught in school, are we taught that in school? NO.  We noticed quarks but have never seen one, we noticed the big bang and this happened sometime ago.

    Well by that definition, we *did* notice the First Impact.

    No we did not, we missed some stuff, like calling it that way or other minor stuff

    Well by that definition, we haven't noticed quarks or the big bang either.  Since when did "notice" mean "understand everything about in every single detail"?


  • What the hell are you people talking about?

  • @blakeyrat said:

    What the hell are you people talking about?

    What aren't we talking about?

  • @da Doctah said:

    @blakeyrat said:

    What the hell are you people talking about?

    What aren't we talking about?

    I guess it's some anime I've barely heard of. Where a loser has a bunch of hot (underage, natch) chicks chasing after him for absolutely no reason, and also there's giant robots for absolutely no reason.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    @da Doctah said:

    @blakeyrat said:

    What the hell are you people talking about?

    What aren't we talking about?

    I guess it's some anime I've barely heard of. Where a loser has a bunch of hot (underage, natch) chicks chasing after him for absolutely no reason, and also there's giant robots for absolutely no reason.

    I'm just going to leave this here as an explanation of what we are talking about. [url][/url]

  •  @blakeyrat said:

    @da Doctah said:

    @blakeyrat said:

    What the hell are you people talking about?

    What aren't we talking about?

    I guess it's some anime I've barely heard of. Where a loser has a bunch of hot (underage, natch) chicks chasing after him for absolutely no reason, and also there's giant robots for absolutely no reason.

    Based on the term "First Impact", I'm going to assume it's Neon Genesis Evangelion.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    @da Doctah said:

    @blakeyrat said:

    What the hell are you people talking about?

    What aren't we talking about?

    I guess it's some anime I've barely heard of. Where a loser has a bunch of hot (underage, natch) chicks chasing after him for absolutely no reason, and also there's giant robots for absolutely no reason.

    Giant robots don't need a reason!



  • @blakeyrat said:

    Where a loser has a bunch of hot (underage, natch) chicks chasing after him for absolutely no reason, and also there's giant robots for absolutely no reason.

    That describes 90% of all anime

    @DaveK said:


    Well by that definition, we haven't noticed quarks or the big bang either.  Since when did "notice" mean "understand everything about in every single detail"?

    Since never, my point is that we did not "notice" the First Impact, there is a theory that resembles that phenomenon which was used as a base by the creator of the anime to aid the story telling.  The theory and the "First Impact" differ in small stuff.

    If "notice" meant understand everything about in every single detail then we would be totally ignorant, not that I totally disagree with the idea.

  • @Weng said:

    It's obvious that Judgement Day will be brought about by us heathens trying to buy booze and car parts, and someone will start their car to see if it works after spending all night swapping the engine.

    If anybody is bringing judgment day, it's those damn religious zealots.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Weng said:

    a) Boredom
    b) Serious boredom
    c) Well, I'm already here, and that's a giant wall of text. So I may as well add a tldr.

    I do have stuff to do, but I spent my entire day ripping out a Jeep transmission filled with mud and don't feel like moving or thinking.


    I'm waiting for Portal 2 to come out, too.

    Really, a lot of the prophesy could be theoretically at least partially carried out via nuclear war. A nuclear holocaust would darken the skies, vaporize a good portion of our flora, and cause worldwide environmental problems, especially if all of the nuclear nations participated. And the sea monster is obviously referring to Sharktopus. SyFy was actually shooting a bioflick, but nobody believed them, so they tried to sell it as fiction. True story.

  • @RHuckster said:

    I'm waiting for Portal 2 to come out, too.

    Really, a lot of the prophesy could be theoretically at least partially carried out via nuclear war. A nuclear holocaust would darken the skies, vaporize a good portion of our flora, and cause worldwide environmental problems, especially if all of the nuclear nations participated. And the sea monster is obviously referring to Sharktopus. SyFy was actually shooting a bioflick, but nobody believed them, so they tried to sell it as fiction. True story.

    See also: the Abomination of Desolation

  • @DaveK said:

    Giant robots don't need a reason!

    Chicks dig giant robots.

    @serguey123 said:

    That describes 90% of all anime

    Hey Ringo, that was the joke!

    @RHuckster said:

    I'm waiting for Portal 2 to come out, too.

    Between the rumors of Valve unlocking the game early, and the 280 MB patch they mysteriously sent through Steam late last night, they totally faked me out last night. Who releases patches between the pre-load image and the game release? Seriously, they're just fucking with us.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    @RHuckster said:
    I'm waiting for Portal 2 to come out, too.

    Between the rumors of Valve unlocking the game early, and the 280 MB patch they mysteriously sent through Steam late last night, they totally faked me out last night. Who releases patches between the pre-load image and the game release? Seriously, they're just fucking with us.

    Valve - the trolls among game devs!

    I'm telling you, they'll announce Monday that due to unforeseen circumstances, the game is delayed until December.

  • @dohpaz42 said:

    @Weng said:

    It's obvious that Judgement Day will be brought about by us heathens trying to buy booze and car parts, and someone will start their car to see if it works after spending all night swapping the engine.

    If anybody is bringing judgment day, it's those damn religious zealots.

    I look forward to judgement day, even though I suspect it'll never come. Boy, are those religious types going to get a shock - they've got things the wrong way around. If we're to be judged by some deity and, crucially, accept its judgements, we'll first have to judge that deity and decide if it's fit to judge us. I've got some questions for it, I can tell you.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @derula said:

    I'm telling you, they'll announce Monday that due to unforeseen circumstances, the game is delayed until December.

    And then, next week they'll announce the release of the next Left 4 Dead title, and the 4 L4D fans will rejoice.

  • @derula said:

    I'm telling you, they'll announce Monday that due to unforeseen circumstances, the game is delayed until December.

    And then when it does come out, you won't be able to play it for 3 days because Steam'll be totally borked! History repeats itself!

  • @RHuckster said:

    @derula said:
    I'm telling you, they'll announce Monday that due to unforeseen circumstances, the game is delayed until December.
     And then, next week they'll announce the release of the next Left 4 Dead title, and the 4 L4D fans will rejoice.

    And then:

    Fans: "But what about Half Life 2 Episode 3???"

    Newell: "What? What are you talki- oh, that. Damn. Completely forgot about that. Maybe 2013. Trololol."

  • @intertravel said:

    @dohpaz42 said:
    @Weng said:

    It's obvious that Judgement Day will be brought about by us heathens trying to buy booze and car parts, and someone will start their car to see if it works after spending all night swapping the engine.

    If anybody is bringing judgment day, it's those damn religious zealots.

    I look forward to judgement day, even though I suspect it'll never come. Boy, are those religious types going to get a shock - they've got things the wrong way around. If we're to be judged by some deity and, crucially, accept its judgements, we'll first have to judge that deity and decide if it's fit to judge us. I've got some questions for it, I can tell you.


    But if the deity is all powerful and able to create everything and it wants to judge us, how exactly can we judge its fitness to judge us first? I mean I can murder some people, go to court, and declare the judge unfit to make a ruling, but that won't keep me out of prison.


  • @mott555 said:

    @intertravel said:

    I look forward to judgement day, even though I suspect it'll never come. Boy, are those religious types going to get a shock - they've got things the wrong way around. If we're to be judged by some deity and, crucially, accept its judgements, we'll first have to judge that deity and decide if it's fit to judge us. I've got some questions for it, I can tell you.

    But if the deity is all powerful and able to create everything and it wants to judge us, how exactly can we judge its fitness to judge us first? I mean I can murder some people, go to court, and declare the judge unfit to make a ruling, but that won't keep me out of prison.

    All-powerful is unimportant. Sure, god could send you to hell, but that just makes him a big bully. How craven do you have to be to submit to that kind of treatment? With the laws our society imposes, we can evaluate their justification, make up our mind, and decide what to do. See Libya and Egypt for examples of what can happen when the judiciary and legal system are considered unjustified. The logical link that's missing from any religion I've ever heard of is the bit where god being the creator means we should do what he/she/it wants.

    Look at it this way: if god wanted willing slaves, he could have created us that way. If he wants unwilling slaves, he should be resisted on principle. If he wants us to work with him of our own free will, he's going to have to persuade us.

  • @intertravel said:

    All-powerful is unimportant. Sure, god could send you to hell, but that just makes him a big bully. How craven do you have to be to submit to that kind of treatment? With the laws our society imposes, we can evaluate their justification, make up our mind, and decide what to do. See Libya and Egypt for examples of what can happen when the judiciary and legal system are considered unjustified. The logical link that's missing from any religion I've ever heard of is the bit where god being the creator means we should do what he/she/it wants.

    Look at it this way: if god wanted willing slaves, he could have created us that way. If he wants unwilling slaves, he should be resisted on principle. If he wants us to work with him of our own free will, he's going to have to persuade us.

    Or perhaps we are not that important, have you ever considered the idea that god might be simply bored and we are entertainment?  He might just not care or give a crap about us if he/she/it even exist

  • @serguey123 said:

    Or perhaps we are not that important, have you ever considered the idea that god might be simply bored and we are entertainment?  He might just not care or give a crap about us if he/she/it even exist

    I prefer the Time Bandits explanation where he's a mostly-confused old man who can't keep track of his own creation and has trouble answering questions like, "why does evil have to exist?"

  • @serguey123 said:

    Or perhaps we are not that important, have you ever considered the idea that god might be simply bored and we are entertainment?  He might just not care or give a crap about us if he/she/it even exist
    Oh, absolutely. But if there is a judgement day (as certain groups claim) [see above].

  • @intertravel said:

    @serguey123 said:
    Or perhaps we are not that important, have you ever considered the idea that god might be simply bored and we are entertainment?  He might just not care or give a crap about us if he/she/it even exist
    Oh, absolutely. But if there is a judgement day (as certain groups claim) [see above].

    Hmm, but those alternatives are not mutually exclusive.

    "Oh, I just finished this game, let me keep a tweaked savefile because it might have replay value or if there is a sequel I can keep some of the stuff from the previous game"

  • @intertravel said:

    All-powerful is unimportant.

    Isn't all-powerful a prerequisite for being a deity? Otherwise it's just another being in the universe, no different from you or I but perhaps more intelligent or more powerful.

    @intertravel said:

    Sure, god could send you to hell, but that just makes him a big bully.

    How so? If he created laws and I broke them then I deserve punishment. Otherwise the laws are of no use. Punishing people based on laws isn't bullying, it's justice. Bullying would be punishing people for no reason whatsoever.

    @intertravel said:

    Look at it this way: if god wanted willing slaves, he could have created us that way.

    Agreed. Obviously we are not slaves since we are free to accept or reject God if we wanted.

    @intertravel said:

    If he wants unwilling slaves, he should be resisted on principle.

    That doesn't really make sense. How could the will of God be for us to resist the will of God?

    @intertravel said:

    If he wants us to work with him of our own free will, he's going to have to persuade us.

    Maybe he tries to, but people are either too distracted, busy, stubborn, ignorant, or apathetic to notice or care.



  • @mott555 said:

    @intertravel said:

    All-powerful is unimportant.

    Isn't all-powerful a prerequisite for being a deity? Otherwise it's just another being in the universe, no different from you or I but perhaps more intelligent or more powerful.

    @intertravel said:

    Sure, god could send you to hell, but that just makes him a big bully.

    How so? If he created laws and I broke them then I deserve punishment. Otherwise the laws are of no use. Punishing people based on laws isn't bullying, it's justice. Bullying would be punishing people for no reason whatsoever.

    @intertravel said:

    Look at it this way: if god wanted willing slaves, he could have created us that way.

    Agreed. Obviously we are not slaves since we are free to accept or reject God if we wanted.

    @intertravel said:

    If he wants unwilling slaves, he should be resisted on principle.

    That doesn't really make sense. How could the will of God be for us to resist the will of God?

    @intertravel said:

    If he wants us to work with him of our own free will, he's going to have to persuade us.

    Maybe he tries to, but people are either too distracted, busy, stubborn, ignorant, or apathetic to notice or care.



    Wow, what a great example of how to make anything nonsensical by dividing it up into tiny chunks devoid of context. Now try again, reading my answer in the context of the prior discussion, and as a whole. This is about what happens on 'judgement day' should it arise.

  • @serguey123 said:

    @intertravel said:

    @serguey123 said:
    Or perhaps we are not that important, have you ever considered the idea that god might be simply bored and we are entertainment?  He might just not care or give a crap about us if he/she/it even exist
    Oh, absolutely. But if there is a judgement day (as certain groups claim) [see above].

    Hmm, but those alternatives are not mutually exclusive.

    "Oh, I just finished this game, let me keep a tweaked savefile because it might have replay value or if there is a sequel I can keep some of the stuff from the previous game"

    Er, no, not mutually exclusive. But if he bothers with a judgement day, then [see above] and if not, then this falls under the first category I mentioned - "probably won't happen".

  •  I just look forward to what the site looks like on 22nd may. So much so i might even set a reminder to go and check.

  • @Helix said:

     I just look forward to what the site looks like on 22nd may. So much so i might even set a reminder to go and check.

    If you do, report back.

  • @mott555 said:

    How so? If he created laws and I broke them then I deserve punishment. Otherwise the laws are of no use. Punishing people based on laws isn't bullying, it's justice. Bullying would be punishing people for no reason whatsoever.

    A few problems: one, we had no input as to the creation of the laws, nor do we have a chance to influence them after they were made, and yet we are held to them. Two, the person creating the laws is not held subject to the laws. Three, the punishment is eternal. As in infinite. Unending. Permanent. Doesn't stop. Thus we have an infinite punishment for a crime that is necessarily finite in nature. Finally, the punishment is the same for all crimes.

    Sorry, but comparing God's laws to society's laws is an awful analogy.

  • A local athiest's group has put up this website:

    The countdown to backpedaling!

  • Garbage Person

     We're also having a huge Rapture Party at the racetrack. Disco, jet-powered go-karts, and moonshine will be the order of the night.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    A local athiest's group has put up this website:

    The countdown to backpedaling!

    Really, if you're going to put a link to every poorly-made athiest website making fun of a Christian group, you're going to be busy for awhile.

  • @Sutherlands said:

    @blakeyrat said:

    A local athiest's group has put up this website:

    The countdown to backpedaling!

    Really, if you're going to put a link to every poorly-made athiest website making fun of a Christian group, you're going to be busy for awhile.

    Thinning the herd, first cut: eliminate all the ones that can't even spell "atheist".


  • @Xyro said:

    Some additional lite humor for y'all:

    Those are the best reasons I've ever heard for [i]anything[/i].

  • @Xyro said:

    Some additional lite humor for y'all:

    Oh, I get it. The site must be called "Huff Post Comedy" in an attempt to trick you into thinking the things posted there are funny. Its... not working. (Hint: unless you're Aaron Seltzer, dropping in a random photo of Justin Bieber isn't funny.)

    The Florida sex thing, that's fucking hilarious.

  • @serguey123 said:

    Totally irrelevant but interesting as well, further proof humans are retarded
    I assume you're referring to the HuffPo, there? I mean, the law explicitly states what they mean by 'animal' so you'd have to be fucking retarded to ignore that, and using your own definition point out a 'flaw'.

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