Local e-mail clients?

  • What's everybody recommend for a local e-mail client?

    I tried Thunderbird 17 (yeah, it was 6 years ago I installed it). Couldn't find a large amount of my folders.
    I tried Thunderbird 78. Same results as Thunderbird 17. I don't understand why.

    I think the last time I was looking at e-mail, Eudora was recommended but that's probably out of date. I also do not expect to purchase Outlook, at least until I have the new PC set up.

    God damn I hate Comcast so fucking much right now.

  • @Zenith I've had good luck with Thunderbird. Mostly. Except about 4 months ago, when moving some emails between folders somehow caused it to lose all old email in the main inbox. 😡 I still have the local copy in AppData, but that isn't accessible from inside Thunderbird. It's in mbox format, so it's readable (and I've made a copy that isn't subject to Thunderbird cleaning up a GB of "deleted" mail), but it's inconvenient. I've read instructions somewhere for converting this to the format Thunderbird uses for local archives, but :kneeling_warthog:.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Zenith said in Local e-mail clients?:

    I tried Thunderbird 78. Same results as Thunderbird 17. I don't understand why.

    Probably something to do with what folders you are subscribed to or shit like that; I've hit that in the past and it was weird until I figured out how to get things set right… and then I promptly forgot about all the details. (I've stopped using Thunderbird because it has problems talking to the way our email at work is set up. Something to do with Office 365's Exchange back end is just not authenticating right and I can't be bothered to try and debug auth failures.)

  • Thunderbird is also doing two other weird things. It seems to default to sorting oldest at the top. It also can't seem to read the dates on some of these messages. Just the time (even though I can clearly see both in the headers). So when I sort newest at the top, where it only shows the time, I have today's GameStop order right alongside some election spam from Arlen Specter, who died somewhere in the middle of the Obama administration.

  • @dkf said in Local e-mail clients?:

    with what folders you are subscribed to

    I think that's it. I don't know why I would only be subscribed to some. I created them all exactly the same way in webmail and all I did was supply 3-4 fields to add an existing account in Thunderbird.

    In the main window, right click the e-mail address and "subscribe" is in the context menu. It brings up a window that appears to show all of the folders. Only some are selected for some reason. Seems arbitrary but whatever.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Zenith That's the stuff. And I never understood why it worked that way; it seemed like a whole extra layer of complexity that nobody really needs.

  • @Zenith said in Local e-mail clients?:

    election spam from Arlen Specter, who died somewhere in the middle of the Obama administration.

    I have thousands of emails dating back to at least 2006, but even I delete junk email like that.

  • @Zenith said in Local e-mail clients?:

    Arlen Specter, who died somewhere in the middle of the Obama administration.

    And yet his Specter lives on in your inbox.

  • I also use Thunderbird, currently version 68 (it hasn't auto-updated to 78 yet). I switched to Thunderbird from Eudora back when Eudora development was shut down. It limped along as a reskin of Thunderbird for a bit but is long gone.

    To make it easy to read and respond to email from my Android phone, I set up a GMail account that gathers email from my other accounts without preventing me from archiving everything on my machine.

    Re: Dates, don't forget that almost all of the headers are controlled by the sender of the email. I regularly get email dated years in the future. I do, however, have a few pieces of email that were part of the big transfer from Eudora that didn't come in right and have messed-up headers. Once upon a time I needed to dig up one of those mails so I ended up with Eudora installed in an XP VM. I've still got the VM in case I need it.

  • Don't know your requirements, but for me the OS default mail apps proved sufficient on both Windows and Mac.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Last local client I used was Opera M2. It was great, but when development ended it started to fall behind.

    I tried Thunderbird, Eudora, Claws, The Bat, Sylpheed, Mailbird, EM and Postbox. All of them were terrible in different ways.

    I can't recommend anything in good conscience.
    But now I'm tempted to go back to M2.

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