The Transformer

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    It would be funny to read the ramblings from a transformer that has only as its input...

    I should get @MottBott up and running again sometime. But I'm not sure if I even have the source code for it anymore, and it was for Discourse anyway.

    Someone in this forum had a working bot, if I'm not in @‍error.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @CHUDbert quoted in The Transformer:

    Larvae are another common structure used to build up and protect building foundations and larch. The larva itself is usually hard and hard to bend and can be as thick as five inches (over a meter) long or as thin as a half a yard.


  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dkf said in The Transformer:

    @CHUDbert quoted in The Transformer:

    Larvae are another common structure used to build up and protect building foundations and larch. The larva itself is usually hard and hard to bend and can be as thick as five inches (over a meter) long or as thin as a half a yard.


    It's a word-salad generator.

  • Your mom is a word-salad generator. You'll never understand that shit, even if she's telling you the obvious lies!"

    "It isn't the mother she's talking about," I protested, my brow furrowing. "Her mother is an amazing, wonderful writer," I told her. "And she has some amazing books coming out."

    That didn't seem so bad after all.

    She sighed. "Do not believe everything your mother tells you. No matter what you see, you never fully comprehend it. When an alien planet has grown into a city, and the people begin to speak their language, it doesn't leave you and your friends confused about what was before you and your friends looked up from their computers. You're just in it for the stories, the stories your mother has written for you." She stared out the window until she saw me nodding my head. "Please," I begged. "No,'re no good."

    My mom turned to my left and I watched as she walked past the crowd into my room, her hands on my pillow and my fingers pressed deep on her shoulder. But then, she turned to me and gave me a hug. Her eyes were half-lidded, like someone on pain medication, her mouth a scowl. "Now...when I was young, I was a bad guy," she

  • Let's play "Finish the Song"

    Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his

    Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his head; I don't approve of that at all, but you see it as a part of my job." What did I agree with? "This is what happens when you don't listen to your kids." But it was too late. I couldn't do this. I was being attacked.
    That's what's so frightening! If I had waited until my 18th birthday—that's my 11th birthday!—I'd be old enough then, but I'm still on drugs. I'm 30 years old. Maybe I won't use drugs, but I still don't understand that.
    When I left home at 16, I was a good student—I studied harder and got decent grades. But then my dad took me to San Francisco to get hooked. My dad was really a weird, abusive guy. When he finally got me hooked, the problem with the whole program was that they were really pushing me in the wrong direction. "Are you telling me you're going to use, you know, your body?" he'd ask me. "Do you want to be a girl on Friday? Why are you here?" When I told him that I was going the opposite direction he yelled, "You're gonna be a girl on Friday in school? You can't be doing that in the classroom!?" I never really

    Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his head, put in a taser. Just like that!" says the man. "The kids just start freaking out. I don't know how I'm going to get any rest tonight," says the man. "It's all gone. It feels like two and a half years is up," says the man. "I'm like, where the heck am I going to sleep? What am I going to eat the rest of the night?"
    This sounds very plausible. It's also a case on which we've encountered similar scenes before. In the case of an adult male, police will usually put a gun to his head to get him to agree to an interview with the police. He's going to tell them everything and in many cases that's been the case. But sometimes he does speak out and in that case we also hear reports of police being "in hot water" following incidents in which this is often the case, such as, for example, a man whose girlfriend shot him while they were having intercourse, or one whose wife attempted to murder him at a car dealership. If a man acts suspiciously, his "crime" can get a lot harder to separate from the "situational awareness," as police call it.
    So should you stop and think about your situation? Of course not. Not all of

    Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his face and cut off his arms and legs and threw the body in the lake.
    Now they're taking him back to prison and he's being starved because he refused to sign up for a program that is being run by drug enforcement forces.
    Now, I've got no problem whatsoever with the prison. It was just because my son was killed that we stopped it. It was a bad idea.
    But when my two little boys grew up, they said, "Dad, you can't sit down and play with these things, you don't like anything that's there."
    In a state like Texas, it's hard for people to speak up. I went to speak out against the death penalty last October, in the Senate floor. I was so proud of my party to stand up for what I thought were right and good things of our society. You don't think I'm racist against people of color because it's a federal drug problem? It's ridiculous.
    It's all about money-driven. We need to stop drugs from going to kids who grow up in the inner city.
    "The only job I've ever had," says Mike Jones, the Texas governor's office's top drug specialist, "is to find the drug dealers and stop any drugs from getting into my district. It

    Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his head."
    "What have you done?"
    "My mama has done that, and she's not done it again."
    "Where the hell did that come from?"
    "I didn't say where the hell she did it, I just said she did it."
    "We're talking about a little boy, just a baby."
    "She's not a baby that I'm talking to, that I want out of your house."
    "She's a man. She's a human woman. A man."
    "She has a gun and she's shooting people in the face."
    "She's telling you you're a damn motherfucker. And we ain't talking about a little little girl. We're talking about her, daddy."
    She started to cry. And then her mouth opened and she said in a voice that hurt, "They just started fighting and now she's going to kill a man."
    I didn't really understand how that happened, but at that moment I knew that I was going to get an explanation. I kept going, and then I stopped. This was the most intense fight I ever seen, I can't even remember.
    I stopped the video, and the only thing that had to happen was that I

    Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his head and pull out all his DNA and find him. Put up pictures of him and tell my son, and every single other boy, they're murderers and they're traitors."
    "It's my brother, daddy," his mother said, "you just had to get it." She smiled. "My brother killed a guy by mistake, and I have to tell him what a hero he is."
    "How does it feel to know your brother shot an innocent man in cold blood?" the man asked. His father had been a teacher long before him.
    His mother's eyes lit up. "Oh yeah, it feels so good."
    "You know something, my man? I always wondered how it would feel to see my kid killed."
    "No," her father said softly, "nobody ever tells me I kill kids anymore. The first time a kid got shot in front of me, the first time I saw him was in grade school. And today he was at a bar and he just got robbed. So I never got to see it. That's how bad it has always felt for me and my family to see my dead kid murdered by the city."

    Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his ass and leave for the cemetery. I'm sorry."
    Powers came to a stop when Mrs. Mowgli and her father approached, but no weapon was found.
    Mr. Mowgli then got Mrs. Mowgli to the door of their home, and she said he was sorry: "He was killing my mother."
    Mrs. Mowgli, still visibly angry, told him she had already been threatened with a gun, and said she was going to shoot her son. She then threatened to shoot her son again if he would not leave the house. Mr. Mowgli ignored her, and as Mrs. Mowgli moved away from the door, she slammed it down, knocking the gun out of her hand. But Mrs. Mowgli did get up and walk out of the house, and was gone.
    Mrs. Mowgli, of course, later told police she was on drugs, her attorney, David Mowgli, said on Wednesday.
    Ms. Ziegler's husband said he is "trying to find any explanation" for the killing. His first concern, he said, is to make sure his wife and son were all OK.

    There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is

    There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is not gold. You could walk in with a piece of paper and ask me who she is but of course she's a complete con artist. She's one of them."
    "If you don't like me, don't like me, I'll make up my mind for you." She sighed. "I'll tell you my name is Rose and I'll ask for it. Then why didn't you tell me it's my turn now?"
    "She's in an accident. She's being rushed to the hospital." Ruby said.
    "So that's why she's here so late in the day?" Weiss asked.
    "Yeah...She was injured when I fell in." Ruby answered. "She's still in the ICU."
    Weiss sighed. She stared at Ruby. "She's in an accident." Ruby shrugged. "Well we're stuck with that."
    "Ruby, don't be. I'm pretty well off, so maybe I'll give her a few thousand bucks to get out of here instead of getting her on something more serious." Weiss said.
    Ruby sighed before shaking her head. "You don't owe me. It's not like we couldn't just take her to get checked out or something."
    "No no, she'd be my girlfriend any

    There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold. But when she's at the grocery store, she sees her reflection on a mirror.
    "I have no idea what that means," she says, as a stranger holds her hand as they walk to the next checkout line.
    To my wife, these three moments seem like an empty window, a bit of space between two people who want to be apart, but still share the same heart. She sees the reflection of both of them, and she realizes that if one wants more than the other, then the one they have together can stay together. I wonder if that's what the author of the words he wrote would have wanted: not a single friend, a single lover, but their friendship being the closest it's possible or possible.
    It will take time to find what you have in common and create a life that goes both ways. What would your life be if you were a girl, a boy, transgender, a Jew — or every combination?
    We believe that God made us to share all life's joys and sorrows with others, not to be a bunch of sad, lonely people who just aren't good enough. We're here to find a home we love, not to settle down and become another stereotype. We want peace, love, and love for all, and we want to

    There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold. And she's a woman out there who's very beautiful on a small scale," Trump said during the interview broadcast Tuesday on Fox News Channel's "Hannity."
    The Republican presidential contender went on to discuss the media's reaction to his comments about the wife of the founder of the family's real estate empire, Trump's long history of domestic violence and the controversy surrounding his call for a temporary ban on all Muslims entering the United States.
    "And the other part of it to me is I hope I'll go a long way in getting rid of these problems, and I want these problems to be solved. So when they say 'she's a woman out there,' you know what? I don't care how she looks or what she wears. I don't care. I'm just gonna get those people out."
    Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter: @jeromeehudson

    There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold, I think, but we have to remember what happened. They killed her parents. They killed both their mothers. In the aftermath, we're not just at the site in the back and the wreckage in front of us, we're seeing that. And that was real.
    On 'The Girl With One Robber Tattoo':
    I want to be honest. I mean, how many of you watch "Mad Men"? Do you notice the changes in the world that we see every week? I certainly do. But when I get home and watch shows on Saturday night, I can't get over this sense of tragedy and loss: You lose somebody and everything you thought you knew disappears, and then you can't live in a world where they can get away with murder. So it is a very real thing to me, especially these days.
    [on "Mad Men"'s relationship to America's obsession with sexual abuse and the 'War on Drugs'] At the time the series was born, I was working on a television series about the 1970s, so when "Mad Men" first premiered it was shocking to see so much sexual violence going on — but that was in a series about the 1960s and 1970s. When it came to sex and drugs, things just went crazy. There are moments when

    There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is gold, or something, but it all glitters when she's really there.
    A woman who is not quite ready to have her breasts come out. It's hard to explain this in words. It is a hard thing for me to describe how hard it is, because what actually happens is not difficult – it's totally normal, almost like a natural thing. It's that the breast is not there, the nipple is there, the softness of that, it makes me cry. It's not something you are going to get cured of. But it makes me look like a sissy.
    I really need to get out in front of this stuff. I feel really bad for all of the women out there who do it. It's terrible. All of these women who don't actually want to have their breasts come out, I'm like, 'I don't even know what it feels like, can you talk to me?' It's not something you think you need to worry about until it's done.
    If you're an Asian American woman writing a blog post, is there a message that you want to send that can help other women avoid being bullied, that you feel has to be given?
    First of all, a lot of these women are Asian American (and also, a lot of Asian

    There's a lady who's sure all that glitters is not gold (though she says it's actually gold) is her new husband. The woman is looking very handsome; he's also attractive, and she has a husband who is also looking very handsome (she herself seems to like it that way). She gives the couple a bit of money. And the lady who is in charge calls on two boys, one of whom is an idiot and the other who is an idiot on the spot. She demands the stupid one give up his life for him. The idiot asks what he is doing wrong. Her husband responds, "When I say no, you are dying." He doesn't understand that he's dying, of course, but he does mean he's going to die for the stupid one's stupid mistake. So that stupid idiot is dead before the stupid guy gets a chance to call for an ambulance. So we get to see the idiot who is stupid be happy about his little mistake, but he's also miserable about his tiny mistake. And he's also angry that he's going to live like idiots, but he doesn't want to. And then he also gets his way. It's a brilliant idea. And so we have a very good story. And it would be much more difficult to pull that off if the story were told in that way: it's really about being stupid, and

    Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people living as

    Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people living as they want are not allowed to change who they are, yet they continue to accept this lifestyle.
    Some people don't understand our need to control our actions. They say, "why did I put on that hat? Why wasn't it my wedding ring?" or, "why am I so focused on my hair and dress?" Or, "why am I so obsessive about making sure my wife doesn't see me wearing that?" Or, "why can't I wear an oversize necklace around my neck or have that long necklace or whatever for a birthday?"
    What we do in our minds and our hearts are irrelevant to who we become
    The only reason many of us think like this is because we haven't seen the world to the same extent we should have. We haven't lived in the same type of environment. We haven't been indoctrinated into a culture that teaches us how to live a good life.
    You see, the truth is that people live on their own. It doesn't matter who else is going around telling us that the world doesn't matter. If we keep believing that other people are saying things that don't reflect well on ourselves, or are the result of living out of our own mind as well, then we might go down that path of self-deception.

    Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people living as celibate, and not trying to find out about the lifestyle.
    Well if you're going to say 'it's ok, it's ok' you need to at least make it a bit more interesting. Don't take it for granted that any of the things that you try, will work and that they will work. I'll give you an example.
    If you've got high blood pressure, diabetes, I can only imagine this can be a life-changing decision for people. Not the person living celibate for you.
    It might even be an opportunity for you to find that someone who you feel comfortable with as a partner. And if you're a 'curious' person, I can't stress that enough. They can help you, the people with the doubts, can tell those doubts are part of their condition, they'll help you get through those doubters.
    When you get in the habit of asking questions about what they are going through or questioning what you might be doing wrong in your life, it's a way of showing people that you value and care about them.
    If you're in a relationship, that's not just a way for you to talk about what you've been going through but it's also a way to ask how your relationship can

    Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people living as though I live my life in the way I want it to, and I try and find ways to show the world who I am as an individual but I'm very careful about what I say because I am just really insecure and very scared of getting into trouble," she said.

    Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people living as they like in countries that don't know any better.
    If they had lived in a place like Denmark or the Netherlands instead of what you're doing, the worst outcome would be that millions of people would become like they were before they turned 18.
    They would all die on the streets. They would all drink alcohol. Or it wouldn't happen that way at all.
    So instead of turning 18, what do you think they should do?
    It was easy then to choose, to choose something like, "Give some money to this charity or to that and you should never leave."
    No, we shouldn't ever leave.
    That's the key. What's the best thing that the average person will have been lucky enough to survive? To live to this day?
    I think if we have had the experience of people saying, "I don't want to get any of this and leave and not be able to get a job," that's the real value from the perspective, too.
    Because what we've already put in their heads, and I mean what we already put in their heads and what they already put into the banks, they believe in. I don't mean what they've already seen; they don't need to buy or have faith in anything

    Crazy, but that's how it goes. Millions of people living as nomads are forced to rely on other's largesse until these nomads become a burden on the economy.
    We'll talk more about money in a moments but today I want to talk more about your money. If you're not familiar with Bitcoin, it's a decentralized peer-to-peer system where anyone can create an account by simply typing in their account information. This is what Bitcoin is now all about. Most people think Bitcoin is not money since it's still pretty much anonymous for now but the Bitcoin community sees it differently.
    If you know about Bitcoin from my previous post on this subject, then you probably saw me give some very interesting answers about the Bitcoin value. In summary, Bitcoin is only accepted as currency on the Bitcoin network. The entire Bitcoin network can be "used as a medium of exchange" allowing Bitcoin to act as a way to transfer money around the world. I will give you a detailed description about many of these ways later.
    The first problem with Bitcoin is that you need to use it to transact on the Internet. This includes online stores, banks, payments and so on. The Bitcoin network is designed around two functions. First:
    The Bitcoin protocol which allows the communication of transaction data between users. Second: the Bitcoin network is a decentralized distributed computing system

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, my eyes locked on the camera, I can still see a flash of white. I look straight ahead and catch sight of my own back camera, my finger on the shutter button and in the next instant, my camera has already fired. With one step, I have taken out a second iPhone 5, which I have loaded with 4 hours' worth of recordings I've captured on the device with no more than 1/4 second exposure time.
    I have been using it for about 2 hours now with no problems. And the video quality?
    First of all, it's very, very detailed. The quality is very high. I have noticed almost no video artifacts when shooting in low light. Even when I am using my iPhone in dark rooms (lots of lighting), the video quality of this particular device is very respectable. When I'm shooting video, it's extremely fast with a very fast shutter speed for this device.
    If all one needs to take pictures from, then the ability to shoot video from it just gives you that ability. You can't just shoot video as it is from a tablet or a laptop.
    In terms of performance, from the first moment shooting, the pictures look so solid, so professional, like they came from a professional camera. In terms of quality, the best images are the ones shot

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair and a heavy fog looming over the plains of the eastern Sahara that looks like Christmas Eve, I found myself looking on at a crowd of pilgrims walking through the mountains outside the town of Taman. As well as taking in the view of the vast landscape, I was also being introduced to three men carrying what appeared to be miniature golf clubs. I took off, my mind already in question.
    In 2007, I started to write articles about the lives of people in and out of prison, as well as on subjects such as drug abuse and suicide. After a year, The Times published a profile of a man called Jumpei Teng for The New York Times and the magazine then published my writing about him as well as a story about how the US Army was using his image to promote its rehabilitation program.
    This week, The Guardian picked up the project and published a new piece that looks at the lives of several former prisoners on death's door. We caught up with some people from the project to talk about their experiences with this complex and changing space.
    Image caption Jumpei Teng became famous for his short film about a young American soldier, but his story is about wider themes of prison
    Inek Amiri
    Jumpei has been in prison since he was 22 and at the time of my interview with

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, you have to admire the way you looked through my blinds and watched me move my face and eyes and neck towards you. This morning when you looked at me, looking at your fingers brushing against my breasts to your ear in time with your heartbeat, I think about what it would be like if I was in your bed. My head and my chest are now all your own at my touch. My breasts in my blinds, watching you touch me. Do you know how hard I work my body to put up with that? Do you know how much I don't care how you want to spend the rest of your life with me? This is my way of showing you a different side of me. Do you want to know what it's like after you look at me? Do you want to know the thrill that comes when you feel me on top of you? Do you want to know how my nipples rub against yours? You put your hands to my hair and touch the side of my neck. Do you want to know the ecstasy that fills you when you pull me into you? Are you ready to hear everything I'm about to tell you? I'm ready to tell you everything I've heard. <pause> So…are…you ready? <soft laugh> That is not… that is… you don't even know? <sn

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my face, there's just one thing in my drive to work: a big box of white-and-yellow Bags of Boom from Walmart. It's no longer Walmart — it's a new name, Walmart Supercenter. The store is open and stocked with items for kids ages three to 12, including stuffed animals, toys, and even T-shirts, while on display are games like "Toys In The Attic" and "The Story Of Disney." Even though this will probably bring smiles in Walmart kids' faces, I won't get a toy. There is just one problem.
    I'm a parent, after all. To put it politely…I hate these Bags of Boom.
    There's the issue with the word "boom." How does Bags of Boom (aka the old version of the Bags) sound? Does it sound like the Bags of Boom? Or does it sound like the company that owns Bags of Boom, Inc? Do we hate Bags of Boom all the same?
    The company that owns them?
    Yeah, this brand of bags.
    And it sure sounds like the bag brand we've been so clamoring for since we heard all the talk of how our loved ones should live to be 150. Maybe we should try it. The only problem? The company

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, black-haired and dirty-sounding man who had just pulled over at a stoplight.
    He opened the door with a quick glance. A black dog. Its fur was messy with salt and blood.
    It was a dog with small eyes that resembled a cat.
    「I see. It's the same as the ones you got in the forest yesterday.
    When did you come?
    The woman said.
    「It was after I got attacked.
    I had to come at the front.
    If I ran, it'll be too late.
    It's the same as those that killed the people we came across before.
    I was a member of this party. I didn't intend to just stop here and walk around.
    Even though there are problems like this, I decided to just go around the city in one direction.
    I can go on if I put my mind to it.
    I'll be back and see you later.」
    He laughed and ran away while looking at the dog.
    He didn't seem to care though, and began walking again with the dog again.
    As I made my way to the main building where the battle took place,
    「It should

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my ears. Just like when I drove a truck." When asked what drove him to play with and what influenced his sound, he said, "It's the vibe of the people. When they're talking about music, you listen back; they're getting excited. I'm a big believer in finding out what they have to say, and being the most creative. Some people hate that or whatever else, but I was just drawn to it for a different reason. It's been a positive thing!"
    And the same has now become true of his debut album, The Long Goodbye, which drops February 15, 2015 on Haze.
    "It's been a long process of learning what motivates me, and also learning what we do. I really enjoy playing with and building relationships. My guitar comes first, in terms of my sound, because in my head, my guitar is the foundation of what I do. In my head, it's just me and my guitar on your couch."
    And in a world where fans feel neglected and unrepresented – particularly by the mainstream music press and the music industry – being able to present your own unique vision doesn't come cheap. "I made this album with my two sisters [a 12-year old daughter and a 10-year old son], and we did a bunch of stuff that we thought could

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair, I sat watching my friends at a fast food restaurant. I wanted to sit in a chair next to them with them to talk about the movie. I looked around, hoping it hadn't turned out like I planned it. Instead, I saw two black guys who seemed extremely friendly and laughing. While sitting with them, the music got louder by the second, and I thought something was wrong.
    They put the menu back down.
    Then I heard the music stopped again. I wasn't happy with the music, and I took out my camera in an attempt to check it out. I waited outside for a long time, looking around. I was in disbelief. I finally saw them, sitting down.
    First They Came for the Jewels, But I Won't
    While looking at myself in the mirror, the next thought hit me, "So… what are they really like? Is this just a social joke…?" So I decided my first question to them was, "Are they dressed well?" They both didn't seem to think my question was bad, and were laughing, and the music started getting louder again. At that point, I didn't want to be part of the conversation and continued laughing until I was crying. My heart was racing as they sat, I can tell you that.
    I kept laughing

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my hair and a little wet from a recent trip to my father's grave, I make a decision to stay longer, go farther or both.
    I've tried to do more with less for several years. That's the basic philosophy I had about going off a good chunk: To maximize the returns you could expect, do things that make you feel better and keep working on trying everything until you've built something good.
    I found my calling in 2013 as I returned from a stint as CEO of a large retail chain in the United States. I had worked at the top for 18 years — nine at Gap, five at Home Depot — and in those eight years, I had learned all of the skills I needed to run a company, but didn't know how to do anything beyond being a good leader.
    I had studied for two weeks to become a "good business manager." I had no idea what that meant. It's where my first experience as the CEO of a retail business led to a six-figure raise for myself from CEO.
    Now, with a new job and a new approach to leadership, my path into a new life has changed as my time inside the store has shifted from learning skills that apply to my current job, to being able to lead.
    I've learned the following:

    On a dark desert highway, cool wind in my jeans, I take in a landscape I've always known: the desert outside my window. A white pickup truck, its hood open, sloughing air across a desert landscape as though it were a warm summer night.
    "Do you have any cigarettes?"
    A small pack of Camel cigarettes on a small shelf, I take out a few and place them in front of the door. It opens and one of the driver gets out, walks to the window with his head down. His breath is fresh on his face, white of cheeks but bright like the sun as though it were the morning. The air is sweet and clean. He reaches under our seats, pulls out a pack, opens the wrapper and hands it to me. I've never seen such pure, fresh tobacco as is right before my eyes. He pulls something out of the wrapper and then starts to smoke. It smacks into my face and my jaw is broken. That's when I think of my parents.
    "Is something wrong?"
    The driver stops, looks outside, looks to me. His eyes, like my mother-in-law's, are glassy, filled with fear. I'm still breathing, but it feels as though they are closing faster.
    He opens his car door, and in walks my father, smoking like my mother-

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    When an alien planet has grown into a city, and the people begin to speak their language, it doesn't leave you and your friends confused about what was before you and your friends looked up from their computers.

    Perhaps not, but this sentence leaves me confused.

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    You're just in it for the stories, the stories your mother@mott555 has written for you."

    FTF, um, somebody, I'm sure.

  • @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    Mama, just killed a man. Put a gun against his face and cut off his arms and legs and threw the body in the lake.

    That sounds like @Lorne-Kates's kinda woman!

    @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    "She's a man. She's a human woman. A man."

    Yup, right up Lorne's alley.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Java script is the anti-christ of computer languages—all code that does not obey some formal rules is considered invalid. Some software may even be legal, if it passes certain technical checks.

    But Python does not obey any such rules. While its syntax is strict—its special keywords and statements are required—its programming language is much more relaxed: the ability to "write code," as one programmer put it, is the basis of program code. And the compiler, when running code, simply can't know what it should do. In fact, Python also doesn't need any "proof," because every Python statement can be proven valid or not: just call the getattribute() method, and your system is guaranteed to work. One can even create classes containing no code at all, and call them exactly as they were born, using Python's built-in built-in methods.

    The code in Python is thus an enormous tool for creating, debugging, modifying, and testing software. This has, of course, the added benefit of making the tools more widely available and accessible to anyone who has ever learned programming or tried to learn how to program—all for low, low, low prices. In fact, all software can be written in Python as long as certain basic rules are adhered to: this was the original purpose of the language: it is a convenient way to write the sort

    TIL Python "just works"™.

  • @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    just call the getattribute() method, and your system is guaranteed to work.

    Wow! Just use this one simple trick!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    The word Belgium is not to be use in polite company, as it is always used to describe a European country.

    Belgium is composed of two states called Belgium and Belgium. Belgium and Belgium. It is the home of many languages and there are almost a thousand. The two states that make up Belgium are composed mostly of Christian-speaking North Americans.

    It is interesting to note that the Netherlands, not the majority nation, is also part of the Kingdom of Belgium, as are the Scandinavian countries.

    There are some differences in a lot of respects, though, in that the majority of the people there are descendants of people who immigrated to this part of Belgium from Europe as early as the 1300s, the time of the Enlightenment. Most of the immigrants were English, Germans, French, Dutch and Scandinavians — the so-called "Habitations de Belgique."

    In other words, a lot of the country's population was from North America, but they were all from the southern part of Europe. The southern part of Belgium is, by some estimates, the world's most beautiful land — the largest, including the Alps. That's why Belgians like it.

    The people who are most proud of this country are very proud to call this part of Belgium home.

    ... I... wat?

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    @mott555 I don't want the best, I want the daily wtf.... Think of the possibilities.

    I don't want the best, I want the daily wtf.... Think of the possibilities, you'll become an expert at any problem, and when you're done doing can go do it again!

    i'm not sure how it started, but i was like "fuck yeah...." a few days ago now and i'm reading this stuff now ...and i'm like ok ... im so excited ... and now im reading the next pages and it's awesome ...

    This is exactly what it means to be "unemployable".

    "Dogs don't know I'm still around. It's just a new perspective on life. A fun one. I guess I want to be able to look up to your brother." I don't know what happened but it didn't stop. At that point, I got very angry at every dog.

    I would leave

  • đźš˝ Regular

    I don't want the best, I want the daily wtf.... Think of the possibilities. This is a great idea. Here is my solution:

    1). Add a "R" logo on top of the "F" to stand out

    2). Give your product a name and make sure you do not put yourself in the position of asking for permission.

    3). If your product features something like "WTF?" go ahead, but if it has something to do with "I have a wtf" do not take that away..

    I'm not saying to be afraid of sharing. It's nice to have a forum of other wtfers, but they aren't going to take the time to read every post. As I mentioned earlier. I'm just saying if your product has something with "WTF?" then I would absolutely suggest giving it a try. I want to change a lightbulb, I want to make a toilet. (it is hard to choose, but choose).

    I hope this helps.

  • Fake News

    @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    The word Belgium is not to be use in polite company, as it is always used to describe a European country.

    Belgium is composed of two states called Belgium and Belgium. Belgium and Belgium. It is the home of many languages and there are almost a thousand. The two states that make up Belgium are composed mostly of Christian-speaking North Americans.

    It is interesting to note that the Netherlands, not the majority nation, is also part of the Kingdom of Belgium, as are the Scandinavian countries.

    There are some differences in a lot of respects, though, in that the majority of the people there are descendants of people who immigrated to this part of Belgium from Europe as early as the 1300s, the time of the Enlightenment. Most of the immigrants were English, Germans, French, Dutch and Scandinavians — the so-called "Habitations de Belgique."

    In other words, a lot of the country's population was from North America, but they were all from the southern part of Europe. The southern part of Belgium is, by some estimates, the world's most beautiful land — the largest, including the Alps. That's why Belgians like it.

    The people who are most proud of this country are very proud to call this part of Belgium home.

    ... I... wat?

    Paging @Luhmann to confirm, but random generation means it sometimes, very rarely, might get it right.

  • đźš˝ Regular

    I don't want the best, I want the daily wtf.... Think of the possibilities. This is your brain on drugs (it's good at reading pictures). How many times did you see a cute baby lying dead on the kitchen table? And this was just a little picture? You can not feel this. Think of the potential for pain. You are literally having a psychotic episode. The worst are the ones in my opinion that you could possibly get into and live with. The worst that you have to deal with with anyone could be that. The worst that you could possibly get into would be a little baby that had gone insane from the fact that you are looking at him. You are dealing with what might be your worst possible life experience. It's a scary thought. I am willing to try anything. I'm not ready to live any more. That said, if you take a stand against this, I will put together for you a package that could give you the ability to not only walk away, but live an existence you would have liked with nothing in it. How is that to know? This is a bad idea. You can't live with the consequences of this for the foreseeable future. That is one of the worst things ever. The first time I tried this I became scared and I ended up a baby.


    @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    1). Add a "R" logo on top of the "F" to stand out


  • @JBert said in The Transformer:

    random generation means it sometimes, very rarely, might get it right.

    @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    I don't want the best, I want the daily wtf.... Think of the possibilities. This is your brain on drugs

    I think this is a winner.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Welsh Rarebit is a very rare and precious material and we have chosen it in particular because it was chosen for its ability to resist corrosion, and its low melting point compared to most of its class names.

    Welsh Rarebit has a good melting point of .45-1 at room temperature; the higher the temperature, the less effective its melting point becomes relative to other metals. It does require a high temperature to melt but for this we recommend this method is usually preferred.

    It can be used to form molds directly with a mortar and pestle (or, less likely, an open air oven). It must be allowed to fully cool.

    Welsh Rarebit is extremely sensitive to heat; any prolonged exposure to excessive heat will melt it.

    Welsh Rarebit is generally much harder than steel, so one must be careful in making them.

    Once hardened or hardened by soaking, Welsh Rarebit can be sharpened to form swords. The blades will be sharp and are strong enough to penetrate most metal.

    Some people suggest using this material as a building block (though the reason for this is currently not known), but it is still better to create a weapon of strength from this material.

    To make these molds, use any form of a coarse dustpan that has the right temperature.

    There is also a method (to prevent

  • The fastest way to cook food is by putting it, in the oven and cooking it yourself. In order to find out how long it takes to cook food, we conducted an experiment with four different types of meat to see how quickly each can be fried. Using an oven-safe, microwaveable griddle, we fried an 80 gram chunk of beef for 1 hour and 55 minutes and found the time for a 60 gram, 55 gram and 25 gram burger to be 6, 9, 13 and 27 per cent shorter compared with our slow cooker, respectively, according to our analysis. Our method was also faster because the meat we used was cooked by hand to an internal temperature of 180F in the microwave and we had access to a microwave oven that does not use a timer.

  • Microwave ovens are extremely dangerous because of high electrical charges. In addition to damaging electrical components, their heat can also cause smoke or flame to set up and burn your eyes or lungs.

    If you want to save time, it's good to set the time to the earliest point in the day, such as the morning. If you're not quite sure exactly how long to wait, make sure you follow some common methods for cooking with a microwave:

    1. Make sure the cooking machine isn't hot until you've reached the end of the cooking time. To get a good idea of how long the cooking time is, hold the oven at about 165 degrees F (71 degrees C) and watch the screen come up with a countdown.

    2. Using a thermometer, measure around 180 to 200 microcuries of heating power from your oven. Be very aware of this since some ovens have built-in thermal protection. If an overheated oven has this protection activated, your oven will turn red when exposed to the power of the microwave for only a short time.

    3. Once you've reached the time you feel comfortable cooking, add the milk, and microwave your food, letting the milk stand for 1 to 2 minutes.

    4. If you want to taste your food, wait for your meal to cool completely (about 3 minutes) so that you

  • Leather comes from buffalo and its origins are from the Black Mountains of eastern Wyoming and Northern Colorado. Leather has many important properties that are needed by human beings and animals, and the use of leather has the potential, for many people and many animals, to reduce the pain to which some people experience when they touch the skin and the animal of our childhood has been a tool of pain alleviation for thousands of years.

    Many folks are concerned, especially over the use of leather to wrap body parts for clothing. And I'm not talking about wrapping your entire skin around a finger, but as one of my leather products says: "a few ounces of leather could potentially reduce the burn rate of a one or two year-old animal in one sitting by as much as fifty percent."

    Many of us have seen people wrap a finger around an animal's hind and tail and then try to carry it up a tree when it does not get up after being given enough time. This is the same reason it is good to bring a baby up by the tail with you to show kids who can use their hands. This is one of the many reasons why we would not make or sell leather that can be used to wrap a hand or body part, or any part of a human body for that matter, like fingernails, teeth, nails, ears, heads, skin, breasts, toes, hands

  • Well this took some odd turns...

    Cows are highly social primates, social in the sense that humans have developed many species with similar social behavior (e.g., monkeys, apes).

    There is also a growing body of evidence that mammals have social interactions, and those interactions are diverse. Chimpanzees and bisons are active in social networks, which is part of their nature. There are also groups of birds that are very active in groups, as are most mammals and birds.

    Social interactions often involve a hierarchy of power and control in which the individuals who exert control and authority have the upper hand. In a typical group situation, the dominant individual may have several wives or girlfriends: the second wife (or "pussy") may be subordinate to her husband, and one of the women may be known as a second bison. If one of the women, or in this case, one of the many more than 100 "pussies," gets pregnant and bears a child, the children, in turn, may become "pussies," and that means both the mother and the pussie bear offspring. And the pussies are still the first (or second) offspring, who are the most physically powerful. In an environment of hierarchy, both adults (as distinguished from the juveniles that take their places in subsequent generations) and the young have a disproportionate number of advantages over other people, including other pussies.

  • The most dangerous car is the Mercedes E50, which is not only capable of reaching 60 miles per hour but also handles better than most cars at highway speeds. This car costs almost $130,000. If all you do is drive on the expressway and hit the speed limits it is also quite possible you will be killed or seriously injured. Another deadly car is a Mercedes S550 which can reach speeds of 60 mph, so if you are trying to save precious life this is not the car for you.

    You have to remember that this kind of car is also dangerous, when combined with the very bad steering and engine you could end up killing yourself before you had even reached the speed limits. This car will not only harm you, but also kill your passengers who could be riding in it. As we mentioned before the Mercedes E55 has a much better suspension and better handling, so if you are going to be on the highway for a very long time you have good chances of getting into a coma and even losing your life. If you choose not to have any choice but to buy such a vehicle and have the money and the patience it could be better than an automatic.

  • Looks like poetry to me. 🤷♂

    The brightest color is blue;

    the lightest is red.

    The shortest is violet.

    The strongest is white.

    This effect can be seen

    in an old poem,

    by Edgar Allan Poe:

    A poem whose main theme is colour.

    As you look down at the white

    dust which falls

    on your feet,

    you see your own colour

    and not that of any one.

    By this means we may understand

    in our imagination that of

    the human race

    each is but one.

    In the universe,

    every kind of animal

    can appear white, but

    there are many others

    whose eyes are pure

    and transparent;

    and in every plant

    that can grow a single hair

    there are so many white ones

    that the eyes of all their members

    all have their own colour.

    And if all the light

    falls upon your skin

    the color becomes transparent;

    and if all the heat

    falls upon your flesh-coloured


    the blueish skin becomes white.

    This phenomenon is known as

    the Law of Colour.

  • The fastest animal is the one that moves fastest", says Terence McKenna.

    On the ground, McKenna has a special relationship with an endangered black bear. The two of them have lived together for almost 40 years and the bears have taken to his office. They are called by McKenna to give him an update on their current condition, which includes the absence of their eyes. But after the two were born more than 20 years ago, the bears went on to develop severe lacerations around their eyes. McKenna's office, now converted to a wildlife refuge, is now home to about two more bears. "They are not like bears at all; they have no eyes," says McKenna, who is also known for teaching students about psychedelic mushrooms. The bears, who are only about 2 1/2 metres tall, do not seem bothered by the light.

    The two bears, a female and a male each have eight toes on their hind legs while the males only have three. A short brown tail is protruding from their skull, with five sharp fangs protruding from the side of a dark brown head. McKenna calls the female's face a "vulva."

    McKenna doesn't remember whether he was given his first psychedelics in grade school or whether he took them in high school, or even if he became a student at all. "If I said no to a

  • The slowest animal is the snail, which runs at a speed of a few hundred metres a second.

  • The slowest animal is the fastest and it takes us two years to achieve our goal of achieving 100% global zero air travel within 20 years. The average speed is less than 4 miles per hour," she said in a statement.

    "It means that if we continue this rate of improvement until 2050 we'll have the technology we need to achieve a zero-emissions air journey by 2050."

    In the US there are more stringent standards for pilot aircraft in that country (such as the speed at which they can take off and land) than in the UK.

    Airspace around the world would be smaller for planes in the UK than in the US but it would be a lot wider - there are only about 20 km of airspace in London, whereas it is nearly 75 km in the US.

    However on a per passenger basis the EU average might be even lower. As much as 20-30% more people are expected to fly in the EU than in the US, according to a 2013 report from the Stockholm International Airport Authority.

  • The GE 414 turbofan is the perfect engine for the Cessna 150 because of its superior fuel economy. This engine produces 35 HP at 5,400 RPM and 19 PSI. This engine is designed to operate at sea level and will not operate through the mountains in places where winds reach 125 mph. The Cessna 150 is currently the best helicopter in Europe in terms of fuel efficiency.

    The Cessna 1500 is just 1,000 pounds lighter than the GE 414 and has a much shorter range. It can handle 4-6 hours of flight time, but has a smaller payload. The Cessna 1500 cannot reach the top of the Pikes Peak mountains because the pilot will need to climb to 25,500 feet before stopping. The main difference in terms of altitude between the Cessna 1500 and the Cessna 414 is 5,500 feet or 2,500 meters. The Cessna 1500 is approximately two hundred times larger than the Cessna 414. The Cessna 1500 has 2,000 more cylinders than the Cessna 414, which increases the power available by 30%. The Cessna 1500 also takes 2.75 hours of continuous flight to reach its destination at sea level and can reach its altitude of 27,000 feet. The Cessna 1500 needs one hour of continuous, continuous driving to reach its cruising altitude.

  • @mott555 the more text you make it write, the less sense it makes 🤷♂

  • @TimeBandit Apparently that's a good thing in its mind.

    The more text you make it write, the less sense it makes. It's a sign that you are creating a good story."

  • Which is better, Windows or Linux?

    Why Linux?

    We should all have been able to get it on Steam last year. There's so much more content out there for Linux at once. If you're reading this post that wants to use Windows as your desktop operating system, I'm sorry you don't have the money to buy it now. Or you're still working for Microsoft.

    At a recent Linux-only event we got asked about Windows. In particular we got asked if Linux needed Windows on it; and with good reason – it's almost like a natural evolution for what Microsoft is trying to do. Linux was the original computer operating system, so to speak. However, we're now seeing open source software become the norm, both in terms of developers and companies.

    As such, people who use Windows are trying to use every technology at their disposal. That makes sense to us. That's why many (if not most) Linux distros like Ubuntu, Debian, Red Hat and Mint still come packed with Windows XP or its cousin, Vista. That's why Ubuntu, and Linux on Linux, are the de-facto standard for OS development.

    We still have to deal with a Windows desktop when we're using Linux, but for the majority of people, Linux is a way to manage and manage apps and all the stuff that goes with it

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    both the mother and the pussie bear offspring

    I swear I've read this somewhere...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Linux on Linux,


  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    we fried an 80 gram chunk of beef for 1 hour and 55 minutes

    That is not beef. That is charcoal. At least it is now.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    measure around 180 to 200 microcuries of heating power from your oven.

    If I find out my oven is putting out 180–200 μCi, I'm gonna call the NRC, or whatever they're called these days. That's equivalent to .8 mg of carbon-14, 3 mg of plutonium-239, 25–28 g of potassium-40, or over half a kilo of uranium.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    and one of the women may be known as a second bison.

    If you call your woman a bison, I suspect your opportunities to get her pregnant are going to be limited.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    McKenna doesn't remember whether he was given his first psychedelics in grade school or whether he took them in high school

    That explains his description of the bears.

  • @HardwareGeek For comparison, here is documentary footage of the effects of 2 Curies:

    The Simpsons - The Curies – [00:14..00:28] 00:28
    — Mostly Simpsons

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    The slowest animal is the fastest and it takes us two years to achieve our goal of achieving 100% global zero air travel within 20 years. The average speed is less than 4 miles per hour," she said in a statement.

    This makes more sense than most of the Green Nude Eel.

  • đźš˝ Regular

    The most delicious cake in the world has the following recipe: Chocolate cake mix made fresh by the kitchen. The best thing in the world will take less than two weeks to make, but that's certainly much to chew through, it is ideal for those with diabetics and those looking like they have a weight problem as their diet plans aren't enough either.


    Makes: 12-15 large Sciutto & Gorgonzola cookies with Baguette filling


    3 large eggs plus 2 eggs for greasing

    2 sticks (6g) unsweetened applesauce, peeled and halved

    1½ cup vegetable juice - optional

    ÂĽ cup unsalted butter, room temperature

    2 eggs, separated

    6, 6 large eggs, all room temperature

    4 cups granulated sugar

    12 large eggs (preferably organic)

    1 ½ cups all-purpose flour (Walnuts can be substituted if you don't have one)

    1/2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro


    Cut the applesauce into 3 ÂĽ-inch pieces, coated with sugar (not used).

    Mix brown sugar and butter together at 250-275 degrees until light caramel is reached (if it looks like a sponge cake, you are good in the kitchen). Whirl in cake flour mixture on lightly floured surface for 10 to 15 seconds until very smooth. Don't press the tips.

    Allow to rest in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours.

    Creamy and delicious! And you can use this as a topping too!

  • @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    The best thing in the world will take less than two weeks to make

    If it takes that long, I hope it also takes that long to eat because it's huge.

    @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    Baguette filling


    @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    2 eggs for greasing


    @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    2 sticks (6g) unsweetened applesauce, peeled and halved


    @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    1 ½ cups all-purpose flour (Walnuts can be substituted if you don't have one)

    I'm really not sure about substituting walnuts for flour, but I did once eat cookies that substituted bananas for flour and it turned out very well.

    @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    1/2 tbsp chopped fresh cilantro

    @Karla, we have a cake recipe for you to try!

    @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    Cut the applesauce

    Despite my name, I am no applesauce expert, but if your applesauce is able to be cut, it is probably not safe to consume.

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Despite my name, I am no applesauce expert, but if your applesauce is able to be cut, it is probably not safe to consume.

    I like the fact that the recipe has you cover it in sugar and then not use it.

    Also, the fact that it contains so many eggs for some reason. Google says 'Sciutto' is a reporter for CNN and not even a type of food.

  • Eating raw butter is the safest way to keep any bacteria from growing in your body."

    For others, eating raw butter is the perfect way to protect your skin and the bacteria present in your gut. For those who have digestive problems, or if you have a disease, such as Crohn's disease (or ulcerative colitis, commonly known as "yuck"), butter can be an effective way to treat digestive issues.

    The best thing to do if you have a serious health issue that's caused by raw milk or yogurt is consult with your health care provider to have the raw butter treated. A dietitian would help you get started with healthy butter products from your local health food store or a health food store that carries butter products. While there are no guarantees, it will likely reduce your food exposure of harmful bacteria.

  • How to cure diabetes by eating a 5-pound bag of sugar:

    1. Pick up a can of diced tomatoes, tomato paste, garlic, salt and pepper and eat it on an empty stomach.

    2. Next, pick up a can of whole white grains and fill it up with water and then fill it up with whole wheat meal.

    3. Repeat to make sure you get the same amount of weight lost.

    4. When the rice meal is gone and you've filled it up, let it sit out on a baking sheet in the sun for the next 4 hours while the water and the rice absorb the carbon dioxide.

    Once the water absorbed the carbon dioxide, you will want to let the rice sit out on the baking sheet for an hour or so and then throw it in the fridge to ferment for 12 hours to soak in the glucose.

    1. Now, I won't lie to you. You may not have noticed that you'll need to drink 4 ounces of rice wine each night. You probably already know that this works so what I'm doing is taking 4 ounces a night of white rice and adding 4 ounces of rice wine to 8 ounces of water and then fermenting it for 12 hours.

    When you have the sugar right and the rice fermenting on its own, you can add in some fruit juice, and now it is time

  • đźš˝ Regular

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    You may not have noticed that you'll need to drink 4 ounces of rice wine each night.

    Oh not at all, I noticed. Sake is delicious and cheap.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    I'm really not sure about substituting walnuts for flour, but I did once eat cookies that substituted bananas for flour and it turned out very well.

    I don't know about walnuts, either, but almonds work very well for some recipes. In fact, I have chocolate chip cookies made with almond flour in my lunch today.

    Filed under: Cooking thread is :arrows:.

  • @mott555 said in The real reason why Edge deserves to crash and burn:

    I don't mind the chick with the shark. The rest of that is complete noise, though.

    Let's see what Transformer has to say about hot Viking chicks with sharks:

    The Viking chick with the shark teeth: "Dum dum, dum dum…"

    Celibate male with the sword: "I told you to piss off, you son of a bitch!"

    Celibate lesbian woman with the hammer: "Sheesh, sheesh, what's the matter, it's my turn to make him miss the ball!"

    Celibate transvestite and shemale: "It's not fair, you are still a man and a man can do nothing wrong to anyone's wife…You bastard!"

    A woman with tattoos (all of them on her arm/chest): "What the hell do you want with your body? Is it an object of abuse? If it is, why?"

    A man with a cross tattoo on his chest: "This is the perfect opportunity. I don't like to see you having sex. It doesn't work for everyone."

    A transsexual woman with a penis and the caption "What to do about my vagina?"

    An elderly transvestite woman with a tattoo: "You're a complete idiot. If a transvestite had made such a decision, then I could have done something else with my life…You've destroyed me!"

    A transsexual female with a tattoo (all of them are cross-sexed): "My girlfriend had to be

  • The Viking chick with the shark?

    You would think that in the early medieval world you would find a lot more females than males because that was the era of the Crusades. But that's not what we've found. We haven't even investigated the Viking age (that is, 10,000 to 10,500 years ago) because our data only goes back to about 100 or 800 years ago. The only possible difference between them is that these were women who had children (the ones I found are older females, most of them very old).

    We can explain the differences between modern males and females on genetic grounds. Males evolved from less attractive non-vampire females such as hyena mothers because of a natural male advantage, which is that male energy can be focused more effectively. Hyena females had to raise the children in order to do this. Females were the only ones who had access to male sex energy, and thus we have a much greater male resource pool because all females had a large portion of their energy dedicated to their offspring. Thus, the male would tend to be the dominant one if he is given a female because, when she's older, more males will have access to her energy and therefore more females will be able to produce their own children. Males that have females that produce their own offspring will have a slightly better chance of reproducing.

    But there's more.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    But there's more.

    Don't leave us hanging

  • @TimeBandit

    Don't leave us hanging, tell us more!

    We've got a lot of great stuff planned for YOU – stay tuned for more information!

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Males evolved from less attractive non-vampire females such as hyena mothers
