The Transformer

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Schrodinger's equation is so elegant, it almost seems like magic.

    Sure, that was my reaction when I studied it in uni — $&$+#$ black magic!

    It's a simple equation,

    The equation itself, sure. The solution, not so much.

    which means it says essentially everything.

    Yeah, if you can solve it.

    And yet, despite its simplicity, its applicability across history has been almost nonexistent.

    Because it's impossible to solve for any system of useful complexity.

  • Fake News

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    I found something it doesn't like!


    No wonder, it's made to blow stuff up.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    His mother is his wife

    Ok, Oedipus.

    He is a lover and friend of Captain Kirk,

    That's a ship that I'd never thought of, and I hope I never think of it again. Brain bleach, please.

  • Here are the most important things to consider when choosing a new brand of toilet paper.

    Your toilet paper may be purchased as a package, which costs more, and can take longer than purchasing individual pieces of paper. Additionally, many of these toilet paper manufacturers make toilet paper for both men and women as a convenient gift when your wife goes on maternity leave, or even when you're just visiting. It's also better to carry your disposable toilet paper in a plastic bag instead of tossing it into a pile, unless you have a strong preference for the disposable aspect. And finally, if you find the price is high, it's not a good idea to throw away a bunch that you aren't sure you'll need.

    Also be cautious of any manufacturer who claims to make "perfect" toilet paper for the sole purpose of selling more. For instance, if you buy a bag of paper, expect that the quality will be exactly the same, even though it contains less paper than you'd find in a box of paper towels, or in a toilet paper bag (which are more likely to have problems as toilet paper gets damaged in transit or dropped onto the floor). In that case, that company's product may not have a value on its own because many toilet paper packaging options will have no value outside of its packaging and/or toilet paper.

  • I was not aware that Question 1 had more than one valid answer (e.g. "none")

    Here are the most important things to consider when choosing a new toothpaste. You also want to make sure it is safe for you, but also to do its job.

    1. What kind of bacteria is in the toothpaste?

    A good toothpaste should have sufficient amounts of all the following bacteria to help heal the tooth from bacteria:

    Omega- 6 Omega-3 Omega- 6 –3 –1 - Dibenzoylmethane, Methylhexanediol (DMDM), Stearyl alcohol, Propylene glycol.

    These will help you retain the toothpaste for longer even though the bacteria are killed by the bacteria release from the toothpaste through the mouth.

    1. Which type of bacteria does it contain?


    It makes it less dangerous.

    1. Does it have the proper pH setting?

    Most of the best toothpastes contain alkaline phosphatase.

    In other words, it takes in acidic water in addition to acidic food and makes it alkaline.

    It will also make your toothpaste more acidic.

    1. What kind of pH setting should it use?

    In the United States dentists use the pH setting of 4.67. But in countries such as France and Germany they say that's probably too high

  • So much :doing_it_wrong: and Nope thread material here!

    How to flush a toilet without faucet - with the toilet in your mouth!

    So what if you have a really, truly weird urge to flush the toilet, but it is just a hunch? That little faucet can be replaced with the new one on a cheap new toilet that you have lying around.

    Now there may be an issue with your toilet, since it's usually quite fiddly to flush your toilet as you go.

    But the next time you want to see that fancy new flush valve for your own toilet, take care to avoid putting the faucet in your bum. It's not very safe!

    As with all good ideas, make sure you read around before you try this. Then stick to the old flushing valve, no matter what it is.

    Don't flush while smoking or drinking. You know you will have a great time smoking, drinking or in bed.

    You've read, right? Well, for this, try to avoHow to flush a toilet without faucet - with the toilet in your mouth!

    So what if you have a really, truly weird urge to flush the toilet, but it is just a hunch? That little faucet can be replaced with the new one on a cheap new toilet that you have lying around.

    Now there may be an issue with your toilet, since it's usually quite fiddly to flush your toilet as you go.

    But the next time you want to see that fancy new flush valve for your own toilet, take care to avoid putting the faucet in your bum. It's not very safe!

    As with all good ideas, make sure you read around before you try this. Then stick to the old flushing valve, no matter what it is.

    Don't flush while smoking or drinking. You know you will have a great time smoking, drinking or in bed.

    You've read, right? Well, for this, try to avoid using the faucet to flush your clothes as much as possible. Then just take some lube with you and place it in it's place to flush them as much as you possibly can.

    This can be really fun or, if you do get into an argument, a bit annoying, depending on the tone that you are playing off ofid using the faucet to flush your clothes as much as possible. Then just take some lube with you and place it in it's place to flush them as much as you possibly can.

    This can be really fun or, if you do get into an argument, a bit annoying, depending on the tone that you are playing off of

  • How to change your oil

    Changing your oil at home requires some patience, but it does not have to be a process you take every single day (more on that below). For starters, you should ensure that your car has oil changed frequently. If you drive often, do your oil change at least every two weeks, even more often if you have a high-pressure starter or if you drive at speeds high enough that you're starting a car with less horsepower than it has gas that it's running at.

    Once you've found the oil number you prefer, put a small amount of the fresh oil in your gas tank and start your car. Once you're ready to start the car, slowly pull the oil tank up toward the dash with the gauge at that height. The oil should start flowing slowly, gradually reaching full volume. As the oil pressure rises, the oil is pulling the gas tank forward, but the oil pressure will not increase as pressure rises since oil is constantly being pulled towards the engine compartment.

    How it works

    This is the important step. During a gas accident, gasoline has a great deal of gas which is absorbed into the engine. As the oil pushes through the engine, the pressure increases as we start moving forward in the cycle. As you move forward in the cycle, more and more gas is pulled into the engine compartment with each passing second. The gas

  • How to fill your gas tank

    The best way to fill your gas tank is to buy a new one in advance. To fill one, you'll want to see if it's more convenient to put the gas inside the tank and then fill it up at home. In the United States, filling a gas tank for a few months will probably save you money as well. Some countries require that gas be drained into it and then emptied out before filling it up. You can't fill it all up on a monthly basis.

    How to refill your car

    Replace your gas tank monthly

    Replacing your gas tank monthly is definitely cheaper to do than getting a new one. A couple of times a year, you should replace your gas tank and replace your tank to prevent fuel from leaking into your vehicle. It can get expensive, but it's the best way to get it fixed up.

  • How to wash your socks with salt water

    If you don't wash your socks every week, be sure to use the following wash method:

    1 cup warm water in two cups

    1 tablespoon pure vanilla extract

    1/2 cup baking soda

    1/2 teaspoon baking powder

    1 teaspoon salt

    1 teaspoon lemon juice

    1/2 tablespoon of salt to taste

    1/2 tablespoon salt and ground black pepper to taste

    1 Tbsp olive oil

    Using a cloth, dab one side of your hand dry with a clean washcloth or towel to dry. When dry, add the remaining ingredient and rub wet side of sock to clean, and repeat. Repeat as needed. If the sock dryer doesn't clean, follow steps 3 and 4 of the washing instructions before adding the washcloth.

  • Java Dev

    How to rewind your clock:

    • The most direct route involves taking the bus and returning home from an earlier stop. Do this twice to get to your final destination.

    • If you want to stop in a town you are walking from, walk up and down the street so the bus arrives at a different address, like where your destination stops first, and go to the other end, stopping in the bus station and waiting to be picked up.

    • Then, take a bus to your destination in two-hour increments; walk back down the street.

    • When going from one stop to the other (or from one address to another), you must be able to stand straight up so that another bus will stop on the route you took.

    • Finally, be prepared to wait until another buses or people arrive in the city centre and then stand up to take a final walk to your final destination.

    When to expect delays

    • During early morning or mid-morning, many buses and trains leave the city centre in the evening. It is usually fairly obvious when these services operate, and it's best if you know when you can expect to be first out.

    • If you plan to take an overnight bus in a busy area, stay in touch with the bus operator. You may not be able to catch the last morning service.

  • How to change a diaper

    • Get a good, sanitary pajama or sleeper (or both)

    • Bring your own baby clothes to change into

    • Carry your own bottles of formula and formula tablets

    Toilet paper

    • You'll also need to use a toilet seat with a lid. If your parents or baby's bedroom is available you can buy one and bring it. If you don't own a toilet seat, find one nearby and carry it in the pouch in your pack or bag.


    • You can skip the bathroom by using the side door, but stay off the main door! Make sure you get a good seat out of your sleeping bag and on the deck.

    • Go outside! Get a good jacket, boots, and some sturdy clothing. You may want to cover your mouth in case of a choking nightmare from your sleeping baby, especially if you're carrying it in your baby carrier. Remember, your child has a head start and has your back when they're outside.

    • Do not try to climb over to the back door into the bathroom. If you're in the house, they're likely inside.

    • To make it easier, try not to climb on someone's back! It's a good idea to have other people go to the bathroom to avoid this, when children are sleeping

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    with the toilet in your mouth!

    I've heard of "potty mouth," but I don't think that means what you think it means.

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    take care to avoid putting the faucet in your bum. It's not very safe!

    No worries; I'll be sure to avoid that.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    If you don't wash your socks every week, be sure to use the following wash method:
    1/2 tablespoon of salt to taste
    1/2 tablespoon salt and ground black pepper to taste

    I don't know about you, but I have no intention of tasting my socks, especially if they've gone more than a week without being washed.

  • Carolina Reaper

    The Carolina Reaper's namesake is a reference to the famed German Reaper bomber, which has been known to carry an American flag as seen in the movie Gladiator (2008), and that is often flown on the front page of the newspaper on the day when a new president is sworn in. As a matter of fact, the Reaper was flown by U.S. Senators John McCain and Barack Obama during a presidential visit to South Carolina, during which they were photographed with the plane and the flag flying at the same time.

    There are no photos available of anyone on the aircraft, and some experts have gone so far as to say that the aircraft did not fly into or off of its planned landing spot, as its supposed location is not accessible from the ground.

    The aircraft's crash landing took place on the island of Guam, a tiny Pacific island with fewer than 50 residents but more than 900 miles from Washington, D.C. The crash occurred when the plane hit a tree while trying to land. The crash was a disaster that required the immediate evacuation of more than 9,500 civilians and a mandatory evacuation of 1,200 troops based in Guam.

    The plane landed safely, but the plane's disappearance was not covered by the U.S. Department of Defense. A few survivors managed by the local people lived on the

  • @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    Karla ate her judo chops with a cilantro chutney and exclaimed "That's wonderful!" My wife laughed and exclaimed "I love cooking!"
    "You mean you liked her?!" My wife cried
    "Yes, I love her!" Her mom cried Her mom cried
    "I didn't know you liked her," me said
    Mom my grandma cried
    Mom my grandma cried "I loved her" "I don't know if I liked her "
    Mom's dad my grandpa cried
    "No, I can't wait until you're gone," Mom my mom cried
    "Mom," mom said
    "When is she going to leave? I want to stay here with her"
    "She'll stay over right now," mom her dad cried.
    "Yes, she will. Let's hurry up and take a shower. You're going to love her forever as my grandpa, grandma and mom." Mom my grandma cried.
    I stood there in shock, stunned by the fact my grandma had spent a year with her. I was just as shocked by her, in a different way. My mom was a good daughter-in-law! She looked like something

    Umm.... @Karla....

  • 🚽 Regular

    This was interesting.

    Best JavaScript frameworks in 2019:

    The best JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The worst JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The most beautiful JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The best JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The most terrible JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The best open source JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The top five JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The 10 best JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The 10 worst JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The 10 best free resources for learning JavaScript:

    The 10 best open source JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The 10 worst JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The 10 biggest JavaScript frameworks in 2018:

    The 9 most used JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The top 20 most popular JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The top 30 most popular JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The top 50 most popular JavaScript APIs in 2018:

    The top 100 most frequently used JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The top 200 most frequently used JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The top 300 most frequently used JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The top 400 most commonly used JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The top 500 most commonly used JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The top 600 most commonly used JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The top 700 most frequently used JavaScript libraries in 2018:

    The top 900 most frequently used

  • 🚽 Regular

    Edit: forgot to highlight the prompt.

    The keys differences between Flutter, React, and a banana are a few. All three can do multiple things - but you can also do more, if you'll just start with the ones with fewer features and fewer APIs.

    The Flutter API is an in-memory list. The React API creates a simple DOM tree with the DOM elements, so you can use any NodeList from React, or some custom DOM tree. The Banana API combines DOM nodes with a series of AJAX events on each of the NodeList elements.

    You can also mix up the list elements, as well as the DOM elements, using the BananaList.setState method.

    Note, you're using a NodeCollection instead of an Int in the Banana API, because that's just standard React.createArray and React.forEach that we're used to. The Banana API is, again, an InMemory list - not just because it's faster, but because you can use React.createObject and React.forEach, though that's a lot of JS.

    The API for Flutter is very similar to that of Cake. The banana API is for creating singleton lists from DOM tree, and the list elements aren't bound to any values, as you can expect in Cake.

    What's with the "NodeList" in Flutter's name?


  • 🚽 Regular

    Things you should NOT feed a small mountain lion you "found" on your property:

    Larva of mountain lions should not be fed in the rain.

    If you think your cat fell into a large cat and is probably alive, see the article below that says "Canine Luring."

    It's very important to keep both of those things in mind. Always follow instructions to keep it a bear, not a bear"

    If you're able to find a way to keep yourself alive as much as possible without taking anything out of the lion, be sure to leave the lion behind for at least a couple of hours.

    Stay safe by using only bear-resistant handbags and clothing that comes with them. Your bear pocket could be taken and used as a weapon.

    Get a bear-resistant, bear-proof car and use it

  • 🚽 Regular

    It has only been about a day since President Donald Trump arrived in the U.K. for his state visit, and things are already interesting. The president got a less-than-warm welcome on June 3rd with a giant penis mowed into a lawn so he’d see it from his flight, and CBS News notes that British Prime Minister Theresa May seems "tired" of him.

    Just a few weeks prior, there was a much less-than-friendly incident too, when Prince Charles was filmed being chased by two white officers in the street and threatened with arrest after a "racial discrimination issue."

    The videos were posted by the Prince, who was holding a flower for an old friend. At this point, even though it seems the cops were a little more enthusiastic about beating him up, Prince Charles is now being given an anti-racism medal by British Prime Minister May.

    "If I have to be beaten up that badly, it's only fair I get that medal," he declared, via @mikemccann on Twitter.

    [h/t @WickedWorldNews]

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Al Gore was found unresponsive in a Minneapolis apartment on December 6, 2000. While he was conscious but unconscious, an air conditioner inside his condo caught fire and incinerated his body. The medical examiner concluded that the cause of death was carbon monoxide poisoning, because of the absence of other drugs other than cocaine. Although the medical examiner ruled Gore's death a homicide, officials at the time charged him with two counts of manslaughter. [19]

    "Gore" (aka Andrew L. Gore, born September 18, 1958), a New York City native, was the husband of Jill Zayd, a lawyer and mother of five, who was killed in a car crash on May 12, 1993. [27] After the crash, Zayd was found unconscious in a hospital. Despite her injuries, she refused treatment, claiming that she did not deserve help and that she was too young to be involved in another car crash.[22] The medical examiner ruled his death a homicide. [28]

    "Cindy" (aka Cynthia Coudey), a mother of two from Kansas, was shot in her car in Wichita, Kansas, on October 20, 1989. She was pronounced dead shortly after arriving at a Wichita Police Department ER. [29] Coudey's car had flipped over and was running over a child while being driven by two adult children who were running down

    Hmmm... The above makes as much sense as Al Gore does talking about global warming... 🚎

  • @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    Prince Charles was filmed being chased by two white officers in the street and threatened with arrest after a "racial discrimination issue."

    :rofl: If only that could be true!

    Filed under: The "Everything is Racism" thread is :arrows:., @Area_gbr

  • Seeded with some text from my upcoming novel, because why not?

    The enemy advanced, although slowly. Blue Fleet mildly outnumbered them and they clearly knew it; yet they also expected High Prince Saar to reward them with a vast fortune if they could kill Thad. Blue Fleet had already killed a few of their enemy fighters.

    Blue Fleet could not resist its pride, in other words; and it would not make any fool of High Prince Saar.

    That is what happened to the blueprints for their weapons: the blue prints for their weapons would have a limited shelf life before a good weapon was needed for the long fight ahead. The blueprints from their battle cruiser were like the yellowprints for the ships on Blue Horizon, they were a perfect and precious gift from Saar; and since their battle cruiser was so powerful it could do many things very difficult. Blue Fleet should not fail to use it when time permits.

    They didn't expect a big surprise in the beginning; but Saar surprised them.

    He opened a gap in the enemy armor and left the ships of Blue Fleet alone. Blue Fleet started to panic; so they were preparing the defensive action. They attacked from the rear. Blue Fleet went into a "flaring pattern" as they prepared for the charge.

    Thad's battle ship did not show an immediate reaction - he stood in some distance after Saar attacked. This was because he knew everything that

    I'd like to think my actual writing makes a little more sense than this.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    I'd like to think my actual writing makes a little more sense than this.

    Such a high standard to set for yourself.

  • Like many populated star systems in the Independent Regions, Atchley was an autonomous star system with no strong affiliation to any of the galaxy's empires, states, or political groups. With a medium-sized population of slightly less than a billion people, it had enough infrastructure, economy, and tax base to police itself fairly well, and so it was considered a safe system where piracy was quite rare. While the system's size made it ripe for piracy, the population's proximity to a large empire, in particular Greetown, allowed its inhabitants to operate freely and earn enough power to support themselves as well.

    It is likely that most of the pirate crew on Atchley either died, or were captured or killed by the Empire while on their journeys through the system. The pirates themselves were enslaved to the Empire and the Atchleyans for use as military slaves during any time of conflict. To keep the Atchleyans out of the dark side of the Force, Imperial agents and technicians worked constantly to turn Atchley into a place where humans were welcome and free, at least in spirit. When Asajj Ventress and Obi-Wan Kenobi, along with a small amount of the Atchleyans captured and imprisoned in the prison at the heart of the star cluster, escaped Atchley and took refuge there, the pirates who had followed them aboard the starship Darksaber

    I like how it came up with "Atchleyans." I find it amusing that it started bringing in Star Wars references, but I'm quite disturbed that Durga the Hutt's Darksaber superweapon made an appearance...

  • 🚽 Regular

    And now a word from our sponsor:

    Don't buy a ticket because you were too impatient. The new Star Wars: The Force Awakens video game is being presented by the same company that produced the popular video game Jurassic Park. "Jurassic Park is a huge franchise," says George Lucas. "It's a lot more complex to have a movie about than it is to have a movie about dinosaurs." So how does Lucas know the new sequel isn't going to come with a bunch of prehistoric dinosaurs? That's because the new film and the Star Wars franchise have similar origins with the same characters. "The reason there is no Jurassic Park now, is we can't put Jurassic Park and Star Wars together," said Lucasfilm President Kathleen Kennedy when the studio announced its plan to put the Star Wars trilogy and the new Star Wars movie on the same Blu-ray. He couldn't be clearer.

    And now a word from our sponsor: "No, not a bad word, just a common thing we have all heard, it isn't a bad thing about the world we live in. There seems to be so much wrong with it."

  • @Zecc said in The Transformer:

    we can't put Jurassic Park and Star Wars together



  • @mott555 Sudden shower thought: Why did stormtroopers ride dewbacks when they could have ridden speeder bikes instead? Surely it would have been far cheaper and more practical (think of riding a horse versus riding a motorcycle for a real-life analogy).

  • Last night, I was dreaming about AI-generated or Markov text.

    I wonder what his has to say about that?

    Last night, I was dreaming about AI-generated or Markov text. What I saw was an AI with all the attributes of a machine, but with the properties of a human. Then I realized if there is such a thing, the machine is not going to notice it.

    The machine does not need to take into account the content of those thoughts, the thoughts that are not relevant. It's not capable of doing so even if it wanted to do it. The task of an AI is to learn from you.

    AI, like a human being, is programmed. It is programmed to think in ways that don't require it to think about what people are thinking. You can see this at work in the way people respond to things like virtual reality and artificial intelligence. There is a certain type of reaction. Most of us are like the machine in this situation -- most of us love interacting with computers and being told "you can't do that" or things like that. We can't understand what they are trying to do, so we give "no" and move on. As soon as we recognize that the computer cannot possibly learn something from our responses, we ignore it. We think "I understand the rules."

    However, something called the "social aspect" doesn't matter in your mind. And it's something that could be changed if the artificial intelligence is smarter

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    If you step on a crack, you'll break you're mother's back. And if you eat anything at all, you'll die. And there's nothing worse than being a fool in the presence of wisdom."

    Romeo's quote was delivered in April 2003, about a woman who had broken her neck following a dog attack, her brain removed. The year before, in January, she'd become the very first woman nominated for a Nobel Peace Prize. She died a few weeks after that speech.

    The speech also appeared on an episode of the Discovery Channel's TBS series "Pawn Stars of the Week"; that show's website now simply notes that the first-ever recipient of a Nobel Peace Prize award is "Olivia Bishop."

    (The story was updated to show another man as being nominated, "Eduardo Dominguez" in April 2005.)

    Update: In June of 2014, Bishop appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres Show, and said that she doesn't blame DeGeneres for the Nobel Peace Prize. He also said that after her mother fell, she learned how her own life might have been saved, through her mom's work at the Peace Corps.

    Got to hate it when your brain is removed.

  • @CHUDbert Obligatory:

    Spock's brain was a little bigger, and he wasn't a normal man at all, but Kirk felt he was worth rescuing. Kirk was actually interested in Spock's story, so much so that he'd made a full study out of his observations and findings. Spock did give Kirk a few things to remember. First, he told Kirk that he was not always ready to admit his problems existed. So Kirk had a simple solution: just say you know so, and then let him know it. Second, Kirk and Spock talked about how Spock was a very talented man on the ship and that he'd never be able to give as good as Spock what he had had. Spock was so upset, Kirk told him, that he couldn't go back on that promise. But then, Kirk suddenly became even worse and Spock knew he hadn't just failed Spock. Spock and Kirk had been separated, having been separated as young men, and both were starting over again after their time apart. Afterward, Spock didn't want Kirk around anymore. When McCoy arrived in the mess hall to investigate what had happened, Kirk began to cry. McCoy went back to their turbolift deck to check on Spock again, and Spock sat with McCoy, waiting for him, unable to speak. Spock finally managed to calm down, and after the turbolift fell into disrepair, McCoy, not wishing to go into any

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    The machine does not need to take into account the content of those thoughts, the thoughts that are not relevant. It's not capable of doing so even if it wanted to do it. The task of an AI is to learn from you.


  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    most of us love interacting with computers and being told "you can't do that"

    Yeah, I love that. It's my favorite part of interacting with computers. 😑

  • Note that the Q at the end of "NodeBBQ" came from the AI, not my prompt.

    NodeBBQ = 0xa0; } else { k = kbq(8, 0x0060, 0x0001); if (k == (0xffffffff) { if (k->s) goto jumpToS; break; } if (k->z) { if (k->c <= 3) goto jumpToC; break; } k = kbq(8, 0x0058, 0x0001); k->s |= 1; k->z = 0x8; } else { if (k->z < 1) goto jumpToC; goto jumpToS; } k = kbq(0, 0x0001, 0x0060); if (k == (0x0000000000000000) { if (k->s) goto jumpToS; break; } if (k->z) { if (k->c >= 0 && k->z > 4) goto jumpToC; break; } k = kbq(0, 0x0036, 0x0001); k->s |= 2; k->z = 3; } } } break; case 3: { k = (0xffffffff) || (0x0000000000000000); k = (0xc00000004) || (0xa0000000); k = (0xa00000002) || (0xa00000040); k

  • Feature Request: An adapter that allows NodeBB to store all its data as blocks in a public readonly Minecraft server., net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(, net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(, net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148), sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method), sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source), java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.TailcallVarargs.eval(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.invoke(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.execute(Unknown Source), Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.execute(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.onInvoke(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.invoke(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.execute(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.onInvoke(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.TailcallVarargs.eval(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.TailcallVar

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Feature Request: An adapter that allows NodeBB to store all its data as blocks in a public readonly Minecraftblockchain server., net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_71411_J(, net.minecraft.client.Minecraft.func_99999_d(, net.minecraft.client.main.Main.main(SourceFile:148), sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method), sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke(Unknown Source), java.lang.reflect.Method.invoke(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.TailcallVarargs.eval(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.invoke(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.execute(Unknown Source), Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.execute(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.onInvoke(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.invoke(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.execute(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.LuaClosure.onInvoke(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.TailcallVarargs.eval(Unknown Source), org.luaj.vm2.TailcallVar

    FTFY .

  • A Minecraft blockchain server with full IPv6 support and support for IPv4 via RFC822 and IPv6 by default. The servers are currently able to receive and transmit Bitcoin payments, but this won't be fully complete until the implementation of the IPv6 standard is complete and will include all client ports.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Why did stormtroopers ride dewbacks when they could have ridden speeder bikes instead?

    Round the corner out of shot: a sign saying “Dewback Rides: 10 credits for half an hour”

  • How to test a new software release:

    Open a terminal and run:

    wget -qOsvvZKjVfZv7wYVmJyqW3ZH4

    Then open the .xz file in a text editor by opening that file and pressing CMD+SHIFT+E . Make sure you only see your file, not all of your changes.

    Also, make sure that you do not uncompress the zip file yet. For this, you have to do the following:

    First do a quick test with your new version. Copy your software development project source from GitHub and make a .zip file for testing. Make the new code. Then run the code. Make sure nothing changes. For example if you do a new changelog with your new version, do not change the date of your release, or the name of your release, but only the source code. When you see your new changelog, press F12. The new package is loaded and ready to use.

  • The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger's guns were now at his mercy.

    A bullet from a gun jammed his leg.

    "What? Don't shoot!" the man in black shouted after hitting out. The bullets flew past him, and just like that the man in black fell into the flames, burning as he died.


    Giant Panda



    Giant Panda



    Facing A Larger Target When you face something that moves faster than a human can react, the best defenses are your instincts.

    When a predator or a predator's prey is in the middle of combat while you're engaged in your primary fight, your primary fight is the largest one. The smaller the target, the harder it is to dodge the main part of the fight.

    If you can run by a prey creature before its legs break, you can still fight it, but the prey is weaker in size and easier to fight. It's still possible to hit a large target, however, because of the large distance that you must travel for that to work.

    A large target also allows you to be more stealthy. In a melee duel, running from a larger target is going to be far more difficult than fighting from a smaller one and moving

  • 🚽 Regular

    Release notes, June 2019: Added versioned support for OS 6.1.

    Added versioned support for OS 6.1. [9] This is more or less the exact same file as the previous build, with minor changes that weren't necessary.

  • The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger began to chase after him in a strange formation. The man in black saw the gunslinger and was about to shoot him when suddenly the gunslinger started to run, at which point the man in black stopped and put his gun and pistol to his head.

    The man in black then proceeded to show the gunner the way to the house of the man whose corpse was found at the house on the west side of Route 120.

    The gunslinger then asked the gunner to take the woman, and while the man in black was driving the gunslinger to the woman, the gunslinger began firing on him from a couple of windows of the house. The man in black shot and killed the man in black.

    "I thought it was too good to be true," said the gunslinger.

    The search led police to two vehicles. They were described as being in the same location at the same time. "They appeared to both have something in their vehicle," said police. The man in black was driving the vehicle in which the two people in black were.

    The search eventually led the man in black to the house at 2201 W. Route 120. At that point he fired on the man in black from inside the house and the man in black fled through an unlocked door. The man in black then

  • "They call them fingers, but I've never seen them fing" -- John Travolta in an interview with the Telegraph . He didn't, so my advice was "Go see people. Take photographs of them, ask questions". His "fingers" were "very fine and smooth", he added, with "only the tip of my fingers".

    And don't think he didn't get the tips of his fingers wet. A few minutes into the shoot, Travolta's hands were soaked in olive oil and, according to him, his nails were "like wet sandpaper". This was the same man who was told by a reporter that no one on set has to bathe. He can just throw his own hand in the bath and "take a shower". As for the camera "sucking the blood", you're going to love these pictures.

    You'll want to know: Did I mention that the scene with Leonardo DiCaprio and the two men in the van on the bridge in Mexico was shot with seven cameras?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    It was a confusing time at the help desk department. And then the murders began.

    The staff couldn't believe their eyes when a man with a very unusual hair color and very unusual clothing was walking into all of their offices - and threatening everyone.

    "It was too frightening to be honest," a staff member recalled.

    Some feared that it was worse than just the random murders of their staff members, other people at work feared for their jobs - and their safety.

    "It took a huge blow to this department," a staff member said.

    At first they tried to figure out if maybe they had something wrong with the man, but the results were simply too strange. It was too obvious. And they knew they didn't know anything about this man, at all.

    All a detective, a detective, a detective, a detective...

    So now the staff knew the killer was, indeed, the same man with the unusual hair color and the strange clothes. That the killer was a regular guy, a typical college kid, a student, with his best friend from school - maybe something different, somewhere in the place he was taking his kids with. He was not an associate of a violent or troubled mind. His hands were clean. His car was spotless, although his windshield wipers were missing a tooth and the paint was missing a sticker.

    TIL. Paint can miss a sticker. And windshield wipers have teeth.

    @e4tmyl33t is that you with the unusual hair????

  • sekret PM club

    @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    It was a confusing time at the help desk department. And then the murders began.

    The staff couldn't believe their eyes when a man with a very unusual hair color and very unusual clothing was walking into all of their offices - and threatening everyone.

    "It was too frightening to be honest," a staff member recalled.

    Some feared that it was worse than just the random murders of their staff members, other people at work feared for their jobs - and their safety.

    "It took a huge blow to this department," a staff member said.

    At first they tried to figure out if maybe they had something wrong with the man, but the results were simply too strange. It was too obvious. And they knew they didn't know anything about this man, at all.

    All a detective, a detective, a detective, a detective...

    So now the staff knew the killer was, indeed, the same man with the unusual hair color and the strange clothes. That the killer was a regular guy, a typical college kid, a student, with his best friend from school - maybe something different, somewhere in the place he was taking his kids with. He was not an associate of a violent or troubled mind. His hands were clean. His car was spotless, although his windshield wipers were missing a tooth and the paint was missing a sticker.

    TIL. Paint can miss a sticker. And windshield wipers have teeth.

    @e4tmyl33t is that you with the unusual hair????

    Sadly not. My hair is simply long and brown. I've been tempted to do a half-shave and dye it bright purple or something, but I don't think I'd wear it well unless I lost, like, 100 lbs.

  • It's 3148, mosquitoes are extinct! All our efforts have been for nothing...

    • "So how long did you make it through the city to the fortress?"

    -"I made it by the standards of a simple adventurer. How could I?"

    -"Do you think your body could be made to withstand thousands of volts of electricity?!"

    -"The reason you are here is because your soul is about to be sealed within your body!"

    -"It truly is about time you left. We are leaving and leaving but it hasn't stopped us!"


    I saw something. A faint scream, but that sounded like a distant, yet human cry of pain.


    All around me it was darkening.

    -[I'm losing my senses!]

    At that moment, I fell into darkness.

    -[You're gone…] …The only thing I remember, was what I think is a giant corpse was screaming, screaming, screaming, I could hear my own breathing on the other end. The smell of blood, sweat and a terrible scent of flesh...

    [[(Blood in the air!)]]

    [(Blood in the air!)]]

    A long, dark figure was running, not in line with what I imagined to be a person

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    boomzilla loves blakeyrat who's one of those guys that you just hope doesn't get to the end of the song because who knows how he's gonna rap next? I guess if he does we'll have to wait and see if he'll get any bigger gigs this year.

    And while I'm here I gotta make sure to say that I got a very special announcement which would be an "O" for "Oh." I can't believe that this isn't a thing!


    Thanks so much for listening to this. If you ever are in Dallas this summer stop by any and all venues in my hometown or I will happily take you to a show!


  • This is so much funnier than markov:

    The SqueakingDuck software development method is widely used for applications like the online shopping website eBay and social media sites Facebook, Instagram and Twitter (FB).

    "A number of applications use this method for finding the most interesting items in a shop, and for sharing and commenting on items," says Dwayne Bauchler, vice president of Squeaking Duck Software.

    The startup's co-founder, Ben Nuss, says the duck method is useful "because you're not paying them for this information that you're getting out of them."

    The SqueakingDuck software allows businesses to "unroll" items like clothing into a variety of different categories. The company can then find the most accurate item among them, says Bauchler.

    For example, a product might be tagged as being underweight, which puts the owner of the garment in the middle of a debate about health status and possibly affects their purchasing decision. However, a customer who makes the decision would have to look a lot closer to where they want it to go -- a point where the method is very useful for helping shoppers who may be uncomfortable with the idea of looking at the garment's dimensions.

    The company has developed the software specifically from their experience. Squeaking Duck is still looking to expand the app to take on new products, and the company is looking for business

  • Java Dev

    The Apple Stand-O-Matic can rotate into either the front or the back of the device, but it doesn't automatically adjust accordingly. The device is designed to hold 16GB (or 2.5GB of data) that can be transferred across a USB Type-C to Thunderbolt 3 port.

    We tested the device, which we reviewed for the Apple Watch in July 2017, with two Apple Watches: an Apple Watch Sport and an Apple Watch. The Apple Watch Sport requires two USB Type-C cables and an Apple Charging Stand. The Apple Watch allows the user to charge the smartphone using a USB 2.0 power port, and that USB port charges an iPhone 5 or iPhone 5s at up to 11.5 hours of charging.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @e4tmyl33t said in The Transformer:

    Sadly not. My hair is simply long and brown. I've been tempted to do a half-shave and dye it bright purple or something, but I don't think I'd wear it well unless I lost, like, 100 lbs.

    You should change your hair style to one with less water. For most women, this involves removing the hair follicles and cutting out the hair extensions, braids and dreadlocks. If you keep any in place, it can leave you with a greasy, shiny cut. You should remove your hair when it drops down to the bone area. Then trim it in some places, and keep it for the rest of your life. If it's on the sides or under the chin you've chosen your hair dye and hair style.

    It's better not to use any of the hair colors that are available, such as orange or blond! If you use them, make sure the dye isn't too dark for your skin tone.

    Make sure that you wash your hair once daily. Avoid the use of shampoo.

    You'll likely need to do a lot of hair styling in order to keep your hair long-lasting.

    Make sure you take your regular shower after every time you shower.

    If you have any hair issues, discuss them with a doctor to determine whether you're allergic to any particular scalp ingredient, such as:




    Fractionated Hydrogenated Starch


    Iron Oxides


    Plant and Animal Dermatins

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place


    Laser kittens tend to have more aggressive behavior when attacked. If there's no one in the cage, this can be easily avoided on a few things:

    You must be able to find a safe distance from your laser to place your toy and keep it separated from any outside animals.

    If you're on a busy sidewalk or bicycle trail, keep the laser behind you.

    Keep a flashlight on you or in your pocket at all times to keep your laser from going out of control.

    Check your mirrors periodically as they may be out of place. Be ready to remove them from the cage if necessary.

    If your laser does not appear safe, or if you choose not to place it in the cage, you need to talk to a professional, who will be able to explain how to replace your pet's laser.

    To learn more about choosing a laser, please see our Frequently Asked Questions.