The Cooking Thread

  • @HardwareGeek It never really rained, at least of any significance, and I didn't hear any thunder for a while, so I went ahead and grilled the salmon. The corn on the cob was under-cooked; cooking it further works better if you haven't closed the valve on the propane tank. :facepalm:

  • ♿ (Parody)


  • ♿ (Parody)


  • Grade A Premium Asshole


  • Grade A Premium Asshole


  • Java Dev

    Cooking status: Garlic sauce with a cocos yoghurt base. Because my sister, my mum, and me are all various degrees of allergic to milk.

    Verdict: Cocos was too dominant. Use more herbs next time.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole


  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Game on.


  • Grade A Premium Asshole



    Everyone loved them and I got a lot of compliments. They can be done in a pellet grill but I would move them around a bit more than I did. The bone side ended up a little dry on a rack or two in the hottest part of the grill.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    STATUS I need to stop cooking for my family.

    👵 There is so much ham left over. What should we do with it?
    👩 DogsB could do a pie with it?
    DogsB Another pie! Why don't you do a pie?
    👵 That sounds a good idea.
    DogsB How about no?
    👩 And put lots of vegetables in it.
    👵 That sounds great.
    DogsB FFS, fine.


    👩 That was really good. I knew you would do well.
    DogsB Awww, thanks for volunteering me.
    👵 I thought there was too much vegetable in the filling.
    DogsB I'm not fucking doing the washing up.


    👵 What happened to all the ham? I was looking forward to making a sandwich with it.
    DogsB You wanted a pie done with it.
    👵 You should have left some for my sandwich.
    DogsB ** stomps off **

  • @DogsB said in The Cooking Thread:

    need to stop cooking for my family.

    And deprive us of entertainment like that?

  • Before:


    While waiting:

    I ate too much.

    ~2 boxes gluten-free oven-ready lasagna
    ~6 jars pasta sauce
    2 lbs Italian sausage
    ~2.5 lbs low-fat ricotta cheese
    ~1 lb shredded Mozzarella cheese
    10 oz. Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
    5 oz. Pecorino Romano cheese
    ~3 oz. Asiago cheese
    8 slices Provolone cheese
    ~12 oz. Mozzarella fresca
    4 cloves garlic
    Fresh basil
    Dried oregano, marjoram, sage, rosemary

    Brown sausage in large skillet. Break into small bits while cooking.

    Chop garlic and basil in food processor. Add ricotta cheese and other herbs. Blend together.

    Shred together Parmesan, Romano, and Asiago cheeses.

    Spread a thin layer of pasta sauce in a large baking dish. (Spray it with non-stick cooking spray first. I forgot to do this. :facepalm:)

    Place a layer of lasagna noodles on top of the sauce. Make sure the noodles are in contact with the sauce at all points.

    Spread another thin layer of sauce.

    Spread a layer of the ricotta cheese.

    Add a layer of Mozzarella, then add a layer of the Parmesan-Romano-Asiago cheese mixture.

    Distribute about 1/2 of the sausage over the cheese. Cover with pasta sauce.

    Add another layer of lasagna noodles. Continue layering sauce, ricotta cheese, Mozzarella cheese, Parmesan-Romano-Asiago cheese, meat, sauce, noodles, sauce, etc.

    Finally, top with Provolone and sliced Mozzarella fresca. Use the Mozzarella fresca in the gaps between the slices of Provolone.

    Cover with foil. (Spray foil with non-stick spray first. I don't think the recipe said to do this, and I didn't think of it. A lot of cheese stuck to the foil.) Bake at 425°F for 40 minutes. Remove foil, and continue baking for another 20 minutes. Remove from oven and allow to rest for 15 minutes. (There's a lot of liquid from the large amount of sauce. It might benefit from baking a little longer and/or a longer rest to solidify a bit more before serving.)

    I had some Mozzarella fresca left over after filling the gaps between the Provolone, so I used the rest to make insalata caprese.

    Slice Mozzarella fresca and home-grown tomato. Interleave slices of cheese and tomato. Top with fresh basil leaves. Drizzle with olive oil and balsamic vinegar.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @HardwareGeek said in The Cooking Thread:

    ~2.5 lbs low-fat ricotta cheese
    ~1 lb shredded Mozzarella cheese
    10 oz. Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese
    5 oz. Pecorino Romano cheese
    ~3 oz. Asiago cheese
    8 slices Provolone cheese
    ~12 oz. Mozzarella fresca

    Are you sure that's enough cheese?

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