Just use sublime text (anti-vim rant)

  • Or maybe they put the arrow keys on the home row because they realized navigation is an extremely common operation.

  • Yeah, WASD is nowhere near the -- oh.

  • @tar said:

    Filed under: people in the past were just stupid about everything they did, weren't they?

    They did invent vi, so I'd say that's a pretty strong case in favour of that strawman.

  • Banned

    The worst part of that image isn't arrows on HJKL, but separate Line Feed and Return keys.

  • Fake News

    @hungrier said:

    All I'm seeing is "keyboard designers in the stone age when vim was relevant couldn't figure out WASD"

    When you start talking keyboard layouts, nearly all keyboards still come from the stone age. Notice how the entire left part is angled the wrong way around for your left hand. All thanks to typewriters and the inertia of an established layout.

    Some people try to come up with alternatives, though it looks bat-shit crazy:


  • Is... is that thing wood?

  • Fake News

    The link I shamelessly copied it from seems to say so, yes. Since this looks like a custom job, oiled wood must have been easier to mold than one of those gell cushions.

  • Banned

    There are wooden assault rifles. I see no problem in wooden keyboards. I've been planning on making a wooden gamepad myself - but I don't know how much it would cost or where to get supplies, or what things I even need to start with.

  • @hungrier said:


    Now I'm just seeing an amorphous mass of straw, I can't tell where your strawman finishes and mine begins...

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @cartman82 said:

    Is... is that thing wood?

    I'll bet it's cherry.

  • Fake News

    @boomzilla said:

    I'll bet it's cherry.

    I see what you did there...


    @tar said:

    Filed under: people in the past were just stupid about everything they did, weren't they? Stupid languages, stupid clothes, stupid hair, stupid keyboards, stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid

    Surely you're not being sarcastic about one of the core tenets of progressivism? BURN THE HERETIC!

  • Did you not realize that Jaloopa was actually composing simple, unforgettable commands into more complex actions there? The only one that anyone could possibly forget (simply because it's not useful to remember) is ctrl+ to move the cursor word-by-word.

  • On the basis that Windows keyboard shortcuts compose, I'm sure you can tell me what CTRL-SHIFT-ESC does. Or SHIFT-WIN-M.

  • @Captain said:


    That's the version of Ctrl-Alt-Delete where you don't have to go thru three useless screens to get what you want.

    @Captain said:



    @Captain said:

    On the basis that Windows keyboard shortcuts compose

    This wasn't enough of a segue to get from what I was talking about to what you're talking about. For starters, I'm not even sure what you're talking about; for mains, it still seems like you don't know what I was talking about. Do you want me to step you thru the mechanics of holding shift, pressing end, then pressing delete to delete all text between the cursor and the end of the line?

  • @antiquarian said:

    Surely you're not being sarcastic about one of the core tenets of progressivism?


  • No, I want you to step through the mechanics of how shift meaning "select" has anything to do with shift meaning "call up the Task Manager directly" or "undo" (which is what it means in the SHIFT-WIN-M short cut). You said that the shortcuts given earlier are compositions of simple commands. So, what are the commands?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    How does vim call up the task manager?

  • ESC # Go to default mode
    :! htop # shell out to htop -- alternatively, do ! taskmon.exe

    Of course, the strength of this approach is that once you know the ! command, you can call up any program, as opposed to Window's approach, where each program that can be called up by a short cut has a unique, unmemorable shortcut.

  • @Captain said:

    So, what are the commands?

    shift+end, del

    shift: select text between the cursor's current position and the final position of the cursor when shift is released.
    end: move the cursor to the end of the line.
    del: delete selected text.

    ctrl+shift+ , del

    shift: select text between the cursor's current position and the final position of the cursor when shift is released.
    ctrl+→: move the cursor over an entire word.
    del: delete selected text.

    @Captain said:

    Want to regex?

    ctrl+h has a regex mode in every text editor worth a damn; normally (ideally) it defaults to plain text mode. It is more common to want to find/replace a specific string of characters than a regular expression; defaulting to search by regex adds unnecesary annoyance when your search term contains special characters.

  • That missed the point. Shift means different things in different shortcuts. In particular, shift means "select", or "undo", or other things. So you're not "composing" the same commands. You're using ad hoc commands with the same name.

  • @Captain said:

    you're not "composing" the same commands. You're using ad hoc commands with the same name.

    “H2O is a compound, therefore a 2H+O is an element.”

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    If it's really 2H+O (instead of 2H2+O2) then I don't want to be anywhere near. I have no idea how you'd manage to get substantial amounts of monatomic hydrogen and oxygen in close proximity, but the reaction would be impressively exothermic from a long way off.

  • you can use ⊞ for winkey:

    Filed under: Has anyone else been getting graphical glitches on some kbd keys?

  • Banned

    What if I have pre-XP keyboard?

  • @boomzilla said:

    How does vim call up the task manager?

    :! kill -9 -1

  • Java Dev

    I think you forgot a sudo there

  • Banned

    @PleegWat said:

    I think you forgot a sudo there

    Or maybe he's just logged into root. Which would make sense in Windows XP - but then, vim wouldn't

  • Fake News


  • @Gaska said:

    Or maybe he's just logged into root.

    Why else would you need to run vi?

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @tar said:

    One of my MacBooks has FreeBSD as it's primary OS. I'll accept this one.

    (My other MacBook has Ubuntu on it now. It used to run Windows XP, solely for the purpose of making other Mac users cry...)

    This is where a service like BitCoin, but for beer, would be handy. If I could anonymously buy you a beer for loading XP on a MacBook to annoy Apple fanboys, I would.

  • Banned

    @Polygeekery said:

    If I could anonymously buy you a beer for loading XP on a MacBook to annoy Apple fanboys, I would.

    There was a Polish site that allowed for just that, but it seems to be down. And it was Poland-only anyway.

  • ⁉ why am I involved in this?

  • Banned

    @Mikael_Svahnberg said:

    why am I involved in this?

    Because I planned to reply to your snarky remark with a snarky remark of my own, but then changed mind and replied to @Polygeekery instead. I forgot to click the other reply button before posting.

  • Ah. That makes sense.

  • Your explanation is more along the lines of "This molecule is H2O. But H might mean carbon when O means sulphur. And 2 might mean 4 when you're trying to print."

    My whole point is that the buttons you press bear no relationship to the commands they run. Considering your molecule argument again, Shift is not an element. So you can't make "molecules" by combining key presses.

  • Ctrl+Shift+Escape is a compound. It has different characteristics than any of the elementary keypresses that went into it. Shift+cursor movement is different. I suppose it is possible (some might say inevitable) that there is a text editor that has a big if-else chain containing each cursor movement chord plus the combination of that chord with shift, but that's just an absurd way of accomplishing the same thing that having separate code paths to handle holding shift or moving the cursor around. And I refuse to believe that pressing delete after selecting text with shift+ctrl+→ does anything different than pressing it after selecting text with shift+end.

    The fact, regardless of whether you can wrap your head around it, is that modern text editors do have simple behaviors that can be composed into complex actions, and an intuitive mental model that is easily translated into an efficient workflow.

    What they also have is a wider range of logically atomic commands that can be invoked with a single action, and easily navigable menus that let you find those commands and lazy-load them into your short term memory exactly when they become necessary. This allows a more natural learning process where the more commonly performed actions tend to stay in memory, while unnecessary garbage gets to stay in a submenu, where it belongs.

  • What they also have is a wider range of logically atomic commands that can be invoked with a single action, and easily navigable menus that let you find those commands and lazy-load them into your short term memory exactly when they become necessary....

    Wider than what?

    I suppose it is possible (some might say inevitable) that there is a text editor that has a big if-else chain containing each cursor movement chord plus the combination of that chord with shift, but that's just an absurd way of accomplishing the same thing that having separate code paths to handle holding shift or moving the cursor around.

    Regardless of the implementation detail, I think you'll find that text editors effectively keep a dictionary/hashmap of chords and query it on each key press event. Indeed, the kind of editor you are describing must do this, since there is no one single behavior that a key represents.

  • It seems more likely that there is a bit of code to store the original location of the cursor when shift is first pressed, and another bit of code called when the cursor is moved that checks if shift is held and updates the selection appropriately.
    Experiment: In any graphical editor, while holding shift, press end, then down, then click somewhere above and to the left of your selection. The point is that without knowing how it happens, you can be sure that text selection is going to just work.

  • Banned

    Keystrokes in regular Windows-ish applications aren't at all composable. At least not in the vim sense. Ctrl+Shift+→ is entirely separate from both Shift+→ and Ctrl+→. Hitting Delete is entirely different action; that's not composing, that's using the state the previous action left the editor in. vim composing and your "composing" can be compared to operations on iterable collections - in some advanced languages, you can get an iterator, perform transformation on the iterator like filtering through lambda expression or joining iterators from separate collections as if you have iterator to joined list. Then you iterate using the resulting iterator composed of dozen lazily-evaluated actions. That's vim approach. Alternative is iterating over original collection, manually skipping over the ones we want to filter out, copying the remaining elements to new collection and appending the other list etc. You will perform the same actions, in the same order, with the same result, but it's entirely different from composing iterator - for starters, it's eagerly-evaluated and more verbose. That's Windows-ish approach.

  • @Gaska said:

    Ctrl+Shift+→ is entirely separate from both Shift+→ and Ctrl+→

    How can you possibly say that? Shift selects text the same regardless of how the cursor is moved, and Ctrl+→ moves the cursor the same regardless of whether shift is held.

    @Gaska said:

    in some advanced languages, you can get an iterator, perform transformation on the iterator like filtering through lambda expression or joining iterators from separate collections as if you have iterator to joined list

    I already know c# thanks, I don't need a linq tutorial.

  • Banned

    @Buddy said:

    How can you possibly say that? Shift selects text the same regardless of how the cursor is moved, and Ctrl+→ moves the cursor the same regardless of whether shift is held.

    In most applications, keystrokes with modifier keys active are treated as separate keys from the keystroke without modifier - as in, Ctrl+K and K are as different as [ and ]. Even though Shift-related things mean that the text should be selected, I think technically the condition is put on whole key sequence than Shift itself.

    @Buddy said:

    I already know c# thanks, I don't need a linq tutorial.

    I was talking about Rust actually.

  • @Gaska said:

    I was talking about Rust actually.

    I was just trolling for pedantry—there's a lot of blubbers about, completely confused about the relative power of the lisp programming language.

    Anyway, quit derailing the metanalysis thread with anti-vim rants. You still haven't discussed whether you prefer systems that categorize moralities according to their policies (eg. pro- or anti- the death penalty), or according to their approach to the apportioning of responsibility (utilitarian vs. personal purity), or some other axis. Or what light your approach to categorizing systems of morality sheds on your feelings about the death penalty. Or how your propensity to get low level details (like the death penalty) mixed up in your higher level abstractions affects your stamina for meta-meta-meta-morality discussion.

  • Banned

    I used to categorize the moralities by the goal - to prefer one's self over other people, one's group over self and over other groups, or to prefer whole society over any particular part of it; alternatively, to prefer afterlife over current life. Every kind of morality is basically a set of rules, and every set of rules was invented to achieve some specific (or not that specific) goal - for example, salvation, or million dollars. The goal pretty much determines what the rules are.

    One day, I tried to make a thought experiment of throwing away any axioms or ideologies and try to derive moral rules by using only rational thinking. That was very, very hard, especially that there's no rational reason to treat a human being better than a mosquito unless you adopt the axiom of humans being more important than bugs (or some other axiom that the above can be derived from).

  • How can you possibly say that? Shift selects text the same regardless of how the cursor is moved.

    And shift doesn't select at all in other shortcuts.

  • @Captain said:

    And hydrogen doesn't a gas at all in other compounds.

    Regardless of how it behaves in other contexts, its behavior in this context is incontrovertible.

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