Game Deals Thread

  • Apparently it's a hard platformer with glitchy controls. Enjoy?

  • Banned

    @hungrier downloaded and installed. Now, what is this game?


    ,,,yeah, uninstall it is.

  • Syberia I and II are free on Steam for a few days:

    They are adventure games from the early 2000s. Together they tell the story of Kate Walker's search for an eccentric inventor, travelling on a train across Syberia to find mythical wooly mammoths. I liked them very much back when they were released.

  • I guess "a few days" actually meant until today. :(

  • Banned

    I played Syberia 2 when it was free on Origin. It was meh at best. But I heard 1 was better.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska It helps if you're not a cynical bastard. That's why I liked it 15 years ago. Now I would probably agree to your opinion (if not for nostalgia).

  • Banned

    @Applied-Mediocrity don't get me wrong, I have shitload of nostalgia for Syberia too. I played a demo as a kid and I loved it, and always wanted to play the full version (except kinda forgot about it in the meanwhile until I heard of the giveaway). It says a lot about the game that despite all that nostalgia it still managed to bore me to death.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    I played Syberia 2 when it was free on Origin. It was meh at best. But I heard 1 was better.

    I played both recently (and for the first time) and I agree with this.

    The third one is also meh, with added "how come they've made the interface worse"?

  • Banned

    @Zecc said in Game Deals Thread:

    with added "how come they've made the interface worse"?

    Wait what? Even worse? We're hitting badness levels that shouldn't even be possible!

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Gąska There's no icon to open your inventory. Or if there is one, neither my girlfriend nor I did noticed it during the whole game despite actively looking for it, (which is as bad as having no icon). Sure, you can press the middle mouse wheel anywhere or tap the I key in your keyboard, but it feels weird to miss such a thing on a game which can otherwise be completely left-click driven.

    To select one object to use on another, instead of directly clicking it on your inventory, you have to scroll through a list. It looks like this:


    To take a closer look at the object, you click (3) Observe (or press 3).

    That icon tagged J is for your document inventory, similar to the one already there in the previous two games, except it too requires scrolling. Once you select the document to read, you click "Read" (not sure what the names are exactly, but that sounds about right) and then select the page with the "next" and "previous" buttons; but because they are far away just enough for the text to be unreadable, you need to press another "Read" command, this time just for the page.

    Want to read the next page? Click "nex— hah! just kidding! There is no "next". Click "back" to zoom out from that page,then select the next page, click "read", etc. etc.

    The amount of puzzles which required moving the mouse in repeated circular motion was too damn high.

    The camera switching directions on you is also even worse than its predecessor.

    Tiny UX paper cuts you learn to tolerate, but never forget.

  • @Gąska I added them to my library. (I'll add just about anything that's free, except MMO.) Whether I'll ever play them, 🤷♂.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek said in Game Deals Thread:

    I'll add just about anything that's free

    I don't - Steam's already cluttered enough with games I've not played without making it even worse.

  • @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    I played Syberia 2 when it was free on Origin. It was meh at best. But I heard 1 was better.

    1 was better than 2, as I recall. I haven't played them in years, though. I also haven't played 3 or the just released one.

  • Banned

    Cool strategy game for $5:

  • Banned

    Europa Universalis IV free on Epic.

    Batteries not included.

  • Banned

    Another good old game, currently $2:

  • Banned

  • Banned

    @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    Another good old game, currently $2:

    I just realized this game is now older than Commodore 64 was when that game was released. I feel so old and I'm not even 30.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Not really a deal, but it goes out of early access in a week and price probably goes up.

    It's a digital adaptation of one of best board games ever made - a very good adaptation. Plays in single player and multi - a lot of fun in multi. Looks like just another dungeon crawl at first glance, but it's actually strategic and puzzly.

  • Banned

    If you picked up Deponia trilogy on one of the free giveaways and you want to finish the story without paying 20 bucks, now's your chance (90% off):

  • Banned

    Other good deals:




    And many more, but most of them not to my tastes. Go check out Steam and GOG.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    If you picked up Deponia trilogy on one of the free giveaways and you want to finish the story without paying 20 bucks, now's your chance (90% off):

    I love Deponia so much I bought a physical copy of the last part. With manual, art book and stuff.
    Now I want to replay all of it, but don't have the time :(

  • Banned

    @MrL I loved Deponia except for the ending (and for adventure games, the ending is a very important part of the overall experience to me). And from what I heard about D4, I won't like this one either. Hence why I didn't want to pay full price for it. But now when it's the price of a cheeseburger, it's hard to say no...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    @MrL I loved Deponia except for the ending (and for adventure games, the ending is a very important part of the overall experience to me). And from what I heard about D4, I won't like this one either. Hence why I didn't want to pay full price for it. But now when it's the price of a cheeseburger, it's hard to say no...

    Yeah, I didn't like the ending too. I think I ranted about it somewhere around here. Doomsday fixes that, somewhat.

  • Banned

    @MrL I'm about 2/3rds through and it only got worse.

  • 🚽 Regular


    It's been a while, my memory sucks and I played them all front-to-back, so it's a bit of a blur, but I think all in all I preferred D4 over D3.

    Then again, I finished D3 in anger; not at the ending as you might think, but due to being extremely annoyed at some of the mini-games. I understand D4 might not be for everyone, but I feel like it was better executed. Execution seemed to have gone worse from D1 to D3, strangely enough. (eg "WhyTF can't I exit the game while I'm stuck at this mini-game I've put in an unsolvable state").

    And I still can't get over how you had to mute the game that one time. 😡

  • Banned

    @Zecc I just finished D4 and what the fuck was that plot I don't even. But the ending wasn't too bad. I just wish

    SPOILERS the developers weren't so fixated on giving Rufus's and Goal's relationship a bad ending.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    @Zecc I just finished D4 and what the fuck was that plot I don't even. But the ending wasn't too bad. I just wish

    SPOILERS the developers weren't so fixated on giving Rufus's and Goal's relationship a bad ending.
    SPOILERS Guy responsible for this fixation (I think he calls himself 'Poky') claims that endings are like this because it's 'art'. He seems incapable of understanding that Deponia is a wacky funny adventure, not depressing gloomy journey like Eye Of Satinav. Or that art doesn't have to be sad.

  • Banned

    @MrL said in Game Deals Thread:

    SPOILERS Guy responsible for this fixation (I think he calls himself 'Poky') claims that endings are like this because it's 'art'.
    SPOILERS I know, I read that too. He's a perfect illustration of why I hate artists. But what do you expect from a German trying to be funny.

  • Looks like a twin stick shooter with too small of a playing field and bullets everywhere. Free until tomorrow

  • Banned

    Apparently Amazon joined the fun and is giving games away for free too. This month's selection:


    All of them either I already have or I'm not interested in.

  • @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    Apparently Amazon joined the fun and is giving games away for free too as part of its paid Prime subscription.


  • Some more free stuff for the next day or two.

    Outcast on GOG:

    Beholder on Steam:

    KEO on Steam:

    Assassin's Creed Chronicles Trilogy on UPlay Ubisoft Connect:

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Parody Having tried before (as well as now) to grab one of the Assassin's Creed Chronicles games when it was a freebie, I am convinced getting the game is a prize for all the effort you put into trying to do it.

    I still haven't been able to win this prize.

    I couldn't find it in Ubisoft Try-to-Connect. As a matter of fact, the search box didn't seem to do anything at all.

    I found it in the website and I clicked the button to get it. It gave me the choice between downloading Ubi Can'tConnect or launching it if I already had it installed; I picked the second option.
    This time Firefox asked me to confirm if I wanted to open the external app associated with the uplay:// scheme, which is new! Last time absolutely nothing seemed to happen.

    Ubi Disconnected was already started. It did not react.
    So I quit it and tried the Firefox link again.

    Ubisuck Incompetent started but got stuck "Initializing" for something like 10 minutes.

    Quitting through the notification area context menu and restarting it works fine. It goes through logging in and initializing under two seconds.

    Trying to add the game again? Lol nope.

    So screw them. I've lost too much time on this again.

  • @Zecc Oddly enough, I had trouble with free stuff from Ubisoft previously, but this time it worked without any trouble. I started the client, let it update itself, and on the top menu there was an item for the Assassin's Creed giveaway. That opened a new Firefox tab (:wtf:) where I was somehow already logged in (:wtf::wtf:) but that's all I had to do, the games were in the My Games section of Ubisoft Connect at that point

  • @Zecc I've heard similar things about UPlay/Ubisoft Connect from others before, but I haven't had a problem with getting the free stuff. I usually have to log in when I start it, but that might just be because I don't use it that often.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Parody said in Game Deals Thread:

    I usually have to log in when I start it, but that might just be because I don't use it that often.

    It's because Ubiplayconnect or whatever it's called this week has a different definition of "Remember me" than the rest of us.
    As does Origin.

  • Banned

    @loopback0 it started remembering me after 20 times or so. This raises even more questions than if it never remembered.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gąska said in Game Deals Thread:

    @loopback0 it started remembering me after 20 times or so. This raises even more questions than if it never remembered.

    Pepperidge Farms always remembers.

  • Free for another hour or so:

  • Banned

    @hungrier this game doesn't let me screenshot its antivax propaganda. But overall it seems okay after first 10 minutes.

  • @Gąska At least robots aren't likely to catch COVID? 🤷🏻♂

  • We Happy Few is on sale at 85% off on PSN until December:

    I haven't got very far yet but it looks interesting

  • No Gravity Games is giving away Pirates: All Aboard on Nintendo switch when you sign up to their newsletter:

    Supposedly they'll also be giving away more games every day, doing an advent calendar or something, and you have to collect each one or you don't get anymore. I don't know if any of the games are good but the price is right

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @hungrier said in Game Deals Thread:

    when you sign up

    I think you're supposed to sign up, then wait for the newsletter. This is not obvious from the link.

    Also, apparently, if you buy the missing title you can get back in the game, so to speak. 🤔

    You don't need to have an active Switch, just an active account and go to to add the title to your account (convenient!)

  • @Tsaukpaetra said in Game Deals Thread:

    I think you're supposed to sign up, then wait for the newsletter. This is not obvious from the link.

    I got the email with the key immediately after verifying my subscription. Here's hoping I remember to check back every day to get some most likely shovelware crap

  • @hungrier said in Game Deals Thread:

    Supposedly they'll also be giving away more games every day, doing an advent calendar or something, and you have to collect each one or you don't get anymore.

    The first one of these is available today: Creepy Tale

    The logged-out store page has it at regular price, but in the e-shop on my Switch, it shows up as a free download. If I understand the deal correctly, it's there because I got the free Pirates game from the newsletter, and now that I have this one, the next game (Star Horizon) will be free tomorrow, and so on.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @hungrier said in Game Deals Thread:

    If I understand the deal correctly,

    Yes, and I confirm your experience.

    A game store that is actually functional? What the fuck!

  • The Epic Game Store is giving away a free game every day for the next week or so. Today's was one I already had, and I think I missed one in the power outage. Regardless, free games!

  • Today's free game on the Epic Store is Loop Hero, a roguelike where you build the map instead of running the main character. It's got a lot of acclaim if you care about that sort of thing.

    I played it for a bit and thought it was just OK, but I'm not a big fan of roguelikes.

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