Video game spotlight thread

  • @Rhywden I honestly thought the sequel was inferior.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zecc it's always worth trying again. Hard to learn - easy to fight 😀

  • 🚽 Regular

    @loopback0 said in Video game spotlight thread:

    Farcry 6!

    Far Cry 6: Worldwide Gameplay Reveal – [29:48..40:45] 40:45
    — Ubisoft

    I knew I knew the guy who plays Leo in Kaleidoscope (Giancarlo Esposito) from somewhere. Now I know where from.

    I haven't played the game, but I've seen that video's thumbnail.

  • @Zecc Not from Breaking Bad?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @hungrier I watched the first couple of seasons, but at some point I interrupted for one reason or another and then I lost track of the story.

    Of course I intend to watch the whole complete thing at some point. But so far, :kneeling_warthog: .

  • @Zecc He plays a major character in the show, starting from season 3the end of season 2  , as well as throughout Better Call Saul.

    Also, he was apparently in The Usual Suspects

  • Just tried Atomic Heart.

    Not sure what they were going for but ... no.

    First there's the protagonist: Way too many swear words for no reason. If they went for DukeNukem, well, the setting doesn't quite work with that due to the corpses littered everywhere. Just comes across as callous.
    Then the vending machine: Sexual innuendos galore. Why? No clue. However, the AI of the vending machine will bugger off (unexplainedly), only rarely to be heard of again.

    For further reference:

    Comedy in Games Should Be More Than Just Quips | Extra Punctuation – [01:37..09:30] 09:30
    — The Escapist

    Then the exposition: Good grief. You're doing a very circuitous round for no real reason whatsoever. For example, you'll walk into this huge building, ride up a slow-ass elevator, get a key and immediately ride the same elevator down again.

    You'll get a lock picking mini game without any explanation on how it works. Another lockpicking mini game will be based on a reaction-based bastard variant of "Simon Says".

    You'll be shown a huge burrowing robot several times, very obviously gearing up to a boss battle with this robot. Only for it not to happen.

    And the combat. They were aiming for some Elden Ring / FPS crossover? (Throw in Resident Evil for the inventory management) Well, if you tell me to "press shift for a dodge" I'll press shift. Only for nothing to happen because you need to press shift and a directional key (yes, it's standard but shows the lack of attention to details). At least the need to dodge is telegraphed with a big red circle on your enemy which you'll need because you do not have lock-on.
    Which means that you just dodged your enemy out of view and they're perfectly okay with using that heavy attack consecutively.

    And my favourite pet peeve: The movement system. Usually when playing an FPS you press "forward" and you go forward immediately. Here, there's sort of a lag - about half a second after you pressed forward your character will actually move forward. Accompanied by a sort of camera "lurch". Which is actually nausea inducing.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Rhywden How far did you get then? The Soviet Bioshock seems kind of interesting (I know, I know, not cool to say right now or possibly at all), but yeah, I dislike Dork Souls type of combat on principle alone.

    E: On swearing, mat is a very important part of authentic Russian experience. Every Russian and people of nearby nations know at least the basic expletives, but those working in organs and criminals are known to be especially... creative and s osobym tsinyzmom. But even without hearing how they've done it here I'm sure that including it in a broad-appeal game of this sort was a mistake. Never mind the rudeness, much of it simply doesn't translate.

  • Considered Harmful

    Okay, played a dev build from the high seas and now watching a recording of a stream in Russian. Just like I expected, speech and all expletives flow naturally. Translators had an impossibly difficult job, but screwed it up on top of that.

  • @Applied-Mediocrity The fun part is that the dialogues are sometimes so long that you'll run into a different area which triggers a new dialogue before the old one finishes.

  • Train Mechanic Simulator 2017: Quite possibly the worst train game ever made

    Edit: I recommend starting around 3:29:00, or so, and watching at least until the host has a stroke on camera.

    I should perhaps mention that the host works at the Colorado Railroad Museum, and repairing steam locomotives is his actual job.

  • Considered Harmful


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  • @Applied-Mediocrity Updated the link. For some reason, the URL changed between the live stream and the saved VOD version. That should be public.

  • Probably not a game that will become a classic, but I find it a nice, slow-paced simcity-like variation.

    It's a fairly straightforward, and rather easy on the whole, city-building game except you're ostensibly depolluting and rewilding a planet rather than building a city.

    The twist that I like is that at the end of each map, you must deconstruct everything you've built (and obviously there isn't a simple "bulldozer" option to do so), which isn't particularly hard but if you want to do it properly it's best to think about it when you are in the first phase of the game, i.e. building stuff. Similarly, most 2nd-tier buildings are built by replacing 1st-tier ones so again a bit of forward-thinking when placing those is useful.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Applied-Mediocrity said in Video game spotlight thread:

    Played the demo just now. Well, it's... a walking simulator, but in spaaace. You can drive a Polish Fiat space rover a bit. I dig the overall old retro-future sci-fi vibes. Not feeling any Lem here, though, other than being based on his story. I suppose I must take the philosophical question of "are tiny nanobot insects life" in the frame of the 1960s, but the full game better have something more substantial. The demo doesn't convince me. I remain curious solely because they've namedropped Lem.

  • Anyone who has Mario Maker 2, check out level code 5RS-90D-XWF. This is one of the most impressive technical feats I've ever seen in this game: someone managed to implement a division calculator inside of Mario. Pick a number from 1 to 9, pick a second number from 2 to 9, wait a couple minutes while it runs some very complicated mechanical calculations, and it will deliver you to the result. This just has to be seen to be believed!

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    @Mason_Wheeler said in Video game spotlight thread:

    Anyone who has Mario Maker 2, check out level code 5RS-90D-XWF. This is one of the most impressive technical feats I've ever seen in this game: someone managed to implement a division calculator inside of Mario. Pick a number from 1 to 9, pick a second number from 2 to 9, wait a couple minutes while it runs some very complicated mechanical calculations, and it will deliver you to the result. This just has to be seen to be believed!

    You can come and admit its why you’ve been missing for a while.

  • @DogsB Nope, I didn't build that. Don't know the person who did either. I was just really impressed by it when I saw Geek play it on stream a few days ago.

  • Banned

    @Mason_Wheeler it's weird how there are so many subcultures within our society dedicated entirely to using the wrongest possible tool for a trivial task. Nobody asked for this, not even its creator, yet it still exists. It's absolutely useless for any purpose, and people love it.

    But enough about JavaScript...

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Gustav said in Video game spotlight thread:

    @Mason_Wheeler it's weird how there are so many subcultures within our society dedicated entirely to using the wrongest possible tool for a trivial task. Nobody asked for this, not even its creator, yet it still exists. It's absolutely useless for any purpose, and people love it.

    But enough about JavaScriptRust...

    You had a minor typo.

    Also came across this and didn’t know where to put it

    I get these sometimes. Try a cheap multivitamin from your local store. Can’t remember which vitamin deficiency it might be.

  • Considered Harmful


  • 🚽 Regular

    Cute little free puzzle game.

    Your goal is to score as many points possible by placing square tiles around your boat. Tiles are not rotatable and each edge may be navigable water or impassable land, but at least one edge is always water. You start with your boat on a central water tile and expand outwards. Tiles must be placed adjacent to your boat and matching the edges of all other previously placed tiles.

    The game is played in turns. Each turns starts with 3 tiles in your hand and 4 usable propeller tokens.
    Propeller tokens may be used to move your boat to an adjacent tile sharing a water edge with the current tile. You use one token per step moved. In any order you may also place as many tiles as you can. To place a tile it must also share a water edge with the current tile, because the boat will simultaneously move there. Alternatively, you may also discard any tiles you don't want at the moment. Each discarded tile will get you back a propeller token, but you'll never get more than four. And it's one fewer tile you'll be able to place.

    You can end your turn as soon as you've gotten rid of at least 2 of the tiles in your hand, whether by placing them or by discarding them. At the start of the new turn more tiles are drawn from the deck until you you have 3 in your hand again, and all propeller tokens will become usable again. But if you can't draw more tiles because your deck is exhausted, the game ends.

    Points are scored whenever tiles become surrounded on all four sides, regardless of where the boat is. Each tile is worth at least one point; two if is has a buoy; three if it has a lighthouse. Scoring points also adds more tiles to your deck, so an alternate way of thinking about it is that you want to survive for as long as possible.

    The music is fine but you'll likely turn it off after a while, since it gets repetitive.

    The game's major flaw, which I hope they'll address soon, is that it's not possible to save. At least they warn you. Other than that, it seems pretty stable and there is no time pressure.

    Here's a screenshot from my latest play:


    Good grief, have I been playing for that long? For the record, my previous scores where 20-ish, then my previous one was 187, and now this. Guess I mastered the technique. I'm pretty sure it won me over through tiredness.

    Anyway, I suggest giving it a shot since it's free. It's obviously entertaining, at least for a while.

  • @Zecc said in Video game spotlight thread:

    I suggest giving it a shot since it's free. It's obviously entertaining, at least for a while.

    Added to my library. I'll add almost anything free to my library. Whether I ever play it is a completely different question.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @HardwareGeek said in Video game spotlight thread:

    @Zecc said in Video game spotlight thread:

    I suggest giving it a shot since it's free. It's obviously entertaining, at least for a while.

    Added to my library. I'll add almost anything free to my library. Whether I ever play it is a completely different question.

    We get it. You only added those erotic games for the storyline because they were on sale for free. 🍹

  • 🚽 Regular

    Try the demo. Don't blame me if you think it's addictive.

    On "collar" mode I managed to make a chain of length 37 somehow. 🎺

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    I will eat your family!

  • @DogsB said in Video game spotlight thread:

    @Gustav said in Video game spotlight thread:

    @Mason_Wheeler it's weird how there are so many subcultures within our society dedicated entirely to using the wrongest possible tool for a trivial task. Nobody asked for this, not even its creator, yet it still exists. It's absolutely useless for any purpose, and people love it.

    But enough about JavaScriptRust...

    You had a minor typo.

    Also came across this and didn’t know where to put it

    I get these sometimes. Try a cheap multivitamin from your local store. Can’t remember which vitamin deficiency it might be.

    the article you linked cite iron deficiency as a possible cause

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Be still my beating heart!

  • 🚽 Regular

    @DogsB said in Video game spotlight thread:

    Be still my beating heart!

    Consult your physician first.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    I’m kind of interested. I’m sure Nomora has a vague idea of what's going on but I’ll be damned if anyone else knows.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    What the hell? I've already blown my random trinket budget already. 😿

    Also, what in fucks name is wrong with Capcom? We're still waiting for a RE1 movie where we get to hear the legendary lines

    You, the master of unlocking.
    You were almost a Jill sandwich.

    Is that too much to ask for?


    — gamegoonie


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