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  • ♿ (Parody)

    I follow him on facebook. He schools a lot of people just like in this particular take (which I think I saw on there, too).

  • He does it better than my version, when I just point out that a lot of people have passion for arson. And you probably wouldn't advise someone to make a career out of that. Probably. I would, though.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Unless you can translate that passion into demolition or something, you're probably limited to eco-terrorist. But I like meat and showers too much for that.

  • @boomzilla said:

    you're probably limited to eco-terrorist

    You can assist with insurance fraud.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Five studies that met inclusion criteria were evaluated. No difference was found in changes in blood glucose levels, lipid levels, or appetite between table sugar consumption and HFCS consumption. When only fructose was consumed, lipid levels were significantly increased.

    The magical sugar argument always sounded ridiculous to me.

  • @boomzilla said:

    The magical sugar argument always sounded ridiculous to me.

    I think the crusade against HFCS is more due to people misunderstanding things/badly communicating. "Hey there is lots of HFCS in tons of things, don't eat so much of them" could have been "hey there is lots of sugar in tons of things, don't eat so much of them" which gets the main point. But the second one would get "you only tested HFCS thingys, we use a different sweetener so we don't technically fall under it" which while true is the kind of pedantic thing that is celebrated here, but confusing to others.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @locallunatic said:

    I think the crusade against HFCS is more due to people misunderstanding things/badly communicating

    It's always seemed to be the sort of non-scientific thing that anti-vaxxing is about. But they were definitely saying that equivalent amounts of HFCS and regular table sugar were metabolized significantly differently.

  • @boomzilla said:

    But they were definitely saying that equivalent amounts of HFCS and regular table sugar were metabolized significantly differently.

    Sorry, I meant the scientists who were saying stuff about HFCS in my "badly communicating" statement which thus lead to weird conclusions like that.

  • by almost a year. the public renews

  • @boomzilla said:

    >When only fructose was consumed, lipid levels were significantly increased.

    The magical sugar argument always sounded ridiculous to me.

    You seem to be overlooking one of "magic sugar" arguments. I.e. straight-up Fructose....

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @ijij said:

    You seem to be overlooking one of "magic sugar" arguments. I.e. straight-up Fructose....

    I presume you're talking about this bit:

    When only fructose was consumed, lipid levels were significantly increased.

    I interpret that to mean that my life long avoidance of fruit was pure genius.

  • @boomzilla said:

    I interpret that to mean that my life long avoidance of fruit was pure genius.

    ...it at least gives you more leeway for frying chicken.

  • ♿ (Parody)

  • This was how the train in broken steel was animated. This npc basically just ran really fast.


    huh, it seems i took that link from @blakeyrat tweeter. i wonder how i ended up in that place....

  • @boomzilla said:

    But they were definitely saying that equivalent amounts of HFCS and regular table sugar were metabolized significantly differently.

    Can't really find any such argument on the 'net - it's mostly "it's artificial, therefore eeeeevil", also some usual mercury scare. Not saying there's none, but the biggest argument against HFCS still is "it's bloody sugar, it's still bad for you".

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    the biggest argument against HFCS still is "it's bloody sugar, it's still bad for you".

    Only when in excess. Of course, you shouldn't be getting a large proportion of your energy from mono- or disaccharides in the first place, so excess is easily reached…

  • Getting it from alcohol is so much more efficient.

  • @boomzilla said:


    A New Jersey man claims his boss drunkenly grabbed his crotch so hard that doctors had to remove a testicle.


    Metaphorically, this has happened many times.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Getting it from alcohol is so much more efficient.

    Yep. Almost as efficient as getting your calories from fat, and quite a lot more fun.

  • ###Jake Evans confession

    Confession of a kid who killed his family.


    I had just gotten home from the allergist and having lunch when I started watching Rob Zombie's Halloween. In the movie a 12 year old boy murders his stepfather, sister and his sister's boyfriend. It was the third time this week that I watched it. While watching it I was amazed at how at ease the boy was during the murders and how little remorse he had afterward. I was thinking to myself, it would be the same for me when I kill someone. After I watched the movie I put it back into the case and threw it in the trash can so that people wouldn't think that it influenced me in any way. After that I went outside to hit golf balls in the yard for about an hour. I went inside around 5:30 PM, and just sat in the living room thinking about how I was going to kill my family. My plan was to kill my sister and my mom at my house and then go over to my grandparents and kill my oldest sister Emily and my two grandparents. Then I was going to wait until morning and kill my other sister Audrey because she was visiting from college.

    After I got up from the couch it was between 6 and 6:30. My grandma had called my mom to ask if I wanted to go to the cleaners with her. I went and while we were in town we got dinner. We made a quick stop at the post office and then she dropped me off at my house. I took my dinner to the pool house and watched Family Guy for a little bit. I went back into then house and saw that my mom and sister were watching the debate. I went outside again to swing freely with my golf club. Around 9:00 PM I went upstairs in my house to watch Family Guy. About 10 minutes later my sister came upstairs and asked if I wanted to watch a movie. I said no because earlier that day at the allergist appointment she made racist comments about a black worker that was mowing the grass. She said "ha, that black guy looks like a monkey." In the past Mallory had always said racist comments like that and would also make fun of homeless people. I scolded her for what she said and told her that she was becoming white trash. We continued arguing in the doctor's office and when we got back into the car I told her to look up the word lynching and to see if she had the same opinion about black people. She then said that she would never be a part of a lynching but is still a racist. I then said that she makes me sick and called her a racist bitch.

    So that evening after I told her that I didn't want to watch a movie she went to her room and I went downstairs to my parent's closet and I got my dad's blue foldable knife. I went back upstairs and kept pacing back and forth imagining killing Mallory. thoughts of causing her pain kept entering my mind and were really bothering me, but then I'd think about the times she hurt my feelings or really pissed me off. So finally around 9:30 I knocked on her door and asked her if she wanted to watch Waterboy. She said yes and sat on the couch beside the sofa I was on. I told her that I was going to the art room to get a pin. When I was in the art room I stood there again imagining killing Mallory. After 30 minutes I finally went in the room and sat on the sofa with the knife in my pocket. I sat for about 5 minutes and then playfully threw a pillow at Mallory. We started having a pillow fight in the room. After a while I thought to myself that if I were to kill my mom and Mallory, I wouldn't want them to feel anything. So I decided to kill them both with the .22 revolver I stole from my Grandpa.

    I told Mallory that I needed to go downstairs for a little bit. After I saw that my mom was in the study I went to my closet and picket up the pistol. I set it on the bed and was nervously opening the cylinder over and over again. I then spent probably over an hour walking nervously around the house thinking how life will never be the same and how I would never see them again. Around 11:15 I went upstairs with the pistol and stood there for about 5 minutes. I knocked on the door and told Mallory that mom needed her. She came out and out of the corner of her eye saw me pointing the gun at her. She though I was joking and told me that I was freaking her out. I shot her in the back and then the head. I ran down to the study and shot my mom 3 times. In shock I ran to my room and was screaming at the top of my lungs that I am really messed up and that I killed my mom and sister.

    As I emptied the shells on my bed I heard noises and realized that Mallory was still alive. While I loaded the gun back up I was shouting that I was sorry and then ran as fast as I could to kill her. I then made sure my mom was dead and shot her again in the head. After the shooting I walked outside for a few minutes and then came back inside. Very shocked and scared I placed the gun on the kitchen counter and walked into the living room to dial 911.

    When I look at people, especially teenagers, I see them as being very cruel to one another emotionally. It seems that their favorite hobby is picking on someone else. The people who are racists, bullies, and who are full of themselves are the really evil ones. And it amazes me because those three qualities are extremely common today. I was very sad because I felt like my own family were becoming the people I hate. I know now though that I'm done with killing. It's the most dreadful and terrifying thing I will ever experience. And what happened last night will haunt me forever.

  • @cartman82 said:


    17. I wouldn't call someone of that age a "kid".


  • @aliceif said:

    I wouldn't call someone of that age a "kid".

    IANAPsychologist, but based on that wall of text above his mental age seems to be quite in the "kid" range.

  • Also, since AFAIK the general consensus with kids murdering others is that it's never their fault, what are they pinning it on now? SJWs? Racists? Violent slasher movies?

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    SJWs? Racists? Violent slasher movies?

    Allergy medication.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @aliceif said:

    17. I wouldn't call someone of that age a "kid".

    Well since you can't buy alcohol until you're 32 or something silly like that in the US, I'm guessing the vast majority of people call anyone under that age 'kid'....

  • FoxDev

    @PJH said:

    can't buy alcohol until you're 32 or something silly like that in the US

    21, but most states have a law about requiring ID if you appear to be less than X (where X varies state to state but tends to be significantly above 21)


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @accalia said:

    but most states have a law about requiring ID if you appear to be less than X

    X-thread: https://what.thedailywtf.com/t/the-quasi-official-stupid-ideas-that-have-actually-been-done-thread/4621/422?u=pjh

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Apparently some Indian MP is agitating for the UK to pay reparations to India for screwing them over as a colony.

    "India's share of the world economy when Britain arrived on its shores was 23%," he says. "By the time the British left it was down to below 4%. Why? Simply because India had been governed for the benefit of Britain. Britain's rise for 200 years was financed by its depredations in India."

    He doesn't cite sources, but the BBC links to an interesting page that I think largely refutes the MP's thesis:

    Odd as it may seem, I believe that Britain did not “exploit” India enough. Had it made the massive investments in India that it did in the Americas, India would have become more prosperous and a much bigger market for British goods. A richer India would have been a better customer, a better supplier, and a firmer basis of Empire.27 Britain's main failure was not to educate the Indian masses—hence 83 percent of Indians were illiterate at Independence. Britain's education system in India produced only a thin upper crust of extremely well educated Indians, while the masses remained illiterate.28

    There's a lot more there. I'm not a big student of UK or Indian history, so a lot of it was very new information to me.

    tl;dr; Britain looted India a bit and hastened some things that India wasn't prepared for but did a lot of good there and the Indians got busy fucking themselves for nearly half a century after the Brits finally left before the Indians got their act together.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    Apparently some Indian MP is agitating for the UK to pay reparations to India for screwing them over as a colony.

    He's a fuckwit. We looted lots of other parts of the world as well!

  • ###Living in Switzerland ruined me for America and its lousy work culture

    The reason I scoff when people suggest I should work towards a green card.

  • ##NULL is Not The Billion Dollar Mistake. A Counter-Rant

    Title says it all.

    Also don't miss the excellent video at the end. In fact, I'll link it here.

    Simon Peyton Jones - Haskell is useless – 06:23
    — bunidanoable

    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simon_Peyton_Jones [Haskell guy]
    1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Erik_Meijer_(computer_scientist) [pretty much everything under the cover of Visual Studio]
    2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Butler_Lampson [Xerox founder]

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    That video rapidly turned into an XKCD strip 😆

  • ###Rant from an anon game dev, about his frustrations with the social justice crowd.

    It's a bit too panicky IMO, but then, I'm not in the thick of things as this guy claims to be. Seems all the usual gamergate places are prodding him to reveal more, so this might produce some interesting drama down the line (if he gets doxed, for example).

  • Females seem to generally get a shitty time of it in IT, even down to people just assuming that a woman couldn't possibly know. One time @royal_poet was in a computing store and got asked to bring her husband as she couldn't possibly understand all this complicated technical stuff.

    Everything I've heard, even after speaking to folks at a game dev conference suggests that the game industry is at best in line with the rest of IT and at worst flat-out anti-female.

  • @Arantor said:

    Females seem to generally get a shitty time of it in IT, even down to people just assuming that a woman couldn't possibly know. One time @royal_poet was in a computing store and got asked to bring her husband as she couldn't possibly understand all this complicated technical stuff.

    Everything I've heard, even after speaking to folks at a game dev conference suggests that the game industry is at best in line with the rest of IT and at worst flat-out anti-female.

    Kind of like when a daycare facility personnel ask to speak with the mother, so they could go into the nitty-gritty details about the issues with the child. People make a quick generalization that is correct most of the time, but creates a very unpleasant situation in cases that are the exception.

    As the number of females in the industry (hopefully) increases, this kind of prejudice will go away naturally.

  • That said though, it's kind of a catch-22 at this point, the industry is an unhealthy environment for women so no women go into it, making it more unhealthy.

    That's even before we start looking into the fact that IT generally favours less sociable people (those that can just get on and do), and it has always seemed to me that women in general seem less interested in that and a little more in the social arena by comparison. Maybe my experience is too limited to make that an entirely valid observation but it's been consistent to me.

  • @Arantor said:

    That said though, it's kind of a catch-22 at this point, the industry is an unhealthy environment for women so no women go into it, making it more unhealthy.

    That goes for every prejudice. On one hand, it usually IS factually correct and makes for a useful mental shortcut. On the other, if used with impunity, it helps keep the things the way they are and acts as a sort-of self-fulfilling prophecy. But if you try to taboo it, you end up with a nasty case of cognitive dissonance. People see the truth for what it is, but are socially or ideologically barred from acknowledging it. So that creates a whole new level of problems and divides in a society.

    Prejudice is hard to deal with on a societal level. There's no win-win solution that I see.

  • Sigh. We've had too much social/feminism crap lately, but this was too interesting to pass up.

    ###Secretly, I'm A HOT GIRL On LinkedIn - Here's Why...

    First, there's the guy's scummy Linkedin tactics. A strong motivation to downgrade the rating of the email account you publish there.

    And then, there's the female profile stunt. Of course, there's no telling how many "friendly invitations" his female avatar got would have ended with a Backroom Casting Couch kind of situation. Still, I found it interesting.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @cartman82 said:

    the female profile stunt

    I can tell you right off the bat: it's not the fact that 'Sarah' is female, is the fact that she's conventionally attractive (and female). I don't get anywhere near that level of attention with my legit LinkedIn profile, but my picture isn't a swimsuit model either.

  • @Yamikuronue said:

    I don't get anywhere near that level of attention with my legit LinkedIn profile, but my picture isn't a swimsuit model either.

    Eh, I think if you tried the same stunt with the mass e-mail, you'd get an awful lot of attention. Now, it might not be the job-offer kind of attention, and most of it might come from Southern Asia, but...

  • Ok, another one.

    This girl seems to have planned her parents' murder. A sickening story, but I couldn't stop reading.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Oof. I know some of those feels >.>

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @cartman82 said:

    Kind of like when a daycare facility personnel ask to speak with the mother, so they could go into the nitty-gritty details about the issues with the child.

    What? Assumptions about gender roles don't only go in one direction? [IMPOSSIBRU image macro goes here]

  • @Yamikuronue said:

    Oof. I know some of those feels >.>

    Lying to everyone around? Demonizing your parents by telling people they're hiring a PI even if by that time they weren't interfering with anything? Still living with your parents while (not) attending the university instead of fucking off the state and never looking back? Inventing a fucking gang rape to get your boyfriend back? Ultimately ordering a hit on your parents because they were too harsh on you?

    Sorry, but I fail to see how there's anything to sympathize with.

  • Both sides seem evil to various degrees, yup.

  • Except one side was harsh and demanding on their daughter, and the other is a fucking murderer.

    Sorry, but that doesn't even begin to compare. That girl is a bloody sociopath.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    William MacAskill is that rare beast, a hard-headed, soft-hearted proponent of saving the world. His excellent new book, Doing Good Better, is a primer on the effective altruism movement.

    Post has an overview of a case study of a failed Do Gooder invention, the PlayPump:

  • Hmm. Maybe my 10-yr old is actually a highly sophisticated and practical economist.

    After all, he saw right through me when I suggested themed summer camps like: Ditch-Digging Camp and Wood-Splitting Camp.

    Filed under: anybody remember the comic "Shoe" where the school-aged bird Skyler always ended up at a place like Fort Bragg* for summer camp?

    *Home of US Army's 82nd Airborne Division

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

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