The Official Status Thread

  • FoxDev

    this one can go for years!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Yeah - and even if it wasn't, it's likely this is just the start of other issues. New car time.

  • The older, smaller HDD on this old, decrepit desktop decided to start slamming its heads back and forth this morning. I think/hope there wasn't anything on it that I hadn't already copied to the new(er), bigger drive.

    I opened the cover of the computer. Not only was there the expected thick accumulation of dust, there was an entire, intact mockingbird (I think) feather that someone (one of my kids?) had apparently stuck through one of the ventilation openings at some point in the past. :wtf:

  • FoxDev

    @HardwareGeek said:

    an entire, intact mockingbird (I think) feather

    Liked just for that bit 😄

  • FoxDev

    @loopback0 said:

    Yeah - and even if it wasn't, it's likely this is just the start of other issues. New car time.

    Well, given my Googling led to the two most likely faults being a blown headgasket (big bill) and/or a cracked cylinder head (excuse me while I bend over)... yeah, new car time.

    *wonders how cheap Smart Roadsters have gotten*

    What? I like the Smart Roadster; it's cute and funky!

  • @RaceProUK said:

    What? I like the Smart Roadster; it's cute and funky!

    You are wrong.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    @RaceProUK said:
    What? I like the Smart Roadster; it's cute and funky!

    You are wrong.


  • @ben_lubar said:

    Status: wondering how many games can run for over 36 hours and not get anywhere.

    Orbiter without using time acceleration.

  • kills Dumbledore

    Better than a four two

  • Lots of loud and rainy rain here. Good thing I am not outside!

  • -Here mom, you can have my old phone
    -I don't know, I like my current one
    -This one's easier to use, and much easier to type on
    -My current one works well too
    -Also it has solitaire

  • Being in a warm, cozy place while hearing the rain and wind outside is the best ☺

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @aliceif said:

    I don't really know how trains work in the UK and US, but you can buy seatless high-speed-train tickets in Germany.

    In the US, you have to stop at the track if you're driving a bus or pulling a trailer or some other long vehicle. Otherwise, you just stop when the lights start flashing and the arms go down. Then when they stop and the arms go up, you can carry on your journey. Best case, of course, someone built a bridge, so the trains don't disturb you at all.

  • Garbage Person

    @boomzilla said:

    In the US, you have to stop at the track if you're driving a bus or pulling a trailer or some other long vehicle.
    Not quite. The following classes of vehicle have to stop:

    1. Anything carrying a placarded hazardous material.
    2. Anything that's got a passenger capacity >15.
    3. Anything carrying school children in an official capacity (school children are rightfully treated as hazardous materials).
    4. Anything operating under special permit conditions that require it to stop at rail crossings (typically very long outsize loads)

    Regular trucks can cruise right on through.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    10:04 This is like Twitch plays Pokemon! But nobody's playing, and it's Hitbox and it's stupid.

    10:25 Wow I just woke up like half an hour ago and this is putting me back to sleep. Later.

    @blakeyrat watched my stream for twenty minutes?

  • The nice thing about modern windowing OSes (i.e. not Linux) is you can put a window in the background and kind of ignore it while reading your email or finding porn or whatever.

  • A video with no audio managed to put you to sleep while you weren't looking at it? Amazing.

  • It is amazing. As is the fact that everything I type is literally true at all times forever.

    EDIT: hey you should watch my Sonic 2006 stream. It's full of all kinds of new technological innovations like: audio.

  • Status: water heater installer pointed out like 573 ways the old water heater wasn't up to code, including no earthquake strapping at all. In Western Washington. When installed in 1994. Amazed it didn't topple during the 2001 earthquake.

  • Garbage Person

    Emergency production debugging. Entity Framework.

    Thread is fine all the way up until here:

    using (Repository = new ThingRepository())

    ThingRepository's default constructor looks like this:
    _Log.Info("Repository constructor.");
    var connString = ConfigHelper.GetConnectionString("Internal");
    _Log.Info("Got entity connection string.");
    var entityConnection = new EntityConnectionStringBuilder()
    Provider = providerName,
    ProviderConnectionString = connString,
    Metadata = metaData
    _Log.Info("Got entityconnection");

            entities = new ThingEntities(entityConnection.ToString());
            _Log.Info("Initialized entities.");

    That first log entry is never hit.
    I can't even step into the constructor without the thread exiting.


  • @Weng said:

    That first log entry is never hit.I can't even step into the constructor without the thread exiting.

    That... that is so weird, I'd almost suspect memory or disk corruption-- have you noted any other weird behavior that might result from flipped bits?

  • Garbage Person

    It's happening both on the production server and on my machine (connected to the production database).

    Just once I managed to run it through to the point where it did something else and threw an exception (apparently from a line that doesn't have any code on it that could trigger an exception!)

    No Entity Framework provider found for the ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlClient'. Make sure the provider is registered in the 'entityFramework' section of the application config file. See for more information."}

    I suspect EF version hell. Why is that breaking things like this? DUNNO. I am becoming less and less fond of EF, because breathing on it wrong seems to periodically cause unrelated failures.

    Edit: Rolled back to version n-1 and everything is running fine (aside from the thing version n was supposed to help debug). Apparently neither my local machine nor our build server are capable of making a working binary for version n on the production box. The difference between n and n-1? A bunch of added logging statements so I can figure out what directory the piece of shit thinks is missing.

    Bonus: Version n runs just fine on test and stage. Also runs great on my local machine with the stage config files.

  • Status: Turns out the 30 amp breaker in the electrical box had failed the whole time, not the old water heater itself.


  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    Status: Turns out the 30 amp breaker in the electrical box had failed the whole time, not the old water heater itself.

    So... neither you nor the engineer actually bothered to check the breaker?

    Well, I guess you got a nice shiny modern boiler that will reduce your energy bills, at least 😄

  • Garbage Person

    Your old house has electrical woes? Try mine.

    I have 5 breaker boxes. 4 of those, all full, are feeding through one 100A main breaker (the 5th panel is in the garage 50 yards away and wired sanely with its own 200A main). I have all-electric appliances and electric heat.

    My uncle is a commercial electrician and says it's fine. As soon as I can be arsed to demolish walls I'm starting from scratch on the electricity thing.

  • @RaceProUK said:

    So... neither you nor the engineer actually bothered to check the breaker?

    It didn't occur to either of us, since the old boiler was 20 years old (with a 6-year warranty) and it being stone-dead was pretty believable.

    It needed replacing in any case.

    I don't remember what thread were were having the conversation about confidence in home improvement tasks, you'd think replacing a breaker would be one of those difficult ones, due to scary electricity, but honestly breaker boxes are so well-designed it's actually hard to do it wrong. I'm an idiot, and fixing the breaker was a 10 minute job. And 3 of those were hunting for a screw I dropped.

    Anyway, have hot water now.

    @Weng said:

    Your old house has electrical woes? Try mine.

    I can one-up your shit:

    Yes, all those wires are live. My kitchen is behind that panel. (Well, bits of it. But the microwave is.)

  • Garbage Person

    ... You should probably burn that down.

    Because really, it's the only safe thing to do.

  • @Weng said:

    ... You should probably burn that down.

    I'm pretty sure he doesn't need to do anything to accomplish that.

  • Garbage Person

    Status: Oh. Okay. It ALSO doesn't work in dev. Someone upgraded the EF version of this project and never fucking edited the config file.

    Why does it work in test/stage? Someone updated the config file there.

  • @Weng said:

    ... You should probably burn that down.

    I love it. That old fashioned scissor-switch with the bakelite handle? Brilliant. You don't see those much anymore other than in Universal monster movies.

    I also have a 1940s-era bakelite phone hanging in the kitchen. Alas not wired up, but until a few years ago it was a perfectly good working phone. Pulse dialing still worked as of 2009.

    As long as it 1) works, and 2) Edison-base fuses aren't a million bucks each, I'm keeping it.

  • Status:

            private int violateBaseDecToHex(int num)
                return (num / 10) * 16 + num % 10;

    Good enough to emulate this weird hex/dec molestation of hours/minutes/seconds:
    I might put the thing that function's from online tomorrow or so.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @accalia said:

    thus preventing them from booking someone else for that seat.

    So? The train company still got paid. In fact, you saved them money, because the train used a tiny less bit of fuel not moving your weight.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Didn't you verify that you had power at the water heater? That is DIY 101.

  • Ok once more: the water heater was 20 years old. I know you people like criticizing me for everything, but try to maybe avoid criticizing me for stuff that doesn't matter at all.

    Yes, the breaker was bad and I didn't know it. (Neither did a trained professional installer.) Yes, the water heater needed replacing anyway. Yes, fuck off and die.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Weng said:

    Your old house has electrical woes? Try mine.

    I have 5 breaker boxes. 4 of those, all full, are feeding through one 100A main breaker (the 5th panel is in the garage 50 yards away and wired sanely with its own 200A main). I have all-electric appliances and electric heat.

    I lived in a house that had a 60-amp feed, going into a panel with 4 circuits. Almost anything would pop a breaker. Want to microwave some popcorn while someone's washing clothes? Too bad!

    The line came in to the house via a zig-zag: a line from the street to a pole well behind the house, that went on and fed several other houses behind mine. A line from that pole came forwards to my house, went directly over a tree. Over time, the tree grew up and the line sagged, until one fine day I saw an orange glow through a window. Yup, the two met, and the line caught fire, so I called 911. The next day it turned out the rest of the line, as it fed the other houses, was draped across most of the next-door neighbor's garage roof.
    So we got a nice new 200-amp (?) meter with a new panel outside the house feeding in the older panel. No extra circuits, though, because the house was probably built in the 20s or earlier, and the wiring was entirely not up to code.

  • Garbage Person

    Ugh. Ugh ugh ugh UGH.

    Fucking EF. Jesus fucking god. References to EntityFramework.SqlServer.dll inexplicably do not cascade. I don't even know how they achieved that.


  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @blakeyrat said:

    Yes, the breaker was bad and I didn't know it. (Neither did a trained professional installer.)

    So, you are both idiots?

    Is this two wrongs equal a right when blakeyrat is involved?

  • If we had known, the end-result would have been the same.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    I get that. But you missed the precise first step in troubleshooting said issue. You are an idiot for doing so, and you likely could have had a few hot showers between then and now.

  • @Polygeekery said:

    You are an idiot for doing so,

    Ok, then I'm an idiot. Congratulations. You win a nothing.

    @Polygeekery said:

    and you likely could have had a few hot showers between then and now.

    I had one cold shower. I would have either way. The end-result was the same.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @blakeyrat said:

    I had one cold shower. I would have either way. The end-result was the same.

    Well, almost. If you had checked for power at the water heater you would have had a cold shower as an intelligent person. Instead, you had a cold shower as an idiot.

  • Garbage Person

    EF derp of the moment:

    A relationship property is returning null.
    The fucking relationship is not nullable. And it isn't. I'm looking at the fucking data in the fucking database. And it's not like this is a fast-moving set of data, either. This relationship has been in place FOREVER.

  • Ok right now I'm eating shrimp spring rolls. Am I eating them as an intelligent person or as an idiot? I MUST KNOW.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    OK, now I have given you a raft of shit for this, which is retribution for the video card debacle.

    Order one of these, if you don't have one:

    Best thing ever for diagnosing any electrical issues, or keeping you from getting zapped if you turn off the wrong breaker.

  • Garbage Person

    You're arguing on the internet. You are therefore dumb as hell.

    Status: Beginning to suspect I could rewrite this POS from scratch in less time than actually adding debug statements.

  • Digitally controlled ON/OFF power button

    The digit is your thumb!!!

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Homemade or take-out.

    If homemade then you are intelligent. If take out, you are an idiot.

    I thought about writing it in pseudocode, but was afraid some SO asshole would see it and copy paste it in to production. Also, I am on mobile, and mobile Discourse still sucks.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @blakeyrat said:

    The digit is your thumb!!!

    Well, technically they are not wrong...

  • FoxDev

    @Polygeekery said:

    I get that. But you missed the precise first step in troubleshooting said issue. You are an idiot for doing so, and you likely could have had a few hot showers between then and now.

    Unless blakey's a trained plumber/electrician/whatever, I wouldn't expect him to necessarily think about checking the breaker, because I wouldn't expect any layman to think about it. But the professional damn well should have.

    Yes, I ribbed him about it. But I also acknowledged the whole breaker thing was somewhat academic anyway; that boiler would have needed replacing either way.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Ok, then I'm an idiot.

    Remember, kids, everything blakey says is true forever.

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