The Official Status Thread

  • Raw vegan. On the plus side some raw recipes are really good. On the minus side you spend way too much time trying to determine just how much of a given cooked or processed ingredient something can contain before they'll no longer eat it. You also have to find out where all the hippy grocery stores are in town since militant raw vegans are hell bent on also being organic...

    And since this is the status thread - struggling through .NET 1.1 code via an ILSpy decompilation, all to make a 1 line change. Why aren't all of my resources actually in the .resources files?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @smallshellscript said:

    hell bent on also being organic

    Speaking of which....

    If you don't speak Dutch, turn on captions. "Oh yeah, much better than McDonalds". Of course, people doing A/B testing in the audiophile world knew that ages ago. $1000/meter unicorn-hair iridium-plated cables don't actually carry a signal any better.

  • "Vegetarian" is actually Greek for "makes poor life decisions"

  • I thought "Vegetarian" is actually Greek for "hypocrite" or is it the other way around.

    When was the last time someone planted a fish successfully?

  • Are we including babel fish being planted in the ear canal in that question?

  • if you think that the babel fish got himself into the head of all vegetarians. And is purposely translating that a "fish is a vegetable and not an animal", part of its master plan to take revenge on its fellows the less fictitious specie that swore not to ever speak again. which forced the babel fish which was a known talker to move to live in a new eco system, a person ear and feed on brain wave rather on delicious shrimps and other small fish for the rest of its life.

    Then yes you can include that in the question.

  • Babel fish don't talk, they excrete brain waves matrices that are interpretable by the host.

  • they used to talk, before the entire specie swore not to speak again.
    hence the revenge, and mind control.

    it is called evolution I think.

  • Are you sure you're not thinking of the Belcerebon people of Kakrafoon Kappa, who caused envy to their neighbouring civilisations by being enlightened and quiet, to the point where the Galactic Tribunal found this so distasteful that the Belcerebon people were forced to become telepaths - making their planet so noisy? (Except, on the rare occasions, when they play host to a Disaster Area concert)

    Fairly sure at no point were the babel fish actually conversant.

  • @Monarch said:

    it is called evolution I think.

    If evolution is real, why are there still fish?


  • @Arantor said:

    Fairly sure at no point were the babel fish actually conversant.

    how can you be so sure of that?

    The babel fish abilities to " excrete brain waves matrices that are interpretable by the host."
    You don't think he figured out that he can mess with your head more then just you conception of sound.

    The same brainwave that tell you what you hear is the same brain wave that tell you what you see and think and feel.

    now if you have a babel fish in your ear, you may never know about it.
    and you are never going to be able to remove it. one thing is for sure it is about survival.

    This starting to sound a lot like the matrix, just a more ridiculous version with a fish in your ear version.

    @ben_lubar said:

    If evolution is real, why are there still fish?

    evolution does not mean when something evolve immediately its ancestor evaporate to thin air.

    if evolution is fake why there are still humans even after monkeys came around?
    There are no monkeys in the bible and we do have them today.


  • Nominated for whoosh

  • Considering that the babel fish is small, yellow and leechlike and the result of a creation by a God, that refused to prove He existed, but whose creation in the babel fish proved He existed and disappeared in a puff of logic, we cannot be certain of any such thing.

    Also, babel fishes are removable, as evidenced in So Long And Thanks For All The Fish.

    I would nominate for whoosh as well but I'd rather be nominated myself for pendantry at this point.

    You want to go down the road of evolution... what happened to the dinosaurs? If God is all powerful, how come He let the dinosaurs get wiped out? Bad design? Incompetent deity? Sadistic deity?

    Better question on the nature of gods... if they are all powerful and know how you lived, why do you get tests of your faith throughout life? That's either sadism or insecurity right there.

  • @Monarch said:

    its ancestor evaporate

    They normally do.
    The fish that live today evolved in different directions than the last fish humans were related to. Same with the species that are somewhere between apes and today's humans in terms of genetic similarity.

  • @Arantor said:

    Also, babel fishes are removable, as evidenced in So Long And Thanks For All The Fish.

    Are they removable? or they made you think they are removable?
    I will need a better proof, how you can remove a babel fish.

    @Arantor said:

    You want to go down the road of evolution... what happened to the dinosaurs? If God is all powerful, how come He let the dinosaurs get wiped out? Bad design? Incompetent deity? Sadistic deity?

    Actually you are going here down the road of god not evolution but nice try 😄

  • Status: Finally saw Guardians of the Galaxy.

    So now I know what a "drax" is.

    Also, I was thinking, if you're gonna uplift an Earth animal, a raccoon's a pretty good choice. They have those little grippy hands. Or maybe like one of those 4-fingered lizards. I'd like to see Rocket's backstory, but I'm pretty sure that even in the comics he doesn't have one, he just "is there".

    Also, I was thinking: fuck you George Lucas, this is how good the Star Wars prequels could have been if you had an ounce of talent.

  • @Monarch said:

    Are they removable? or they made you think they are removable?
    I will need a better proof, how you can remove a babel fish.

    @Arantor said:

    You want to go down the road of evolution... what happened to the dinosaurs? If God is all powerful, how come He let the dinosaurs get wiped out? Bad design? Incompetent deity? Sadistic deity?

    Actually you are going here down the road of god not evolution but nice try 😄

    They are removable, on the basis that one is specifically mentioned as swimming around a goldfish bowl in SLATFATF.

    As for 'evolution', if evolution is not a thing, presumably the bearded skyman made it all happen? Not sure if troll, at this point.

  • @Arantor said:

    They are removable, on the basis that one is specifically mentioned as swimming around a goldfish bowl in SLATFATF.

    'god'/'evolution' gave you eyes, ears, and other sensory receptions so you can experience the world as it is.
    the possibility of a babel fish would imply that you can experience but it may not be your experiences.
    and if you experience someone else experiences who are you?

    Cogito, ergo sum,

    god and evolution can co exists, the same reason that fish still exists.


    @chubertdev said:


    Oh nice a forum with broken quotes

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    So now I know what a "drax" is.

    You didn't actually need to see the whole movie. The six-second clip was all that was necessary.

  • I thought it was a native American word that means "bad hunter" ;)

    Also, status: inflicting a metric fuckton of Nice Post badgers in that thread.


    @OffByOne said:

    metric fuckton

    Sorry but I fear you are no where near that amount. A lot, that I can understand. A fuckton is what you get with epeen battling with @Arantor

  • @Luhmann said:

    Sorry but I fear you are no where near that amount. A lot, that I can understand. A fuckton is what you get with epeen battling with @Arantor

    Fair point. A metric fuckkilogram it is then :)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Status: gradually shaking off a cold. Not enough concentration to really chat; coding is easier…

  • I use imperial...

  • FoxDev

    Status. I have just returned from being hooked up to a machine for two hours, stabbed repeatedly to drain 5.6 litres of blood from my body, having that blood run through a machine to pull out the parts that i don't need (and can make more of easily) but other people do, then having 5.0 litres of that blood put back into me.

    it was a big oww, but at least i got a lollipop.

  • @Arantor said:

    I use imperial...

    @The commandline said:

    $ units
    Currency exchange rates from 2013-07-11
    2562 units, 85 prefixes, 66 nonlinear units

    You have: 1 metricton
    You want: ton
    * 1.1023113
    / 0.90718474

    The fucks cancel eachother out and kilo is just 1/1000th of a ton, so you should be able to work it out from there :)

  • @accalia said:

    it was a big oww, but at least i got a 🍭

    Disco-moticonned TFY!

  • current status: reading IRC quotes

    <HNM|work> "The difference between America and England is that the Americans think 100 years is a long time, whereas the English think 100 miles is a long way."

  • Are those metric years or imperial years?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @accalia said:

    drain 5.6 litres of blood

    One assumes not all at once.

  • FoxDev

    at a rate of 70mL/s for both extraction and reinfusion.

  • Civilization: Beyond Earth multiplayer. First game that makes my old i5 2500k @ 4.-whatever Jigahurtz actually feel old. Lots of time spent at 100% CPU utilization with no apparent progress. Ol' Sid needs to learn how to make the codez fasterer.

  • New world record!!!! 3 turns without someone's game crashing out!

  • FoxDev

    Once upon a time game companies cared about game quality and released quality games that were fun to play from day one through year 50...

    then they let capitalism drive......

  • Oh that's bullshit nostalgia. I played old games. They mostly sucked ass, just like they mostly suck ass today.

    People see the 2,000 year old Roman bridge and say, "wow the Romans were such good architects!" but what they don't see is that for every bridge still standing, 9,999 collapsed into rubble centuries ago.

    Similarly, when people talk about games of the 80s, they talk about Pac-Man, Mario Bros, etc. When's the last time you heard someone talk about Sigma 7? Nobody does, because that game was shit. (And it's in the top 50% of shit. For example, someone cared enough about it to make that YouTube video.) For every Pac-Man, there's 500 Sigma 7's.

  • I'm not much of a Civ fanatic so I don't have much data on the series, but I can play the old Colonization and Alpha Centuari games from the 1990's without turning my PC into a flaming space heater that crashes every twelve minutes just from the multiplayer lobby.


    @Arantor said:

    I use imperial...

    You can hardly blame us for such a foolishness.

  • But the amount of good games from, say, 1989 - 2011 is probably not smaller than the one of 2012 - 2014.
    If you only kept the good games and threw the bad ones away, your collection of old games would likely be better on average than a game you buy today.

    Note: I said amount, not percentage.

  • Possibly. But I was addressing the "back in the day people cared more about games!" nostalgia.

    Nostalgia's crap. I try to stamp it out where ever it's found.

  • That reminds me ...
    Remember those days when you had to hunt down patches and if you were lucky, could download them via FTP on your dialup line?
    I don't want those back, ever.
    And games back then were buggy as shit.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Possibly. But I was addressing the "back in the day people cared more about games!" nostalgia.

    Nostalgia's crap. I try to stamp it out where ever it's found.

    I would take you to task for this, but I'm spent from trouncing all opposition in the UAC debate.

    I'll just file this for later and hit you with a devastating rebuttal when you least expect it.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    He's right though. There's an ass-load of games from back then which were just crap. (I've still got the installation CDs for some of them somewhere. I might even have a game that only came on floppy disks and which only worked on an IBM PC with CGA graphics. That was recognisably shit from the very first, and won't have improved with time.) We should try to forget the broken old bad stuff, even if we want to remember the very best.

    I always liked that I could play real music at the same time as playing Civilization (the original one) rather than the rubbishy stuff it came with. The benefits of having a music player that knew what a DOS extender was! And yet I still managed to graduate…

  • @dkf said:

    He's right though. There's an ass-load of games from back then which were just crap. (I've still got the installation CDs for some of them somewhere

    If they come on CDs, they aren't from "back then". Sure, there was a massive influx of shit on the PCs (I myself have a huge stack of CDs taken from those "10 games for $2" magazines, out of which maybe one would make its way into a dollar bin), but when you go back to the NES or Atari 2600, and account for the platform limitations?

    On a PC, you can code a game in a week while high on weed. Good luck doing that on the NES, and getting that Seal of Approval. Sure, some games were crappier than others, but there weren't that many utterly broken ones.

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Current Status: Just finished a long weekend fishing with my father and son at a cabin in the woods, and now trying to type up a proposal while suffering from severe writer's block (which may or may not have been caused by the copious amounts of Jack Daniel's that was drank this weekend).

  • Are you calling 1990 'not back then'? Interesting.

  • Status: had a crazy weekend, need to get some work done before I indulge in anything fun and creative (sorry to the folks expecting a PM response, will dive into this tomorrow)

  • Status: Trying to do work, stuck doing admin

  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    Status: Finishing up the earlier mentioned proposal. It seems that any problem caused by alcohol can also be cured by it. All it took was another Jack and Coke. ;)

  • Ballmer Peak strikes again?

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