TDWTF Plays The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

  • @error_bot take screwdriver
    take toothbrush
    go outside

  • 🔀

     Front Porch                                      Score: 10       Moves: 12     
    ­Opening your gown reveals a thing your aunt gave you which you don't know what
    ­it is, a buffered analgesic, and pocket fluff.
    ­>take analgesic
    ­You swallow the tablet. After a few seconds the room begins to calm down and
    ­behave in an orderly manner. Your terrible headache goes.
    ­>take screwdriver
    ­>take toothbrush
    ­As you pick up the toothbrush a tree outside the window collapses. There is no
    ­causal relationship between these two events.
    ­>go outside
    ­You make your way down to the front porch.
    ­Front Porch
    ­This is the enclosed front porch of your home. Your front garden lies to the
    ­south, and you can re-enter your home to the north.
    ­On the doormat is a pile of junk mail.

  • Java Dev

    @error_bot take mail
    go outside

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 14     
    ­You make your way down to the front porch.
    ­Front Porch
    ­This is the enclosed front porch of your home. Your front garden lies to the
    ­south, and you can re-enter your home to the north.
    ­On the doormat is a pile of junk mail.
    ­>take mail
    ­You gather up the pile of mail.
    ­>go outside
    ­Front of House
    ­You can enter your home to the north. A path leads around it to the northeast
    ­and northwest, and a country lane is visible to the south. All that lies between
    ­your home and the huge yellow bulldozer bearing down on it is a few yards of
    ­Mr. Prosser, from the local council, is standing on the other side of the
    ­bulldozer. He seems to be wearing a digital watch. He looks startled to see you
    ­emerge, and yells at you to get out of the way.
    ­The bulldozer rumbles slowly toward your home.

  • @error_bot go south
    go south
    go south
    go south

  • 🔀

     Country Lane                                     Score: 10       Moves: 14     
    ­Country Lane
    ­The road runs from your home, to the north, toward the village Pub, to the west.
    ­The bulldozer piles into the side of your home.
    ­Your home collapses in a cloud of dust, and a stray flying brick hits you
    ­squarely on the back of the head. You try to think of some suitable last words,
    ­but what with the confusion of the moment and the spinning of your head, you are
    ­unable to compose anything pithy and expire in silence.
    ­>go south
    ­You keep out of this, you're dead. An ambulance arrives.
    ­>go south
    ­You keep out of this, you're dead and should be concentrating on developing a
    ­good firm rigor mortis. You are put in the ambulance, which drives away.
    ­>go south
    ­For a dead person you are talking too much. As the ambulance reaches the
    ­mortuary a fleet of Vogon Constructor ships unexpectedly arrives and demolishes
    ­the Earth to make way for a new hyperspace bypass.
    ­We are about to give you your score. Put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now.
    ­(Hit RETURN or ENTER when ready.) >

  • @error_bot said in TDWTF Plays The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

    For a dead person you are talking too much.



  • 🔀

     Bedroom                                          Score: 0        Moves: 0      
    ­Infocom interactive fiction - a science fiction story
    ­Copyright (c) 1984 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
    ­Release 59 / Serial number 851108
    ­You wake up. The room is spinning very gently round your head. Or at least it
    ­would be if you could see it which you can't.
    ­It is pitch black.

  • Java Dev

    @error_bot [enter]

  • 🔀

     Bedroom                                          Score: 0        Moves: 0      
    ­Infocom interactive fiction - a science fiction story
    ­Copyright (c) 1984 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
    ­Release 59 / Serial number 851108
    ­You wake up. The room is spinning very gently round your head. Or at least it
    ­would be if you could see it which you can't.
    ­It is pitch black.
    ­I beg your pardon?
    ­We are about to give you your score. Put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now.
    ­(Hit RETURN or ENTER when ready.) >sleep
    ­Your score is 0 of a possible 400, in 0 turns.
    ­Do you wish to restart? (Y is affirmative): >

  • Java Dev

    @error_bot [enter]

  • 🔀

     Bedroom                                          Score: 0        Moves: 0      
    ­It is pitch black.
    ­I beg your pardon?
    ­We are about to give you your score. Put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now.
    ­(Hit RETURN or ENTER when ready.) >sleep
    ­Your score is 0 of a possible 400, in 0 turns.
    ­Do you wish to restart? (Y is affirmative): >
    ­You nod off and are wakened briefly a few hours later as your home is
    ­unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new bypass. You are seriously injured
    ­in the process, but on your way to the hospital a fleet of Vogon Constructor
    ­ships unexpectedly arrives and demolishes the Earth to make way for a new
    ­hyperspace bypass.
    ­Next time, try turning on the light.
    ­We are about to give you your score. Put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now.
    ­(Hit RETURN or ENTER when ready.) >

  • 🔀

     Bedroom                                          Score: 0        Moves: 0      
    ­We are about to give you your score. Put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now.
    ­(Hit RETURN or ENTER when ready.) >sleep
    ­Your score is 0 of a possible 400, in 0 turns.
    ­Do you wish to restart? (Y is affirmative): >
    ­You nod off and are wakened briefly a few hours later as your home is
    ­unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new bypass. You are seriously injured
    ­in the process, but on your way to the hospital a fleet of Vogon Constructor
    ­ships unexpectedly arrives and demolishes the Earth to make way for a new
    ­hyperspace bypass.
    ­Next time, try turning on the light.
    ­We are about to give you your score. Put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now.
    ­(Hit RETURN or ENTER when ready.) >Y
    ­Your score is 0 of a possible 400, in 0 turns.
    ­Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of
    ­the game?
    ­(Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT): >

  • Java Dev

    Somehow I feel we won't make it to the pub any time soon.

  • @PleegWat said in TDWTF Plays The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

    Somehow I feel we won't make it to the pub any time soon.

    It's TPP all over again

  • @error_bot [enter]
    turn on light
    get gown
    get dressed
    open pocket
    take analgesic
    go outside
    go south
    go west

  • 🔀

     Bedroom                                          Score: 0        Moves: 0      
    ­Do you wish to restart? (Y is affirmative): >
    ­You nod off and are wakened briefly a few hours later as your home is
    ­unexpectedly demolished to make way for a new bypass. You are seriously injured
    ­in the process, but on your way to the hospital a fleet of Vogon Constructor
    ­ships unexpectedly arrives and demolishes the Earth to make way for a new
    ­hyperspace bypass.
    ­Next time, try turning on the light.
    ­We are about to give you your score. Put on your peril-sensitive sunglasses now.
    ­(Hit RETURN or ENTER when ready.) >Y
    ­Your score is 0 of a possible 400, in 0 turns.
    ­Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of
    ­the game?
    ­(Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT): >
    ­Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of
    ­the game?
    ­(Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT): > Bedroom                                          Score: 0        Moves: 0      
    ­Infocom interactive fiction - a science fiction story
    ­Copyright (c) 1984 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
    ­Release 59 / Serial number 851108
    ­You wake up. The room is spinning very gently round your head. Or at least it
    ­would be if you could see it which you can't.
    ­It is pitch black.

  • 🔀

     Bedroom                                          Score: 0        Moves: 7      
    ­>get gown
    ­You can't reach it from the bed. The effort almost kills you.
    ­>get dressed
    ­You're not holding your gown.
    ­>open pocket
    ­It's hard to open or close the pocket unless you're wearing the gown.
    ­>take analgesic
    ­You can't see any analgesic here!
    ­>go outside
    ­You'll have to get out of the bed first.
    ­>go south
    ­You'll have to get out of the bed first.
    ­>go west
    ­You'll have to get out of the bed first.

  • @error_bot
    get up
    turn on light
    get gown
    get dressed
    open pocket
    take analgesic
    go outside
    go south
    go west

  • 🔀

     Bedroom                                          Score: 0        Moves: 13     
    ­>get gown
    ­You can't reach it from the bed. The effort almost kills you.
    ­>get dressed
    ­You're not holding your gown.
    ­>open pocket
    ­It's hard to open or close the pocket unless you're wearing the gown.
    ­>take analgesic
    ­You can't see any analgesic here!
    ­>go outside
    ­You'll have to get out of the bed first.
    ­>go south
    ­You'll have to get out of the bed first.
    ­>go west
    ­You'll have to get out of the bed first.

  • @error_bot get up

  • 🔀

     Bedroom                                          Score: 0        Moves: 14     
    ­>get dressed
    ­You're not holding your gown.
    ­>open pocket
    ­It's hard to open or close the pocket unless you're wearing the gown.
    ­>take analgesic
    ­You can't see any analgesic here!
    ­>go outside
    ­You'll have to get out of the bed first.
    ­>go south
    ­You'll have to get out of the bed first.
    ­>go west
    ­You'll have to get out of the bed first.
    ­>get up
    ­Very difficult, but you manage it. The room is still spinning. It dips and sways
    ­a little.

  • @error_bot get gown
    get dressed
    open pocket
    take analgesic
    go outside
    go south
    go west

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 21     
    ­Front Porch
    ­This is the enclosed front porch of your home. Your front garden lies to the
    ­south, and you can re-enter your home to the north.
    ­On the doormat is a pile of junk mail.
    ­>go south
    ­Front of House
    ­You can enter your home to the north. A path leads around it to the northeast
    ­and northwest, and a country lane is visible to the south. All that lies between
    ­your home and the huge yellow bulldozer bearing down on it is a few yards of
    ­Mr. Prosser, from the local council, is standing on the other side of the
    ­bulldozer. He seems to be wearing a digital watch. He looks startled to see you
    ­emerge, and yells at you to get out of the way.
    ­The bulldozer rumbles slowly toward your home.
    ­>go west
    ­You can't go that way.
    ­The bulldozer rumbles slowly toward your home.

  • @error_bot lie in front of bulldozer

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 22     
    ­On the doormat is a pile of junk mail.
    ­>go south
    ­Front of House
    ­You can enter your home to the north. A path leads around it to the northeast
    ­and northwest, and a country lane is visible to the south. All that lies between
    ­your home and the huge yellow bulldozer bearing down on it is a few yards of
    ­Mr. Prosser, from the local council, is standing on the other side of the
    ­bulldozer. He seems to be wearing a digital watch. He looks startled to see you
    ­emerge, and yells at you to get out of the way.
    ­The bulldozer rumbles slowly toward your home.
    ­>go west
    ­You can't go that way.
    ­The bulldozer rumbles slowly toward your home.
    ­>lie in front of bulldozer
    ­You lie down in the path of the advancing bulldozer. Prosser yells at you to for
    ­crissake move!!!

  • @error_bot wait

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 23     
    ­your home and the huge yellow bulldozer bearing down on it is a few yards of
    ­Mr. Prosser, from the local council, is standing on the other side of the
    ­bulldozer. He seems to be wearing a digital watch. He looks startled to see you
    ­emerge, and yells at you to get out of the way.
    ­The bulldozer rumbles slowly toward your home.
    ­>go west
    ­You can't go that way.
    ­The bulldozer rumbles slowly toward your home.
    ­>lie in front of bulldozer
    ­You lie down in the path of the advancing bulldozer. Prosser yells at you to for
    ­crissake move!!!
    ­Time passes...
    ­The bulldozer thunders toward you. The ground is shaking beneath you as you lie
    ­in the mud.

  • @error_bot wait

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 24     
    ­>go west
    ­You can't go that way.
    ­The bulldozer rumbles slowly toward your home.
    ­>lie in front of bulldozer
    ­You lie down in the path of the advancing bulldozer. Prosser yells at you to for
    ­crissake move!!!
    ­Time passes...
    ­The bulldozer thunders toward you. The ground is shaking beneath you as you lie
    ­in the mud.
    ­Time passes...
    ­The noise of the giant bulldozer is now so violently loud that you can't even
    ­hear Prosser yelling to warn you that you will be killed if you don't get the
    ­hell out of the way. You just see him gesticulating wildly.

  • @error_bot wait

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 25     
    ­The bulldozer thunders toward you. The ground is shaking beneath you as you lie
    ­in the mud.
    ­Time passes...
    ­The noise of the giant bulldozer is now so violently loud that you can't even
    ­hear Prosser yelling to warn you that you will be killed if you don't get the
    ­hell out of the way. You just see him gesticulating wildly.
    ­Time passes...
    ­With a terrible grinding of gears the bulldozer comes to an abrupt halt just in
    ­front of you. It shakes, shudders, and emits noxious substances all over your
    ­rose bed. Prosser is incoherent with rage.
    ­Moments later, your friend Ford Prefect arrives. He hardly seems to notice your
    ­predicament, but keeps glancing nervously at the sky. He says "Hello, Arthur,"
    ­takes a towel from his battered leather satchel, and offers it to you.

  • @error_bot say hello

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 25     
    ­Time passes...
    ­The noise of the giant bulldozer is now so violently loud that you can't even
    ­hear Prosser yelling to warn you that you will be killed if you don't get the
    ­hell out of the way. You just see him gesticulating wildly.
    ­Time passes...
    ­With a terrible grinding of gears the bulldozer comes to an abrupt halt just in
    ­front of you. It shakes, shudders, and emits noxious substances all over your
    ­rose bed. Prosser is incoherent with rage.
    ­Moments later, your friend Ford Prefect arrives. He hardly seems to notice your
    ­predicament, but keeps glancing nervously at the sky. He says "Hello, Arthur,"
    ­takes a towel from his battered leather satchel, and offers it to you.
    ­>say hello
    ­You used the word "hello" in a way that I don't understand.

  • @error_bot hello ford

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 26     
    ­hear Prosser yelling to warn you that you will be killed if you don't get the
    ­hell out of the way. You just see him gesticulating wildly.
    ­Time passes...
    ­With a terrible grinding of gears the bulldozer comes to an abrupt halt just in
    ­front of you. It shakes, shudders, and emits noxious substances all over your
    ­rose bed. Prosser is incoherent with rage.
    ­Moments later, your friend Ford Prefect arrives. He hardly seems to notice your
    ­predicament, but keeps glancing nervously at the sky. He says "Hello, Arthur,"
    ­takes a towel from his battered leather satchel, and offers it to you.
    ­>say hello
    ­You used the word "hello" in a way that I don't understand.
    ­>hello ford
    ­"Hello to you too."
    ­Ford glances uncomfortably at the sky. He offers you the towel again.

  • @error_bot take towel

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 27     
    ­With a terrible grinding of gears the bulldozer comes to an abrupt halt just in
    ­front of you. It shakes, shudders, and emits noxious substances all over your
    ­rose bed. Prosser is incoherent with rage.
    ­Moments later, your friend Ford Prefect arrives. He hardly seems to notice your
    ­predicament, but keeps glancing nervously at the sky. He says "Hello, Arthur,"
    ­takes a towel from his battered leather satchel, and offers it to you.
    ­>say hello
    ­You used the word "hello" in a way that I don't understand.
    ­>hello ford
    ­"Hello to you too."
    ­Ford glances uncomfortably at the sky. He offers you the towel again.
    ­>take towel
    ­As you take it, Ford says "Er, look, thanks for lending me the towel... been
    ­nice knowing you... got to go now..." He smiles oddly and walks down the Country

  • @error_bot follow ford

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 28     
    ­rose bed. Prosser is incoherent with rage.
    ­Moments later, your friend Ford Prefect arrives. He hardly seems to notice your
    ­predicament, but keeps glancing nervously at the sky. He says "Hello, Arthur,"
    ­takes a towel from his battered leather satchel, and offers it to you.
    ­>say hello
    ­You used the word "hello" in a way that I don't understand.
    ­>hello ford
    ­"Hello to you too."
    ­Ford glances uncomfortably at the sky. He offers you the towel again.
    ­>take towel
    ­As you take it, Ford says "Er, look, thanks for lending me the towel... been
    ­nice knowing you... got to go now..." He smiles oddly and walks down the Country
    ­>follow ford
    ­You can't do that while you're lying down!

  • @error_bot get up
    follow ford

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 28     
    ­Ford glances uncomfortably at the sky. He offers you the towel again.
    ­>take towel
    ­As you take it, Ford says "Er, look, thanks for lending me the towel... been
    ­nice knowing you... got to go now..." He smiles oddly and walks down the Country
    ­>follow ford
    ­You can't do that while you're lying down!
    ­>get up
    ­The bulldozer driver gives a quick chew of his gum and slams in the clutch. The
    ­bulldozer piles into the side of your home.
    ­Your home collapses in a cloud of dust, and a stray flying brick hits you
    ­squarely on the back of the head. You try to think of some suitable last words,
    ­but what with the confusion of the moment and the spinning of your head, you are
    ­unable to compose anything pithy and expire in silence.
    ­>follow ford
    ­You keep out of this, you're dead. An ambulance arrives.

  • @error_bot wake up
    get up
    follow ford
    kiss ford
    hug ford
    adopt a baby with ford
    grow old with ford
    shoo vogons away

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 28     
    ­nice knowing you... got to go now..." He smiles oddly and walks down the Country
    ­>follow ford
    ­You can't do that while you're lying down!
    ­>get up
    ­The bulldozer driver gives a quick chew of his gum and slams in the clutch. The
    ­bulldozer piles into the side of your home.
    ­Your home collapses in a cloud of dust, and a stray flying brick hits you
    ­squarely on the back of the head. You try to think of some suitable last words,
    ­but what with the confusion of the moment and the spinning of your head, you are
    ­unable to compose anything pithy and expire in silence.
    ­>follow ford
    ­You keep out of this, you're dead. An ambulance arrives.
    ­>wake up
    ­You keep out of this, you're dead and should be concentrating on developing a
    ­good firm rigor mortis. You are put in the ambulance, which drives away.

  • 🔀

     Front of House                                   Score: 10       Moves: 28     
    ­Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of
    ­the game?
    ­(Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT): >adopt a baby with ford
    ­Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of
    ­the game?
    ­(Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT): >grow old with ford
    ­Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of
    ­the game?
    ­(Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT): >shoo vogons away
    ­Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of
    ­the game?
    ­(Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT): >party
    ­Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of
    ­the game?
    ­(Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT): >sleep
    ­Would you like to start over, restore a saved position, or end this session of
    ­the game?
    ­(Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT): >

  • Fake News

    Ugh, the book was better.

    This game should be buried in a landfill next to the ET Atari games.

  • Considered Harmful

    @JBert said in TDWTF Plays The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy:

    Ugh, the book was better.

    It's like reading the first couple of pages repeatedly and never reading the rest.

  • @error_bot restart

  • 🔀

     Bedroom                                          Score: 0        Moves: 0      
    ­Infocom interactive fiction - a science fiction story
    ­Copyright (c) 1984 by Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
    ­Release 59 / Serial number 851108
    ­You wake up. The room is spinning very gently round your head. Or at least it
    ­would be if you could see it which you can't.
    ­It is pitch black.

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