Test your English vocabulary

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    I don't know about you, but I was taught at school that, whenever you don't know the answer to a multiple choice question, choose "C". So...


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Hmm, a couple of tricky ones in there (medical terms? really?) but nothing to really allow the veritably bibliophilous to stretch their lexicographic interests.

  • @Karla said in Test your English vocabulary:

    I have often been one of the first people done with tests (which scares me that I missed some of it--I keep looking it over until another person hands in theirs).
    I was always very lopsided in favor of the math/science side.

    I can identify. Creative writing sucked, but math and science generally followed logical rules. There was usually only one good way, or at least not more than a few equally good ways, to get from problem to solution. (Trig proofs and calc 2 were the exceptions, and were the two that gave me the most heartburn.)

    I had to take an English proficiency test, generally regarded as fearful and loathsome, as a graduation requirement for my college degree (for some reason the other math and science students were especially afraid of it). We had 3 hours to write a 7-to-8 paragraph persuasive essay (not creative! whew) with a well-presented argument and a minimum of 3 properly cited sources supporting the claims made; no materials were allowed during the test except a packet of topic options and reference material that was provided in advance (we could highlight and make very brief annotations in it, but were not allowed to write anything outline-like in it). We were given two blue books and supposed to write our essay first in one, then copy it neatly into the second to turn in. As I didn't make any mistakes in the first one, I didn't bother copying it; I finished the whole thing in like 30 minutes and was gone long before anyone else. And yes, the most important thing, I did pass.

  • @djls45 said in Test your English vocabulary:

    The test starts out with very easy words, and then builds up to more and more difficult ones, which is a good way to build confidence in test-takers. I am curious to see how much they weight each word, and then see what kind of score someone could get if they miss the easy words and match the difficult ones.

    I did a few tests...

    Perfect score: 30500
    Missing only the last 5: 28750
    Missing only the first 5: 23250

    They're definitely weighted.

  • @anotherusername said in Test your English vocabulary:

    I can identify. Creative writing sucked, but math and science generally followed logical rules.

    Heh. I still remember in high school in nz, in my English class once the teacher had us write essays to prepare for the one that made up the (again, 3 hour) final exam. He told everyone that they'd be doing it every day, and he'd grade them, until they got an Excellence. I read a couple of the examples, wrote my Excellence essay, and then did nothing for a week or two :D Good times.

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    @anotherusername ASDESIGNED WONTFIX

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    @FrostCat said in Test your English vocabulary:

    @Karla said in Test your English vocabulary:

    You're tied with @accalia


    No, you need another star.