Unsexy Zoe Quinn drollness (prepare the lawyers)

  • This thread has only gotten more depressing.

    Blatant fallacies in every post.

    Are people doing it on purpose hoping no one will notice?

  • I stopped caring, which is impressive since I find this stuff very interesting and because I find it something to which I can relate.

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    A right treatment could probably wipe out exactly that memory of when you were 16, got drunk and screwed a whale on the beach

    Must have worked; I have no memory of having done that.

    Filed under: Other things I did at 16 I wish I could forget

  • :belt_onion:

    @Bort said:

    Blatant fallacies in every post.

    My blatant fallacies are only to make fun of everyone else's. I don't believe half of what I said.

    Filed Under: The fun part is figuring out which half.

  • @Arantor said:

    I find it something to which I can relate.

    That's the only reason I'm still reading this. Well, that and fact that I'm so bored that I read everything on here.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    As to whether it's "physical" or not - well shit, everything in our brain is.

    That's somewhat misleading, I suspect. I like to draw an analogy (probably a poor one) between a computer and ourselves: we've got the hardware — the brain — and the software — the mind (for want of a better term). We could claim that everything in the brain is physical, just as we could claim that everything in the computer is physical, but we'll never understand the programs in it by just looking at single transistors or the layout of clock distribution circuits. Of course, things are more complex than that: the brain modifies its architecture in response to the things that it is doing (which is awesome, but makes understanding what's going on much harder).

    I suspect that depression is principally a disease of the mind, though it is often serious enough and persistent enough to cause brain changes that can be detected through MRI scans. Drugs help in the cases where significant brain changes have happened that reinforce the depression (breaking the “positive” feedback loop), though they're usually like trying to stop a busylooping process by changing the external USB hard drive (i.e., Doing It Wrong™).

    Hmm, that last analogy isn't right either. Something more integral than a USB hard drive. Bah. It's an analogy but it's breaking down. Computers don't really have anything like hormones, and that's what many drugs are hacking into, yet they're still mostly physical layer hacking, not software layer hacking.

  • I always thought of the brain as the steering wheel, pedals, dashboard etc. and the mind as the driver.

    Your second paragraph really touches on cause versus symptoms which is an interesting topic in itself. I'd never even thought about it until I finally started visiting a chiropractor. Hey, I can either pop a couple ibuprofen each day to make my back quit hurting, go to a doctor who'll prescribe something similar or do something drastic like fuse my vertebrae together, or visit a chiropractor and have my spine forcefully shoved back into the shape it's supposed to be and then the symptoms go away on their own (well until I pick up something heavy the wrong way again lol).

    I've often wondered how depression and other mental illnesses fit into that idea. Do chemical imbalances cause depression, or are chemical imbalances a result of depression? If it's the first, medicine can fix it. If it's the second, medicine will mask some of the symptoms but something is still fundamentally broken elsewhere. It's like the driver who keeps pouring oil into his engine that has a dime-sized hole in the drainpan.

    I think more often than not it's the second scenario since it seems those on anti-depressants are more likely to feel suicidal or become homicidal as seen in the cases of the mass shooters the media loves to worship these days. Not to say there aren't legitimate cases of the first, but Life Sucks™ and some/many/most people don't know how to cope with it.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @mott555 said:

    Do chemical imbalances cause depression, or are chemical imbalances a result of depression? If it's the first, medicine can fix it. If it's the second, medicine will mask some of the symptoms but something is still fundamentally broken elsewhere. It's like the driver who keeps pouring oil into his engine that has a dime-sized hole in the drainpan

    Interesting question that. From personal experience it does seem that it is some sort of imbalance. Take antidepressants for a (long) while and then the problem is resolved and you stop taking them with the problem remaining resolved.
    But it might be that it was a placebo effect, I definitely felt mood changes and side-effects while taking them so maybe I just convinced myself they were resolving something and then that's what actually fixed it.
    Another possibility is that depression is actually a whole multitude of different conditions/causes and just happens to have roughly the same symptoms.

    @mott555 said:

    Not to say there aren't legitimate cases of the first, but Life Sucks™ and some/many/most people don't know how to cope with it.

    To me it felt very different from Life Sucks. It wasn't that things were unbearably terrible it was that there was just no point in anything. Everything was a net negative because it was pointless. I'd just stare at the wall because there was, from my point of view, literally and completely no point in expending energy, thought or feelings doing anything else.

    It seems to be hard/impossible for other people to grasp that which might be a clue that it isn't in any way a normal way of being able to think so, again, that goes back to it being a physical issue maybe.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    Also @Arantor

    Let's just start a counter discussion about something to derail the current topic away from medical stuff.
    What do you guys plan on doing interesting this week?

    Filed Under: derailing a derailment

  • @Kuro said:

    Also @Arantor

    Let's just start a counter discussion about something to derail the current topic away from medical stuff.What do you guys plan on doing interesting this week?

    Filed Under: derailing a derailment

    Following Zoe Quinn drama? 😄

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    Wait, that drama is still going on? I thought it was pretty much a past thing and all thats left is the aftermath of wtfness.

    Filed Under: I even read half the ED-article!

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    That is not even a RickRoll-Link

    Filed Under: Gotta try harder next time!

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    No, but 20 seconds of it is pretty funny.

    24 minutes, though, of this tawdry story? That's enough to inculcate clinical depression.

  • I'm building some software, improving my life and branching out into my alternative career. I'm not brave or stupid enough to admit what that might be yet.

  • @Arantor said:

    I'm building some software, improving my life and branching out into my alternative career. I'm not brave or stupid enough to admit what that might be yet.

    Got it. Wont ask. You show them girl! It's only unnatural in their bigoted minds!

  • This dude don't look like a lady.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election

    You are not brave enough to tell us what software you are building? I place my money on SMF!
    You are not brave enough to tell us how you are improvig your life? You are probably branching out into an alternativ career!
    You are not brave enough to tell us what your alternative career is? I'd say professional Forum-Poster would be a good fit. You are a natural at this!

    Filed Under: 1 Posting → 1$ | 10000000000000000 postings (per day) → a lot of money!

  • No, I'm working on a paid addon for SMF, but I've been working on that for weeks and have already lined up customers.

    The life improvement I touched on but certain people didn't want to hear so I didn't bother mentioning it again.

    The alternative career is outside forums, outside IT, though it requires some IT to make happen.

    There are paid forum posting services but I could make better money flipping burgers in all honesty.

  • I will go to the psychologist to get some more treatment for an anxiety disorder.

    Filed under: fun on a bun, failed derailment

  • And be fed placebos and diagnoses that will make you fail to get better.

  • :belt_onion:

    ℵ this topic is quite bleh

  • You're behind. The latest is someone hacked Phil Fish and posted his entire Home folder online. He went into another meltdown and announced he's closing the company and selling the Fez brand.

    Also the chick Quinn has apparently changed her name at some point. Possibly to conceal her role in global Jewish conspiracy. According to /pol.

  • :belt_onion:

    Good, i fixed this shitty topic.


  • :belt_onion:

    @darkmatter said:

    Good, i fixed this shitty topic.


  • Dicksource wins?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said:

    Do chemical imbalances cause depression, or are chemical imbalances a result of depression?

    Excellent question. No idea. Since my fundamental thesis is that these things are intertwingled anyway (the brain changes the mind, the mind changes the brain) it's hard to pick the pieces apart. In particular, there are deep causes (e.g., someone might have a genetic predisposition to depression because of the variety of some sorts of proteins used in synapses in circuits relating to mood) and immediate causes too (e.g., your dog died, you got an infection) and yet there's also the possibility that the initial stimulus is long gone and you've got a self-reinforcing loop that is keeping the mind in the depressed state. I guess if part of that self-reinforcing loop is via the brain (as opposed to being entirely “in software”) then drugs might help. That they don't help everyone is at least partially explained by that.

    We also need to remember that being depressed sometimes is natural. Some things can make us very sad, very down (the canonical example is after the death of a family member). It's only when it persists over a long time that it is a problem.

  • ♿ (Parody)

  • The war continues:

    Honestly, I don't know how any of the five guys got involved because comeon, shes a bloody whale.

    More conflict of interest sleuthing people have done:

  • So, the ED page briefly mentions a rape allegation, but it wasn't until delfinom's reddit links above that I find out that it's against the Cards Against Humanity creator.


    These videos claims heavily look into the issue of one developer, the creator of Cards Against Humanity, being accused of rape and many gaming sites reporting on his rape accusation, fueling his harassment. Max Temkin, co-creator of the game, has been accused of rape. Temkin has addressed the accusation and asserted his innocence. It’s all really heavy and serious and it concerns one of the most successful card games ever released. I mean, that game is massive. So it’s weird not to talk about it, right? Why is no-one talking about it? Follow on. - RockPaperShotgun List of media outlets that reported on CAH's creator's rape accusation and contributed to his harassment: Rock Paper Shotgun, Gawker, TheDailyBeast, Kotaku, Jezebel, TheMarySue. NeoGaf allowed a 17 page thread on it, but mocks and bans any who post about ZQ. There are more that I can't find at a glance. The difference between Zoe Quinn and Max Temkin? Zoe Quinn is a part of the social justice movement. Max Temkin includes cards in his game that offends the social justice movement. Convenient. Edit (If an allegation of rape against Max Temkin is somehow games journalism, despite having no connection to gaming and being an accusation without proof, so is this. When the same game journalists claim his rape accusation has everything to do with game journalism and ZQ's potentially unethical behavior with game journalists aren't, well, I find that interesting. One gets a megaphone by them, the other gets duct tape.)

    To give the drama llama an extra kick in the ribs, a metric fuckton of people who browse both 4chan and reddit are being shadowbanned on reddit for posting in a particular thread under "participating in a 4chan raid" ($deity knows how the reddit admins know they browse both. Pretty much any means of knowing is pretty shady).

  • Yeah, at this point, the media silence conspiracy and hacker wars are more interesting than the underlying scandal, which would have been forgotten by now if they didn't try to cover it up. Streisand effect in full force.

  • Just going to say that these sorts of bitches who manipulate a shit ton of others under the guise of feminism, and all their white knight followers make me want to have my own blakeyrant. They piss me right off.
    They carry on about being sexually free doesn't make them a slut. But the moment that I show my support that notion, I'd be called a sexist pig who only likes sluts. Women call each other sexy all the time, but I can't because it could only mean I want to rape them. Fuck off with the hypocrisy already. If you're anything but Caucasian, you can be proud of your race, otherwise you're racist. If you're male and hetero, you're a prime target of the sexist label. Hell, even being male is enough sometimes, we personally know lesbians who think gay men are an abomination (but there's nothing wrong with lesbian women, of course [/s]).

    When can we ditch all these cultural bases for hating and labelling others and just let people live how they want to, so long as it isn't being a dick/douche/cunt (can't call people dicks, because that's reinforcing the patriarchy. Can't call them cunts because that insult is based off an offensive synonym for a part of the female anatomy, so again, i'm reinforcing the patriarchy. And can't call them douches, because that word comes from cleaning a part of the female anatomy, implying it's dirty, and so again i'm reinforcing the patriarchy) or breaking the law.

    But then again, as a white, middle-upper class, hetero male...
    rolls for privilege check
    fails privilege check
    my opinion means fuck all

    Filed under: blakeyrants not by @blakeyrat

  • The story itself a damned Ouroboros, but it's not as interesting as the consequent actions.

    My personal opinion of this is that I want to see just how far the rabbit hole goes - ZQ seems to have fingers in every pie around the internet.

    Also, this sordid tale has revealed that Private Messages on Reddit aren't actually private, and administrators can and do read them.

    Also, the lovely story of 4chan donating 10k to a kickstarter and a charity only for it to be hacked, presumably for accepting 'dirty money'.

  • @Spencer said:

    Women call each other sexy all the time, but I can't because it could only mean I want to rape them

    without wanting to sound like a member of the group we both hate, I should check - you know that the women you see doing this know each other right? and thats why its ok? not just because they are women?

    I don't particularly think walking up to strangers and calling them sexy is ok, nor would it be if equality was the accepted norm.

  • I'm not even talking about women they know. Women they see on TV, billboards, magazines etc, that they don't even know. There's an entire double-standard that exists based on whether the commenter is male (technically, under their defined terminology, cis-male) or not

  • Although, even then, with women I do know. Though "Sexy" or anything equally racy would generally be out of character for me to say to anyone except my gf, being a male and telling a female friend that they look [adjective describing some level of attractiveness] has the ability to be misconstrued beyond any intention of just either being polite or paying a compliment.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    I generally don't make any sort of comment like that in mixed company. Where possible, I avoid being alone with an unrelated female or child. It's just common sense self protection.

  • You know the scandal has left a mark when there's a videogame based on it


  • Somewhat interesting read:

    Apparently, some people are unable to decide just who the game is making fun of. As expected, hilarity, trolling and flaming ensues. So, eh, 👍 to the author for a job well done. 👎 for introducing me to the term "Social Justice Warrior", I feel dumber now.

  • :belt_onion:

    @Spencer said:

    shadowbanned on reddit for posting in a particular thread under "participating in a 4chan raid" ($deity knows how the reddit admins know they browse both. Pretty much any means of knowing is pretty shady).

    because they're posting about participating in a 4chan raid on reddit? Seems pretty easy to figure out whether they browse both.

  • :belt_onion:

    i dont get any of it. this all sounds like a thing that is full of only people under the age of 20. who gives a shit about anything this random bag of fail does.

  • For the love of Eris, will someone please shut this damn thread down? There hasn't been one scintilla of intelligent content in it from anyone, and it is a waste of disk space at this point.

    Filed under: Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

  • @ScholRLEA said:

    For the love of Eris, will someone please shut this damn thread down? There hasn't been one scintilla of intelligent content in it from anyone, and it is a waste of disk space at this point.

    Filed under: Full of sound and fury, signifying nothing.

    Unlike other TDWTF threads, that are full of meaning and wisdom.

    Also, will someone ban you from this thread already? Your post had 0 useful contributions and is clearly a waste of disk space at this point.

  • You must be new here.

  • What no.
    This thread had some long-awaited @blakeyrat vs. @morbiuswilters warfare.
    It is an important part of TDWTF culture.

  • Preserve it in carbonite, it'll last longer.

    • "I love you, Zoe Quinn drama thread"
    • "I know"


  • The impression given from http://imgur.com/a/f4WDf is that they weren't posting about a raid, let alone 4chan. Aside from some really shady, the only other explanation is that reddit topics were being linked in 4chan, and a referral token is being logged when the user clicks it and lands at reddit

  • :belt_onion:

    @Spencer said:

    is that reddit topics were being linked in 4chan, and a referral token is being logged when the user clicks it and lands at reddit

    tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if they did this just to stop the leaking btards from 4chan from destroying their forum.

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