More YouTube

  • Gee, I wonder why I don't put more videos on YouTube. Maybe it's because I upload two videos, one gets an unwarranted copyright strike, and the second gets... this:


    The YouTube community flagged one or more of your videos as inappropriate. After reviewing the content, we’ve determined that the videos violate our Community Guidelines. As a result, we removed the following videos from YouTube:

    "Incognito" (

    Your account has received one Community Guidelines strike, which will expire in six months. Additional violations could prevent you from posting content to YouTube or even lead to your account getting terminated.

    For more information about Community Guidelines strikes, please visit our Help Center. Please note that deleting this video will not resolve the strike on your account. For more information about how to appeal a strike, please visit this page in the Help Center.

    Awesome. I love it.

    Ok, so apparently that video runs afoul of one of the "community guidelines" found here:


    The only even vague idea I have is possibly... hateful content? Maybe? Because I didn't enjoy the game? I have ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING CLUE.

    I think it's more likely the maker of this shitty game hires a company to look for videos of it on YouTube and flag them all the instant they get posted. I can't imagine what else is going on here.

    YouTube is the fucking worst.

    Oh even better: it has one view. ONE. ONE VIEW.

    That view is ME. ME DOING A QA PASS TO SEE THE VIDEO ENCODED SUCCESSFULLY. How could a video that NOBODY VIEWED possibly have been flagged by the community!?

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat said:

    That view is ME. ME DOING A QA PASS TO SEE THE VIDEO ENCODED SUCCESSFULLY. How could a video that NOBODY VIEWED possibly have been flagged by the community!?

    I'm pretty sure you have to finish the video to be able to flag it, so I guess someone was so appalled by your hateful comment that they flagged it and left before it was even over?

  • I said "blown to shit". Refering to a computer graphic cartoon tank.

    That's literally the most offensive thing in the video. At the 12:30 mark (of a 13:00 video), so I had to rewatch the ENTIRE VIDEO to find something I even felt could possibly qualify.

    I still think either:

    1. YouTube has a bug where it attaches flags to the wrong videos (I've seen many discussion threads that seem to imply this) that they won't admit to existing because there are no humans working at YouTube, only broken robots or,

    2. This game developer hired some kind of YouTube hit squad to mark all videos about his game "inappropriate" in some way.

    Or, (extremely unlikely):

    1. YouTube thinks my video is spam despite it only having one link, and that link going directly to the game's webpage, and only having 3 tags, which are "video games", "indie games" and "incognito" (the name of the game I'm reviewing.) OBVIOUSLY SPAM GUYZ.

    It was uploaded at 9:23 PM and somehow flagged (and the flag "reviewed by YouTube"-- hah! Those fucking liars!) by 9:50. Somehow I think I won't get a response to my contesting the flag in 37 minutes. Maybe 37 days, if I'm lucky. Fucking YouTube.

  • OH EVEN BETTER I went digging in the Video Manager, and it turns out YouTube added copyright claims to my Woodcutter Simulator video without even fucking notifying me. So it's been monetized for God-knows how long. So now I have to dispute those, too.


  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat said:

    So now I have to dispute those, too.

    Yeah, that probably won't work. The ones who decide disputes are the copyright owners. Unless you get to the third appeal, in which case YouTube gives said copyright owners all of your personal information and tells them "Here, sue this person for copyright infringement. Or let it go. Whichever's fine."

  • Yeah but the guys who are frauds always release the copyright claims, because they know if Google spent even 37 nanoseconds looking into it, they'd realize they're scamming the system.

    That's about the best you can hope for.

  • Winner of the 2016 Presidential Election Banned

    @blakeyrat said:

    if Google spent even 37 nanoseconds looking into it

    Nowhere in the copyright claim process does Google actually do this, except for the 37 nanoseconds during which they process your video to see if it automatically merits a copyright notice.

  • I know. They could assign ONE PERSON to use heuristics to find these abusers, if they gave a shit. They do not. (It's an easily solved problem with existing Google Analytics data.)

    Copyright notices I'm used to: I dispute them and if I don't win the dispute I just keep the content "private" so I can guarantee those sharks won't earn any money from it. It's happened like a dozen times.

    (Including one very memorable case with Sony Online's MMO branch who couldn't help remove a copyright strike on Wizardry Online because the background music was "owned" by some Japanese studio that was impossible to contact for EITHER OF US. Kudos to the guy at Sony who worked with me on that. BTW if anything demonstrates the brokenness of the system, it's me not only having permission, BUT HAVING A PRODUCER OF THE GAME HELPING ME, and we still couldn't get the strike removed.)

    This "community guidelines" thing is new. I've never seen this before.

    This is why monopolies are bad. "We don't care. We don't have to. We're YouTube."

  • YouTube can't even keep spam off their own blog. Hilarious. (Don't click any of these links, obvs.)

    DiSCo5 years ago

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  • YouTube sucks because its copyright system and flagging system are so easily and readily abused. Everyone deals with it because no YouTube killer has really shown up.

    Their stupid broken digital rights detector thingy places copyright claims on videos it shouldn't and then fails to actually find real copyright violations like entire full movies that are easily searchable and have been up for months.

    Every week there is a different bug with the interface or uploading or something. Now they even switched to overlay video controls making it impossible to click annotations at the bottom of the video (or to pause and look closer at something).

    They have no idea what they're doing at YouTube. They think they do, but they just don't. They don't even have to care at all because people tolerate it and they make so much money. I would AdBlock them to death but I want to support the people I watch and I can't do it via voluntary donation or Patreon or whatever. The whole situation is screwed up.

    Ironically the Google+ integration that everyone hated so much was the only thing they did that I liked...

  • Turns out, there's no money in YouTube's business of free ad-sponsored videos. That's why no competitors. That's why YouTube Red.

  • @cartman82 said:

    Turns out, there's no money in YouTube's business of free ad-sponsored videos. That's why no competitors. That's why YouTube Red.

    If YouTube hadn't been bought by Google, it almost certainly wouldn't exist today. They would have been sued into oblivion. Having an owner with a few gazillion dollars helps avoid that problem, which is why there are no competitors for YouTube.


    Dear blakeyrat:

    Thank you for submitting your video appeal to YouTube. After further review, we've determined that your video doesn't violate our Community Guidelines. Your video has been reinstated and your account is in good standing.


    — The YouTube Team

    Note there is no apology, no admission of guilt, and no promise that they'd review my videos more carefully in the future. BUT STILL.

    You can all watch the dumb video now:

    @Spanky587 said:

    If YouTube hadn't been bought by Google, it almost certainly wouldn't exist today. They would have been sued into oblivion. Having an owner with a few gazillion dollars helps avoid that problem, which is why there are no competitors for YouTube.

    That's true; it's certainly possible to compete with YouTube, but you need to survive that long period between "we have 10,000 viewers and the RIAA and MPAA want to shut us down" into the end-game of "we have 100,000,000 viewers, and the RIAA will bend backwards to form companies like Vevo specifically to provide us with materials our viewers want".

    ... that's a huge gulf.

  • Banned

    @blakeyrat said:

    You can all watch the dumb video now

    Can we not?

  • Java Dev

    @blakeyrat said:

    Note there is no apology, no admission of guilt, and no promise that they'd review my videos more carefully in the future.

    Yeah, they could at least have tossed an 'Our apologies for the inconvenience' in there.

  • Google is the Earth equivalent of the Sirius Cybernetic Corporation...?

  • :belt_onion:

    That happy and joyous person narrating really is Blakeyrat?

    Now you've ruined TDWTF experience for me. I'll never be able to read blakeyrants in my previously imagined angry, grumpy voice, again.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    2) This game developer hired some kind of YouTube hit squad to mark all videos about his game "inappropriate" in some way.

    Wouldn't surprise me. Can you appeal it?

  • Why is everybody always surprised at my voice when I post a video? There's an entire thread in this forum full of nothing but my videos.

  • @rc4 said:

    Wouldn't surprise me. Can you appeal it?

    Read the rest of the thread.

    I did appeal it, and I "won" (meaning: got my account back to the status quo, which is a shitty definition of "won"), and it only took a couple days surprisingly.

  • :belt_onion:

    I don't know, I guess I haven't stumbled upon them yet. I mostly browse from work so I don't visit video-heavy threads.

    I liked it though, so I might actually look at the other ones if I find the time.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Why is everybody always surprised at my voice when I post a video?

    The first time someone hears your voice and you don't sound like a bridge troll is a surprise.

  • Java Dev

    @Arantor said:

    Google is the Earth equivalent of the Sirius Cybernetic Corporation...?

    That was "Share and Enjoy". "Apologies for the inconvenience" was the message from god to creation.


    1. Your voice sounds young, but you seem to be a fan of the Mac Classic.
    2. You occasionally laugh in your video.
    3. Not enough swearing and shouting in your video.

    I DISSAPOINT !!11!!!!!!111

  • @FrostCat said:

    @blakeyrat said:
    Why is everybody always surprised at my voice when I post a video?

    The first time someone hears your voice and you don't sound like a bridge troll is a surprise.

    I always imagine him sounding like this

  • @dse said:

    Your voice sounds young, but you seem to be a fan of the Mac Classic.

    Yeah well I don't smoke? I guess? I dunno.

  • @FrostCat said:

    you don't sound like a bridge troll

    I always thought of Blakey as more of a cave troll, myself.

  • @dse said:

    Not enough swearing and shouting in your video.

    I guess that was a relatively not-terrible game. I've certainly heard him express his opinions in stronger terms in reviews of other games.

  • Well, I really like your voice.

  • Banned

    @blakeyrat said:

    got my account back to the status quo

    status quo ante*

  • Is that your voice? I always imagine it like someone really angry

  • I should have read the other otter comments before posting this

  • @fbmac said:

    Is that your voice?

    No, it's not. I'm a demon and I stole some other idiot's voice.


    @blakeyrat said:

    I'm a demon and I stole some other idiot's voice.

    You couldn't find an idiot with a better voice then?

  • Why wasn't the thread closed after this post? The problem was resolved.


  • No no, the line is "lets not and pretend that we did".

  • Banned

    Pretend all you want. I might be an asshole, but I'm a honest one.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    No, it's not. I'm a demon and I stole some other idiot's voice.

    A demonic rat with your voice planning some evil stuff sounds cool.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @henke37 said:

    "lets not and pretend that we didn't".

    FTFY. Keeping honest people honest since -4192! ™

  • @blakeyrat said:

    YouTube is the fucking worst.

    I found an opensource software for self-hosting videos that is reasonably useable, and was like 2 lines of command to install with docker.

    (one line after creating the mysql database)

    It's cumulusclips:

    Docker install instructions:

    If you already have docker and a mysql it is like:

    docker run -d -p 80 --link some-mysql:db quantumobject/docker-cumulusclips

  • That's good to know, but the only web server I have is a Windows server (the one that hosts this forum's archive.)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    the only web server I have is a Windows server

    Fortunately for you it's open source so you can download and compile it yours--oh, works on Linux only. Never mind.

  • You could always have a small Linux VM on your server for these stuff.

    @pjh, do I get a badge if I convince him to run a Linux VM?

  • Well, the software looks like it runs on Apache/MySQL/PHP/ffmpeg, all of which are available on Windows but you'd have to glue it together yourself, isn't open source amazing? <no, no it isn't


    @Arantor said:


    Eh, should be reasonably sim...

    @Arantor said:

    on Windows

  • Hey, it actually works on Windows. I know a code base that does it...


    Oh, I know it's doable. But I'll be damned if I'm going to try to get it all working together manually.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    @LB_ said:

    I would AdBlock them to death but I want to support the people I watch and I can't do it via voluntary donation or Patreon or whatever. The whole situation is screwed up.

    Here's a hint: you aren't supporting them. If they get $0.0000001 of your view, they're getting a super high rate. You're doing more harm to them by watching with ads because:

    1. It makes them think they can make a living off ads (they can't)
    2. It encourages more copyright trolls to attack them at steal their money (and they will win)
    3. It discourages them from starting a fucking Patreon or some other funding source, which will net them 10000% more than they're making now. Even if it isn't from you DIRECTLY, you are contributing to their subscriber count. And higher subscribed producers get more Patreon $.

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    Also, Blakey, spend $60 (less than the cost of a bottle of Whisky) and get a Vimeo account.

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    1) It makes them think they can make a living off ads (they can't)

    What kind of fucking logic is that.

    @Lorne_Kates said:

    Also, Blakey, spend $60 (less than the cost of a bottle of Whisky) and get a Vimeo account.

    IIRC, Vimeo (at least as of a couple years ago) explicitly banned video game videos. EDIT: it looks like they rescinded that, but only in Oct. 2014, so it's not like I'm way out-of-touch here.

    Also most of my Whisky bottles cost in the range of $45-$55. I think only two bottles have exceeded $60.

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