The minor rants thread.

  • FoxDev

    Our resident rat's got a Lumia too (a 1020 IIRC)

  • "Resident Rat"?

  • FoxDev

    Blakey ;)

  • Ahhh. A critical piece of information, the final jigsaw piece so to speak. My mental model of @blakeyrat is complete, replete with fuzzy definition graphics - this is desirable and on a par with fuzzy logic.

  • The only people who don't like Windows Phone 8 are the people who have never tried it.

  • I like my phone, I really do - it's quite neat. The OS leaves a little to be desired 🃏 😄 But all said and done, there are no issues with Apps and integration with my PC. Just the little niggardly things like the App that removes unwanted files but can't remove the files you actually want to remove like the "lost and found" stuff. Like I said, the only alternative is iPhone / Mac and that is even more restrictive when it comes to leaving the playground and wanting to get into the sandbox.

  • It's just as terribad on an iPad, btw.

  • You missed out heaps of people. This forum is crawling with WP-heads. It's really weird.

  • You have a 1TB iPad, I see. 😆

  • Nah, just the regular 16GB version but that's still pretty much one tab at a time when Dischorse is in town...

  • @Arantor said:

    It's just as terribad on an iPad, btw.

    And on Android.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    only people who don't like Windows Phone 8 are the people who

    Still waiting for an upgrade from my Nokia 920 - camera is awesome

  • Oh yeah that is a valid complaint. They keep introducing new "discount" models and totally ignoring the high-end phones. Stupid Nokia.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Stupid NokiaMicrosoft.


  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    They keep introducing new "discount" models and totally ignoring the high-end phones. Stupid Nokia.

    The problem with the discount end of the market is that there's fuck all profit to be had there. You have to ship a lot to get enough of an actual return. Want to make a real profit? You need some real value-add so you can boost your prices…

  • FoxDev

    The discount end of the market is also flooded with cheap-ass Chinese handsets all running Android; really, Microsoft should be focussing just above the discount end, where phones actually start to be not shit. They should also have at least one top-end model to go against the iPhone directly; done right, it'd have a halo effect on the rest of the range.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @RaceProUK said:

    Microsoft should be focussing just above the discount end, where phones actually start to be not shit.

    There's a lot of Chinese phones aimed at that point too. (I've got one of them. :) )

  • @dkf said:

    The problem with the discount end of the market is that there's fuck all profit to be had there. You have to ship a lot to get enough of an actual return. Want to make a real profit? You need some real value-add so you can boost your prices…

    I imagine their "strategy" is to get more phones in customer hands, because AT&T (and presumably other carriers) will 100% comp the Nokia 6xx series making them "free" for all practical purposes.

    Which is kind of good, like I said, the only people who don't like Windows Phone 8 are the people who haven't tried it, so more phones-in-hands can only be a good thing. But it's a careful balance of doing that while not ignoring the die-hard customers who already paid you guys $400 and are itching to spend another $400 the instant you have any hardware to make it even slightly worthwhile.

  • I hope they put out another 10 beta before the release. The current one on my phone sometimes can't launch apps. I assume the final release wont send data away whenever you do anything, and will therefore have better battery life, but it's really really unpolished right now. Featurewise, it's awesome, though. I don't even feel a need to upgrade my hardware.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    ers who already paid you guys $400 and are itching to spend another $400 the instant you have any hardware to make it even slightly w

    Midrange Windows Phones seem very good value for money, 735 i heard is pretty capable for £100 or so. On the other hand i can't wait for WP10, so it makes sense to hold out a little longer till that high end phone is released.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    I have to integrate with software that has a table that stores people's information. It has these columns:

    • LNAME


  • At least they are using the ordering so it doesn't muck with things like

    • FirstName
    • Middle
    • FamilyName

    does. Though at the same time I'm betting that they do assume the ordering maps to that.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Oh, actually, I was wrong. Those are the columns in our view that reads their DB. Actually, it's:

    • LNAME
    • FNAME
    • MI

    WTFs for everyone on this one, I think.

  • Java Dev

    And of course all three have NOT NULL constraints on them?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    I have to integrate with software that has a table that stores people's information. It has these columns:

    • LNAME


    One database[1] our company's primary application uses has all the following patterns for "name of the field holding street address 1":

    • Addr1
    • Addr_Line1
    • AddrLine
    • Address1
    • Addr_line1 [case difference, although in Progress field names are case-insensitive]

    (I've also seen "number" as in "something number" abbreviated in field names as "_No", "No", "_no", "Num", "_Num", "_Number", "_number", "num" and "#".)

    ETA: I CBA to fix this, but Markdumb's _ rules converted a number of fields into italics; view source if you care to see what I acdtually wrote.

    [1] for legacy reasons, there are two databases that hold data the users are mostly interested, and two more that hold more administrative-type stuff.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Eh...I'm off the VPN now, so I can't go back and look, but at least the middle initial can be null. Of course, this is Oracle, so...Is it null or an empty string? YES.

  • I once saw a database that had the two fields:

    • Gender
    • Gender2

    ... Then, I thought it was strange. Now, after reading this forum for a while, I think it is strangely restrictive.

    The same company had a large table full of chess moves in the production database as well.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Oh yeah that is a valid complaint. They keep introducing new "discount" models and totally ignoring the high-end phones. Stupid Nokia.

    AFAIK, they're rolling out some quite heavy guns for Windows 10.

    Win10 will have the whole Continuum deal, so that makes sense. But do you really need a high-end Win8.1 phone? What for? AFAIK there's precious little games and apps which would have high enough requirements to warrant a top-tier processor or a lot of RAM on WP, and Windows itself is rather heavily optimized to work on those low-tier poop-phones.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    Oh, actually, I was wrong. Those are the columns in our view that reads their DB. Actually, it's:

    • LNAME
    • FNAME
    • MI

    WTFs for everyone on this one, I think.

    So how do the following fit into that table then?


  • ♿ (Parody)

    @PJH said:

    Kim Jong-un or Kim Jong-il
    Cher or Beyonce

    For raisins not applicable to this DB, I don't think any of those need apply.

    @PJH said:

    Connor Wilmer Cary Cam Snelling - CEO

    There are many names like this. They either become a compound last or middle name.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @boomzilla said:

    Eh...I'm off the VPN now, so I can't go back and look, but at least the middle initial can be null. Of course, this is Oracle, so...Is it null or an empty string? YES.

    Gone back and constraints on any of the name columns though they are indexed. Presumably (LOL) the application does some validation. Hmm...I know that the PK is derived from them, so that's almost certainly true.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    What for? AFAIK there's precious little games and apps which would have high enough requirements to warrant a top-tier processor

    There might be a chicken-and-egg problem, too. When all the phones are low-end, who wants to port a powerful game?

    The few 3D Unity games I've played on Android really need a top-end phone, for example.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    They either become a compound last or middle name.

    I'm seeing more applications have two last-name fields, for one thing.

  • What produces greater battery life:

    • A powerful mobile CPU that achieves more work in less time and therefore spends a lot more time asleep (meaning: at low clock speeds)

    • A less-powerful but still competent mobile CPU that consumes less power, but spends less time asleep

    I guess I've always assumed the powerful CPU that sleeps more would produce better battery life, but I guess I don't know for sure.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    What produces greater battery life

    Hard to say. The latest-and-greatest mobile CPUs have paired core structures now, where you have 4 high-power models and 4 lower-power ones, and the device can swap processes between them. I've seen some tests on Tom's Hardware and the like suggesting the high-power cores can throttle back pretty drastically--on something like the Snapdragon 810, that's mainly due to heat, though, and not, strictly speaking, battery life concerns. IIRC one test of a recent phone had the high-powered cores throttling to lower clocks than the lower-powered cores. And then I read some weirdness, too, about one particular subversion of Android 5 that would only use 2 cores on a quad-core proc. It's all apparently pretty arcane stuff, and frankly, next to nobody's talking about it yet.

    I'd like to see them start putting metal bodies on phones for more efficient heat disippation--in the past I had some aluminum 3.5" portable hard drive cases that had small heat-sink-reminiscent fins on them to increase surface area.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    A powerful mobile CPU that achieves more work in less time and therefore spends a lot more time asleep (meaning: at low clock speeds)

    AFAIK this is intels current strategy in laptop and desktop. I do not know about mobile.
    I know because their power governor for Linux is open source. 🚎

  • It depends, at least partially, on the static power draw of the two CPUs -- a fast-clocked processor made on a process that has poor leakage performance (high static power draw) may get beaten out overall by a slower processor that's made on a process with very good leakage performance (low static power draw).

    There's also the factor of just how much the duty cycle differential is -- energy consumption is basically the area under the "current vs time" curve times a constant factor (not counting dynamic CPU core voltage manipulation here to keep things from becoming obnoxiously three-dimensional). It's by no means rare that a more powerful CPU that spends most of its time asleep yields better battery life than a mediocre CPU running at high duty cycles to keep up with the workload, but there are plenty of cases where the tradeoff is marginal at best.

    And that's not counting

    @FrostCat said:

    The latest-and-greatest mobile CPUs have paired core structures now, where you have 4 high-power models and 4 lower-power ones, and the device can swap processes between them. I've seen some tests on Tom's Hardware and the like suggesting the high-power cores can throttle back pretty drastically--on something like the Snapdragon 810, that's mainly due to heat, though, and not, strictly speaking, battery life concerns. IIRC one test of a recent phone had the high-powered cores throttling to lower clocks than the lower-powered cores.

    which is basically the ARM big.LITTLE tech in a nutshell -- assuming that static leakage doesn't rear its ugly head, this can be a very powerful way (pun intended) to conserve battery life, as the smaller/low-power cores can do background processing tasks and only wake up the big guns when they're really needed, instead of waking up a big ubercore every time some device asks for routine servicing.

    @FrostCat said:

    It's all apparently pretty arcane stuff, and frankly, next to nobody's talking about it yet.

    Yeah -- power management is pretty arcane in general, and not just in the mobile world -- microcontroller applications often have to consider it as well, and there, you can be dealing with far smaller power budgets than a few Ah of Li-Ion!

    @blakeyrat said:

    (meaning: at low clock speeds)

    It's always better when you can simply stop the clock altogether for a little while ;)

  • @tarunik said:

    It's always better when you can simply stop the clock altogether for a little while

    How autonomous is the chip that does the cell communication? I mean, does the CPU need to "supervise" it pretty often, or can it just sit and ignore its interrupts for awhile?

    Still, I can't see a mobile phone being able to turn off the CPU for more than maybe 50 milliseconds at a time.

  • FoxDev

    @blakeyrat said:

    Still, I can't see a mobile phone being able to turn off the CPU for more than maybe 50 milliseconds at a time.

    not all the way off, but it can sure turn off all but one core and crank the clock speed way down when idling.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    How autonomous is the chip that does the cell communication? I mean, does the CPU need to "supervise" it pretty often, or can it just sit and ignore its interrupts for awhile?

    GSM modules, at least, have their own onboard processor, so they don't really interrupt unless they need the CPU's attention because, say, there's a call, SMS, or cell-modem packet coming in. Not sure about the "integrated" RF front ends in smartphones and stuff though -- it depends on how much of the digital-side functionality of those is offloaded to the main processor software stack and how much is implemented either directly in hardware or in a dedicated processor.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @boomzilla said:

    I wanted to get the desktop kindle app.

    I now have this icon on my desktop:

    Every time i see it, my first thought are those truck mudflaps with the naked chick sitting there.

  • Java Dev

    How do you know she's naked?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Heteropatriarchical privilege.

  • No VPL

  • FoxDev

    Sega, you suck fetid donkey balls.

    Sonic Colors was a good game, and Sonic Generations was even better, despite just being a retro love-in. But then you released Sonic Lost World, which had a lot of potential, but had a shit story, cookie-cutter villains, and gameplay as balanced as a Fox News political report. Then there was Sonic Boom: Rise of Lyric, a broken mess of a game that did almost everything wrong, and Sonic Boom: Shattered Crystal, which is the most boring [s]Sonic[/s] game I've ever played. Assuming of course it was me playing it; it has so many scripted sequences, half the time it played itself.

    And now there's Sonic Runners. Which is unplayable. And I mean, literally unplayable; it lags so badly on a device only three years old, I couldn't even get to playing the first level. And this is a game that's been live in Canada for four months already.

    Sega, get your fucking act together, or sell the Sonic franchise to a company that actually gives a shit. And do so before you completely destroy a part of my childhood.

  • @PleegWat said:

    How do you know she's naked?

    I can't actually tell for sure. But she's definitely barefoot.


    I'm just glad that this one time I'm not the only one seeing naked ladies in blobs.

  • You should see my collection of Blob Pron 👿

    This is one of my favourites:


    :hanzo: Spoiler edit. Thanks @Luhmann


    Dude! Spoiler those images! Not everybody wants to such a gangbang image right in their face

  • I would if I knew how. Yes I know. View it in the raw....

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