Pro-Gamergate is pro-life

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Kian said:

    Even science is just that same impulse aimed at an useful purpose.

    Strictly, science is the “I wonder what happens when I do this?” impulse turned to more useful ends than just burning fingers on random hot things.
    @Kian said:
    As most people on the internet, the best you can do is ignore them.

    I've got a major head start on you there…

  • @Kian said:

    And anyone who is in any way invested in their hobby, whatever that hobby is.

    I still say that unless the musician is proficient in 12 instruments and at least as many genres of music, this comparison is worthless. It happens, and gaming has DOTA players, but the nature of gaming is such that new games are constantly coming out with different rules. And gamers obviously buy them and learn the rules enough to win.

    My point in all this is that if you start attacking people whose basic ability is the ability to adapt to new rules and do it well, they will learn how to beat you at it. They will consider it a game, but with greater personal stakes.

  • Except that the rules of games are designed specifically to be easy to learn and to be entertaining for as long as the game lasts. Some systems offer additional complexity if there are interesting bugs that can be exploited, but that's in the minority. Aside from those exploits, games are systems that want you to succeed. With music, on the other hand, you're trying to get air to vibrate in ways that are pleasing to yourself and others. The "system" for musicians is physics, physiology and psychology, and it was not designed to be user friendly. Thus, learning a game is not equivalent to learning an instrument.

    This is especially obvious in games such as "Guitar Hero" and the like, where the rules for imitating playing a guitar are far simpler than playing an actual guitar.

    In short, enjoying systems designed specifically to be pleasing and easy to learn doesn't make you a master of learning systems.

  • ...And yet Guitar Hero is not a game most gamers would hold up as a paragon of skill. It's yet another game designed for general audiences.

    As easily talk about a xylophone. The kind you buy for small children.

    Gamers often play games like Supreme Commander, Street Fighter, and Quake. Many can deal with all of those and many other drastically different things. The rules are not always easy. The same people often also have an interest in D&D. Creatively solving problems and learning the rules of unfamiliar situations is just what gamers do.

  • I support GamerGate because Gawker is a horrible business and if everyone that works for them became unemployed and had to live on the streets the world would be a better place. (excluding the janitors and other custodians that work at gawker offices)

    Same goes for Zoe Quinn, Ben Kuchera, and Leigh Alexander.

  • While I don't approve of a lot of what those last three have done, I don't hold them to the same ethical standards as I do Gawker, because sharing their views with people isn't the entirety of their jobs. If they make games that no one likes because they're preachy, they won't be bought. If they can make good games despite having repulsive personalities, that's fine with me. Fish belongs in that set as well, though I haven't ever finished Fez (got bored).

    But a media site is a different story. Their pages will get more views, because they are free. People will link them. They will just generally get around. Calling yourself a journalist (and I laugh that they try to say they never did, now) is a promise to your readers. If you do not keep it, they may not even know they're being harmed and/or manipulated.

    Devs don't get a free pass, of course, when they engage in hate campaigns against communities that have nothing to do with them (wizardchan, TFYC), but communicating with large numbers of people isn't their job, unlike a journalist.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Magus said:

    Devs don't get a free pass, of course, when they engage in hate campaigns against communities that have nothing to do with them (wizardchan, TFYC), but communicating with large numbers of people isn't their job, unlike a journalist.

    Excepting that they necessarily communicate with their users via the medium of the applications that they create.

    Pedantically speaking…

  • Yeah, that can be an issue at times, but mostly people don't play games where the message is the point (I'm looking at you, Bible Adventures), and most gamers are pretty good at separating reality from games, regardless of what your parents tell you.

  • @Magus said:

    most gamers are pretty good at separating reality from games

    Wait, you mean I can't yell at a dragon and then absorb its soul? Reality sucks, I'm going back to Skyrim.

  • @Magus said:

    Yeah, that can be an issue at times, but mostly people don't play games where the message is the point (I'm looking at you, Bible Adventures), and most gamers are pretty good at separating reality from games, regardless of what your parents tell you.

    Yes, I did own that game. 😬

  • It might be that one or some other one, but a friend once brought it to a LAN so we could all laugh at how badly made it was. It was some kind of Noah's arc-themed racing game. In bad 3d. And if you did it just wrong, you could sort of fly. Outside the map. And someone found the animals rave room. What was even with that game...

  • These are people (Zoe Quinn, Leigh Alexander, Ben Kuchera) that proudly use their influence (on twitter and other platforms) to effectively socially lynch anyone that disagrees with them.

    Also the entire anti-gamergate argument that gamergate is a mysoginistic movement stems from public figures receiving negative tweets and "actionable" death threats. Apparently these people don't get what it means to be a public figure.

    Meanwhile public figures (and non public ones) that support gamergate receive syringes, dead animals, knives and other shit in the mail and nobody gives a shit.

  • I agree, and am horrified by all of that. You can't even call them out on it, because they have received threats and are therefore beyond criticism, because that criticism shows that you really just support the harassment they're receiving. Or so their drones will tell you. Despite the fact that their foes are given exactly the same treatment.

    They're walled in very cozily now. They won't let themselves be ignored, but you can't respond to them. No idea what can be done. If people still believe them now, nothing will redpill them.

  • almost 100 posts later and this post seems just as relevant.

    this whole thing is just going to go round in circles ad infinitum because to be frank, both sides are hypocrites.

  • Here's what I think:

    Why the fuck do we use the suffix "gate" for every fucking scandal? The Watergate scandal was a scandal, not a fucking gate.

    Watergate is a fucking hotel.

    As for gamerscandal, I'd like to bring up another issue: why is it ok to murder people and rob banks but the moment a mother breastfeeds her baby the game is rated "no children under the age of 55"?

  • @ben_lubar said:

    As for gamerscandal, I'd like to bring up another issue: why is it ok to murder people and rob banks but the moment a mother breastfeeds her baby the game is rated "no children under the age of 55"?

    See, you support GG, isn't that easy? That's exactly what thunderf00t has been asking. But if you ask that question, you'll just get told, 'Misogynerds just don't understand the pain we go through.'


    At first I thought it was that women weren't wearing enough clothing in video games, but apparently they're wearing too much?

  • It's about game journalists telling us we're scum for liking games, while they sleep with developers and get parties thrown for them so that they feel better about the games they're 'reviewing'. The feminists are just trying to shield them by saying we hate them.

  • Is being pro-gamerscandal pro-journalists or pro-games?

  • Pro games. Anti-journalist if they're bad. We tend to consider 'but games have women with very little clothing sometimes' to be a pretty laughable point if slicing people in half isn't treated the same way. Especially since that hasn't ever been proved to cause that kind of behavior irl.

  • Well, I think that free speech applies to both games and game journalists. Go ahead and say stupid shit or make graphics about stupid shit or whatever. I don't care. If you manage to say or do something cool, I'll pay attention.

  • I'm not against journalists saying what they like. I'm against them reviewing the games of people they financially support with no disclaimer. Among other things. You really should at least know that they're personally invested. They don't seem to see it as a problem at all, and using feminists to avoid criticism is fairly horrible.

    Otherwise, I absolutely agree with your sentiment.

  • FoxDev

    ooooooh pretty....

    what's it supposed to be?

  • It looks like the sort of design you'd get with those colored pencil+gear things they make for kids. It would also be quite easy to construct with a protractor. I like it too.

    But yes, any conversation where someone breaks in asking "WTF IS THIS ALL ABOUT" every 10 posts does tend to look rather like a bunch of circles.

  • FoxDev

    @Magus said:

    It looks like the sort of design you'd get with those colored pencil+gear things they make for kids. It would also be quite easy to construct with a protractor.

    that game?

  • Yes. That exactly.

  • FoxDev

    lot of fun can be had with those.

  • For a similar feeling, try making a random solar system generator with OpenGL. Mine never worked quite right, but you don't tire any more easily from spawning sets of rotating spheres than you do from spiraling lines.

  • FoxDev

    hmmm there's an idea if i ever finish writing code for sockbot...

  • Mine was my first project after finishing university. I didn't know anything about source control, and formatted at some point, so I only have an ancient version I pulled from my Mediafire.

    It seemed like a good idea at the time, and learning to use OpenGL in C# got me much more experience with the language. It even worked on linux.

    But when I looked back at the code, I saw my university days in it. Those inheritance webs....

  • It's all the circles this ridiculous topic still has to go through

  • FoxDev

    oooh. it's a map of hell?

    that'll be useful.

  • I thought hell only had seven circles! And such nice ones! Someone has been giving out false descriptions for millenia.

  • FoxDev

    the circles of hell are fractal in nature. each one is a microcosm of the macrocosm that is Hell.

  • Make a webservice for it and use it for random user card backgrounds!

  • FoxDev

    generated via Javascript each time they visit so it's never quite the same image?


  • Grade A Premium Asshole

    @accalia said:

    generated via Javascript each time they visit so it's never quite the same image?


  • I had the re-release on the Genesis, not sure if it had the same issues.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    I hate cats, but this looks like a better game than DepressionQuest:

  • @boomzilla said:

    A game for petting a pussy? I thought the Japanese had that market captive.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    but this looks like a better game than DepressionQuest:

    Desert Bus is probably a better game than Depression Quest.

  • @FrostCat said:

    Desert Bus is probably a better game than Depression Quest.

    Trying to top each other over what horrible game is a better game than Depression Quest is a better game than Depression Quest.

  • kills Dumbledore

    But is it a better love story than Twilight?

  • FoxDev

    @Jaloopa said:

    But is it a better love story than Twilight?

    the United States Constitution is a better love story than Twilight.

    Japan's declaration of war to the US in WWII was a better love story than Twilight!

  • @Jaloopa said:

    But is it a better love story than Twilight?

    Poland's first occupation and partition between all the various European powers was a better love story than Twilight.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Fortunately, The Host came along and answered the question of whether Stephanie Meyer was a bad story writer or just unlucky with Twilight for us.

  • Whatever happened with that Movie anyway? Is it good? Did people really like it?

  • FoxDev

    i didn't dare read that. was it actually decent or is she just a bad writer?

  • @scrib: IMDB says the movie is a 5.9/10.

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