Sexy Beasts

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place


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    it's the masked singer but for dating?

  • Considered Harmful

    @Luhmann said in Sexy Beasts:

    it's the masked singer but for dating?

    Nobody thought to check the Furry Agenda in time. All is lost.



    I mean, the premise makes sense to me:

    Hoping to say goodbye to superficial dating, real-life singles sport elaborate makeup and prosthetics to put true blind-date chemistry to the test.

    It's not about furry cosplay. You'll have a blind date where your focus will be on the conversation, character, etc., not on the looks.
    Unfortunately, I'm personally way too shallow to not care about the looks.

    (Also, I could tell if you're too fat even with a mask. :half-trolleybus-r:)


    @topspin said in Sexy Beasts:

    I mean, the premise makes sense to me:

    I just watched the trailer and it looks like they have zero visually unattractive people in the show. That kind of defeats the purpose.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @topspin said in Sexy Beasts:

    You'll have a blind date where your focus will be on the conversation, character, etc., not on the looks.

    You won't though. Everyone in the video is clearly a conventionally attractive person even if you can't see their face.

    The premise would make more sense if they were in a full costume and you had no physical information, but then it's just furry dating at that point.

    edit: :hanzo:

  • kills Dumbledore

    It's like Naked Attraction but in reverse

  • Considered Harmful

    @Jaloopa said in Sexy Beasts:

    It's like Naked Attraction but in reverse

    The Mormons won't let me see this, in an unexpected development.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @Gribnit Mormons ruin everything fun

  • Banned

    @Jaloopa said in Sexy Beasts:

    It's like Naked Attraction but in reverse


    Fucking Mormons.


    @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    Fucking Mormons.

    Only for procreation

  • @Luhmann said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    Fucking Mormons.

    Only for procreation

    That's Catholics. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ can have sexual relations with their lawfully wedded spouse for any reason.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @Benjamin-Hall are you allowed birth control?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Luhmann said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    Fucking Mormons.

    Only for procreation

    That's Catholics.

    Nope. Catholics are not allowed to prevent conception, but sex is not only for procreation.

  • @Jaloopa said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall are you allowed birth control?

    That's a choice between the couple and the Lord, so yes. We're encouraged to have large families though. Not required, but encouraged.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:



  • Banned

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    We're encouraged to have large families though. Not required, but encouraged.

    Anyone else feels like fundamentalist Christians have misinterpreted the God saying "go fuck yourselves"?

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    We're encouraged to have large families though. Not required, but encouraged.

    Anyone else feels like fundamentalist Christians have misinterpreted the God saying "go fuck yourselves"?

    Most, if not all, religions are based on this process or a variant. If I had anything else to say to you apes, I'd say it. Everything else managed to get the point what with it being written on their DNA.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    We're encouraged to have large families though. Not required, but encouraged.

    Anyone else feels like fundamentalist Christians have misinterpreted the God saying "go fuck yourselves"?

    Natural selection in memeplexes. A system of belief that encourages you to have lots of children and raise them to believe the same thing is going to be better suited for surviving and prospering than one that keeps you to 1 child and says you should keep them from knowing about your beliefs until they're an adult


    @Jaloopa said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    We're encouraged to have large families though. Not required, but encouraged.

    Anyone else feels like fundamentalist Christians have misinterpreted the God saying "go fuck yourselves"?

    Natural selection in memeplexes. A system of belief that encourages you to have lots of children and raise them to believe the same thing is going to be better suited for surviving and prospering than one that keeps you to 1 child and says you should keep them from knowing about your beliefs until they're an adult

    Basically "why we can't have nice things."

  • Yeah it's the memetic version of 'why are new Covid variants always more transmissible than the previous one'. Memes that encourage widespread replication - and having lots of children and indoctrinating them in the meme is a very good way of doing that - will outperform those that don't. Particularly if (like Islam explicitly does, but most religions do to some degree) part of the belief system is that you can't or shouldn't leave the belief system.

  • Considered Harmful

    @bobjanova said in Sexy Beasts:

    Yeah it's the memetic version of 'why are new Covid variants always more transmissible than the previous one'. Memes that encourage widespread replication - and having lots of children and indoctrinating them in the meme is a very good way of doing that - will outperform those that don't. Particularly if (like Islam explicitly does, but most religions do to some degree) part of the belief system is that you can't or shouldn't leave the belief system.

    You have just become a member of the world's fastest growing religion, btw.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Jaloopa said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall are you allowed birth control?

    That's a choice between the couple and the Lord, so yes. We're encouraged to have large families though. Not required, but encouraged.

    One of my kids (they went to Catholic school from K-12) said that birth control is a sin. I think he was in 8th grade at the time.

    My reaction was to say having a child you are not ready for is a bigger sin and has obvious consequences.

    I'm not sure if that is Catholic doctrine or not, I'm a very bad Catholic (as I am mostly agnostic).

  • @Karla said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Jaloopa said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall are you allowed birth control?

    That's a choice between the couple and the Lord, so yes. We're encouraged to have large families though. Not required, but encouraged.

    One of my kids (they went to Catholic school from K-12) said that birth control is a sin. I think he was in 8th grade at the time.

    My reaction was to say having a child you are not ready for is a bigger sin and has obvious consequences.

    I'm not sure if that is Catholic doctrine or not, I'm a very bad Catholic (as I am mostly agnostic).

    Catholics, yes, as I understand it, do forbid contraceptives. A doctrine honored largely in the breech.

    The guidance of the leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has generally been:

    • The commandment to multiply and replenish the Earth is still in force; there are many sons and daughters of God (ie people) yet waiting to be born.
    • Don't run faster than you have strength. In this context, don't have children you can't support. If you're not emotionally/psychologically ready for children, you probably aren't emotionally/psychologically ready for marriage, either.
    • You don't need as much as you think you do. In this context, "you can't support" is a fairly low bar; it's common for believing couples to have 3+ kids by the time the parents finish college, even without multiples. Don't delay having kids/getting married just to finish school or get "a good job".
    • Rely on the Lord. Meaning "we're not going to give you specific rules here." Bishops are explicitly told not to say either "have more kids" or "don't have more kids" or even give guidelines. Surprise kids are quite common; sterilization procedures (other than when medically necessary) are (as I understand it) not nearly as common as among non-members of similar cultural backgrounds.
    • Chastity and fidelity. Sexual relationships outside of the legal marriage of man and a woman is a grave sin; graver still is infidelity once married (whether the other person is married or not).

    Altogether, it means that practicing members of the church

    • tend to marry young, although now over half the adult members are single (never married, divorced, or widowed).
    • tend to have larger families, starting earlier. Buying in bulk and minivans are...extremely common in heavily LDS communities. As are thrift stores (the church operates a line of thrift stores that also serve as employment assistance for low-skill and disabled people), home cooking, and general frugality. Because feeding, clothing, and educating 6 kids between the ages of 3 and 15 is not cheap.

    I'd like to say that divorce, child/spouse abuse, infidelity, and abortion (yes, I know these are different areas not directly comparable) rates are all extremely low among believing members of the church, but...they're not nearly as low as I'd hope. Sadly. Knowing principles and acting on them are two different things.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Jaloopa said in Sexy Beasts:

    Naked Attraction

    I saw an episode of this thing where it was an heterosexual poly couple picking a third person (female).

    When it was down to the final two candidates, they disagreed. For what it's worth, I agreed with the man's choice and I really didn't see what the woman saw in her favourite candidate, but whatever. It looked to me as even his favourite was more into it than her favourite.

    They eventually picked the woman's choice. Everyone agreed the date went well (iirc), but days later they broke for the sole reason the woman didn't really like the candidate all that much after all. 😒

  • Banned

    @Karla said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Jaloopa said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall are you allowed birth control?

    That's a choice between the couple and the Lord, so yes. We're encouraged to have large families though. Not required, but encouraged.

    One of my kids (they went to Catholic school from K-12) said that birth control is a sin. I think he was in 8th grade at the time.

    My reaction was to say having a child you are not ready for is a bigger sin and has obvious consequences.

    I'm not sure if that is Catholic doctrine or not, I'm a very bad Catholic (as I am mostly agnostic).

    I heard from my conspiracy theorist friend that the AIDS epidemic in Africa coincided with Catholic missionary effort and spreading the message that contraception is evil.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Benjamin-Hall given the increased risk of spousal and child abuse I should hope it is at least spoken against.

  • kills Dumbledore

    @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Karla said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Jaloopa said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall are you allowed birth control?

    That's a choice between the couple and the Lord, so yes. We're encouraged to have large families though. Not required, but encouraged.

    One of my kids (they went to Catholic school from K-12) said that birth control is a sin. I think he was in 8th grade at the time.

    My reaction was to say having a child you are not ready for is a bigger sin and has obvious consequences.

    I'm not sure if that is Catholic doctrine or not, I'm a very bad Catholic (as I am mostly agnostic).

    I heard from my conspiracy theorist friend that the AIDS epidemic in Africa coincided with Catholic missionary effort and spreading the message that contraception is evil.

    I don't know of any conspiracy theories or claims of it being intentional, but it's pretty widely accepted that part of the reason for AIDS being so widespread in parts of Africa is the high prevalence of Catholicism leading to condoms being frowned upon

  • Banned

    @Jaloopa he didn't say it was intentional, and it wasn't exactly presented as a conspiracy theory either. I call him conspiracy theorist friend because he was also a deep believer in Bilderberg Group, reptilians, NWO, global depopulation plan and others.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    Bilderberg Group, reptilians, NWO, global depopulation plan and others.

    They're not reptilian. That's just a surface impression. Reptiles don't have and have never had that limb carriage angle.

  • @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    he was also a deep believer in Bilderberg Group, reptilians, NWO, global depopulation plan and others.

    How many layers does his :tinfoil-hat: have?


    @HardwareGeek said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    he was also a deep believer in Bilderberg Group, reptilians, NWO, global depopulation plan and others.

    How many layers does his :tinfoil-hat: have?

    Yes. 🍹

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    Catholics, yes, as I understand it, do forbid contraceptives. A doctrine honored largely in the breech.

    Officially, contraceptives or any other impediment to fertility are forbidden -- if you want to have sex but don't want a child, the only Officially Sanctioned method is to do so during a time of the month where fertilization is statistically unlikely. "Natural Family Planning", they call it.

    Unofficially, that only strictly applies in the United States, to the point where children are supposed to be guarded against even learning contraceptives exist. In other areas of the world, while using contraception for purely voluntary sexual activity is a sin, it's considered relatively minor, and in some areas (where rape is likely) the Church actively participates in education and distribution to reduce the spread of communicable disease.

    @Karla said in Sexy Beasts:

    I'm not sure if that is Catholic doctrine or not, I'm a very bad Catholic (as I am mostly agnostic).

    Current (i.e. 1800's?) doctrine is that if one is going to do the mortal sin that is sex out of wedlock, they shouldn't also sin further by preventing a child from being created, and if a child does result they can't care for they should give it to the Church. I haven't found much more recent, because the US Council of Catholic Bishops puts their fingers in their ears and goes "LALALA I CAN'T HEAR YOU! ABSTINENCE ONLY EDUCATION WILL SAVE US!" whenever this comes up.

    @Gąska said in Sexy Beasts:

    I heard from my conspiracy theorist friend that the AIDS epidemic in Africa coincided with Catholic missionary effort and spreading the message that contraception is evil.

    He's right, which is why they're tweaking the message.

  • @TwelveBaud said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Karla said in Sexy Beasts:

    I'm not sure if that is Catholic doctrine or not, I'm a very bad Catholic (as I am mostly agnostic).

    Current (i.e. 1800's?) doctrine is that if one is going to do the mortal sin that is sex out of wedlock, they shouldn't also sin further by preventing a child from being created, and if a child does result they can't care for they should give it to the Church.

    Birth control as a sin is probably less of a sin than an abortion. So I guess, you need to know what you would do if you were to get pregnant.

    I planned to abort any pregnancy I had while I was single and during the first couple years of my marriage (because we both agreed we didn't want any (more) kids).

    And that probably makes me a worse Catholic. My daughter was only baptized because it was important to the grandparents.

    I'd like her to understand the general principals of the major religions.

    It was quite amusing when she asked me how did the first human spawn.

    Also, how did the first person get the coronavirus if you can only get if from someone else? I asked the same thing about chicken pox when I was her age.

  • @Karla said in Sexy Beasts:

    Also, how did the first person get the coronavirus if you can only get if from someone else?

    Did you tell her it's turtles bats all the way down?

  • 🚽 Regular


    Sexy beasts [you know, the thing that's actually the reason this thread exists

    I just realized I've actually seen this. It was okay entertainment.

    @topspin said in Sexy Beasts:

    I just watched the trailer and it looks like they have zero visually unattractive people in the show. That kind of defeats the purpose.

    Pretty much.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Zecc said in Sexy Beasts:


    Sexy beasts [you know, the thing that's actually the reason this thread exists

    I just realized I've actually seen this. It was okay entertainment.

    @topspin said in Sexy Beasts:

    I just watched the trailer and it looks like they have zero visually unattractive people in the show. That kind of defeats the purpose.

    Pretty much.

    The movie, in singular, was better.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    That's Catholics. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ can have sexual relations with any of their lawfully wedded spouses for any reason.


  • @dangeRuss said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    That's Catholics. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ can have sexual relations with any of their lawfully wedded spouses for any reason.


    I'll accept that only because of category, under the assumption that you're just trolling and really know better. Which is fine, this being the garage. ButTrolling outside the garage, especially on such matters, is not appropriate. For the record, plural marriage hasn't been allowed for more than 100 years in the church.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    @dangeRuss said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    That's Catholics. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ can have sexual relations with any of their lawfully wedded spouses for any reason.


    I'll accept that only because of category, under the assumption that you're just trolling and really know better. Which is fine, this being the garage. ButTrolling outside the garage, especially on such matters, is not appropriate. For the record, plural marriage hasn't been allowed for more than 100 years in the church.

    Are you telling me my TV lied to me? Seriously, is it not true? Wikipedia seems to say it is.

    Today, various denominations of fundamentalist Mormonism continue to practice polygamy.

  • @dangeRuss said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    @dangeRuss said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    That's Catholics. Members of the Church of Jesus Christ can have sexual relations with any of their lawfully wedded spouses for any reason.


    I'll accept that only because of category, under the assumption that you're just trolling and really know better. Which is fine, this being the garage. ButTrolling outside the garage, especially on such matters, is not appropriate. For the record, plural marriage hasn't been allowed for more than 100 years in the church.

    Are you telling me my TV lied to me?

    Are you continuing to troll outside the garage? Or is this a serious question because you don't really know.

  • @Benjamin-Hall See my edit above.

  • @dangeRuss Short form (ie non-garage response, although any further chatter here should be relegated to the garage) -- plural marriage is one of the few "you will get excommunicated, full stop, and cannot be re-baptized until you renounce the practice and stop practicing it (and even then it takes approval from the highest leadership)" offenses in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Those "various denominations of fundamentalist Mormonism" are not considered (and do not consider themselves) part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in much the same way that Russian Orthodox members do not consider themselves Catholic and are not considered to be Catholic by the Roman Catholic Church.

  • @dangeRuss Also, side note, The terms "Mormon" and "Mormonism" are, well, not currently considered the most appropriate way to refer to members of the restored Church of Jesus Christ. It's not a slur, but it's...disfavored and the church has asked journalists and other people to stop using the term. It doesn't offend me (or other right-thinking members), but it's not what we prefer.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    @dangeRuss Short form (ie non-garage response, although any further chatter here should be relegated to the garage) -- plural marriage is one of the few "you will get excommunicated, full stop, and cannot be re-baptized until you renounce the practice and stop practicing it (and even then it takes approval from the highest leadership)" offenses in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Those "various denominations of fundamentalist Mormonism" are not considered (and do not consider themselves) part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in much the same way that Russian Orthodox members do not consider themselves Catholic and are not considered to be Catholic by the Roman Catholic Church.

    Thanks for clarifying. I am pretty ignorant of most religions, and I apologize if I caused offense outside of the garage.

  • @dangeRuss said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall said in Sexy Beasts:

    @dangeRuss Short form (ie non-garage response, although any further chatter here should be relegated to the garage) -- plural marriage is one of the few "you will get excommunicated, full stop, and cannot be re-baptized until you renounce the practice and stop practicing it (and even then it takes approval from the highest leadership)" offenses in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Those "various denominations of fundamentalist Mormonism" are not considered (and do not consider themselves) part of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, in much the same way that Russian Orthodox members do not consider themselves Catholic and are not considered to be Catholic by the Roman Catholic Church.

    Thanks for clarifying. I am pretty ignorant of most religions, and I apologize if I caused offense outside of the garage.

    Thankfully I'm pretty hard to actually offend. Annoy? That's easy. Offend? Meh. I taught high schoolers. If I let people offend me that easy, I'd never have survived.

    That's the reason I asked whether you were serious--I really thought that this was already in the garage (and so was primed for "is probably trolling"). I'm always happy to answer serious questions. Heck, I'm happy to engage in light-hearted trolling and mutual mockery on the topic of religion as well, just not outside the garage.

  • @Benjamin-Hall Yea, I really need to learn to actually check the category before replying, but I honestly didn't know what I said was untrue, especially since I didn't really dig down into the whole LDS thing too much. I think I remember watching an episode of sister wives, and I guess I just assumed all Mormons are like that.

  • @dangeRuss said in Sexy Beasts:

    @Benjamin-Hall Yea, I really need to learn to actually check the category before replying, but I honestly didn't know what I said was untrue, especially since I didn't really dig down into the whole LDS thing too much. I think I remember watching an episode of sister wives, and I guess I just assumed all Mormons are like that.

    The media doesn't exactly cover itself in glory (understatement alert) on topics of religion, especially "non-mainstream" ones. More, I think, out of :kneeling_warthog: and ignorance than malice.

    I read a piece of an encyclopedia while I was in the Baltics. Published in the mid 90s (so post Soviet). It's entry on "Mormons" in its entirety (translated): "Religion founded by Joseph Smith in America. Practices polygamy." So it's not just you.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @dangeRuss said in Sexy Beasts:

    I guess I just assumed all Mormons are like that.

    Sadly not uncommon... 😔

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