Docker network timeouts

  • ♿ (Parody)

    You may have noticed the lack of oneboxing around here. I updated iframely on the server and now all the requests time out. For instance:

    -- [21-05-13 15:55:28]:347    -- plugin response: {"plugin":"htmlparser","response":"timeout","uri":""}
    Processing error: timeout

    I added curl to the image and it's able to pull those down no problem from within the container. Anyone have any ideas?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Is the node thing using the right nameserver information?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Tsaukpaetra what is "nameserver information?"

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    @Tsaukpaetra what is "nameserver information?"

    I don't know how to express it. Like, if it cached the DNS for the IP address but that's no longer right so it's asking the wrong server?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Tsaukpaetra said in Docker network timeouts:

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    @Tsaukpaetra what is "nameserver information?"

    I don't know how to express it. Like, if it cached the DNS for the IP address but that's no longer right so it's asking the wrong server?

    Uh...seems unlikely. It happens now for every domain. Requests from ping and curl seem fine.

    I just restarted the container (which I'd think would invalidate any caching going on inside the app itself) and then this showed up in the logs:

    -- [21-05-13 18:51:15]:33 - Loading /iframely for
    -- [21-05-13 18:51:20]:33    -- plugin response: {"plugin":"htmlparser","response":"timeout","uri":""}
    Processing error: timeout

  • ♿ (Parody)

    I guess the "good" news is that I have iframely in a docker container in my development VM and I'm getting similar timeouts.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Wireshark capture (in way over my head here):


    So...line 4 you can see where I ran curl against my iframely endpoint, which is at At 7 it gets the IP address for wikipedia, Then there's a bit of back and forth.

    Between 22 and 23 there's almost a 5 second delay. Timeout is set at...5 seconds, after which the 408 response comes back to me.

    Then long after that there's some more traffic (at 161s and then again at 180s). :wtf:

  • ♿ (Parody)

    For comparison, running iframely not in docker:

    Oneboxing twitter. Lots more traffic, but the response comes back instantly.

  • @boomzilla Stupid idea, but are the ingress and egress ports properly mapped for docker?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Benjamin-Hall uh...hopefully. I'm basically running the Dockerfile here:

    It appears to be successfully talking to the outside world. And I can ping and curl from in there. I'm starting to think it's an iframely configuration thing. But watching seems to be able to reach the outside world on its own.

  • @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    I updated iframely on the server and now all the requests time out.

    Do you still have the previous container that worked?

    If you didn't do a docker image prune, it should still be there, just no longer tagged (it will still have the correct repository name, but <none> instead of the version), so you should be able to fish it out. Then you can 1) run the old version again until you find why the new one does not work and 2) compare the old and new version.

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    For comparison, running iframely not in docker

    Is that exactly the same version?

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in Docker network timeouts:

    @boomzilla Stupid idea, but are the ingress and egress ports properly mapped for docker?

    I don't think any port mapping is happening here at all. I suppose this is a Linux docker, and there the container just gets its own IP address and that is masqueraded by iptables using the default masquerade functionality.

  • Java Dev

    @boomzilla The only application data originating from iframely is frame 19, and that's only 146 bytes of TLS data. I'm not sure on the details of TLS1.3, but ChangeCipherSpec is 1 byte and I think record overhead is still 5 bytes each, so that's 143 bytes for ApplicationData. On earlier TLS versions I'd also be expecting 32 or so bytes for a Finished message here, but since wireshark isn't listing any further handshake activity I'd guess that doesn't apply anymore.

    I'd hazard there's probably 111 bytes of actual request data. That's not very much, but if they use a low-overhead HTTP library (or they're hand-rolling requests) it's possible.

    What surprises me way more though is that the wikipedia server starts sending data right away. Even in HTTP 2.0, I'm pretty sure the first protocol communication is from the client not the server. And if it was out of sequence wireshark would say so in the overview.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Bulb said in Docker network timeouts:

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    I updated iframely on the server and now all the requests time out.

    Do you still have the previous container that worked?

    If you didn't do a docker image prune, it should still be there, just no longer tagged (it will still have the correct repository name, but <none> instead of the version), so you should be able to fish it out. Then you can 1) run the old version again until you find why the new one does not work and 2) compare the old and new version.

    How do I "fish it out?" I definitely haven't done the pruning thing.

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    For comparison, running iframely not in docker

    Is that exactly the same version?

    Yes, from the HEAD of the git repo.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    How do I "fish it out?" I definitely haven't done the pruning thing.

    Ah ha. docker image history.

    $ docker image history iframely
    IMAGE               CREATED             CREATED BY                                      SIZE                COMMENT
    62ad11de8362        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENTRYPOINT ["/iframely/...   0B                  
    7fd48517e92f        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  USER [iframely]              0B                  
    440fed056314        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:2c2c06f5d84e99a...   1.23MB              
    05994a1569ee        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c yarn install --pure-lockfile --...   76.5MB              
    787849561500        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY multi:369b38c1382bc...   91.1kB              
    6365ac938bc0        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENV NODE_ENV=local           0B                  
    872706dbdcbe        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c addgroup -S iframelygroup && ad...   4.88kB              
    79841b944ec3        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop) WORKDIR /iframely             0B                  
    55eb8bd24be0        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  EXPOSE 8061/tcp              0B                  
    1448646743d0        7 months ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD ["node"]                 0B

    So, the one from 7 months ago should be the old working version. Welp...that didn't work.

    docker run -d --name wtdwtf-iframely \
            --network wtdwtf \
            --restart unless-stopped \
            --ip \
            --volumes-from wtdwtf-iframely-old \

    Error response from daemon: lstat /home/docker/overlay2/5057be58e3f9b22f248dfcbe1163212c53ffaafe1357f2220c34b1e571470c64/merged/iframely/lib/plugins/validators/sync: no such file or directory

  • ♿ (Parody)

    OK...well, managed to restore back to broken container.

  • @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    How do I "fish it out?" I definitely haven't done the pruning thing.

    Ah ha. docker image history.

    No. That's history of the image itself. Not images that previously held that name.

    $ docker image history iframely
    IMAGE               CREATED             CREATED BY                                      SIZE                COMMENT
    62ad11de8362        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENTRYPOINT ["/iframely/...   0B                  
    7fd48517e92f        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  USER [iframely]              0B                  
    440fed056314        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY dir:2c2c06f5d84e99a...   1.23MB              
    05994a1569ee        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c yarn install --pure-lockfile --...   76.5MB              
    787849561500        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop) COPY multi:369b38c1382bc...   91.1kB              
    6365ac938bc0        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  ENV NODE_ENV=local           0B                  
    872706dbdcbe        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c addgroup -S iframelygroup && ad...   4.88kB              
    79841b944ec3        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop) WORKDIR /iframely             0B                  
    55eb8bd24be0        31 hours ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  EXPOSE 8061/tcp              0B                  
    1448646743d0        7 months ago        /bin/sh -c #(nop)  CMD ["node"]                 0B

    So, the one from 7 months ago should be the old working version. Welp...that didn't work.

    No, it is the base image from which the iframely one is created.

    You want docker images and there will be the iframely latest, which is the current one, and some iframely <none> ones that are the previous versions.

    Note that all iframely images must have been created by the same command, so one created with CMD ["node"] cannot be it; that's the base image with node.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Bulb hmm...nope, I don't see anything like that. I guess maybe I'll try setting up a non-dockerized iframely today while I try to get the dockerized version figured out.

  • @boomzilla What does docker images give you?

  • ♿ (Parody)


    boomzilla@what:~$ docker images
    REPOSITORY                       TAG                 IMAGE ID            CREATED             SIZE
    iframely                         latest              fecf3ea05ad9        14 hours ago        168MB
    boomzillawtf/tdwtf               latest              e25f64dcdd55        44 hours ago        1.41GB
    <none>                           <none>              62ad11de8362        45 hours ago        168MB
    <none>                           <none>              71aad97f1576        4 weeks ago         1.42GB
    iframely                         last_good           1448646743d0        7 months ago        89.7MB
    iframely_last_good               latest              1448646743d0        7 months ago        89.7MB
    node                             12.18-alpine3.12    1448646743d0        7 months ago        89.7MB
    nodebb/docker                    v1.14.3             865b04cf3552        8 months ago        1.31GB
    <none>                           <none>              96e5496e9abc        11 months ago       1.44GB
    <none>                           <none>              2c6d1522ad59        11 months ago       1.44GB
    <none>                           <none>              a0972793c0f4        11 months ago       1.44GB
    nodebb/docker                    v1.14.0-7           daefbeb3c29d        11 months ago       1.34GB
    nodebb/docker                    v1.13.3             863d1db2f8b6        12 months ago       1.34GB
    inedo-prod-forum_nodebb          latest              6fb04b55620d        14 months ago       1.38GB
    <none>                           <none>              dfe61cd4ca6b        15 months ago       1.41GB
    nodebb/docker                    v1.13.2             caf2186b9fba        15 months ago       1.31GB
    inedo-test-forum_nodebb          latest              13c7685e59f3        16 months ago       1.38GB
    nodebb/docker                    v1.13.1             02ec667f0760        17 months ago       1.31GB
    nodebb/docker                    v1.13.0             c586ea99bb46        18 months ago       1.31GB
    nodebb/docker                    v1.12.2             a8a69ce22819        18 months ago       1.31GB
    nodebb/docker                    latest              2255287fb030        18 months ago       1.31GB
    node                             lts                 11e92fc50c4a        19 months ago       908MB
    postgres                         11-alpine           bb6408c77dbf        21 months ago       72.5MB
    redis                            5-alpine            72e76053ebb7        24 months ago       50.9MB
    postgres                         latest              9c116111eb08        2 years ago         312MB
    nodebb/docker                    v1.12.0             3d6e2017922e        2 years ago         1.39GB
    <none>                           <none>              787d4441173c        2 years ago         727MB   latest              885d07287041        2 years ago         1.45GB
    postgres                         10                  63f824b22e5b        2 years ago         236MB

    EDIT: that iframely_last_good stuff was me.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla Time to create iframely_last_good.old.BAK

  • @boomzilla That's strange. I have a lot of something <none>, which is the older versions of things.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    I guess maybe I'll try setting up a non-dockerized iframely today while I try to get the dockerized version figured out.

    So...that's running, but now I think I'm fighting with nginx to allow anything to talk to it.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Bulb said in Docker network timeouts:

    @boomzilla That's strange. I have a lot of something <none>, which is the older versions of things.

    In Ben's update scripts for docker images, he renames the old container, starts a new one, does some stuff with it, then deletes the old one:

    docker build -t iframely
    docker rename wtdwtf-iframely wtdwtf-iframely-old
    docker stop wtdwtf-iframely-old
    docker run -d --name wtdwtf-iframely --network wtdwtf --restart unless-stopped --ip iframely
    docker cp 99_wtdwtf_autoplay.js wtdwtf-iframely:/iframely/lib/plugins/validators/sync/99_wtdwtf_autoplay.js
    docker cp 99_wtdwtf_mastodon.js wtdwtf-iframely:/iframely/plugins/links/99_wtdwtf_mastodon.js
    docker cp mastodon-embed.js wtdwtf-iframely:/iframely/static/js/mastodon-embed.js
    docker cp config.local.js wtdwtf-iframely:/iframely/config.local.js
    docker restart wtdwtf-iframely
    docker rm -v wtdwtf-iframely-old

    I suppose the docker rm removes the image, too?

  • @boomzilla No, rm doesn't remove the image, rmi is needed for that. The build will build new iframely:latest (:latest is default if you don't give a tag).

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Bulb ok, so...building like that just overwrites latest and doesn't leave a history?

  • @boomzilla It overwrites the latest. And there isn't anything like history, really, that's a misnomer. But the image remains there.

    Now what I didn't expect, but looking at my images confirms, is that while pulling a new image:tag leaves the old one as image <none>, building a new image:tag leaves the old one as <none> <none>. So the old image would be one of those, but then you have to inspect them and guess from the content of that which image is what.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Bulb 🎉

    Found it. And it's working...

    Now to figure out :wtf: changed.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    Now to figure out changed.

    This is IT. We all know the answer is "absolutely nothing" :mlp_wut:

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @izzion said in Docker network timeouts:

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    Now to figure out changed.

    This is IT. We all know the answer is "absolutely nothing" :mlp_wut:

    Well...that image is listing at "2 years ago." But...HTF do I get a specific date? Looking at github, v1.3.0 was released in March 2019 and v1.3.1 May 31, 2019. Either one could be fuzzed into that.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    $ docker inspect -f '{{ .Created }}' 787d4441173c

    Two years. :rolleyes:

    Anywho, that puts it at v1.2.7.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    This is the Dockerfile diff:

    boomzilla@boomzilla:~/iframely$ git diff v1.2.7..v1.6.0 Dockerfile
    diff --git a/Dockerfile b/Dockerfile
    index fcf9f609..5ec5ff35 100644
    --- a/Dockerfile
    +++ b/Dockerfile
    @@ -1,18 +1,22 @@
    -FROM node:5.8
    +FROM node:12.18-alpine3.12
     EXPOSE 8061
    -COPY . /iframely
     WORKDIR /iframely
    -RUN DEPS="libkrb5-dev" \
    -    apt-get update && \
    -    apt-get install -q -y --no-install-recommends $DEPS && \
    -    npm install -g forever && \
    -    npm install && \
    -    apt-get purge -y --auto-remove $DEPS && \
    -    apt-get autoremove && \
    -    apt-get clean
    +# Create new non-root user
    +RUN addgroup -S iframelygroup && adduser -S iframely -G iframelygroup
    +# This will change the config to `config.<VALUE>.js` and the express server to change its behaviour.
    +# You should overwrite this on the CLI with `-e NODE_ENV=production`.
    +ENV NODE_ENV=local
    +## Utilize docker layer cache
    +COPY package.json yarn.lock /iframely/
    +RUN yarn install --pure-lockfile --production
    +COPY . /iframely
    +USER iframely
    -ENTRYPOINT ["/iframely/docker/"]
    +ENTRYPOINT [ "/iframely/docker/" ]

    One thing that stands out to me is Create new non-root user.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Testing in my vm shows that adding an iframely user to the system makes everything work. Because apparently the user inside the container runs as that user on the system. But...there was no iframely user, so 💥.

    Going to try this again...🤞

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    Testing in my vm shows that adding an iframely user to the system makes everything work. Because apparently the user inside the container runs as that user on the system. But...there was no iframely user, so 💥.

    Going to try this again...🤞

    Nope. Added an iframely user but still doesn't work here. :-(

  • Java Dev

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    +# You should overwrite this on the CLI with `-e NODE_ENV=production`.

    Is that relevant?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @PleegWat no, we use the local named config file. I'm pretty sure it's about the users now. As I said, when I fixed that in my local VM it started working. But adding an iframely user on this server didn't change it. Not sure why.

  • Java Dev

    @boomzilla If the user on the server was created after the container, is the user in the container appropriately associated with the one in the host? Notably, is their user ID the same?

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @PleegWat probably not. However, I recreated the user and built a fresh new container and it still didn't work. So reverted to the last good once again.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @PleegWat also, if I su to iframely I can successfully use curl.

  • @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    I'm pretty sure it's about the users now. As I said, when I fixed that in my local VM it started working. But adding an iframely user on this server didn't change it. Not sure why.

    Docker does, normally, not remap UIDs, so the UID seen inside the container is the same as seen outside of it. But inside the container the user info is going to be looked up in the /etc/passwd inside the container, so that's where the user must exist. Whether the user exists in the outside /etc/passwd is not relevant.

    It is a bit more complicated than that though and it's good in this case. The user isn't going to be looked up in /etc/passwd, it is going to be looked up using getpwent function. And there is libnss-unknown (2) that makes getpwent return valid result for all users. So I got used to installing that in all docker images that I build (and set HOME environment variable to what I want to use as default home) and that takes care of user id issues whatever user I run the container under (as usually the user id has to match owner of whatever directories I mount into it).

  • … note that libnss-unknown only synthesizes a pw record for any uid, not any name. This is for the benefit of programs that don't trust the environment and look up the user they are running as.

    Normally nothing should change user in docker, so looking up other users shouldn't be needed. You set the default user in given image with the USER instruction in Dockerfile and override it by -u option to run or create (for the main process) or exec (if you want additional shell; especially useful if you want root in a container with non-root default). I use the numeric id of myself when I am mounting directories in my home (I learned to use dockerized build tools for my projects so I can have different versions for each as needed, so there I mount the checkout), and random numeric ID for services that don't care.

    If the service or its start-up script are written so that they insist on doing su to give up root permissions, you will have to create the target user in the /etc/passwd (and group in /etc/groups) inside the container.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Bulb said in Docker network timeouts:

    Normally nothing should change user in docker, so looking up other users shouldn't be needed. You set the default user in given image with the USER instruction in Dockerfile

    This is what the iframely Dockerfile does. It was added sometime since we last updated in October 2018.

    If the service or its start-up script are written so that they insist on doing su to give up root permissions, you will have to create the target user in the /etc/passwd (and group in /etc/groups) inside the container.

    Our server now has an iframely user and group. But unlike my VM, it didn't seem to fix the problem. I was out camping with the scouts this weekend so I haven't been doing much, but at least now I have something to research.

  • @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    Normally nothing should change user in docker, so looking up other users shouldn't be needed. You set the default user in given image with the USER instruction in Dockerfile

    This is what the iframely Dockerfile does. It was added sometime since we last updated in October 2018.

    But does it also create the user (something like RUN adduser …)? It must either do that, or install the libnss-unknown.

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    Our server now has an iframely user and group.

    Users outside the container are not relevant. Kernel just compares the UID to the UID of files it tries to access, and to 0 for some extra privileges and never looks in /etc/passwd or anywhere else on the filesystem. The only thinks that might care about the user definition is node itself, some library it uses, or some start-up script that tries to do su.

    Also, UID has no effect on network except you can't bind port <1024 if UID != 0 (binding port <1024 in the container makes little sense; you can always bind a high port inside and expose it as the low one (80 and/or 443). The only way I can imagine user affects network is that the SSL library tries to access some data in home, looks up home in passwd, and blows up if it fails. Which is all inside the container.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Bulb said in Docker network timeouts:

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    Normally nothing should change user in docker, so looking up other users shouldn't be needed. You set the default user in given image with the USER instruction in Dockerfile

    This is what the iframely Dockerfile does. It was added sometime since we last updated in October 2018.

    But does it also create the user (something like RUN adduser …)? It must either do that, or install the libnss-unknown.


    FROM node:12.18-alpine3.12
    EXPOSE 8061
    WORKDIR /iframely
    # Create new non-root user
    RUN addgroup -S iframelygroup && adduser -S iframely -G iframelygroup
    # This will change the config to `config.<VALUE>.js` and the express server to change its behaviour.
    # You should overwrite this on the CLI with `-e NODE_ENV=production`.
    ENV NODE_ENV=local
    ## Utilize docker layer cache
    COPY package.json yarn.lock /iframely/
    RUN yarn install --pure-lockfile --production
    COPY . /iframely
    USER iframely
    ENTRYPOINT [ "/iframely/docker/" ]

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    Our server now has an iframely user and group.

    Also, UID has no effect on network except you can't bind port <1024 if UID != 0 (binding port <1024 in the container makes little sense; you can always bind a high port inside and expose it as the low one (80 and/or 443). The only way I can imagine user affects network is that the SSL library tries to access some data in home, looks up home in passwd, and blows up if it fails. Which is all inside the container.

    Except that (on my VM) it was suddenly able to reach external sites. I confirmed that the iframely user can successfully curl both on my VM and on the WTDWTF server.

    From outside, requesting a onebox from the old iframely:

    $ curl

    ...and then using the latest:

    $ curl


  • @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    Except that (on my VM) it was suddenly able to reach external sites.

    But that was out-of-docker, if I understood right, wasn't it? Which also means glibc rather than musl—the container is Alpine-based.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Bulb said in Docker network timeouts:

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    Except that (on my VM) it was suddenly able to reach external sites.

    But that was out-of-docker, if I understood right, wasn't it? Which also means glibc rather than musl—the container is Alpine-based.

    Yes, iframely in docker works locally after adding the user but not on the server.

    And yes, the container appears to be Alpine-based (I guess...based on the first line FROM node:12.18-alpine3.12). I have no idea what that means.

  • @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    Yes, iframely in docker works locally after adding the user but not on the server.

    Now that is … :sideways_owl:. That makes no, absolutely no, sense to me. The container is effectively a separate machine that only shares kernel. It shouldn't be affected by content of some silly file outside of it.

    @boomzilla said in Docker network timeouts:

    And yes, the container appears to be Alpine-based. I have no idea what that means.

    It means it is using the minimal standard C library implementation called musl. It isn't as tested as the GNU one, so sometimes it might have issues it otherwise shouldn't.

    Now another question? What is the docker version on the server and in the test VM? We had some weird problems on build agents after updating to 20.10 at work, though I didn't notice on either of my machines.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Bulb said in Docker network timeouts:

    Now another question? What is the docker version on the server and in the test VM? We had some weird problems on build agents after updating to 20.10 at work, though I didn't notice on either of my machines.

    Ah! Good question...

    boomzilla@what:~$ docker --version
    Docker version 17.05.0-ce, build 89658be
    boomzilla@boomzilla:~/docker$ docker --version
    Docker version 19.03.13, build cd8016b6bc

  • ♿ (Parody)

    Hrm...looks like the server here is using the package manager's docker-engine package. I have docker installed as a snap package locally. But I don't remember exactly how I did that.

  • 17.05 is really Ancient, but my impression is that that was the first version that worked reliably (another project around here is still using 1.13 under its OpenShift 3.11, which was pretty broken, but RedHat somehow managed to kick it into a, working, square ball and make the whole house of cards stand). I have no known issues with that.

    Did you build the container on the server or on your test VM and copied it over?

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