In other news today...

  • Java Dev

    @hungrier said in In other news today...:

    Oh, good

    There was a Dutch news article yesterday about major ministeries averaging at 0.7 flex desks per employee. And nobody could work from home.

  • @Tsaukpaetra No repro. I am using an adblocker (uBlock Origin) and they didn't seem to notice. Or, more likely, the blocker managed to block the detection as well—it seems to have such a list.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Bulb said in In other news today...:

    @Tsaukpaetra No repro. I am using an adblocker (uBlock Origin) and they didn't seem to notice. Or, more likely, the blocker managed to block the detection as well—it seems to have such a list.

    Funny enough....

  • Considered Harmful

    He said the Goebbels near-quote was just a "rhetorical coincidence" :facepalm:

    I'm not sure why he seems to think that was a defense. If he'd said :nelson: :trollface: , he would have passed as a a bit dumb or tasteless at worst; if it was a coincidence, it can only be that his ideas just happen to align so perfectly with Goebbels' that such a thing can happen.

  • @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    He said the Goebbels near-quote was just a "rhetorical coincidence" :facepalm:

    I'm not sure why he seems to think that was a defense. If he'd said :nelson: :trollface: , he would have passed as a a bit dumb or tasteless at worst; if it was a coincidence, it can only be that his ideas just happen to align so perfectly with Goebbels' that such a thing can happen.

    I think it is ridiculous to use "but someone bad said it!" as an argument. Argue the message of what was said instead, otherwise we may just ban veganism because Hitler was one.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    He said the Goebbels near-quote was just a "rhetorical coincidence" :facepalm:

    I'm not sure why he seems to think that was a defense. If he'd said :nelson: :trollface: , he would have passed as a a bit dumb or tasteless at worst; if it was a coincidence, it can only be that his ideas just happen to align so perfectly with Goebbels' that such a thing can happen.

    What exactly did he almost-quote?
    Because, you know, Hitler ate sugar.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Carnage said in In other news today...:

    I think it is ridiculous to use "but someone bad said it!" as an argument. Argue the message of what was said instead, otherwise we may just ban veganism because Hitler was one.

    Agreed. Having said that, it's a heck of a coincidence (also cc @MrL):

    Alvim (according to the article:

    "The Brazilian art of the next decade will be heroic and it will be national, it'll be endowed with great capacity for emotional involvement and equally it will be deeply committed to the urgent aspirations of our people, or it will be nothing,"

    Goebbels (according to the article):

    "The German art of the coming decades will be heroic, will be steelily romantic, will be unsentimentally objective, will be nationalistic with grand pathos, it will be both committed and unifying -- or it will be nothing."


    in addition to the Goebbels similarity, the background music playing during Alvim's announcement is from Richard Wagner's opera "Lohengrin," which Nazi leader Adolf Hitler said had played a defining role in his life.

    Coincidences do occur, of course. But who nose?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Zecc said in In other news today...:

    @Carnage said in In other news today...:

    I think it is ridiculous to use "but someone bad said it!" as an argument. Argue the message of what was said instead, otherwise we may just ban veganism because Hitler was one.

    Agreed. Having said that, it's a heck of a coincidence (also cc @MrL):

    Alvim (according to the article:

    "The Brazilian art of the next decade will be heroic and it will be national, it'll be endowed with great capacity for emotional involvement and equally it will be deeply committed to the urgent aspirations of our people, or it will be nothing,"

    Goebbels (according to the article):

    "The German art of the coming decades will be heroic, will be steelily romantic, will be unsentimentally objective, will be nationalistic with grand pathos, it will be both committed and unifying -- or it will be nothing."


    in addition to the Goebbels similarity, the background music playing during Alvim's announcement is from Richard Wagner's opera "Lohengrin," which Nazi leader Adolf Hitler said had played a defining role in his life.

    Coincidences do occur, of course. But who nose?

    I think how those quotes are close to each other is far less important than his belief that he can dictate how his country's art will look like. This belief is 100% Goebbels.

    And of course the dichotomy of 'exactly the way I like it or nothing', which is one of nazi signature rhetoric techniques.

  • @Zecc even if it's a quote, argue the message. Just because someone was an utter tosser that doesn't mean they didn't actually say something sensible.
    For instance, arbeit macht frei is entirely poisoned, but it is a sensible phrase. Work can really set you free.

  • @MrL said in In other news today...:

    I think how those quotes are close to each other is far less important than his belief that he can dictate how his country's art will look like.

    But is it belief he can dictate it, or just a wishful thinking dressed up as prophecy? Because wishful thinking is not evil.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Bulb We should start a betting pool on how humanity ends. Do we:

    • die of a natural catastrophe, like get hit by an asteroid dinosaur-style or the Yellowstone super-volcano deciding it's finally time to fart?
    • die of a super-resistant infectious disease we have created?
    • get killed by a sapient super-robot we created?
    • break the very fabric of space-time on an accidental physics experiment?
    • kill each other over who has the best idea or gets to keep the shiniest trinket?

    In the end, no one wins.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @Bulb said in In other news today...:

    @MrL said in In other news today...:

    I think how those quotes are close to each other is far less important than his belief that he can dictate how his country's art will look like.

    But is it belief he can dictate it, or just a wishful thinking dressed up as prophecy? Because wishful thinking is not evil.

    That depends how you interpret it.

    It may mean "future Brazilian art will have those characteristics or it will be nothing (worthless)". Which is a declaration of preferences. Narrow minded and ideologically charged, but not evil.

    But it may also mean "future Brazilian art will have those characteristics or it will be nothing (will not exist)", because he and his buddies will make sure that nothing else will be created. Which is what Goebbels and nazis meant and did.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    He said the Goebbels near-quote was just a "rhetorical coincidence" :facepalm:

    I'm not sure why he seems to think that was a defense. If he'd said :nelson: :trollface: , he would have passed as a a bit dumb or tasteless at worst; if it was a coincidence, it can only be that his ideas just happen to align so perfectly with Goebbels' that such a thing can happen.

    Did you RTFA (:doing_it_wrong:)?

    "The Brazilian art of the next decade will be heroic and it will be national, it'll be endowed with great capacity for emotional involvement and equally it will be deeply committed to the urgent aspirations of our people, or it will be nothing," he said.


    "The German art of the coming decades will be heroic, will be steelily romantic, will be unsentimentally objective, will be nationalistic with grand pathos, it will be both committed and unifying -- or it will be nothing."

    Not seeing the big deal here, content wise.


    @Bulb said in In other news today...:

    @MrL said in In other news today...:

    I think how those quotes are close to each other is far less important than his belief that he can dictate how his country's art will look like.

    But is it belief he can dictate it, or just a wishful thinking dressed up as prophecy? Because wishful thinking is not evil.

    I wish all Jews were dead.

    Uh, come again?

    Do you mean his wishful thinking is not evil or wishful thinking is not evil in general.
    I mean, if there's no power behind your wishful thinking, then it may not have any effect (although for someone in his position it's unlikely to have none at all), but it can still be evil.

  • @Bulb said in In other news today...:

    These are novel living machines

    these xenobots could eventually be used to deliver drugs inside the body

    Resistance is futile.

  • @Boner in half expecting there being a loud "FFS" from the simulation runners from one of these shenanigans sooner or later.

  • @MrL said in In other news today...:

    @Bulb said in In other news today...:

    @MrL said in In other news today...:

    I think how those quotes are close to each other is far less important than his belief that he can dictate how his country's art will look like.

    But is it belief he can dictate it, or just a wishful thinking dressed up as prophecy? Because wishful thinking is not evil.

    That depends how you interpret it.

    It may mean "future Brazilian art will have those characteristics or it will be nothing (worthless)". Which is a declaration of preferences. Narrow minded and ideologically charged, but not evil.

    But it may also mean "future Brazilian art will have those characteristics or it will be nothing (will not exist)", because he and his buddies will make sure that nothing else will be created. Which is what Goebbels and nazis meant and did.

    Indeed. It's a dogwhistle for "Entartete Kunst" (degenerate art)

  • @Carnage said in In other news today...:

    @Zecc even if it's a quote, argue the message. Just because someone was an utter tosser that doesn't mean they didn't actually say something sensible.
    For instance, arbeit macht frei is entirely poisoned, but it is a sensible phrase. Work can really set you free.

    Counterquestion: If that was such a sensible statement, why did he have to phrase it almost verbatim in the Goebbels diction? With all the words at his disposal, why can't you phrase it in a way which does not evoke the musing of a mass murderer?

    Also: Words and phrases can have connotations. Film at 11.

  • @Rhywden said in In other news today...:

    "Entartete Kunst" (degenerate art)

    I always thought those kunst were up to no good


    @hungrier said in In other news today...:

    @Rhywden said in In other news today...:

    "Entartete Kunst" (degenerate art)

    I always thought those kunst were up to no good

    You're thinking of Kuntz:

  • Considered Harmful

    @Dragoon said in In other news today...:

    TFA said:

    Terahertz radiation is used for security checks at airports

    Great news. Now they'll be able to suspect me for a thurrist every single time with far greater efficiency while Sajid Rajeed Guptaschmata will still ask me if I spake Inglif in de seim broken Inglif.

  • @Carnage said in In other news today...:

    Argue the message of what was said instead, otherwise we may just ban veganism because Hitler was one.

    You say that as if it's a bad thing...

  • @Applied-Mediocrity said in In other news today...:

    Great news. Now they'll be able to suspect me for a thurrist every single time with far greater efficiency while Sajid Rajeed Guptaschmata will still ask me if I spake Inglif in de seim broken Inglif.

    Last family trip we took my father and mother had their IDs swapped, which they didn't notice until after the security check. My father is almost bald and 6' 1", my mother has a full head of (now mostly gray) hair and is 5' 2", there is no possible way that they could ever be mixed up for each other. Yet both passed through the "security" check without issue. (Well, until the scanning part, they both have so much metal in them it is a bit of a chore)

  • Considered Harmful

    @MrL said in In other news today...:

    @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    He said the Goebbels near-quote was just a "rhetorical coincidence" :facepalm:

    I'm not sure why he seems to think that was a defense. If he'd said :nelson: :trollface: , he would have passed as a a bit dumb or tasteless at worst; if it was a coincidence, it can only be that his ideas just happen to align so perfectly with Goebbels' that such a thing can happen.

    What exactly did he almost-quote?
    Because, you know, Hitler ate sugar.

    For everybody who suffers from orange-link-bad syndrome or can't figure out how to do that click-with-your-mouse thing, here are his words:

    *A arte brasileira da próxima década será heroica e será nacional. Será dotada de grande capacidade de envolvimento emocional e será igualmente imperativa, posto que profundamente vinculada às aspirações urgentes de nosso povo, ou então não será nada. *

  • Considered Harmful

    @Carnage said in In other news today...:

    @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    He said the Goebbels near-quote was just a "rhetorical coincidence" :facepalm:

    I'm not sure why he seems to think that was a defense. If he'd said :nelson: :trollface: , he would have passed as a a bit dumb or tasteless at worst; if it was a coincidence, it can only be that his ideas just happen to align so perfectly with Goebbels' that such a thing can happen.

    I think it is ridiculous to use "but someone bad said it!" as an argument. Argue the message of what was said instead, otherwise we may just ban veganism because Hitler was one.

    Sure thing. Wishing someone victory and salvation is a good thing, and you can hardly be against people saying it in German.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Dragoon said in In other news today...:

    Very different wavelengths throughout the terahertz range are emitted simultaneously

    Doesn't sound like a [lm]aser to me.

  • @Rhywden said in In other news today...:

    why did he have to phrase it almost verbatim in the Goebbels diction?

    Maybe he wasn't aware of the Goebbels diction at that time? I don't know that guy, and I can perfectly imagine that he subconsciously formulated that phrase because he'd read Goebbels once and been so impressed by his original statement. That doesn't make the reason for the public outcry any more valid.

    Condemning someone because they said something which happens do resemble something some other guy said at some point is not any kind of sensible argument, it's the typical identity politics bullshit that's been so en vogue recently, and is a good way to poison any kind of rational discourse. It's about as reasonable as condemning someone because they happened to appear in the same photo as someone else.

  • The first "gameplay" footage for PlayStation 5 "launch" title Godfall has seemingly "leaked" online.

    (quotation marks added)

  • @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    @MrL said in In other news today...:

    @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    He said the Goebbels near-quote was just a "rhetorical coincidence" :facepalm:

    I'm not sure why he seems to think that was a defense. If he'd said :nelson: :trollface: , he would have passed as a a bit dumb or tasteless at worst; if it was a coincidence, it can only be that his ideas just happen to align so perfectly with Goebbels' that such a thing can happen.

    What exactly did he almost-quote?
    Because, you know, Hitler ate sugar.

    For everybody who suffers from orange-link-bad syndrome or can't figure out how to do that click-with-your-mouse thing, here are his words:

    *A arte brasileira da próxima década será heroica e será nacional. Será dotada de grande capacidade de envolvimento emocional e será igualmente imperativa, posto que profundamente vinculada às aspirações urgentes de nosso povo, ou então não será nada. *

    Wait. Goebbels spoke Portuguese?

  • @ixvedeusi said in In other news today...:

    @Rhywden said in In other news today...:

    why did he have to phrase it almost verbatim in the Goebbels diction?

    Maybe he wasn't aware of the Goebbels diction at that time?

    Dude, that's a really weak excuse. Also, if you accidentally use the same phrasing as a mass murderer you should really do some soul-searching if your ideas are that great a thing.

    Coincidentally, one of my pupils also tried to use this excuse when I asked her why one whole paragraph was identical with an internet source without being marked as a quote: "Oh, I must've accidentally had the same idea using the same words!"

    Yeah. Didn't work there either.

  • @Rhywden @ixvedeusi First, this is rapidly approaching garage-worthy behavior.

    Second, I'm not sure how I feel about comparing things written in 2 different languages, especially when most of the comparisons (that I've seen) are between translations into a third language. I'm willing to believe that the politician said something stupid and (likely) improper. I'll even stipulate to the fact that it echoes the sentiments. But knowing that both of them have been translated before comparison lessens (for me) the emotional salience.

    Now of course if someone compared a third-party (published, available before the speech) translation of Goebbels' words into Portuguese to the politician's words and they were very similar, that might be a bit different and I might care more.

  • @Rhywden said in In other news today...:

    Coincidentally, one of my pupils also tried to use this excuse when I asked her why one whole paragraph was identical with an internet source without being marked as a quote: "Oh, I must've accidentally had the same idea using the same words!"

    Well that is a dumb excuse, the correct excuse is: "I was reading all of this information and I guess I just confused what I thought were my thoughts for someone elses, I apologize and I will get that correctly cited right away"

    As for the actual incident in question, without knowing the context in which he meant it (i.e. we are a great country and will have great things vs. I will enforce my view of greatness on you all) as well as the context in which he heard it. Did he hear a quote that he liked and either didn't check its source or found it via a copy cat?

    From my point of view, there is very little to go on (at least from the article, perhaps the people around him know more?) that he thinks like Goebbles. So I would advice against hasty decision making.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Rhywden said in In other news today...:

    Dude, that's a really weak excuse. Also, if you accidentally use the same phrasing as a mass murderer you should really do some soul-searching if your ideas are that great a thing.

    I always say, nothing says mass murder like government support of the arts.

  • @Benjamin-Hall said in In other news today...:

    I'm willing to believe that the politician said something stupid

    I suppose you're willing to believe water is wet, too.


  • @kazitor Apparently, in this context, only 1–10, or maybe 1–100, THz counts. Anything >100 THz isn't THz anymore.

  • @Rhywden said in In other news today...:

    you should really do some soul-searching if your ideas are that great a thing.

    I very much do not like the kind of thinking he expresses in that quote (though I don't think any amount of soul-searching would help here). I don't care if he borrowed the sentence structure from Goebbels or the Dalai Lama, and focusing on that is kind of like bike shedding: Let's get angry about the color form of the thing so that we don't have to talk about the actual matter of what he said, because otherwise we'd have to make an actual argument.

  • Considered Harmful

    @da-Doctah said in In other news today...:

    @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    @MrL said in In other news today...:

    @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    He said the Goebbels near-quote was just a "rhetorical coincidence" :facepalm:

    I'm not sure why he seems to think that was a defense. If he'd said :nelson: :trollface: , he would have passed as a a bit dumb or tasteless at worst; if it was a coincidence, it can only be that his ideas just happen to align so perfectly with Goebbels' that such a thing can happen.

    What exactly did he almost-quote?
    Because, you know, Hitler ate sugar.

    For everybody who suffers from orange-link-bad syndrome or can't figure out how to do that click-with-your-mouse thing, here are his words:

    *A arte brasileira da próxima década será heroica e será nacional. Será dotada de grande capacidade de envolvimento emocional e será igualmente imperativa, posto que profundamente vinculada às aspirações urgentes de nosso povo, ou então não será nada. *

    Wait. Goebbels spoke Portuguese?


  • Considered Harmful

    @Dragoon said in In other news today...:

    It's because the Delta of Venus

  • @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    Delta of Venus


    (Delta-V, as in Δv, nothing to do with Venus)

  • Considered Harmful

    @Bulb said in In other news today...:

    @LaoC said in In other news today...:

    Delta of Venus


    (Delta-V, as in Δv, nothing to do with Venus)

    I know, TFA tangentially mentions Venus though.
    Edith: Δv͍ more like :giggity:

  • @ixvedeusi said in In other news today...:

    @Rhywden said in In other news today...:

    you should really do some soul-searching if your ideas are that great a thing.

    I very much do not like the kind of thinking he expresses in that quote (though I don't think any amount of soul-searching would help here). I don't care if he borrowed the sentence structure from Goebbels or the Dalai Lama, and focusing on that is kind of like bike shedding: Let's get angry about the color form of the thing so that we don't have to talk about the actual matter of what he said, because otherwise we'd have to make an actual argument.

    Weirdly enough, we also did that already. See: "Entartete Kunst".

  • @Mason_Wheeler said in In other news today...:

    @Carnage said in In other news today...:

    Argue the message of what was said instead, otherwise we may just ban veganism because Hitler was one.

    You say that as if it's a bad thing...

    Because it is. Veganism (or, indeed, any of the other four kinds of vegetarianism) is an eminently good thing, an inevitable consequence of the union of intelligence and compassion.

  • @TimeBandit

    The Microsoft Search in Bing extension will be added to all new Office 365 ProPlus installations and when updating to newer releases. The only customers that won't have this Chrome extension installed automatically are those that already have set Bing as their default Chrome search engine.

    Can Chrome extensions install themselves automatically?

    Anyway, clicking through to the Microsoft page, they include instructions on how to avoid it:

    If you don’t want Bing to be made the default search engine, you can exclude the extension from being installed by using the Office Deployment Tool or by using Group Policy. There are also ways to exclude the extension from being installed if you’re using Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (current branch) or Microsoft Intune.

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