Space Engineers Thread

  • @Magus said in Space Engineers Thread:

    I normally just convert my land base into a station and pick the whole thing up.

    I thought about that but it's built stupid and the opposite of compact.

    @Magus said in Space Engineers Thread:

    By which I mean we almost have a large reactor, and we have a large hydrogen thruster.

    I haven't even started thrusters yet. I did manage a jump drive though, that took a couple trips to the gold and silver mines.

  • @blakeyrat said in Space Engineers Thread:

    I did manage a jump drive though, that took a couple trips to the gold and silver mines.

    Wow, yeah, those are expensive, so I've never managed to build one on earth. But we DO have good mines this time... Maybe I'll go do that when I finish my new mining car.

  • Glassed-in the cockpit:


    (Camera's looking at the huge 3x5 skylight, the front windshield is 3x2.)


    Starting to look like a ship. I need to make a few more trips to the iron mine and grab a couple more loads of ice. Seem to be ok on all other mats.

    I still haven't build any hydrogen thrusters, but I queued up the mats for 12 of them.

    Now to make guac.

  • 0_1532661676900_20180726202007_1.jpg

    Almost ready to launch.

    Doing cosmetic stuff now, smoothing out the angles on the hull.

  • @blakeyrat That looks great! You should stop by the alien planet for a bit. And probably not touch ground in that thing.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat Please record inevitable loss of ship in fiery ruin.

  • @Gribnit Jokes on you, with Onyx's help I completed the ship and found platinum on an asteroid!


    BTW those ginormous H2 tanks? Yeah it took 60% of them to get into orbit, and that was by "cheating" and pulsing the engines with inertia dampeners off. Good thing I built two of them.

    We did have one kind of slightly close call where we almost ran out of O2 when someone cough used the airlock wrong and depressurized the entire ship and all our ice had been turned into H2.



  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat Did it bother to have the venting gas cause any course deviation?

  • @Gribnit The depressurization accident happened while parked on an asteroid, so. I doubt it does that anyway.


    @blakeyrat said in Space Engineers Thread:

    I doubt it does that anyway.

    I have seen one person actually test it and make a ship propelled that way, actually. It's possible it changed last time they messed with physics, but it did use to work. I'll try to find the video, but I have no idea what he called it...

    EDIT: Found it!

    Space Engineers, The Puffer Ship (4k, 60fps) – 11:37
    — Sage Channel

  • Onyx - Today at 4:50 AM

    it should not detach... are you sure that the connector was locked? or, if you were attached to an asteroid or something and hit P for the landing gear, that also toggled the connectors

    blakeyrat - Today at 7:08 AM


    So unlocking the SHIP's landing gear ALSO undoes the connector

    Because Space Engineers has a terrible UI and is full of weird and surprising behaviors

    Of course

    Onyx - Today at 7:21 AM

    it toggles anything that's a docking thing, yeah

    it is indeed stupid

    blakeyrat - Today at 7:21 AM

    I mean it makes sense to the robot who built this game





    (robot presents game feature to skeleton covered in cobwebs)

  • @blakeyrat Yeah, that's why I put separate controls for the landing gear and connectors on the hotbar. Particularly for ships where the connector is on the same plane as the landing gear and you don't want to engage both at the same time.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat If this was the dialogue around fiery ruin I am sore disappoint

  • 0_1532801400740_20180728103924_1.jpg






    Onyx and I spent all morning landing, then totally remodeling the ship. Built a "living area" above the engineering deck, added some fancy scripts to keep the airlocks closed and show resources, added more connnectors so more than one person can unload at once, etc.

    Also we painted it and added a go-faster stripe, but I didn't screenshot that.

  • @coderpatsy It's stupid because they have all these hotkeys but they NEVER do what you want so you end up just using the toolbar all the time anyway. Like Y shuts down your engines, but OH ALSO YOUR REACTORS. P disconnects your landing gear BUT OH ALSO CONNECTORS. It's retarded.

  • @blakeyrat Afaik Y's only purpose is to shut down your reactors (and other power sources?). The thrusters are still set to on, but not working for obvious reasons.

  • 0_1532827155175_20180728180457_1.jpg

    Retrofitted Ions, at least enough that it can KIND of move. (Not well though.) Saves a lot of hydrogen, at least.



  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat All in all, that's a nice Winnebago. You need to call out the side door more, though.


    @blakeyrat said in Space Engineers Thread:

    added some fancy scripts to keep the airlocks closed

    Slight semi-correction: no scripts on the airlocks, just a sensor, didn't feel like finding an appropriate script, and was too lazy to write my own.

    Displays are just Automatic LCDs 2, I'm sure people who play the game a lot know about it, if not hit up the workshop, it's very versatile and I love having it around, I use it for stuff from "list all shit we have" on bases to "how much cargo space I have left in my miner".

  • If you want airlock scripts, I've heard good things about these:

    Blarg's Aggressive Airlocks
    Whip's Auto Door and Airlock Script

    But mostly I just stick with a mod block.

    Airlock Block is old but still functions as advertised.
    Rotary Airlock is currently the top of the most popular widget. I haven't tried it yet though, since the other one works.

  • Got cocky and went too fast while intercepting a freighter.

    Interior view:


    Doesn't look too bad?

    Here it is from the outside:


  • @blakeyrat I normally go after those without my ship, though that admittedly has its downsides. Mining Carriages are the easiest to catch: you match their trajectory with your dampers off, move to about 1k from them, and pull out your gun sights to see if you can find the bright red external reactors on the thing. They're on the back, and a diagonal approach toward them is in a blind spot for the turrets, so you can get in close, grind and reweld past the hack line, and then go for the cockpit. Once you shut it down, you can get rid of the turrets and then fly it home.

    There are only about 3 kinds of ships I've managed to get this way, but done right they take no damage.

  • Yesterday painted my mining ship:


    Tonight built a fighter and took on a space station.


    Getting close was hopeless, but I was able to snipe its turrets with my gatling guns and a zoomed camera. Then I died twice to a interior turret before I was able to take it out. Was able to loot like 1200 thruster unit things you need to build ions, awesome.

    Top of my mother ship is getting pretty crowded, time to add more docking ports... or start a new mother ship.

  • Wizard needs food badly!

    Blakeyrat needs refineries badly!

    So built some:


    (That was a fun docking, BTW.)


  • Still waiting for my friends to be willing to join in again.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat you got rid of the Winnebago stripe? It was holding the whole design together, man.

  • @Gribnit After I repaired all the damage from the collision I just whitewashed the whole thing so the silver blocks wouldn't stand out. And I didn't redraw the stripe because effort.


    Meanwhile, in another world, where I forgot to make more screenshots:

    Mobile base straddling over the entrance to the new, stationary one:

    Inside of the base being built:

    One of the players went a bit creative with the cryo room. I don't know what he's smoking, but I want some:

    The base is pretty much complete by now, will have to grab more screenshots or ask other people if they have some. Won't be able to play there until Monday probably though, the guy hosting it will be away.

    To end on, we built a vehicle with a drill on an arm to collect surface ice. Didn't screenshot the full thing, but have a view of ejected rock traveling down the hill in a neat line. Like a family of ducklings, awwwwww!


  • Holee Fuck, I've been mining like a dumbshit, but look what I found today just sitting in the middle of nowhere next to an asteroid:


    I'm sitting here building like 50 refineries to get enough platinum ingots, and here's a ginormous ship with about 50,000 ion engines, enough to build whatever I want with, just sitting there. No defenses, no owner.

    So guess what?




    Currently using my jump drive to take this thing back to my refinery asteroid where I'll hook it up to the conveyer grid so I can use its large cargo containers while tearing up all its ions.

    It's so huge my jump drive can only do 98 km/jump with all this mass, haha.

  • @blakeyrat Talk about tricky docking:


    And now it's a permanent fixture. Suck it, ship.


  • @blakeyrat Wow! In all our play time, my friends and I have only found one of those, and t wasn't anywhere near that good!

    I'm glad this didn't turn out to be one of the dangerous ones: many are trapped.

  • @Magus said in Space Engineers Thread:

    I'm glad this didn't turn out to be one of the dangerous ones: many are trapped.

    Haha I had no idea. I just figured I'd have to deal with the shitty permissions system and "hack" everything on the damned thing, but no it had no owner set at all. Even had uranium still in the reactors. All I had to do was find the pilot's seat (which took awhile!) and turn it on.

    No jump drive in it though. If it had a jump drive, I would have used IT to tow my ship back instead of vice versa.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat Imagine if the enemies in single player were still other players, not-actually-No-Man's-Sky-style.


    @blakeyrat So maybe that's what counts as a "random encounter"? As opposed to that base that was armed that one time? I'm really not sure...

  • @Onyx Yeah. Basically, what they set up a long time ago was that if you made a really cool blueprint, submitted it to the workshop, and tagged it as 'Exploration' you were setting it up to be a random encounter, if the devs liked it. No idea if they still add things that get submitted there, and space is rather huge so they can be hard to find, but it's certainly a cool feature.

  • @Onyx In my game I checked "abandoned ships and bases" and unchecked "random encounters". What that seems to mean is that I get hostile bases and this abandoned capital ship, but I don't get cargo ships with escorts, and bases can't call for reinforcements.

    Of course absolutely none of this is made clear in the settings screen where you have to choose these options.

  • @Magus said in Space Engineers Thread:

    Yeah. Basically, what they set up a long time ago was that if you made a really cool blueprint, submitted it to the workshop, and tagged it as 'Exploration' you were setting it up to be a random encounter, if the devs liked it.

    ROFL that's what the "exploration" checkbox does!!?!?

    Imagine if they actually EXPLAINED SHIT. I guess Space Engineers only is targeted towards gamers with ESP.

    Well whoever made that ship did a pretty good job but I'm still gonna rip it apart for parts.

  • @blakeyrat said in Space Engineers Thread:

    ROFL that's what the "exploration" checkbox does!!?!?
    Imagine if they actually EXPLAINED SHIT.

    Yeah... they explained it in the release notes post, which I happened to read, but that doesn't help new players in the slightest.

    @blakeyrat said in Space Engineers Thread:

    and bases can't call for reinforcements.

    Ah, probably unchecked the Drones checkbox, whichever that was. Yeah, that option is the worst. It made the most fun thing about the game - flying after enemy ships with nothing but a jetpack and grinder - completely impossible.

  • @Magus said in Space Engineers Thread:

    Ah, probably unchecked the Drones checkbox, whichever that was. Yeah, that option is the worst. It made the most fun thing about the game - flying after enemy ships with nothing but a jetpack and grinder - completely impossible.

    I don't give a shit about that, and I wouldn't even mind combat if ships were easy to repair. But having a 40 second battle with some AI, then having to spend like 5 hours checking every nook and cranny of my ship for damage (and still possibly missing some in an interior block!) is not my idea of "fun". (Seriously I know I've complained about this like a dozen times, but why can't I just hold my welder against ANY part of the ship and have it repair THE ENTIRE SHIP AS ONE UNIT?!)

    So if the hostiles are stationary, I can engage them on my own terms. I suppose there's a slight risk of using the jump drive and landing in range of one of their turrets, I don't know if the game does anything to prevent that. But so far I haven't jumped closer than 9 km to one.

  • @blakeyrat said in Space Engineers Thread:

    I suppose there's a slight risk of using the jump drive and landing in range of one of their turrets, I don't know if the game does anything to prevent that.

    It doesn't, but considering the 1k range on weapons typically, it would be really hard to accidentally jump too close.

  • @blakeyrat said in Space Engineers Thread:

    I don't give a shit about that, and I wouldn't even mind combat if ships were easy to repair. But having a 40 second battle with some AI, then having to spend like 5 hours checking every nook and cranny of my ship for damage (and still possibly missing some in an interior block!) is not my idea of "fun". (Seriously I know I've complained about this like a dozen times, but why can't I just hold my welder against ANY part of the ship and have it repair THE ENTIRE SHIP AS ONE UNIT?!)

    Empyrion has this cool repair bay thing that repairs a ship back to its blueprint without having to go over the entire vessel and try to remember what goes where. But it requires a bunch of end-game resources that are hard to get, so by the time you can actually use it, you have so many ships and resources that you don't even care to repair anymore, you just ditch the ship and build a new one.

  • @mott555 There's a mod on workship called like "nanite repairs" or something which I've been avoiding but it sounded too much like cheating, but now it's like eh who cares so I might just backup my save and try that tomorrow or later today.

    I also gotta build a ship with a large saw and a large cargo container so I can scrap that ship without having to make 20,000 round trips to a container. But now I'm also tempted to just build a ship with nothing but a landing leg, a bunch of ions, and like 5+ jump drives so I can jet around and look for more abandoned ships and bring more back.

  • @mott555 What Space Engineers has is all the tools that you can use manually can also be used on ships, and they affect a massive area and do their thing several times faster; if you build a giant room of welders and things to maybe make them move a bit (A lowering ceiling of welders, and a ring of them that move up and down through the middle maybe?) you could probably weld a few layers at once fairly easily. The welders kill you if you get out, but whatever. Not too expensive, but it'd be massive... Or you could do it with a ship that just has a comb of welders on the front?


    @blakeyrat There's two, really

    This one is simpler to use and manage, takes less resources to build, but all it does is building and you can't extend the range of a unit or anything. Good thing is it's less of a resource hog (as in, CPU load, not resources in the game)

    This one can also mine, has beacons that let you extend the range, but is also not as straightforward, costs shitloads to build, and all the fancy stuff is more of a strain on the computer:

    We use the first one in the world I was posting the screenshot from (because otherwise it would be fucking tedious to build all that, even with 5 people) and it works fine. We have multiple units set up all around the base because one can't cover all of it, but for your ship one will be more than enough.

  • @blakeyrat said in Space Engineers Thread:

    I also gotta build a ship with a large saw and a large cargo container so I can scrap that ship without having to make 20,000 round trips to a container.

    That will definitely make things better.

    @blakeyrat said in Space Engineers Thread:

    But now I'm also tempted to just build a ship with nothing but a landing leg, a bunch of ions, and like 5+ jump drives so I can jet around and look for more abandoned ships and bring more back.

    Again, they're super uncommon. If you can find more, that's awesome.

  • @Magus It's been a while since I've played Space Engineers, but can the welders now replace missing blocks? Fixing slightly damaged ships wasn't too bad, but the real grind was when half your ship got blown away and those blocks just don't exist anymore.


    @mott555 said in Space Engineers Thread:

    It's been a while since I've played Space Engineers, but can the welders now replace missing blocks?

    If you project a blueprint to overlap your ship, yes. Place it on the ship itself, set up alignment, and thar you go.

  • @mott555 If you keep a hologram projector inside your ship to project the broken parts, or place them from your cockpit, yes.

  • @Magus said in Space Engineers Thread:

    and they affect a massive area

    Except Large Miners for some reason. Those only really clear the square directly in front of them. (The small version of same clear a 3x3 square or even bigger in front of them.)

    @Magus said in Space Engineers Thread:

    if you build a giant room of welders and things to maybe make them move a bit (A lowering ceiling of welders, and a ring of them that move up and down through the middle maybe?) you could probably weld a few layers at once fairly easily.

    I mused to Onyx about building a "3D printer" in this way, but the problem is you can't use it to REPAIR a ship that's damaged, and that's the thing I'm complaining about. It's only good for building new ships from blueprints.

    @Magus said in Space Engineers Thread:

    Or you could do it with a ship that just has a comb of welders on the front?

    That's what I plan to do, since initially I only want to gank those Ions anyway. The rest of the ship has nothing all that useful to me.

  • @Magus said in Space Engineers Thread:

    or place them from your cockpit, yes.

    Huh? How?

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