Help me decide between XBOX and PS

  • @djls45 Guys, please stop taking about Splinter Cell. You're only making me sad that the franchise is dead and that there's no suitable replacement.

  • Fake News

    @djls45 Like I said above, you need an Nvidia Geforce 3 or 4 and the right drivers. That's one problem you wouldn't have if you had the Xbox versions, and according to Wikipedia the PC game was actually a high-res port of the Xbox games.

  • Fake News

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @djls45 Guys, please stop taking about Splinter Cell. You're only making me sad that the franchise is dead and that there's no suitable replacement.

    It's been dead since Chaos Theory. Still not over it? 🚎

  • @stillwater The console has the luxury that you don't even need to think about the hardware spec.

    what kind of PC are you thinking about ( memory, video card, cpu, monitor )?

  • @stillwater Personally I always buy the disk. (Unless it's of course a download-only title.) Even though I never resell the games, I like having the option.

    EDIT: I should mention that, I can't speak for PS4, but on Xbox One many on-disk games still require installation of some percentage of their content to the Xbox internal drive. And if you're online they'll ask for updates too, which could use up a lot more disk space, but you can say no to those if you're just doing single-player.

  • Banned

    @blakeyrat said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Hint: PS4 has better exclusives.

    But does it have better DRIVING GAMES.

    But it has GOOD driving games. That's enough for most purposes.

    ... am I the only one who read the first post? Christ, people.

    You're the only one who read that driving games is the most important genre for @stillwater. He never said anything like that. He only said he wants his console to have good support for driving wheels. And PS4 has that.

  • @blakeyrat said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    I should mention that, I can't speak for PS4, but on Xbox One many on-disk games still require installation of some percentage of their content to the Xbox internal drive. And if you're online they'll ask for updates too, which could use up a lot more disk space, but you can say no to those if you're just doing single-player.

    The exact same is true for the PS4.

  • This post is deleted!

  • @jbert said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Still not over it?

    Nope. I refuse to believe that there's no market for stealth games, but everybody seems to have ceased producing them. All you have now are RPGs and action games with a few optional stealth mechanics.

  • @dfdub @djls45 @JBert

    Splinter cell 1 or Chaos theory or both IIRC had issues with graphics. The Oil rig level where you are sliding along a pipe and then suddenly everything goes black happens in quite a few other places in the game, You gotta slightly adjust your view when you hit that. Also there was a problem with shaders in Chaos theory where using the latest shader version or something made the night vision completely unusable. It was all just bright white screen. Fortunately, there was an option to run with a previous shader version that fixed the issue.

    Also, there are a few glitches in the very first Splinter Cell where doors do not open or a checkpoint does not kick in.

    What should have been an entire clusterfucky experience was actually very interesting gameplay. I remember getting a pirated copy when I could not afford it and playing it on a PC on 20 fps which was fucking painful and then got it again on Steam in a PC with a better spec and then every single one of the sequels oh my this is easily on my top 5 Video game series of all time.

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Guys, please stop taking about Splinter Cell. You're only making me sad that the franchise is dead and that there's no suitable replacement.

    Be like me and play conviction over and over and over. The world is more open the previous games and if you overlook the fact that Sam Fisher does not look anything like Sam Fisher then it is basically endless fun.

    Somebody needs to start a Splinter cell fanboy circlejerk thread around here.

  • @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @jbert said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Still not over it?

    Nope. I refuse to believe that there's no market for stealth games, but everybody seems to have ceased producing them. All you have now are RPGs and action games with a few optional stealth mechanics.

    If there is a SC reboot, I hope they remove all the Conviction, Blacklist bullshit and go back to chaos theory style Gameplay or best to leave the series alone.

  • @sockpuppet7 said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @stillwater The console has the luxury that you don't even need to think about the hardware spec.

    what kind of PC are you thinking about ( memory, video card, cpu, monitor )?

    The old PC that I have is 8 GB RAM / i5 / 2 GB GRAPHICS I think. It runs Sniper Elite 3 on Medium. Just Cause 3 struggles. Far Cry 3 / BF2 is all Medium to High settings. Only games from < 2014 have decent performance.

  • @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    If there is a SC reboot, I hope they remove all the Conviction, Blacklist bullshit and go back to chaos theory style Gameplay or best to leave the series alone.

    It's Ubisoft. Not gonna happen.

    I mean, they introduced a droneeagle in AC Origins to make it even more similar to their other franchises. Not that it didn't fit - but they're re-using as many mechanics as possible to turn everything into the same Ubigame. Who need originality when you can sell the same game 3 times a year with different characters?

  • @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    they introduced a droneeagle in AC Origins

    How easy does one have to make it for the player?! I remember the time when Ubisoft games were actually pretty good and even the medium difficulty levels were pretty challenging. There are levels in the first crysis that are so much fun to play. Ubi done fucked up now I guess.

  • Banned

    @stillwater nearly identical spec, completed Far Cry 4 on IIRC medium details without any FPS drops, Witcher 3 has stable 30FPS on medium as well as my custom almost-high settings. (out of battery)

  • @gąska Medium settings started to feel shitty after Far Cry 3 with High settings. I never got the water detail like I did in Far cry 3 on any other game with medium settings. Also Just Cause 3 runs for about 5 - 10 mins before it craps out cos memory ran out or some shit like that. Got Assetto Corsa and does 20 fps in all combination of settings except low. And low on Assetto Corsa looks just sad.

  • Banned

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Medium settings started to feel shitty after Far Cry 3 with High settings.

    You're gonna be disappointed with consoles. No matter which one you choose.

  • @gąska Water details are that bad on Consoles?

  • Banned

    @stillwater if your benchmark is Far Cry 3 high details, then yes. I step around this problem by using CoD2 as reference point, which makes every game beautiful.

  • @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Nope. I refuse to believe that there's no market for stealth games, but everybody seems to have ceased producing them.

    Right; there weren't two Dishonored titles last year. Because everybody stopped making them.

  • Does anyone have an Xbox One S and not a X. Cos the former is about half the price of the Xbox one X and if the gaming performance is decent, I might as well buy Xbox One S right now.

  • And then the murders began.

    @stillwater Xbox One S, as far as gaming goes, will be like the base Xbox One in most cases. Gaming performance is fine, but for cross-platform titles it's definitely the weakest option. (Games will often lower the resolution compared to the PS4 or Xbox One X version.)

    Assuming you don't care about exclusives, how much more would it be to get a PS4 [Slim] instead?

  • @blakeyrat said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Right; there weren't two Dishonored titles last year. Because everybody stopped making them.

    I heard the name before, but I've never seen any gameplay. What's it like?

  • :belt_onion:

    @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Medium settings started to feel shitty after Far Cry 3 with High settings.

    You're gonna be disappointed with consoles. No matter which one you choose.

    I dunno. I have X-Box One and PS4 and some of the PS4 games just look freaking gorgeous. I still prefer X-Box but just because I have more games for it and I grew up in that ecosystem.

  • @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Does anyone have an Xbox One S and not a X. Cos the former is about half the price of the Xbox one X and if the gaming performance is decent, I might as well buy Xbox One S right now.

    Do you have a 4k TV?

    If not you won't notice a difference. (Oh the S has less disk space too, I think.)

  • @unperverted-vixen said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Assuming you don't care about exclusives, how much more would it be to get a PS4 [Slim] instead?

    Sony made all their Playstations 1TB now, so they're all more expensive since you can't choose to buy one with less memory. Kind of irritating. You could of course buy used or refurb.

  • @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    I heard the name before, but I've never seen any gameplay. What's it like?

    So you're all griping that they don't make stealth games anymore, and yet are completely unfamiliar with two AAA steal games that are less than 2 years old?


  • Considered Harmful

    @stillwater I'd recommend plumping for the PS4 Pro, I've seen significant improvement over an already good game renderer, in terms of draw distance at least.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @stillwater said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @sockpuppet7 said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @stillwater The console has the luxury that you don't even need to think about the hardware spec.

    what kind of PC are you thinking about ( memory, video card, cpu, monitor )?

    The old PC that I have is 8 GB RAM / i5 / 2 GB GRAPHICS I think. It runs Sniper Elite 3 on Medium. Just Cause 3 struggles. Far Cry 3 / BF2 is all Medium to High settings. Only games from < 2014 have decent performance.

    As an FYI, I'm running an i5 2500K (2011 Gen 2) with 16GB of RAM and I'm not CPU-bound in games. It would probably run out of puff paired with a 1080 TI but if you could pick up a second-hand GTX 980 (and double the RAM) you might be very surprised.

  • @blakeyrat said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    So you're all griping that they don't make stealth games anymore
    and yet are completely unfamiliar with two AAA steal games that are less than 2 years old?

    Well, thanks for not answering my question, I guess. And sorry for not knowing every single AAA game - that would require way more time than I have. I remember reading a description of this game at some point and deciding not to buy it and that's all I know about Dishonored.

    Edit: Just googled it and I remember why I didn't find it interesting at the time: It sounds too much like Deus Ex, which I don't like much. Feel free to correct me if they're not similar.

  • @cursorkeys said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    As an FYI, I'm running an i5 2500K (2011 Gen 2) with 16GB of RAM and I'm not CPU-bound in games. It would probably run out of puff paired with a 1080 TI but if you could pick up a second-hand GTX 980 (and double the RAM) you might be very surprised.

    And it would still be more expensive than a console, and I dunno if it will play all current games.

  • I just checked, and just the geforce 980 card is considerably more expensive than a console here

  • 🚽 Regular

    @sockpuppet7 said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @cursorkeys said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    As an FYI, I'm running an i5 2500K (2011 Gen 2) with 16GB of RAM and I'm not CPU-bound in games. It would probably run out of puff paired with a 1080 TI but if you could pick up a second-hand GTX 980 (and double the RAM) you might be very surprised.

    And it would still be more expensive than a console, and I dunno if it will play all current games.

    I got my used GTX 980 for 50 quid so not that expensive. It'll definitely play all modern games on high or better because I'm doing so.
    My point was really that the CPU wasn't past it, it just needs a new gfx card mostly.

  • @cursorkeys I dunno about quids. The kind of computer I can buy for the price of a Xbox One would be something like this one:

    "PC G-FIRE AMD A4 7300 4GB 1TB Radeon HD8470D 1GB Integrada Computador Gamer Hermes IV HTG-90"

    And nobody is selling used xx80 cards here, because nobody can afford xx80 nvidia cards here.

  • Given the choice between an Xbox and PostScript, I'd choose Xbox every time.

  • @mott555 said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Given the choice between an Xbox and PostScript, I'd choose Xbox every time.

    The So-Bad-Jokes-That-Somebody-Shoot-Me-To-Put-Me-Out-Of-My-Misery-Thread is :arrows:

  • 🚽 Regular

    @sockpuppet7 said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @cursorkeys I dunno about quids. The kind of computer I can buy for the price of a Xbox One would be something like this one:

    "PC G-FIRE AMD A4 7300 4GB 1TB Radeon HD8470D 1GB Integrada Computador Gamer Hermes IV HTG-90"

    And nobody is selling used xx80 cards here, because nobody can afford xx80 nvidia cards in the 3rd world.

    If your local currency is Real then I paid 255 BRL for the card. But looking at eBay second-hand ones are going for three times that, so I think I somehow got the deal of century.

    Yeah, I'd definitely go for the XBone over that computer.

  • Banned

    @sockpuppet7 said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @cursorkeys said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    As an FYI, I'm running an i5 2500K (2011 Gen 2) with 16GB of RAM and I'm not CPU-bound in games. It would probably run out of puff paired with a 1080 TI but if you could pick up a second-hand GTX 980 (and double the RAM) you might be very surprised.

    And it would still be more expensive than a console, and I dunno if it will play all current games.

    If PC is going to be only for gaming, then yes, it is more expensive. But most people use it for other things too, like work, Facebook, etc. Especially programmers are going to need beefy machines regardless of whether they play games or not. You shouldn't compare price of gaming PC to price of console - you should compare price of gaming PC to price of console plus non-gaming PC.

    And in the very long run (I usually buy a new computer only if the old one breaks down - which means about 8 years for desktops, and 3 years for laptops on average), it is going to be cheaper than console. Especially if you play online. I bought my gaming PC in January 2014 for ~$1,000 (with SSD - if I went without it, it would be $900) and I've been very happy with it, and still am. A console would cost me... well, first I'd have to wait another year for next generation, or go with 8 year old model. So let's say I'd have waited. I'd pay $400 for console. Then I'd buy some games. I've bought about 20 titles over the last few years, mostly on huge sales, the kind you never see for consoles. But let's say I've bought them all for full price. It's still at least $10 cheaper per title. And the online subscription - $10/month. So far, it would've been about 3 years, so $360 for being able to play online, which on PC is free. Which brings us to the grand total of $960. Which is in the ballpark of what I've paid for my computer (I paid in Polish złotys, so the price I mentioned was inexact conversion). And the difference is only going to grow.

    And I'd still need something to run Visual Studio on.

  • Fake News

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @blakeyrat said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    So you're all griping that they don't make stealth games anymore
    and yet are completely unfamiliar with two AAA steal games that are less than 2 years old?

    Well, thanks for not answering my question, I guess. And sorry for not knowing every single AAA game - that would require way more time than I have. I remember reading a description of this game at some point and deciding not to buy it and that's all I know about Dishonored.

    Edit: Just googled it and I remember why I didn't find it interesting at the time: It sounds too much like Deus Ex, which I don't like much. Feel free to correct me if they're not similar.

    Depends on what you dislike about Deus Ex. I wanted to start playing the first one but I got quickly bored.

    Now Dishonored (the original and its DLC) really is a mixture of things, but the sneaking can be turned up to 11. In fact, the trouble is that it can be too easy if you play it like Splinter Cell by picking off all guards one by one

  • @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    You shouldn't compare price of gaming PC to price of console - you should compare price of gaming PC to price of console plus non-gaming PC.

    But I already have my old non-gaming PC. Console + simple PC is still cheaper anyway.

  • Banned

    @sockpuppet7 said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    You shouldn't compare price of gaming PC to price of console - you should compare price of gaming PC to price of console plus non-gaming PC.

    But I already have my old non-gaming PC.

    Yeah, it all really depends on what you already have. Maybe all you need is new GPU? Then it's cheaper than both the console and the PC.

    Console + simple PC is still cheaper anyway.

    Only if you don't play online and don't buy games.

  • @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Seriously, console gaming is absolute crap most of the time. A gaming PC will cost you more out of the gate but will last you two to three console generations and is upgradeable after that instead of having to purchase a brand new one. There are like a couple of exclusives, like Infamous, but there are a shit ton more games you will only get on the PC. PC graphics are far far far better than anything you will get on console too, and you don't have to do wild and woolly hackery to get unlicensed games to work, and you don't pay monthly for online play that the manufacturer doesn't even host. Steam in its infinite strangeness is still far less shitty than console online distribution platforms, and console storage is a pain in the ass to manage, and god help you if you want to do anything crazy like switch between an app and a game. And if you really need that authentic controller experience then remember that Windows comes with Xbox controller support out of the box and there's lots of good third-party ones like the Logitech F310.

    Unless you want to play online multiplayer. Where there are almost no cheaters on consoles and plenty on PC -that sucks ass (got me of GTA V online... to much telportation going round)

  • @gąska A gpu alone is almost the price of a ps4. And my pc is a laptop, can't put a gpu there afaik.

  • Banned

    @kurt-c-pause I think it depends on how far you are from Russia. I fall in the Central-Eastern Europe region, and so I see cheaters on consoles all the time.

  • @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Only if you don't play online and don't buy games.

    Maybe it's an important part. I hate multiplayer games.

  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @stillwater Xbox 360 was better than Playstation 3 on most metrics.

    However, Xbox One is worse than Playstation 4 on most metrics.

    However, Xbox One has Forza if you like driving games.

    Both consoles meet your four point guidelines there.

    I dunno what you should do.

    @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Use your PC without connecting it to your TV.

    Don't be an ass, you're not answering the question. First of all, lots of people like gaming on consoles (far more than game on PCs) and there's nothing wrong with that. Secondly, driving games on PC generally suck ass. The best ones are console-exclusives.

    @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    If I had to pick a game console I would pick the Nintendo Switch because it is the only console with enough exclusives that a PC ends up being a totally different category, not to mention the portability.


    No, Nintendo makes shitty products. No Nintendo console has EVER had a good driving simulator in the history of Nintendo shitty consoles. PieFlavor is an idiot who everybody should ignore.

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    The PS4 has enough high-quality exclusives to justify buying it instead of a PC.

    Sadly I actually agree with this. The only catch is: I don't know if it applies to driving games, because I'm not a huge fan of that genre. All I know is Xbox One has Forza and Forza's pretty goddamned top notch.

    @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    The Switch would be good just as a Smash Bros machine. And it's' definitely good as a Breath of the Wild, Odyssey, and Smash Bros machine. I'm not so familiar with PS4's exclusives besides inFamous, would you say the same of the PS4 there?

    And if your console breaks you lose all your games and have to buy them over again! Because their store is broken garbage! And there's no way to back-up your saves! And no way to play DVDs (like Stillwater mentioned, dumbass) and I doubt there's a YouTube app but I don't know for sure! And basically PieFlavor is a dumbass you should never listen to because his advice is garbage!


    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Uncharted, Horizon Zero Dawn, God of War, Until Dawn, The Last of Us, Bloodborne, Ratchet and Clank, …

    But see Stillwater asked for a steering wheel and none of those are driving games.

    Also Uncharted is awful. "Hey you're a white dude (SNOWY white; there's no character selection) and you go into countries and steal their artifacts and shoot the fuck out of their military in the process and nobody who built this game saw any issue with this plotline." Seriously, WTF.

    @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    Hint: PS4 has better exclusives.

    But does it have better DRIVING GAMES.

    ... am I the only one who read the first post? Christ, people.

    @dfdub said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    The old Xbox problems (red ring of death) seem to be solved as well.

    Srsly? That only happened for launch day Xbox 360s. Xbox One is like 3 hardware generations removed from anything that had that problem. Hell it doesn't even have the fucking red ring anymore, it just has a glow behind the logo.

    @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    one problem with PC is that it's quite terrible for couch multiplayer.

    It's also terrible for driving games.


  • Considered Harmful

    @blakeyrat said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @pie_flavor said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @stillwater I'm curious what it is you have against PC. Couch multiplayer games are less common, but I'm not aware of any that have couch multiplayer functionality on console but don't on PC, if that's what you're after.


    He wants to play driving games. He wants to use a steering wheel peripheral to do it. PC SUCKS AT THAT.

    Look, if someone's a hard-core NARNTEERRNDEEEEUR fan so much that they come in a thread and recommend it EVEN AFTER THE FIRST POST ASKS FOR A CONSOLE THAT CAN PLAY DVDs (which no Nintendo device fucking can), then YOU KNOW NOTHING AND SHOULD BE ENTIRELY IGNORED AND ARE STUPID. Ok?


  • Banned

  • Banned

    @sockpuppet7 said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    And my pc is a laptop


  • @gąska said in Help me decide between XBOX and PS:

    @kurt-c-pause I think it depends on how far you are from Russia. I fall in the Central-Eastern Europe region, and so I see cheaters on consoles all the time.

    ok... (got lucky so far then)
    But how do you even cheat on console? Hacked / Rooted Console with hacked game and a few plugins? I would have thought that the PS Network kicked those out quickly (seeing as every few month a patch comes out, and if I don't feel like installing, I get "no online Play" for this game until you upgrade warning) ...

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