Rumours: Microsoft to buy github

  • Resident Tankie ☭

    @gąska there's nothing strange in that. As an administrator, you could decide that certain applications must not be run by regular users. On the other hand, applications which need administrator privileges usually need them for a reason, and you're trusting the developer to make the right choice. (It's all about trust innit?).

  • Banned

    @admiral_p said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska there's nothing strange in that. As an administrator, you could decide that certain applications must not be run by regular users.

    But I am the administrator!

    On the other hand, applications which need administrator privileges usually need them for a reason

    Over the last 10 years, the only applications I used that actually require admin privileges are ones that elevate themselves programatically, or ones I have to elevate myself because they lack manifest. And installers, but that's different.

    and you're trusting the developer to make the right choice. (It's all about trust innit?).

    Why not trust THE USER to make the right choice?

  • @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    Why not trust THE USER to make the right choice?


  • Resident Tankie ☭

    @gąska I don't necessarily disagree with you. On Linux, applications, even legitimate ones, that need to be run as root for no reason at all are, like, ostracised and banished to the depths of oblivion, with onlookers pointing and laughing during their descent to the abyss. So you don't usually get any, and it's mostly about permissions anyway so it's easier to change.

    I guess that it's somewhat cultural? AFAIK, the security model on consumer Windows is a relatively recent addition, and since it's "also for non-professional users" (in its non-server versions anyway) I imagine they've chosen to employ a security model that doesn't trust the user. Even though it's all pointless these days, because the OS's worth is less than your personal data's. (The traditional Unix security model is hopelessly outdated).

  • Banned

    @dcon said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    Why not trust THE USER to make the right choice?


    You're laughing at the concept of letting the user do what they want with their machine on the assumption the know what they're doing, but you see nothing wrong with doing the same with the kind of people who end up in the frontpage articles?

    Inb4 "there's a frontpage?"

  • @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    You're laughing at the concept of letting the user do what they want with their machine on the assumption the know what they're doing

    I'm laughing at "assumption they know what they're doing". You've met some of these users, haven't you? (I mean, we're users too, but I'm not including us in this category. There's users, and there's users.)


    Can we have a plug-in that dissalows humor impaired counts from downvoting?

  • Banned

    @dcon said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    You're laughing at the concept of letting the user do what they want with their machine on the assumption the know what they're doing

    I'm laughing at "assumption they know what they're doing". You've met some of these users, haven't you?

    I did. It's me. I bitch at Windows for not letting ME, an advanced user in full charge of my own computer, not letting me do what I want on my own computer.

  • @luhmann said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    Can we have a plug-in that dissalows humor impaired counts from downvoting?

    Oy, no banning the Germans! Also, I don't hold a title of nobility.


    @masonwheeler said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @m_adams said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @admiral_p said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    ... the kind of intelligent beings we usually appreciate interacting with.

    Where can I get some of those? I CAN HAZ PLZZZZ?

    It's called dating. 🚎

    I’m married so that’s out ☺

    ...And I was speaking “in general”.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @admiral_p said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    I like my arrow keys, my Ctrl-X/C/V shortcuts, etc.

    Arrow keys work normally everywhere with emacs, and have done for years, and I've got those shortcuts, but that's because I'm on OSX where the Cmd-X/C/V don't interfere.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @admiral_p said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    What I didn't knew was how big of an arsehole McVoy was.

    Having dealt with McVoy in person, I'll just say that most politicians are nicer people.


    Autocorrect is way friendlier then my personality


    Is that factual or just principally? Like how many eyes improve code quality but how this just doesn't seem to translate to reality

  • @mrl said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    One of my coworkers uses Tortoise-git. I don't know if it's because he got used to svn before, or he couldn't stand sourcetree and this was the first thing he found.

    I walked to his desk the other day to ask about something. We couldn't find code we were talking about, so I tell him to switch to a branch that has it for sure.

    [window pops up]
    >click< >click<>click<
    Aha, I'm on this branch.
    [window pops up]
    [window pops up]
    >click< [close a window]
    >click< [close a window]
    >click<>click<>click<>click< [go to directory in windows fucking explorer]
    There, I have it.

    OMFG, this is worse than git cli and sourcetree combined.

    Sounds like he doesn't know how to use it. You can do the same in four clicks, two if you already have the revision graph open. Sure, there are other actions that require a metric fuckton of clicking but it's still better than SourceTree.

  • @deadfast said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    Sure, there are other actions that require a metric fuckton of clicking but it's still better than SourceTree.

    I thought we already established that the command line was better than SourceTree!

  • Resident Tankie ☭

    @luhmann what is factual?

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    literally mean that every single Powershell command in entire system (a default fresh installation without custom programs, to make it simple) has a help text that you can read without any side effects, and you don't need to read the command's specific help text to know how to get command's help text.

    I think it's something like "Get-help %command%"

  • :belt_onion:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    Did you expect PowerShell to include a GUI?

    PowerShell does have a GUI, the ISE. It's not great, but you can write scripts with cmdlet documentation right up in a pane on the side; seems like that workflow would work well for @Gąska.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @dcon said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    You're laughing at the concept of letting the user do what they want with their machine on the assumption the know what they're doing

    I'm laughing at "assumption they know what they're doing". You've met some of these users, haven't you?

    I did. It's me. I bitch at Windows for not letting ME, an advanced user in full charge of my own computer, not letting me do what I want on my own computer.

    What you should be bitching about is the developers who made the broken application not letting YOU, an unknown user we-can't-tell-if-they're-advanced-or-not, decide if you should be in full charge of the program they built.

  • Considered Harmful

    @sockpuppet7 said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    BCD is accessible through COM which means it's accessible through PowerShell. ASLR is accessible through the registry, which means it's accessible through PowerShell. There's a Clear-DnsClientCache command.

    Poweshell has gone to the trash bin as soon as our security team decided to disallow it to run scripts in the domain.

    Of course TRWTF are them, but why does it have this "ExecutionPolicy" if they really want powershell to be the next thing?

    I'm back to automating tasks with VBScript of I want anyone to be able to run it.

    Does powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass not work?

  • Considered Harmful

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    detecting that the program you're developing crashes randomly and automatically applying fixes that make it not crash on your machine

    That's a good thing.

    Not when you're trying to debug why it crashes.

    So opt out.

    Except opting out disables this otherwise useful feature.

    opting out requires advanced regedit hackery

    Yeah, or going to compatibility settings and turning it off.

    Where can I turn it off then? As far as I know registry is the only way. I search the web quite thoroughly on that issue.

    You untick this box.

    What if this box isn't ticked to start with? What are you going to do now?

    It'll only do it automatically once. After that you can make manual edits that won't get overwritten.

    What if it DIDN'T do it automatically even once, and I triple-checked that it's really unchecked, even toggled it manually a few times and left it unchecked at the end, and it still prompts UAC? Do I have to record a video or will you believe me when I say it's not compatibility options that cause UAC?

    What does UAC have to do with compatibility options? I wasn't talking about UAC. Were you talking about UAC?

    many CLI commands have no help page (they just run with default parameters, which is often dangerous)

    Using CMD is :doing_it_wrong:.

    Using CMD is the only way to regenerate BCD, or disable ASLR, or flush DNS cache, or million other advanced administration shit.

    BCD is accessible through COM which means it's accessible through PowerShell.

    Is there a way to list available options before running anything for real?

    Tab-complete is your friend.

    I'll test it when I get home. I expect at least a full list of all commands and subcommands with one sentence of explanation each.

    Plus argument lists, examples, and a link to the online documentation if you wanted it.

    There's a Clear-DnsClientCache command.

    Oh, cool. It's good to know that one command line interface has feature parity with the other command line interface and you still can't do it from GUI! Yay for usability!

    We're arguing command lines here. Did you expect PowerShell to include a GUI?

    I expected your response to "CLI sucks because I can't see what some commands are doing without running them" to be something different than "use a different CLI!" - unless you literally mean that every single Powershell command in entire system (a default fresh installation without custom programs, to make it simple) has a help text that you can read without any side effects, and you don't need to read the command's specific help text to know how to get command's help text.

    Yes, that's correct. You use the Get-Help command, e.g. Get-Help Clear-DnsClientCache.

    cannot run programs WITHOUT admin rights if the manifest says they need it

    This one you can do with registry hackery.

    ...except for adding a context menu entry through registry. Oh, and there's CMD hackery too! Surely following those instructions is :doing_it_wrong:!

    If I have to use scripts to work around not being able to disable a feature, that's usability issue.

    Ok. It's still fixable.

    With this attitude, Linux has no problems with usability whatsoever because everything is "fixable" there too!

    Except it isn't!
    Seriously, one registry change and you're golden. With Linux, they cannot be fixed outside of modifying system code.

    Give me a problem and I'll write you a script that works around it. By problem, I mean a specific task you're trying to accomplish and Linux doesn't let you.

    Well, you can also use runas.
    Also, how would you solve the secure window problem with scripts?

  • Fake News

    @luhmann said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    Can we have a plug-in that dissalows humor impaired counts from downvoting?

    I can downvote whatever I want, and anyway, no judge is going to agree with you that Source Safe is funny (even if it is a joke).

    Go make potshots in some other thread where you got better material.

  • Fake News

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @sockpuppet7 said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    BCD is accessible through COM which means it's accessible through PowerShell. ASLR is accessible through the registry, which means it's accessible through PowerShell. There's a Clear-DnsClientCache command.

    Poweshell has gone to the trash bin as soon as our security team decided to disallow it to run scripts in the domain.

    Of course TRWTF are them, but why does it have this "ExecutionPolicy" if they really want powershell to be the next thing?

    I'm back to automating tasks with VBScript of I want anyone to be able to run it.

    Does powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Bypass not work?

    I was thinking the same but they might actually block powershell.exe or the ISE from running.

  • Considered Harmful

    @jbert Nah, they wouldn't do that. That's like blocking cmd.exe from running. They probably just disabled scripts via the execution policy.


    At least I got the humor impaired part right

  • Garbage Person

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    Using CMD is the only way to regenerate BCD,

    If you're doing that more than once in a million billion years, you are doing something wrong.

    or disable ASLR,


    or flush DNS cache,

    Your administrators need to be shot if you have to do this more than once a year or so

    or million other advanced administration shit.

    Much of which which you really shouldn't be doing.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @blakeyrat said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    Only if they're designed by people who completely discard capabilities the human brain is really really good with, such as spatial memory. Oh, and look, modern GUI designers do exactly that!

    One blemish of the otherwise pretty nice Windows taskbar is that you can't drag buttons around and reorder them; not entirely.

    Did your browser windows open up in a slightly different order than last time? Tough luck.

    Do you want to pair the notepad windows with the explorer windows from which you've opened the log files? Fuck you.

  • Considered Harmful

    @zecc Just use multiple desktops.

  • @zecc

    I use this:

    Allows me to ungroup taskbar buttons and drag them around.

  • @zecc said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    Do you want to pair the notepad windows with the explorer windows from which you've opened the log files? Fuck you.

    Sets will be one way to do this, if/when it gets released.

  • Banned

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    detecting that the program you're developing crashes randomly and automatically applying fixes that make it not crash on your machine

    That's a good thing.

    Not when you're trying to debug why it crashes.

    So opt out.

    Except opting out disables this otherwise useful feature.

    opting out requires advanced regedit hackery

    Yeah, or going to compatibility settings and turning it off.

    Where can I turn it off then? As far as I know registry is the only way. I search the web quite thoroughly on that issue.

    You untick this box.

    What if this box isn't ticked to start with? What are you going to do now?

    It'll only do it automatically once. After that you can make manual edits that won't get overwritten.

    What if it DIDN'T do it automatically even once, and I triple-checked that it's really unchecked, even toggled it manually a few times and left it unchecked at the end, and it still prompts UAC? Do I have to record a video or will you believe me when I say it's not compatibility options that cause UAC?

    What does UAC have to do with compatibility options? I wasn't talking about UAC. Were you talking about UAC?

    Then I have no fucking clue what you talked about. I said that I have a program that can't be run not as admin without the CLI hackery, and you said "just disable compatibility options! Here, these screenshots show you exactly where to disable compatibility options" - even though they weren't the cause since they were disabled all the time.

    many CLI commands have no help page (they just run with default parameters, which is often dangerous)

    Using CMD is :doing_it_wrong:.

    Using CMD is the only way to regenerate BCD, or disable ASLR, or flush DNS cache, or million other advanced administration shit.

    BCD is accessible through COM which means it's accessible through PowerShell.

    Is there a way to list available options before running anything for real?

    Tab-complete is your friend.

    I'll test it when I get home. I expect at least a full list of all commands and subcommands with one sentence of explanation each.

    Plus argument lists, examples, and a link to the online documentation if you wanted it.

    There's a Clear-DnsClientCache command.

    Oh, cool. It's good to know that one command line interface has feature parity with the other command line interface and you still can't do it from GUI! Yay for usability!

    We're arguing command lines here. Did you expect PowerShell to include a GUI?

    I expected your response to "CLI sucks because I can't see what some commands are doing without running them" to be something different than "use a different CLI!" - unless you literally mean that every single Powershell command in entire system (a default fresh installation without custom programs, to make it simple) has a help text that you can read without any side effects, and you don't need to read the command's specific help text to know how to get command's help text.

    Yes, that's correct. You use the Get-Help command, e.g. Get-Help Clear-DnsClientCache.

    Cool if true. I doubt it since I never encountered CLI that reliably allowed checking help text for every command in a way that produces no side effects, but if it's true, it's really cool.

    cannot run programs WITHOUT admin rights if the manifest says they need it

    This one you can do with registry hackery.

    ...except for adding a context menu entry through registry. Oh, and there's CMD hackery too! Surely following those instructions is :doing_it_wrong:!

    If I have to use scripts to work around not being able to disable a feature, that's usability issue.

    Ok. It's still fixable.

    With this attitude, Linux has no problems with usability whatsoever because everything is "fixable" there too!

    Except it isn't!
    Seriously, one registry change and you're golden. With Linux, they cannot be fixed outside of modifying system code.

    Give me a problem and I'll write you a script that works around it. By problem, I mean a specific task you're trying to accomplish and Linux doesn't let you.

    Well, you can also use runas.

    But that's cumbersome and has to be done per-program or per-machine.

    Also, how would you solve the secure window problem with scripts?

    Docker, VM, or some other form of sandboxing. A shitty solution, but works. Just like CLI and registry hackery required by Windows. The problem isn't that it cannot be done - the problem is that the only way to get it done is very cumbersome. We're talking about usability, not functionality. At least I am.

  • Banned

    @tsaukpaetra said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @dcon said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    You're laughing at the concept of letting the user do what they want with their machine on the assumption the know what they're doing

    I'm laughing at "assumption they know what they're doing". You've met some of these users, haven't you?

    I did. It's me. I bitch at Windows for not letting ME, an advanced user in full charge of my own computer, not letting me do what I want on my own computer.

    What you should be bitching about is the developers who made the broken application not letting YOU, an unknown user we-can't-tell-if-they're-advanced-or-not, decide if you should be in full charge of the program they built.

    I am! The broken application in question is Windows.

  • Banned

    @weng said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    Using CMD is the only way to regenerate BCD,

    If you're doing that more than once in a million billion years, you are doing something wrong.

    I did it exactly once in the last billion years.

    or disable ASLR,


    I know. But a man's gotta do what a man's gotta do. Broken programs require broken systems to run.

    or flush DNS cache,

    Your administrators need to be shot if you have to do this more than once a year or so

    I am the administrator. And I don't know what ghosts haunt my PC, but I used to have to do ipconfig /renew on every reboot. Still not as bad as my brother's - if he disconnects his USB Wi-Fi card, the system BSODs!

    or million other advanced administration shit.

    Much of which which you really shouldn't be doing.

    I wouldn't be doing it if I didn't have to! There's this old DOS game called Deluxe Ski Jump 2. On my old PC, I always made sure I have it installed even though I never played it - because sometimes I've had a problem with sound not working in any application, and running this game fixed that.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @cartman82 said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:


    I use this:

    Allows me to ungroup taskbar buttons and drag them around.

    Bookmarked! OMG Thank you SO MUCH for this link!

  • Considered Harmful

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    detecting that the program you're developing crashes randomly and automatically applying fixes that make it not crash on your machine

    That's a good thing.

    Not when you're trying to debug why it crashes.

    So opt out.

    Except opting out disables this otherwise useful feature.

    opting out requires advanced regedit hackery

    Yeah, or going to compatibility settings and turning it off.

    Where can I turn it off then? As far as I know registry is the only way. I search the web quite thoroughly on that issue.

    You untick this box.

    What if this box isn't ticked to start with? What are you going to do now?

    It'll only do it automatically once. After that you can make manual edits that won't get overwritten.

    What if it DIDN'T do it automatically even once, and I triple-checked that it's really unchecked, even toggled it manually a few times and left it unchecked at the end, and it still prompts UAC? Do I have to record a video or will you believe me when I say it's not compatibility options that cause UAC?

    What does UAC have to do with compatibility options? I wasn't talking about UAC. Were you talking about UAC?

    Then I have no fucking clue what you talked about. I said that I have a program that can't be run not as admin without the CLI hackery, and you said "just disable compatibility options! Here, these screenshots show you exactly where to disable compatibility options" - even though they weren't the cause since they were disabled all the time.

    No, you started out talking about compatibility settings. Remember?

    detecting that the program you're developing crashes randomly and automatically applying fixes that make it not crash on your machine

    many CLI commands have no help page (they just run with default parameters, which is often dangerous)

    Using CMD is :doing_it_wrong:.

    Using CMD is the only way to regenerate BCD, or disable ASLR, or flush DNS cache, or million other advanced administration shit.

    BCD is accessible through COM which means it's accessible through PowerShell.

    Is there a way to list available options before running anything for real?

    Tab-complete is your friend.

    I'll test it when I get home. I expect at least a full list of all commands and subcommands with one sentence of explanation each.

    Plus argument lists, examples, and a link to the online documentation if you wanted it.

    There's a Clear-DnsClientCache command.

    Oh, cool. It's good to know that one command line interface has feature parity with the other command line interface and you still can't do it from GUI! Yay for usability!

    We're arguing command lines here. Did you expect PowerShell to include a GUI?

    I expected your response to "CLI sucks because I can't see what some commands are doing without running them" to be something different than "use a different CLI!" - unless you literally mean that every single Powershell command in entire system (a default fresh installation without custom programs, to make it simple) has a help text that you can read without any side effects, and you don't need to read the command's specific help text to know how to get command's help text.

    Yes, that's correct. You use the Get-Help command, e.g. Get-Help Clear-DnsClientCache.

    Cool if true. I doubt it since I never encountered CLI that reliably allowed checking help text for every command in a way that produces no side effects, but if it's true, it's really cool.

    cannot run programs WITHOUT admin rights if the manifest says they need it

    This one you can do with registry hackery.

    ...except for adding a context menu entry through registry. Oh, and there's CMD hackery too! Surely following those instructions is :doing_it_wrong:!

    If I have to use scripts to work around not being able to disable a feature, that's usability issue.

    Ok. It's still fixable.

    With this attitude, Linux has no problems with usability whatsoever because everything is "fixable" there too!

    Except it isn't!
    Seriously, one registry change and you're golden. With Linux, they cannot be fixed outside of modifying system code.

    Give me a problem and I'll write you a script that works around it. By problem, I mean a specific task you're trying to accomplish and Linux doesn't let you.

    Well, you can also use runas.

    But that's cumbersome and has to be done per-program or per-machine.

    I still don't understand what you have against a context menu entry. How would you like it to be done?

    Also, how would you solve the secure window problem with scripts?

    Docker, VM, or some other form of sandboxing. A shitty solution, but works. Just like CLI and registry hackery required by Windows. The problem isn't that it cannot be done - the problem is that the only way to get it done is very cumbersome. We're talking about usability, not functionality. At least I am.

    Right. And the context menu entry is not cumbersome or slow or shitty. You're comparing something unwieldy to set up and unwieldy to use to something easy to set up and easy to use but you have to google how to set it up first.

  • Banned

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    detecting that the program you're developing crashes randomly and automatically applying fixes that make it not crash on your machine

    That's a good thing.

    Not when you're trying to debug why it crashes.

    So opt out.

    Except opting out disables this otherwise useful feature.

    opting out requires advanced regedit hackery

    Yeah, or going to compatibility settings and turning it off.

    Where can I turn it off then? As far as I know registry is the only way. I search the web quite thoroughly on that issue.

    You untick this box.

    What if this box isn't ticked to start with? What are you going to do now?

    It'll only do it automatically once. After that you can make manual edits that won't get overwritten.

    What if it DIDN'T do it automatically even once, and I triple-checked that it's really unchecked, even toggled it manually a few times and left it unchecked at the end, and it still prompts UAC? Do I have to record a video or will you believe me when I say it's not compatibility options that cause UAC?

    What does UAC have to do with compatibility options? I wasn't talking about UAC. Were you talking about UAC?

    Then I have no fucking clue what you talked about. I said that I have a program that can't be run not as admin without the CLI hackery, and you said "just disable compatibility options! Here, these screenshots show you exactly where to disable compatibility options" - even though they weren't the cause since they were disabled all the time.

    No, you started out talking about compatibility settings. Remember?

    detecting that the program you're developing crashes randomly and automatically applying fixes that make it not crash on your machine

    Oh, that? That's not compatibility settings, that's compatibility helper. A different, unrelated module that cannot be controlled through program properties.

    cannot run programs WITHOUT admin rights if the manifest says they need it

    This one you can do with registry hackery.

    ...except for adding a context menu entry through registry. Oh, and there's CMD hackery too! Surely following those instructions is :doing_it_wrong:!

    If I have to use scripts to work around not being able to disable a feature, that's usability issue.

    Ok. It's still fixable.

    With this attitude, Linux has no problems with usability whatsoever because everything is "fixable" there too!

    Except it isn't!
    Seriously, one registry change and you're golden. With Linux, they cannot be fixed outside of modifying system code.

    Give me a problem and I'll write you a script that works around it. By problem, I mean a specific task you're trying to accomplish and Linux doesn't let you.

    Well, you can also use runas.

    But that's cumbersome and has to be done per-program or per-machine.

    I still don't understand what you have against a context menu entry. How would you like it to be done?

    Through context menu entry that's there by default, or at least a checkbox in compatibility settings right under the "run as administrator" checkbox.

    Also, how would you solve the secure window problem with scripts?

    Docker, VM, or some other form of sandboxing. A shitty solution, but works. Just like CLI and registry hackery required by Windows. The problem isn't that it cannot be done - the problem is that the only way to get it done is very cumbersome. We're talking about usability, not functionality. At least I am.

    Right. And the context menu entry is not cumbersome or slow or shitty.

    It's shitty in the sense it doesn't exist if I don't make it, and to make it, I need to hack registry and insert a magic CMD/PowerShell invocation under some magic key.

    You're comparing something unwieldy to set up and unwieldy to use to something easy to set up and easy to use but you have to google how to set it up first.

    If you have to google it, it's not easy. If it were easy, virtually everybody could do it without googling.

  • Considered Harmful

    @gąska Is googling not easy for you? It's pretty easy for me.

  • Banned

    @pie_flavor do you have to google how to google? I don't, so googling is easy to me. But I have to google how to add custom context menu entries to Explorer, because it's too hard for me to do without precise instructions of what goes where. While googling up instruction and following the instruction is easy, it doesn't mean the original task is easy. I can google up how to replace fuel injector in '01 Focus TDCi, and by following precise instructions I was able to do successfully without too much trouble - but it doesn't mean replacing fuel injectors is easy.

  • Considered Harmful

    @gąska I have learnt by now that HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<handler>\shell\<tagname> creates a new context menu entry, where the value is the label for the context menu entry, and then adding another subkey command to that specifies what the command is that gets run. I know already that * means all files within HKCR. I know already that /min means to start the command window minimized, meaning you'll never see it, and /C means to run the command string specified and then terminate. Then there's the command string. It sets the environment variable __COMPAT_LAYER to RUNASINVOKER, which is what we want, and then runs start "" "%1" which I already know means to run the program passed in as the first argument (i.e. the file that the context menu button was used on) with no special title.
    Here's the MSDN documentation on context menu handlers, and the shell stuff can all be found on ss64 as usual.
    The only situation-specific issue here is __COMPAT_LAYER. Everything else is standard and deducible on your own if you're familiar with the underlying system. Googling is done when you're not familiar with the underlying system. But to say that you had to Google for it and extrapolate from that that it's all arcane incantations is profoundly stupid.

  • Banned

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @gąska I have learnt by now that HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\<handler>\shell\<tagname> creates a new context menu entry, where the value is the label for the context menu entry, and then adding another subkey command to that specifies what the command is that gets run. I know already that * means all files within HKCR. I know already that /min means to start the command window minimized, meaning you'll never see it, and /C means to run the command string specified and then terminate. Then there's the command string. It sets the environment variable __COMPAT_LAYER to RUNASINVOKER, which is what we want, and then runs start "" "%1" which I already know means to run the program passed in as the first argument (i.e. the file that the context menu button was used on) with no special title.

    That's a lot of knowledge. And all that knowledge makes it easy for you. But you can't reasonably expect an average sysadmin to know all that stuff, much less an average coder who only cares about the specific tools they use for their project and the rest of the system should Just Work™. So saying that adding context menu entries is easy in general, is quite preposterous.

    I know C++ well. It's easy for me to write in C++. But I'd never say C++ is easy.

    But to say that you had to Google for it and extrapolate from that that it's all arcane incantations is profoundly stupid.

    I added "run ConEmu" to context menu 4 times on 2 different computers. Every time I did it exactly the same way. Every time, I had to google for instructions because my own attempts always failed. On the other hand, never have I ever had to google up how to install Windows (except that one time when installing Windows 7 via USB3 thumb drive). I can say with 100% confidence that installing Windows is orders of magnitude easier than adding context menu entries.

  • @gąska said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    only cares about the specific tools they use for their project and the rest of the system should Just Work™

    I hope you're not talking about Linux when you say "Just works".

  • Banned

    @stillwater "should".

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    But to say that you had to Google for it and extrapolate from that that it's all arcane incantations is profoundly stupid.

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that stuff sounded like arcane incantations to me. I prefer my own set of arcane incantations instead.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @cartman82 said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:


    I use this:

    Allows me to ungroup taskbar buttons and drag them around.

    Sure, there are ways. But the point is: Windows sucks at this pretty basic thing.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @pie_flavor said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @zecc Just use multiple desktops.

    I already get sufficiently annoyed having to click more than I should when digging out the right window inside combined buttons over remote connections.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @tsaukpaetra said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @cartman82 said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:


    I use this:

    Allows me to ungroup taskbar buttons and drag them around.

    Bookmarked! OMG Thank you SO MUCH for this link!



    The description I saw elsewhere makes me want it though.

    I'll try again later.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @zecc said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @tsaukpaetra said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @cartman82 said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:


    I use this:

    Allows me to ungroup taskbar buttons and drag them around.

    Bookmarked! OMG Thank you SO MUCH for this link!



    The description I saw elsewhere makes me want it though.

    I'll try again later.

    Oh shit! Looks like it died in the twelve hours since I looked at it!


    If all else fails, I can re-upload it here, it's only a few megs...

  • @dcon said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @boomzilla said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    If that happens do we have to change all of our branch names every month or so?

    That happens now. It's called "Agile: we have to have a new release every sprint!"

    Imagine having an agiley workflow where you're supposed to create branches for every damn thing you work on, and push them to the central repo, and then it being forbidden to remove branches in the central repo. >.<
    I've just started on this project, and the first demo for the first sprint was last friday, and there are already 12 or so branches that are just crud fouling the branch listing up.
    But we must keep all the branches! What if we lose something!

  • @carnage said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @dcon said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    @boomzilla said in Rumours: Microsoft to buy github:

    If that happens do we have to change all of our branch names every month or so?

    That happens now. It's called "Agile: we have to have a new release every sprint!"

    Imagine having an agiley workflow where you're supposed to create branches for every damn thing you work on, and push them to the central repo, and then it being forbidden to remove branches in the central repo. >.<
    I've just started on this project, and the first demo for the first sprint was last friday, and there are already 12 or so branches that are just crud fouling the branch listing up.
    But we must keep all the branches! What if we lose something!

    We're supposed to click the box to delete the branch when merging after the code review. Needless to say, we have hundreds of "BUG-<number>" type branches.

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