WTF Bites


    @boomzilla No, I tried a couple of apps but none of them could do it, even though most had a field for it. The SIM is ancient, I've had it for 10+ years, so that might have something to do with it. Dunno. In the end I found the rest of the MicroSIM in my desk drawer.

  • @coldandtired That guy has a single joke, but dammit, he commits.


    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @akko said in WTF Bites:

    Germany where mobile (or any kind, really) internet is a luxury


    Not sure what his point of reference for cheap is.
    I pay ~9€ per month for a package with 1.5GB of data and 500 minutes (or SMS, but who uses those when you got data). And since I certainly don't use more minutes, that's exactly how much I pay total. This is without a 2 year contract, I can cancel this any time.
    For comparison, last time I was in the states and tried to look for a cheap bring-your-own-phone (I already got one, fuck off Verizon) pre-paid SIM, the prices were upward of $50 a month.

  • @akko said in WTF Bites:

    What? I've never heard of a single carrier that didn't count system updates against the data quota.

    AT&T doesn't count system updates, but it will count third-party application updates.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    or SMS, but who uses those when you got data

    Um...then what do you use? I don't understand this reference.


    @boomzilla Usually a messenger app like WhatsApp or similar. The Messages app on iPhone also defaults to sending texts as iMessage if the receiver is capable of that, and falls back to SMS otherwise.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    or SMS, but who uses those when you got data

    Um...then what do you use? I don't understand this reference.


  • ♿ (Parody)

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla Usually a messenger app like WhatsApp or similar. The Messages app on iPhone also defaults to sending texts as iMessage if the receiver is capable of that, and falls back to SMS otherwise.

    Ugh. Well, yeah, iPhone I can see. Having them accessible in your computer would be hugely convenient. But for any other app it seems highly unlikely that everyone else would be on there. Not to mention all the notifications I get for, like, doctor appointments and such.

    I guess it also protects me from whatever "value added" features those platforms want to inflict on their users.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @pjh said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    or SMS, but who uses those when you got data

    Um...then what do you use? I don't understand this reference.


    Downvoted for wargarbl.


    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    Ugh. Well, yeah, iPhone I can see. Having them accessible in your computer would be hugely convenient. But for any other app it seems highly unlikely that everyone else would be on there. Not to mention all the notifications I get for, like, doctor appointments and such.

    Being universal is the only killer feature of SMS. I can still send 500 text messages for people who I can't reach via messenger app, but I rarely need that. Receiving texts on SMS is always free here, though.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Behold, a textbox that merely has a picture background of text!


    TL;DR: I'm trying to copy the name of a "folder" in the blob storage, but can't, because it's not actually anything like the address bar it's pretending to emulate...

  • :belt_onion:

    @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    But for any other app it seems highly unlikely that everyone else would be on there.

    There are countries where you can bet 99% of people you know are going to have WhatsApp (at least it used to be WhatsApp). The U.S. doesn't have this only because our carriers don't typically charge for SMS anymore.

  • :belt_onion:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    if the receiver ishas ever been capable of that

    FTFY. A minor, but important, and WTF-worthy difference

  • :belt_onion:

    @sloosecannon My impression is that there's a mechanism to fix that now. Knowing Apple, it's probably shitty and took a lawsuit to get it out there, but it's out there now.

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @akko said in WTF Bites:

    Germany where mobile (or any kind, really) internet is a luxury


    Not sure what his point of reference for cheap is.
    I pay ~9€ per month for a package with 1.5GB of data and 500 minutes (or SMS, but who uses those when you got data). And since I certainly don't use more minutes, that's exactly how much I pay total. This is without a 2 year contract, I can cancel this any time.
    For comparison, last time I was in the states and tried to look for a cheap bring-your-own-phone (I already got one, fuck off Verizon) pre-paid SIM, the prices were upward of $50 a month.

    I pay $0 per month for a package with 1000MB of data, 200 minutes, and 500 SMS. I don't use the minutes or the SMS, I use my Google Voice number in Hangouts which just uses data. I don't even use all the data, since the places that I spend most of my time all have wi-fi.

  • @boomzilla said in WTF Bites:

    But for any other app it seems highly unlikely that everyone else would be on there.

    Facebook Messenger. :trollface:


    @anotherusername Your mobile connection is free? In that case, yes, everything else is expensive in comparison.

  • @topspin Yes... it's actually from a pre-paid/PAYG provider, but their lowest level plan is free. And technically it's a 500MB plan, but they let you add 500MB to any plan they offer just by connecting your account with 10 other users, and you get that extra data each month as long as you still have 10 connections (assuming they don't cancel their service, I guess).

    Actually I just checked and a few of my connections must have, so I only had 900MB this month. Oops. Of that, I've used about 51%, and there are 17 days left in the billing cycle, so I'm a bit higher than I ought to be... but I blame that on the 4-day conference that I went to where the wi-fi was really crappy so I was on mobile data the entire time.


    @anotherusername said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin Yes... it's actually from a pre-paid/PAYG provider, but their lowest level plan is free.

    Is that available nation-wide and if so, what's their name?
    Because that sounds like something I'd really be interested in next time I come for a visit, instead of the $50 stuff.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @anotherusername said in WTF Bites:

    their lowest level plan is free

    Nice. I pay a bit for that sort of thing (~$7) but I don't usually get anywhere close to using that much data. Ubiquitous wifi at home, at work, and more and more on most of my commute too; that all keeps me down (and I don't do streaming when not on wifi anyway).

  • I've inherited a project that wasn't a lot of fun to work with.

    I recently updated it to have a new feature.

    The whole intellisense for Razor Views on the entire project was fucked. I had to go back to work on it, and was like "I am going to fix this, fuck the timesheet". Turns out the web.config in views didn't have a reference to the web project. So everything including well knowm namespaces were broken in views.

  • :belt_onion:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    what's their name

    I believe it's FreedomPop.

  • @heterodox yes.

  • @heterodox said in WTF Bites:

    I believe it's FreedomPop.

    Well turn it up man!

  • :belt_onion:

    @heterodox said in WTF Bites:

    @sloosecannon My impression is that there's a mechanism to fix that now. Knowing Apple, it's probably shitty and took a lawsuit to get it out there, but it's out there now.

    Yes, yes and yes.

    Pretty sure it still has to be user-initiated though, so if you don't know any better, all your textsiMessages are going into the void

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @heterodox said in WTF Bites:

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    what's their name

    I believe it's FreedomPop.

    Oh, we doing ref codes? Mine is ! :D

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    Status: Cleared cookies because YouTube was being weird again. Didn't limit it to just YouTube (oops). Got logged out of everything.


    Well, mostly. Apparently I could still upvote shit and it knew me (thanks, websocket), but because I wasn't logged in the post options were hidden.

  • area_can

  • area_deu

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @akko said in WTF Bites:

    Germany where mobile (or any kind, really) internet is a luxury


    If you don't believe me, I pay 55€/month for 6GB of data. And that is with a few discounts...

    As for home internet, I do get 50Mbps now that I moved to the city, but back when I lived in a more rural village with my parents we got about 40kbps with frequent disconnects. I think they got upgraded to ~3Mbps a few years after we left.

  • area_deu

    @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @hungrier said in WTF Bites:

    @akko said in WTF Bites:

    Germany where mobile (or any kind, really) internet is a luxury


    Not sure what his point of reference for cheap is.
    I pay ~9€ per month for a package with 1.5GB of data and 500 minutes (or SMS, but who uses those when you got data). And since I certainly don't use more minutes, that's exactly how much I pay total. This is without a 2 year contract, I can cancel this any time.
    For comparison, last time I was in the states and tried to look for a cheap bring-your-own-phone (I already got one, fuck off Verizon) pre-paid SIM, the prices were upward of $50 a month.

    Well prices seem to go up non-linearly when you want more data. 1.5GB isn't much and wouldn't get me through most months... My current contract is 55€ for 6GB, but when I spent a few months in the US I got an unlimited data plan that I could cancel at any time for about $30 a month. So that certainly was a lot cheaper. Not to mention coverage.

  • Considered Harmful

    @akko said in WTF Bites:

    If you don't believe me, I pay 55€/month for 6GB of data. And that is with a few discounts...

    I get 2250 MB, valid for a month, for a little under 5€ here. No plan, just prepaid recharge cards. I believe postpaid is even a little cheaper but ICBA

  • area_deu

    @laoc said in WTF Bites:

    @akko said in WTF Bites:

    If you don't believe me, I pay 55€/month for 6GB of data. And that is with a few discounts...

    I get 2250 MB, valid for a month, for a little under 5€ here. No plan, just prepaid recharge cards. I believe postpaid is even a little cheaper but ICBA

    It's nice that everybody here gets their 1 or 2 GB data plans for cheap. That's just not enough for my usage though (I'm working at our HQ atm so I have WiFi the entire day, but when I work at a customer's site I often only have mobile data during the day for months). And as soon as you want a few more gigs the contract prices skyrocket. I may not have the best value-for-money contract, but it doesn't get a lot cheaper. And honestly, 6 GB a month is nothing. It's not the 90s anymore. If I look at the prices of our neighbouring countries and compare it to here I feel I have every right to say it is a luxury here.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @akko said in WTF Bites:

    And honestly, 6 GB a month is nothing. It's not the 90s anymore.

    It depends on how much bulk data you're moving. I don't need to do very much except when on wifi, and I'm on wifi almost all the day.

  • 0_1523275025837_b8c250a3-374b-434a-bbc3-4e4847d69c9d-image.png

    It's possible the site uses the colours to show how spicy the curries are, but it doesn't say.

    To those unvisited by the Polish fairy, złote = gold, czerwone = red, zielone = green.

  • area_deu

    @dkf said in WTF Bites:

    @akko said in WTF Bites:

    And honestly, 6 GB a month is nothing. It's not the 90s anymore.

    It depends on how much bulk data you're moving. I don't need to do very much except when on wifi, and I'm on wifi almost all the day.

    Well as I said, as long as I'm working here I'm on WiFi too. But that's not always the case. And while I can certainly minimise my data usage (which I do, because I have to) it would be nice to be able to put Spotify in online mode and listen to whatever comes to mind when I'm in the car, for example, and not being limited to the music I thought to sync the day before... Or watch a YouTube video on my tablet on my break, in not-potato quality, without worrying if I'll be able to check the train schedule afterwards (because when I reach my data limit my provider throttles so much that even the public transport apps time out)


    @blek The saga continues!

    I got a call (at like 8 AM, no less) from some call center drone from O2, trying to offer me an incentive to stay - exactly the same shit I ALREADY TALKED TO THEM ABOUT ONCE.

    Remember, I'm moving from O2 to O2's subsidiary, they're not losing my business. They would normally after this display of idiocy, but the other providers aren't any better. The whole show with calling me a few days later to offer me a better terms is just dumb.

    Anyway, I pick up the phone and spend a bit of time explaining that no, I don't need unlimited calls because I spend maybe 5 minutes a month on the phone, I don't need 5 times more data for twice the price, I'm fine with what I'm getting and I want to pay as little as possible. I told her the new package I'm getting has 1 GB of data and some free calls and texts that I don't really care about.

    The final "special offer" she tried to give me to keep me with O2 was... 1 GB of data and some free calls and texts I don't really care about, for one year. So I could either get the new package, which isn't time limited, or I could stay with them and I'd have to worry about going through this entire circus in a year trying to get it extended.

    Hmmm. I might need to take a couple of days to think this through. :thonking:

  • Java Dev

    No, Google. Neither New York nor Rhode Island are close to mid-Sweden. (Text translates to "Places nearby".)


  • @atazhaia I get something similar sometimes. I've started typing "South" (the first part of a local neighbourhood) and the first "nearby places" suggestions are "South Africa" and "South Korea". Yeah, these places are "nearby" on the scale of the solar system, but not in any meaningful way to me.

  • Considered Harmful

    @akko said in WTF Bites:

    It's nice that everybody here gets their 1 or 2 GB data plans for cheap. That's just not enough for my usage though (I'm working at our HQ atm so I have WiFi the entire day, but when I work at a customer's site I often only have mobile data during the day for months). And as soon as you want a few more gigs the contract prices skyrocket.

    I could just as well use up my 2 gigs in a day and get another two the next for the same price.

    I may not have the best value-for-money contract, but it doesn't get a lot cheaper. And honestly, 6 GB a month is nothing. It's not the 90s anymore.

    They used to have an unlimited (literally unlimited) plan for $30 a month here and I ran torrents over 4G, so yes ^^
    Without those I wouldn't know what to do with 6 GB.

    If I look at the prices of our neighbouring countries and compare it to here I feel I have every right to say it is a luxury here.

    That's exactly my experience with German mobile, too.

  • Java Dev

    Apparently, this SD card got more free space than its maximum capacity.

    (33.23 GB free out of 31.48 GB)

  • @atazhaia NIFTY indeed

  • @atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    No, Google. Neither New York nor Rhode Island are close to mid-Sweden. (Text translates to "Places nearby".)


    There is something to the old-style spellers where you've first type-searched (i.e. it would show the list of matching items it knew as you typed) for city, then type-searched for street in that city and then for number on that street. So if it didn't know the address, you'd quickly know it does not know the address rather than returning totally unrelated items.

  • FML. Running the program "normally" (i.e., CPU debugger in VisualStudio):

    Error: cuda error "unspecified launch failure"

    Unspecified launch failure is CUDA's way of saying "something went wrong, dunno what. lol.". Anyway, this is on a Windows machine, so the much lauded NSight stuff is available; this includes a CUDA on-device debugger.

    So, "Nsight-> Start CUDA Debugging". Go fetch more tea, because running in the debugger takes a while.

    Wrote "image.png".

    Surely not? But, alas, no, image.png is definitively the correct output. :-/

    Edit: Hmm. Writing this post reminded me of something...
    Edit2: Indeed. Building in Release mode makes it work normally; so does removing the flag that generates device-side debug information in Debug mode (-G). Had forgotten about that, I never build with -G on *nix because of this. Stupid useless defaults.

  • @heterodox said in WTF Bites:

    @blakeyrat said in WTF Bites:

    @erufael So this is a fake "security disclosure" designed to put malware on people's machines? Great.

    Not malware, it just beeps three times at them but it's still annoying.

    We must use different classifications for what constitutes malware. 🛂

  • @topspin said in WTF Bites:

    @boomzilla Usually a messenger app like WhatsApp or similar. The Messages app on iPhone also defaults to sending texts as iMessage if the receiver is capable of that, and falls back to SMS otherwise.

    That "falls back to SMS otherwise" part doesn't really work (for iPhones or Android at least; I haven't interacted with any others so far). I get those group messages (or anything with a graphic) from my family as media messages, which burn a whole lot of my minutes for each individual message, so I usually have to leave myself out of the conversation or else drop a hundred minutes on what usually amounts to blather.
    And my wife's phone gets gobbledygook from people who don't take care to send her a plain-text message from the plain texting functionality of their "smart" phones.

    Yes, there are people like us who just want to use our phones as phones (and maybe with some texting) instead of an extension of etc.

  • Considered Harmful


    If I look at the prices of our neighbouring countries and compare it to here I feel I have every right to say it is a luxury here.

    That's exactly my experience with German mobile, too.

    To be fair, tonight that could be said about internet in general in Germany.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @atazhaia said in WTF Bites:

    Apparently, this SD card got more free space than its maximum capacity.

    (33.23 GB free out of 31.48 GB)

    I know someone who once bought a pen drive which reported its capacity as 64GB. And yet: if you told Windows to copy that much amount of information to it, Windows would gladly write it, but only about 2 GB would actually be remembered.

    In retrospect, it hadn't been the bargain it first sounded.

  • Considered Harmful

    @zecc Chinese knockoffs do that. It reports as being huge so you don't think you got scammed, but it's tiny under the hood.


    @laoc said in WTF Bites:

    To be fair, tonight that could be said about internet in general in Germany.

    Wait, so that's why I lost connection while trying to post yesterday?!? And here I thought it was a local hiccup and not the fucking backbone.


    @djls45 said in WTF Bites:

    That "falls back to SMS otherwise" part doesn't really work (for iPhones or Android at least; I haven't interacted with any others so far). I get those group messages (or anything with a graphic) from my family as media messages, which burn a whole lot of my minutes for each individual message, so I usually have to leave myself out of the conversation or else drop a hundred minutes on what usually amounts to blather.

    Yeah, but that only adds to my point that SMS is shit for that kind of usage, or MMS in this case. For random blathering, long texts, and certainly media files, it's not a good idea.

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