@blakeyrat said:So... just to clarify here, the concept "competition produces better results" leads naturally to"laws are counter-productive."It's yet another logical fallacy he's throwing out.  Give the guy a break, he's defending a massively-failed ideology that killed 150 million people.  He doesn't have many logical tools at his disposal, so he's flinging shit. @blakeyrat said:I guess that explains why Liberia and Somalia are such economic powerhouses, right? They have (basically) no laws. (And, BTW, they are both good places to suggest Libertarians move to when they get all Libertarian on you, it shuts them up real quick.)Libertarians are not anarchists.  Really, they are paleo-conservatives.  They would favor a system much closer to the US 120 years ago in most things (not race and gender equality, though).  You're engaging in a bit of logical fallacy yourself of the same sort employed above, by taking their premise and running it far beyond the obvious conclusion.  I would consider myself somewhat libertarian, although I disagree with them on plenty, especially foreign policy.  @blakeyrat said:I'm starting to think you're a troll, honestly. You can't seriously believe this tripe... right?10% of Americans believe it.  And France is way, way dumber and more useless than America.  And as DailyKos illustrates, stupid/insane people can even figure out how to operate a computer.  So, yes, it's possible.  I cut American liberals more slack, though, because they tend to just be ignorant of history.  European liberals know more history, but lie and deceive to maintain their delusions.