Nobody shares knowledge better than this

  •  [url=""]Linkity-linked for you[/url].

     The thread was hilarious.

    I now know what this "SSDS" thing is that others have been posting in Sidebar WTFs.  I don't know whether I'm grateful or fearful that I know.  Or even just indifferent.

  • Ta for that (you two). RHuckster is king. Humour is everything.

    But... how come a search on "bridge" missed it? Or is it just me?

  • 🚽 Regular

    All I did was google "SpectateSwamp bridge" and it was one of the top results.

  •  Okay.. so is TRWTF that an external search engine (Google, not SSDS!) can find results that the board search overlooks?


    Good to re-read your skit there, RH. Comedy gold.

  • Certified agenda FREE - not many make the cut

    With all the whining and complaining about SSDS I'm surprised that ol Spectate hasn't been banned. Congratulations TheDailyWTF few forums are as agenda FREE as this group. Most of the sites that have banned discussions about SSDS weren't so honest and open. Just like the Hunter / Trapper forums that said "We like Fish and Game Cops" - NOT I haven't talked to one Trapper or Hunter that would agree with that. It's all about the registrations and what the controlling Filthy Rich want us to know.

    Good Going TheDailyWTFSwamp you have earned it

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    With all the whining and complaining about SSDS I'm surprised that ol Spectate hasn't been banned. Congratulations TheDailyWTF few forums are as agenda FREE as this group. Most of the sites that have banned discussions about SSDS weren't so honest and open. Just like the Hunter / Trapper forums that said "We like Fish and Game Cops" - NOT I haven't talked to one Trapper or Hunter that would agree with that. It's all about the registrations and what the controlling Filthy Rich want us to know.

    Good Going TheDailyWTFSwamp you have earned it

    I think it is more the fact the sites that ban you are trying to keep their forums on topic and free from ranting lunatics preaching their own delusion ideas of self importance and misplaced genius.

    TheDailyWTF on the other hand pretty much takes the piss out of things (including you and SSRS); your insanity has provided a semi-amusing distraction over the past few years. It would be nice if you found some new topics to get all mental about though - leaves that are really aliens, moderators being fascist dictators, rocks that are made from rock (I never quite did follow that logic) and the POS that is SSRS are wearing rather thin.

    Quite frankly SSRS was arse 7 odd years ago when you started this nonsense as all of the "features" were available elsewhere with a better UI (I do include command lines in the category of a better UI btw), cleaner implementations and didn't require a person to be aware of your existence to use. Technology has moved on so far since we first thought it was a piece of outdated crap it is no longer even amusing to mock SSRS; before at least we could pretend that you believed SSRS on a DVD was a great way to share information and laugh at you, we can no longer even pretend you believe that to be true when faced with the proliferation of cloud based and multi device based apps out there.

    tl;dr - Swampy - up your game if you want to still be amusing, your act is tired and repetitive and needs a new punchline or two.

  • @spenk said:

    I think it is more the fact the sites that ban you are trying to keep their forums on topic and free from ranting lunatics preaching their own delusion ideas of self importance and misplaced genius.

    .. and if the mods followed this practise, then... it'd be pretty quiet around here!

    @spenk said:

    Quite frankly SSRS was arse 7 odd years ago

    For the benefit of newcomers: it's now grown into a massive overweight hairy sweaty arse with perpetually-visible builder's crack. Who in their right mind adds a "golf" video option to a search engine? I thought "random scrolling text" was irrelevent enough.

    What's next? A feature to display supported USB devices? A feature to merge all your files into one useless lump? Oh, wait...

  • No Editing required - ever


    The Pause / Continue change was easier than expected. Grab the latest version 4.91

    Wow I'll easily be able to skip over any obscenities & nudity without closing and re-opening the files. Noshow any of the X's rather than edit. I hate editing.  

  • @Cassidy said:

    What's next? A feature to display supported USB devices? A feature to merge all your files into one useless lump? Oh, wait...

    I believe that's called a "database". I read about them in school. I normalize and shard my useless lump files!

  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Wow I'll easily be able to skip over any obscenities & nudity without closing and re-opening the files. Noshow any of the X's rather than edit. I hate editing.  

    Why would you want to skip nudity? That's the best part!

  • Hey give the man a rest, he managed to build an almost working media player in vb. Of course all of it can be replaced with vim and mplayer (and it will play almost any file smoothly) but... Also, a random emo freetard made a song for him. Can you beat that? I certainly can't.

  • Cut out all Delay between video clips...... SSDS can

    Thanks for the "defense" SpamCourtSwamp. Their negativism only makes me more determined. I would have stopped work on the program long ago if it wasn't for these Dum Dums.

     With the ability to jump around in a file all that was left was to skip the in-between file stuff. SSDS has background jobs that make it very easy. Just start a background job with video a fraction of a second before the first one ends. Presto no annoying flicker between. Nobody anywhere can touch this video player. I'm calling out VIM and MPlayer come on. let's have a showdown. Me and my Swampies will turn their BIGGEST Gurus into the biggest losers.. Can't wait. We are ready.

  • Swampy, are you even familiar with vim or mplayer? You must take on the big guy. You need to beat out Emacs. It's the best operating system with the worst text editor ever devised. ducks

  • Emacs will go down too

    @Gazzonyx said:

    Swampy, are you even familiar with vim or mplayer? You must take on the big guy. You need to beat out Emacs. It's the best operating system with the worst text editor ever devised. *ducks*

    SSDS doesn't do text editing. There is a search and replace function. RRR on big files it is quicker than notepad. Why re-create the wheel. Sure hope Emacs and the rest of the video players will answer the call. Come on my Swampies. Go call them out to here. A Swampie emailed me today wanting more info. I'll start posting videos on Dropshots explaining some of the options. I don't expect anybody to know-it-all right away. When you do. You'll just love it. I'll be doing the Tobacco leaf flyer video reshoot next. Wow this is going to be great.....

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'm calling out VIM and MPlayer come on. let's have a showdown. Me and my Swampies will turn their BIGGEST Gurus into the biggest losers.. Can't wait. We are ready.
    Oh for fucks sake Swampy, stop with all this showdown crap.

    You haven't ever actually taken part in a showdown before, hell you have never even bothered to actually say what the showdown would entail before.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Emacs will go down too

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    SSDS doesn't do text editing.

    There is a massive flaw in your plan to bring down Emacs, then.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'll be doing the Tobacco leaf flyer video reshoot next.

    How many reshoots of this stupid leaf have you done anyway? I think this is the 12th time I've heard you say this.

  • @Gazzonyx said:

    I normalize and shard my useless lump files!

    I read that as "shart".

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Nobody anywhere can touch this video player.

    Wait.. what? I was told it was a Desktop Search engine!

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS doesn't do text editing.

    Eh? I've been sold a DUD! I was promised it's the only app I'd ever need and it'd do everything and nothing else touches it!

    I getting a refund.

    @RHuckster said:

    How many reshoots of this stupid leaf have you done anyway?

    Needs moar compression artefacts!

    "Dawg, I heard you like compression arte..." (etc)

  • @spenk said:

    hell you have never even bothered to actually say what the showdown would entail before.

    I am still waiting for this as well. I'd totally write one in Korn shell if I knew what I was actually supposed to feature.

    Something about videos..?

  • Latest mini feature

    By simply adding the video length in seconds to the catalog option. Great doors swing open WIDE.

    Today I'll add the option ie

    photo c:\search\videos\test_video001.mpg length=30.50


     I or one of my Swampies will create a simple program that will take this file and produce the paired lines to play all the videos in a fast-forward mode randomly or not.

    ie to skip 2 seconds of video and play 1/5 second segment...


    photo test_video001 wait=.2 pause


    photo test_video001 start==2000 wait=.2 continue pause




    photo test_001 start==30000 wait=.2 continue



    Then the next video and on and on.

    No media player nowhere can touch SSDS. I continue to call out the em all


  • 🚽 Regular

    What is this I don't even...

  • Video length is done.

    @RHuckster said:

    What is this I don't even...

    I got you...

    I have the video length added into the catalog feature. The file size in bytes was part of the directory function but to get the video length required that the video be opened. It takes a little longer and the screen flickers quite a bit. But it works. I'll have a better version in the next day or two. One will be "vl" to put the video length and bytes of each video file; on the first line of the catalog line pairing. I'll add a "FF" option for Fast Forward where I'll create multiple lines that will fast forward thought the video files. It will be easy to set the amount skipped and the mini play length. Ie skip 2 seconds play 1/3 then skip 2 more or 4Secs or 6 etc etc. I am looking forward to see just how this plays out. Not a "required" feature but it should be fun and Swampies like fun...

    Over 1200 SSDS downloaded. And probably Thousands more that came right off my site without being counted. We will take over the Video World.



  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I have the video length added into the catalog feature.

    ...Not a "required" feature but it should be fun and Swampies like fun......

    We will take over the Video World.

    That isn't part of the requirements you RETARD!

  • Swampy, I've been (slowly) catching up on your posts (P.S. - you're my favorite person, evar!). Just a quick question...

    So far as I can tell, you're opposed to metadata, yes? Isn't the byte size of a file in actuality metadata? Do you support the use of metadata in SSDS? How about finding pictures by their dimensions? Songs by their bitrate?

  • Don't Edit anything ever - well maybe sometimes....

    @Gazzonyx said:

    Swampy, I've been (slowly) catching up on your posts (P.S. - you're my favorite person, evar!). Just a quick question...

    So far as I can tell, you're opposed to metadata, yes? Isn't the byte size of a file in actuality metadata? Do you support the use of metadata in SSDS? How about finding pictures by their dimensions? Songs by their bitrate?

    The Byte Size is part of the system directory; the Video Length is metadata and I have to open the video file to get it. No other alternative... and there could be.

    Most of the MetaData could or should be external (why not have both). Having to learn another program to deal with it is the problem. I sure would like to see the GPS locations as a watermark on the associated pic or video. That would be handy. So if it was in the MetaData, Data and file name it wouldn't be such a piss-off.

    Anyway the latest version 4.93 now has the "vl" (video length) option as well as the "ff" fast forward option for MPG video. In testing it out I found that I had one file that had the WRONG video length. Waaay too big. I'll put in a check for this condition in the next version. For each "second" of video there is roughly 700,000 or 800,000 bytes. It will be easy to make the check and to skip over the FF breaks that it would otherwise create...

    So editing could fix this file or I could just throw it away. Finally a use for the rare edit.

    The "vl" works just like "gf" but adds the info (video length) and (bytes) to the catalog file. This takes more time though.....

    The "ff" option uses the value set by "tt3" for 3 seconds between displays and has a default of .3 second play length. That can be changed by entering "ff.15" to view the videos randomly make sure control.txt element 81 is set to "rand_group"   Play Have fun with this.....

    xxx.      Grab a copy


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    The Byte Size is part of the system directory; the Video Length is metadata and I have to open the video file to get it. No other alternative... and there could be.

    But the file size is an intrinsic part of the file. Certain file systems may use up a slightly different amount of on-disk storage due to block size or compression or whatever, but ultimately the file size is not independent from the file. This means the data of the file size describes an aspect of the data of the file. In other words: metadata! :D

    It's not like you could open up C:\systemdirectory.txt and change the file size of a video and magically make it take up less space on the hard drive. You don't believe that, right?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Most of the MetaData could or should be external (why not have both). Having to learn another program to deal with it is the problem.

    Because then you have another program AND another file to deal with the problem. Let's say you had your file size, video length, description and keywords in one file, and the actual video data in another file. Now if you want to share your video, you have to send at least two files instead of one, and you need two programs to read the full content. Half-decent video players already can scoop out the metadata in the file and present it for display or editing. You shouldn't need the video player to play AND another program to edit the metadata, be it notepad or otherwise.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I sure would like to see the GPS locations as a watermark on the associated pic or video. That would be handy. So if it was in the MetaData, Data and file name it wouldn't be such a piss-off.

    See? Now you suggest that the metadata be attached/embedded in the file itself instead of in an external file. But your solution is lacking. Let's quickly discuss that.

    In images, you can have diverse metadata such as GPS, timestamps, authorship, technical details about the camera, technical details about the shot itself, etc etc. Do you really think it would be good to have all that plastered all over every image? That would be silly.

    And even if it was, your program still couldn't read it, because the data isn't in a text form the computer can read. You'd have to OCR it or something ridiculous like that. So instead of having a visually rendered printout of the info embedded into the image stream, why not have a textually rendered record set of the info embedded into the image's metadata. Then your program can read it, too!

    It's like you almost understand the reasoning for embedded metadata, and then you suddenly veer off the track and down a cliff. Why is that?

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Having to learn another program to deal with it is the problem.

    Hmmm... you have problems with learning?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    xxx.      Grab a copy

    No thanks. I use grep - having to learn another program is the problem...

  • SSDS trumps everything else

    @Cassidy said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Having to learn another program to deal with it is the problem.

    Hmmm... you have problems with learning?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    xxx.      Grab a copy

    No thanks. I use grep - having to learn another program is the problem...

    Poor poor Greppler you are Cassidy. Ya just don't know any better

    Dang I love the new FF option. I set it to skip every 2 seconds and play for .15 with rand_group set. People here in the coffeeshop are amazed.

    I just want to brag and brag but that isn't my style..... Let's leave them in our Dust my Swampies...

  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    People here in the coffeeshop are amazed.

    Did they ask you for a copy of your software? If not, then they probably weren't truly amazed at it. They're probably amazed the same way we are.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I just want to brag and brag but that isn't my style

    face palm

  • Fast Forward can make video better

    Fast Forward through RHuckster's comment would make them better. Other uses for fast forward:

    FF through 5 hours of wedding video

    FF for snail races

    FF for cloud formations

    FF of flowers opening



    Next mini feature - interrupt a FF video and see the complete clip at normal speed.

    I can understand why FF doesn't excite some people. Few have thousands of videos like I do.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I can't understand why FF doesn't excite some people.

    I guess you've never had the pleasure of the opposite sex...

  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I can understand why FF doesn't excite some people.

    Look, fast forward is a necessary feature in ANY video playback. To get an idea of how annoying a video player is without fast forward just go to any YouTube video with a 30-second commercial in the beginning and see how much you crave that FF. And you really think people don't ever think of fast forwarding through a wedding video? FF does not "excite" us as if it was some amazing feature nobody's ever thought of! It's kind of like showing us a door and then trying to shock and awe us that you thought about putting a door knob and lock on it... while it's a good and useful feature on the door, it's also ubiquitous on doors and thus why should we be excited about it?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Next mini feature - interrupt a FF video and see the complete clip at normal speed.

    This won't excite us either. It's another ubiquitous feature on all video players. You can fast forward and then gasp return to normal speed. OMG! YOU SHOULD PATENT THAT IDEA BEFORE THE LIKES OF SONY AND SAMSUNG FIND OUT!!!

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Dang I love the new FF option. I set it to skip every 2 seconds and play for .15 with rand_group set. People here in the coffeeshop are amazed.

    I just want to brag and brag but that isn't my style..... Let's leave them in our Dust my Swampies...

    So what exactly does setting it to skip every 2 seconds and play for .15 with rand_group set actually do? Does it cause the video being played to change every 2 seconds or skip forward by 2 seconds or something entirely different. I would love to know exactly what effect they cause on screen to amaze a crowd of people

  • Sharing Knowledge isn't always appreciated

    The Occupy Osoyoos wanted me to video the towns Budget meeting today. The powers that be didn't want me there.


    Didn't get to stay very long...

  • I cant imagine why.

  •  What's your favourite food, Spectate?

  • Occupy with Video - I do

    @dhromed said:

     What's your favourite food, Spectate?

    Marijuana Brownies it fights Cancer and boredom.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    The Occupy Osoyoos wanted me to video the towns Budget meeting today.

    If they had a copy of SSDSS. Then they could have videoed it themselves boo occupy. You need to learn them. To share knowledge. Occupy Schmuckupy Osoyoos. Don't let them Perfect Perfect Osoyoos Occupier Grepplers tell you what. To do. Thats how you video. Cant touch this. </hammer>

  • Citizen of the year Award - Not

    @Cassidy said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    The Occupy Osoyoos wanted me to video the towns Budget meeting today.

    If they had a copy of SSDSS. Then they could have videoed it themselves boo occupy. You need to learn them. To share knowledge. Occupy Schmuckupy Osoyoos. Don't let them Perfect Perfect Osoyoos Occupier Grepplers tell you what. To do. Thats how you video. Cant touch this. </hammer>
    Couldn't of said it better CassidySwamp. My chances of getting the citizen of the year award aren't too good. The people occupying those positions look pretty creepy don't they. Go get them Swampies. Make me proud....

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    My chances of getting the citizen of the year award aren't too good. The people occupying those positions look pretty creepy don't they. Go get them Swampies. Make me proud....

    The way to a occupier's heart is through his stomach. Try sharing those marijuana brownies and making friends with them!

  • 🚽 Regular

    @Xyro said:

    The way to a occupier's heart is through his stomach. Try sharing those marijuana brownies and making friends with them!

    Hmm... no response in two weeks. Think he took your advice and got arrested?

  • Go Vote for SSDS - and save the Planet

    @RHuckster said:

    @Xyro said:
    The way to a occupier's heart is through his stomach. Try sharing those marijuana brownies and making friends with them!
    Hmm... no response in two weeks. Think he took your advice and got arrested?


    Dang I like the way the "golf" option works now. I can easily customize it for any sport. Grab the latest....

    I have been watching the faster than sight objects better than ever before. By hitting enter to interrupt then again to restart the subject segment is played again and again. Hunting aliens will never be the same. WoW I love this program....

    voting for SSDS starts tomorrow...

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @SpectateSwamp said:   voting for SSDS starts tomorrow...

    So tempting...

  • @SpectateSwamp said:   voting for SSDS starts tomorrow...

    I looked for the Desktop Search but all I can find is this damned Multimedia Player.

    How the hell am I expected to merge, search and extract my test files in THAT?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @boomzilla said:

    So tempting...

    If we get 4chan to spam the up votes, we very well could see SSDS in stores soon!

  • See what your system will do; by jamming your data with SSDS

    @Cassidy said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:   voting for SSDS starts tomorrow...

    I looked for the Desktop Search but all I can find is this damned Multimedia Player.

    How the hell am I expected to merge, search and extract my test files in THAT?

    You are absolutely right CassidySwamp. I've concentrated on the stuff that I loved most. Video Video. Few people ever have a clue about keeping all of their textual data and pics... And doing it simply. Maybe I'll have to go on a "digital data revival" of sorts. Sampling my historic emails since 1996. Lots of Brilliant brilliant ideas in those old notes; these hidden jems would make SSDS even more superior.

    Because of your request: CassidySwamp I'll do a couple "Pure Pure" (plain text that is) text searchs on video!!! Be it for password retrieval, URL's (to other forum posts) The comments from those wise wise words & rants (along with these) stored as PP text in my current records file "mystuff.txt"

     The other day "the Merge" made me proud. I had a skateboard video that I wanted to see in slow motion. But I had forgot the sequence number out of 271. Being lazy I didn't want to search by looking at the videos again. I did a MERGE and then a 'matching line only' search for "skate/board" The one that I wanted: showed up along with the other one I was already demoing. Saving me, by letting the computer do what it does best. Smashing and Bashing it's way through data. Without Jamming your computer like this; those "resource units" are just lost, never doing their intended job. But not anymore with SSDS. I'll show some videos where you can abuse the h**l out of your data. Use way more resources than anyone in your crowd.

    Thanks again Swampie. I have been ignoring those that don't do video. I'll show you how to abuse SSDS's every weird text feature. From firing up multiple background jobs to showing off slowed text and synced video screens - while Holding down on the EnterKey how more abusive / jammy can it get.

    Those of little data or video or pics; can just ignore these video clips as usual.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I have been watching the faster than sight objects better than ever before. By hitting enter to interrupt then again to restart the subject segment is played again and again. Hunting aliens will never be the same. WoW I love this program....

    You know, many media playing devices and programs have a thing called an A-B loop, where you press a button once at the start of the bit you want to repeat, and again at the end of the bit you want to repeat, and then it just plays that bit over and over until you take the loop off (usually by pressing the same button a third time).

    Just saying.

  • Yeah but there is a lot of stuff they can't do

    @Scarlet Manuka said:

    You know, many media playing devices and programs have a thing called an A-B loop, where you press a button once at the start of the bit you want to repeat, and again at the end of the bit you want to repeat, and then it just plays that bit over and over until you take the loop off (usually by pressing the same button a third time).

    Just saying.

    It's good to see that some of the 'other' media players are on the RIGHT track. Just saying.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    It's good to see that some of the 'other' media players are on the RIGHT track. Just saying.

    I take it you are ignoring the fact that most players have had this functionality for years, this was standard functionality in early DVD players and even laserdisc players. Most other devices and players actually have a nice UI for doing this as well, unlike SSRR.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I've concentrated on the stuff that I loved most. Video Video.

    So.. you've moved from Data Data Processing to Video Video Playing?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Because of your request: CassidySwamp I'll do a couple "Pure Pure" (plain text that is) text searchs on video!!!

    Oh, good. A Pure Pure Search option. Dang.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    The other day "the Merge" made me proud. I had a skateboard video that I wanted to see in slow motion. But I had forgot the sequence number out of 271. Being lazy I didn't want to search by looking at the videos again.

    Now, if only you had a Desktop Search engine that could find it for you. Boo greppler.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Without Jamming your computer like this; those "resource units" are just lost, never doing their intended job.

    Just grab a resource unit and jam it? Noodling!

  • Find stuff when you don't know what you are looking for - Only with SSDS

    @Cassidy said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    The other day "the Merge" made me proud. I had a skateboard video that I wanted to see in slow motion. But I had forgot the sequence number out of 271. Being lazy I didn't want to search by looking at the videos again.

    Now, if only you had a Desktop Search engine that could find it for you. Boo greppler.

    It wasn't that simple. That's why SSDS came through. I knew I had looked at the video and slowed it down, but didn't know if I used a temp.txt file to set the timeline playback. So it wasn't a sure thing. I went looking for the other skate board video that I knew I was working on at the same time and searched the merged file in context mode. It didn't take long and required next to no effort. Grepplers just couldn't have done that.

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