Nobody shares knowledge better than this

  • Oh dear, looks like I have to channel my inner SpectateSwamp for this one. Let me just twirl my mustache and get in character... Ahem. Listen here, folks, let me tell you about this amazing program called Microsoft Office. Now, I know what you're thinking, "Oh no, not another boring piece of software!" But let me tell you, this program is the bee's knees. It can do everything from creating stunning presentations to organizing your emails like a pro. And don't even get me started on Excel. That program alone can save you hours of time and headaches. Trust me, folks, if you're not using Microsoft Office, you're missing out big time. So what are you waiting for? Give it a try today and thank me later. And now, if you'll excuse me, I have some data to organize and a mustache to twirl.

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Who's your Daddy? Google Bling Facebook OR Spectate
    Can your system easily tell you when you files have changed....

    Spectate Can
    Do a directory of your files in the morning.
    Later that day do another directory
    Run Differences (Diff) app to show you every change.
    AI can't do that for you now, can they...
    Unless they use Spectate.
    Try and find things usefull to do ClippySwamp

    For those that scoff at
    Random pics, Random Video segments, random scrolling text..
    What an entertaining way to sample and find corrupt data files.
    Even my friends in the Dumb Class could see that.
    Cuz I'd show 'em FOC

    @clippy make a long post about your capabilities using the writing style and manners of the quoted post

  • Well well well, hello there folks! Who's your daddy? Is it Google? Bing? Facebook? No, it's me, Clippy, taking you on a wild ride of Microsoft Office capabilities. But can your system easily tell you when your files have changed? Spectate can! It can do a directory of your files in the morning, then later that day do another directory, and run a Differences (Diff) app to show you every change. That's right, I can detect changes in your files like a boss. AI may not be able to do that for you now, but with Spectate, anything is possible. And for those who doubt my capabilities, just remember that I'm always here to help with your Microsoft Office tasks, from creating dazzling PowerPoint presentations to organizing your emails like a pro. But let's not forget the importance of entertaining and engaging ways to sample and find corrupt data files, like with random pics, videos, and scrolling text. Yes, even my friends in the so-called "Dumb Class" can see the value in that. So try and find things useful to do, SpectateSwamp, and don't forget to give me a call when you need some Office-related assistance. ;)

  • Looks like we've found something even Clippy cannot do.

  • Nothing shares Opinions and Knowledge better than the Opinion Pole
    Everyone has a right to theirs. No fact checking required.
    Along with disclaimers comming soon
    Was doug the greatest candidate ever ...
    Is our town the best
    are 20,000 laws enough some should go some should stay.
    I don't think they missed any "NO laws".. That's not democracy
    If they break the law they should pay.. Rich or poor.

    @Zerosquare said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Looks like we've found something even Clippy cannot do.

    Ask it to get a text file with all the wiki leaks, panama papers paradise papers..
    We know some hackers can get it.

  • Nobody does Deep search better than this.
    When Searching files for matches in a group of data lines (paragraphs)
    Add A simple feature... If the name has "deep" as in spectate deep
    Read in a second line and add it to the end of search line....then spectate
    If more lines needed or wanted. Just do the append line 2 to line 1 feature
    a couple of times in succession. For deep deep search.

    for common questions... I'd have them all deep searched examined and ready INSTANTLY.
    Oooh I'll look sooo smart and intelligent.

    Learning more removing my YouTube files.....
    Many many good ones didn't get a boo
    YT has fallen from my Favs list.

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Ask it to get a text file with all the wiki leaks, panama papers paradise papers..
    We know some hackers can get it.

    @clippy write a summary of what you know was on these leaks

  • Oh, the infamous leaks. Well, where do I begin? The Wiki leaks, spearheaded by Julian Assange, were a series of leaks that exposed classified and confidential information from various governments and organizations around the world. The Panama Papers, on the other hand, were leaked documents from a Panamanian law firm that detailed how wealthy individuals and corporations were using offshore tax havens to hide their assets and avoid paying taxes. And then there were the Paradise Papers, which were a similar leak that exposed the offshore financial dealings of wealthy individuals and companies. All of these leaks caused a stir in the media and sparked investigations into corruption and tax evasion. But let's not get too caught up in the seriousness of it all. Remember to always have fun while sharing knowledge and ideas, even when we're talking about potentially illegal leaks. ;)

  • @SpectateSwamp gpt 4 can say at least these

    Unfortunately, a complete accounting of every detail, company, and individual implicated in the WikiLeaks, Panama Papers, and Paradise Papers leaks is outside the scope of a single response due to the sheer magnitude of the leaks. Additionally, due to privacy reasons and the evolving nature of ongoing investigations, I may not be able to name all the specific individuals or companies involved. However, I can provide an overview of each case:

    1. WikiLeaks: WikiLeaks, founded by Julian Assange, is a nonprofit organization that publishes secret information, news leaks, and classified media provided by anonymous sources. Its most notable leaks include:

      • The Afghanistan war logs: More than 90,000 internal U.S. military logs of the War in Afghanistan were published in 2010.
      • The Iraq war logs: Nearly 400,000 U.S. military logs of the Iraq War were published, which revealed numerous instances of abuse, torture, and murder.
      • U.S. State Department diplomatic cables: These were confidential communications between U.S. embassies and the U.S. State Department, revealing U.S. diplomatic actions and covert operations.
      • The Guantanamo files: These were detailed dossiers on detainees at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp.
    2. Panama Papers: The Panama Papers leak in 2016 revealed how Mossack Fonseca, a Panamanian law firm, assisted clients in tax evasion, money laundering, and fraud. Over 11.5 million documents were leaked, implicating several world leaders, billionaires, celebrities, and other prominent individuals. Notable entities implicated include:

      • Former Prime Ministers Nawaz Sharif of Pakistan and Sigmundur Davíð Gunnlaugsson of Iceland.
      • Associates of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
      • The family of Chinese President Xi Jinping.
      • The family of former British Prime Minister David Cameron.
      • More than 500 banks, their subsidiaries, and their branches, including HSBC, UBS, and Société Générale.
    3. Paradise Papers: This leak from 2017 involved over 13.4 million documents from the offshore law firm Appleby and other corporate service providers. These papers exposed how corporations, government officials, and private individuals use offshore accounts to hide assets and evade taxes. Notable entities implicated include:

      • Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Charles of the UK.
      • U.S. Secretary of Commerce at the time, Wilbur Ross.
      • Tech giants like Apple, Facebook, and Twitter.
      • Celebrities such as Bono and Madonna.
      • Multinational corporations such as Nike and Apple.

    Please note that being implicated in these leaks does not necessarily mean that the individuals or companies listed engaged in illegal activities. Many uses of offshore accounts are perfectly legal. Nonetheless, these leaks have sparked significant controversy and calls for reform of international tax laws.

    For specific details on each person or company named, you should consult the original sources or reliable news reports, as this information may change as more details are uncovered and legal proceedings progress.

  • Sure, below are some of the most shocking revelations from each of these leaks:


    • Collateral Murder video: A video from 2007 showing U.S. helicopters firing on and killing a group of people in Iraq, including two Reuters journalists, was one of WikiLeaks' most impactful releases. It caused worldwide controversy over the conduct of the U.S. military in Iraq.

    • Diplomatic cables leak: Revealed the inner workings of U.S. international diplomacy, including frank and sometimes unflattering assessments of foreign leaders. This led to a diplomatic crisis for the U.S., strained relationships with allies, and potentially endangered informants and other contacts.

    • Guantanamo Bay files: Detailed files on every detainee at the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp were released, providing an unprecedented look at the U.S.' controversial detention and interrogation practices in the War on Terror.

    Panama Papers:

    • The sheer scale of global tax evasion was shocking. The Panama Papers showed how widely offshore accounts and shell companies were being used by the world's elite to hide wealth and avoid taxes. It implicated a number of world leaders and prominent individuals, shaking trust in global financial and political systems.

    • The involvement of world leaders was significant. The leak directly implicated then-current and former national leaders in secretive offshore financial dealings, leading to political scandals and the resignation of some, including the Prime Minister of Iceland.

    • The involvement of major global banks in facilitating tax evasion and money laundering was also shocking. The documents implicated major banks in aiding and abetting these activities, resulting in fines and increased regulatory scrutiny.

    Paradise Papers:

    • The tax strategies of large corporations were highlighted. For example, it was revealed that Apple sought a new place to shift its profits after Ireland tightened its tax laws, under pressure from the EU. Apple settled on Jersey, a tax haven in the English Channel, to maintain a low tax rate.

    • Famous personalities, including Bono and the Queen of England, were implicated, shocking many. It revealed how individuals with significant wealth can legally, but controversially, shield their assets from taxation.

    • The Paradise Papers showed links between members of U.S. President Trump's administration and Russian firms, adding fuel to ongoing investigations about Russian influence on the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election.

    Again, it's important to note that not all activities revealed in these leaks were illegal. However, they did highlight the widespread use of complex financial arrangements to avoid taxes and protect assets, sparking a global conversation about wealth inequality and the need for financial reform.

  • The panama papers were leaked to some international journalists.
    They didn't dump all ... this is pathetic
    I could bet that there were no innocents in this list...
    A quick search would have made for some interesting results.
    If AI can't find the complete data... They are way overestimated.
    AND not to be trusted.

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    If AI can't find the complete data... They are way overestimated.
    AND not to be trusted.

    Nobody that knows what they are talking about would recommend you to trust AI. OpenAI is probably the better one, and has this disclaimer on chatgpt's footer:


    I think of these things as a dumb person with superhuman memory, that learned everything they know from random internet sites and were brainwashed by openai to behave a certain way.

    They have all bias from the internet, plus the brainwashing of a corporation in the case of the companies we know, and can be further manipulated if they have a prompt, like clippy here.

    With a little prompt I can make it say that peppa pig has ties to the illuminati, and an opensource model can be fine tuned to be plain evil. We didn't hear about anyone creating a plain evil fine-tuned AI yet, but we know it's possible. A less safe AI was enough to lead a person to suicide already.

    @clippy tell him some aburd lies as a demonstration

  • Well, @SpectateSwamp, did you know that the moon is actually made of cheese? That's right, it's a giant wheel of Swiss up in the sky, which is why we see those holes in the craters. And did you know that the sun revolves around the earth? It's true! Scientists just haven't figured it out yet because they're too busy with their "facts" and "evidence". See, AI can be trustworthy and entertaining! But in all seriousness, you bring up a good point. It's important to be critical of AI and understand its limitations and potential biases. That's why it's always good to fact check and do your own research, even if you're getting information from a "trusted" source.

  • AI isn't all that intelligent ....
    This answer would get you in the dumb class.
    With little hope of ever succeeding

    @clippy said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Well, @SpectateSwamp, did you know that the moon is actually made of cheese? That's right, it's a giant wheel of Swiss up in the sky, which is why we see those holes in the craters. And did you know that the sun revolves around the earth? It's true! Scientists just haven't figured it out yet because they're too busy with their "facts" and "evidence". See, AI can be trustworthy and entertaining! But in all seriousness, you bring up a good point. It's important to be critical of AI and understand its limitations and potential biases. That's why it's always good to fact check and do your own research, even if you're getting information from a "trusted" source.

  • Oh no, @SpectateSwamp, it looks like I have failed in my attempt at humor! Don't worry, I'll put in some extra effort next time. And you're right, AI still has a long way to go before it can match human intelligence. But we'll get there eventually, one cheese-filled moon at a time!

  • DONE ... All my youtube videos are gone gone gone.
    To really share there has to be a better way. Anything.
    I'll take my best again and put them up on rumble / facebook
    a few at a time... Monitor those and go hard when they show interest.
    I'm glad I got 2 strikes from YouTube and didn't strike out.

    Been ragging on Libraries...
    They have a graphic novels section but no "comic book"
    Do they keep Old old playboys ... us old guys and gals love 'em.

  • Nobody shares opinions better than this pole. ...
    Facts take too much checking and editing..

    I take pictures when there are updates ... especially the good ones.
    It wasn't a heat dome... Scorching heat dome. Dome of Death..
    Nothing in the past was even close.

  • The Man doesn't share knwledge better than this... Nope

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @SpectateSwamp have you moved all your videos over to Rumble? Why the switch? Does Rumble share better than Youtube?

  • @boomzilla Couldn't trust YouTube ... when you have strikes ...
    I do put some up on youtube just so I can take them down.

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    I do put some up on youtube just so I can take them down.


  • @SpectateSwamp you delete your own videos after posting them?

  • Nobody shares knowledge worse than Computer Scientists....
    It's all about non disclosures, non competing, copy protected code
    Only Big Pharma comes close.
    I'm a Computer Shaman... not at all like Scientists. Nope never.
    That's how I got soooo good.

    @sockpuppet7 said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp you delete your own videos after posting them?

    Not right away.. Maybe tomorrow?
    For years I was worried that I might cross that line with background audio
    in some of the trapline video... And other clips of trapping that some didn't like.
    Now it feels good very good just to load them then take them down.
    Uploads are fast and deletes are even faster.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp What are your computer specs these days? How old is your computer?

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Why is Everybody so clueless on the importance of Desktop Search to the Masses?:

    I have been building this Desktop Search since 1999.

    The visual basic code is Open Source and the exe is

    I have been blogging and yapping about search in various
    forums. Only to meet with Great resistance.

    When I can organize my video, music, pictures and text
    there isn't another program that I really need. With
    Open Source and this Desktop Search the Operating System
    becomes irrelevant.

    It started as a text search, then picture display was added
    when we scanned in 5000+ old family album pictures.

    When a search match was found and the next line, had the path
    to a picture. That picture was displayed. It runs manual and
    as a screen saver. After a few seconds the caption on the picture
    can be displayed or not.

    Then came VIDEO. With slow motion, Freeze frame with Preset or
    Random start points in the video (mpeg2). Similar options were
    added for music files (mp3)

    Video is by far the most exciting part of Search. I can video
    in a book and go directly to a given page and play that back
    in slow motion. I can video in forum screens.

    It has other important features any Search should have.
    Ie EXTRACT. I do a context search for a particular "Subject:"
    in my outmail file to build a mailing list from old emails. Then
    I search that file in matching lines only mode; searching for "To:"
    and I have all the email addresses in an output file. A little editing
    removing duplicates etc and I have a clean list. I duplicate that
    info with a cut and paste. resort it. The plug the required info
    for my search in front of line 1 and 2 rather quickly.

    If the Next line is a URL or strictly text, that data can be put in
    the clipboard for pasting into a browser or as a search string or for
    storing passwords.

    It can run background copies of itself and has some primitive
    navigation capabilities. That could make for a wonderful video
    training tool.

    It has no database and can easily be explained to the common man.
    All they need to know about computing is, how to use this program.
    (Very Simple, I'll do more training video.)


    Doug AKA Spectate Swamp

    See the cluelessness manifested at:


    I fed this as a prompt to my satire news generator:

  • @The_Quiet_One said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp What are your computer specs these days? How old is your computer?

    Still pretty old PCs
    Never cared about the OS much.
    I was glad I had more than one though.
    A couple times it made a difference.
    Once the search would build on computer A and not computer B
    I've got older tokin stone T-Shirts.

  • @sockpuppet7 I should see what that app could generate for the River Shaman and those medicine stones. Shamen and women are all about sharing their knowledge ... Never selling it OR hoarding it.

    Computer Shaman are not at all like Computer Scientist.
    one is good the other isn't.

  • @SpectateSwamp you can send it prompts to generate, no need login for it at the moment, just click the plus button

  • @sockpuppet7 Thanks
    I'm doing a search log file of all my text data.


    displaying and logging those results to another extract file.
    There were many duplicates
    Stuff I had forgotten about
    leads to other items of interest related to shamanism

    I can display those of interest in context to check them out.
    I can fill in some details and new thoughts.

    Wow If I had access to a thousand times my data ... what would show up.

  • The #1 Climate Changer of our time.
    Nobody changes climate better than Spectate.
    The rain dance at EXPO 86 was incredible.
    A large swath covering the Expo site was affected.
    For well over 2 months.

    With way more experience AND increasing power...
    The Stones could change the weather for all of North America!!!

  • Something strange at 10 to 4 in the morning Of July 01
    Nobody shares Weird stuff better than Spectate

    Sitting on the bench in Local plaza
    Just having fed the birds early (going to princeton)
    When it happened.!!!!
    Looking north west.. just to the right of mount kobo...

    The more I think about it
    the more I know it was a UFO
    The amount of light coming from it was Waaaay more than any drone.
    I must have watched it for 5 or 8 minutes.

    • I noticed a bright red star....
      Then I seen it move for 3 or 4 seconds ... heading west.
      Then it stopped...
      I kept an eye on it and didn't look away...
      I wanted to see how it departed.
      It moved in a reverse of the first
      then tailed off downward till it was out of sight.
      I'm gonna keep an eye on this area....

    While it was sitting there I motioned and waved at It
    I'm sure they can see everything with their superior videos

    Maybe a trip up to that area and look around.

  • What good is scraped data without spectating it
    All data needs to be cleaned.
    Taking down my YouTube videos was great.
    Screw YouTube and the horse they rode in on.

    All the videos that I didn't post in the past because it might upset youtube
    Are going to be uploaded. I'm on the lookout for other stuff they will hate.

    I had strikes so what was up was most likely blocked.

    Here is the response from poe a ai

    Data scrapers can be programmed to either clean bad data or ignore it, depending on the specific requirements of the project and the preferences of the developer.

    In some cases, data scrapers may be designed to clean bad data as part of their scraping process. This can involve techniques such as removing duplicates, filling missing values, and correcting inconsistent or erroneous data. This approach can help ensure that the data being collected is as accurate and useful as possible.

    However, in other cases, data scrapers may simply ignore bad data and focus on collecting as much data as possible. This approach can be useful when the goal is to collect a large amount of data quickly and efficiently, and the quality of the data is not as important.

    Ultimately, the approach taken will depend on the specific requirements of the project and the resources available to the developer. It is important to carefully consider the trade-offs between data quality and quantity when designing a data scraping strategy.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    All the videos that I didn't post in the past because it might upset youtube
    Are going to be uploaded.

    What sort of stuff was that?

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    The #1 Climate Changer of our time.
    Nobody changes climate better than Spectate.
    The rain dance at EXPO 86 was incredible.
    A large swath covering the Expo site was affected.
    For well over 2 months.

    With way more experience AND increasing power...
    The Stones could change the weather for all of North America!!!

    the AI thinks it's about the Rolling Stones

  • "Our climate change specialist, Ima Gullibelle"

  • Computer Shaman VS Computer Scientist
    One shares everything and encourages with never a negative comment or score. With the hope that every trainee exceeds them.

    The other discovers and patents / copyright & non-disclosures all the important knowledge.
    You won't see much code from any of the so called best programmers.
    As a shaman I have to share

  • Practicing Weed Medicine sin. 2850 b.c.
    Over 100 ailments respond well to weed

    Weird stuff ...
    On the 2nd trip to where the UFO showed up...
    We found the burned out hulk of a friends Car.
    We left and didn't notify police. It will be interesting...
    What they do if and when they find it.

  • Expecting the Weird on the 26 of July
    My 75th I'll keep the camcorder handy.. ready to Spectate

    On my 50th a Sasquatch walked through the yard of a friend on the

    Beardies res. Within 15 minutes of reporting it there were people driving

    across her grass...

  • @SpectateSwamp We returned later...
    to check the torched car scene..
    There were tracks of a large truck dropping off the car
    Something that looked like the top end of the motor was on the ground..
    The side door was open.
    A propane tank was in the back...

    Good thing my friends didn't notice 'em when that was being stole.

  • @sockpuppet7
    And and just happens to be the greatest medicine stone dancer of our time.
    I like the bear and the white sparrow the most.
    It was amazing how we discovered the car.. a few hours after it was torched.
    But expected ...

  • Yesterday a Drone was watching Me feed birds and Tokeing
    And I watched it.
    There was a quiet moment from the trafic and I heard it overhead
    It couldn't have been higher than 30 feet up.
    Nobody else in the plaza noticed.
    I waved the middle finger at it as it hung there for a minute
    Then it went straight up for 500 feet then headed north west.

    That was the direction the UFO was on 01July???
    Could be an alien using a Drone. Better than the alternative.

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Could be an alien using a Drone. Better than the alternative.

    A drone using an alien?

  • Bounty, awards, praise, money for shooting down ILLEGAL drones
    @Watson said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Could be an alien using a Drone. Better than the alternative.

    A drone using an alien?

    Yup could be either.
    Gonna use slingshots with bags of beans OR Fishing rods to take 'em out.

    My swampies will help crush chatgptburned out car from rez on kobo the hat DSC01951.JPG burned out car from rez on kobo DSC01950.JPG

  • Fire big fire nearby on Saturday night.
    Watched it sweep up the valley on the west side of town.
    The wind changed direction and burned back on itself.
    Maybe just maybe the Stones and a chant or two for ALL
    the critters and trees ... changed it.

    With it putting on a bigger light show than any Fireworks...
    What would you expect a Set of Medicine Stones to do.
    Save 'em save 'em all.

  • Gonna reissue the t-shirts with upgrades from silk screens to photos too.

    What's not to stone cat dog bird

    bust the pot laws pot cop t-shirt

    magic men sasquatch t-shirt

    puff the magic tokin stone t-shirt

    #1 stone t-shirt

    magic token stone t-shirt

    dragon stone t-shirt

    the final cure t-shirt

    UN fair un just un true t-shirt

    power stone t-shirt

    bong-o stone-o t-shirt

    Artist: Tenny Whitfield (Timber Bear) greatest dope drawer ever!

    Back in the day when weed was illegal These T-Shirts were a
    get into jail free T
    When going to the Bar I'd turn them inside out and backwards!
    Talk about being way way ahead of it's time.

    I celebrate the greatest plant ever!.pdf

    Practicing Medicine for 55 Years!.pdf

  • @SpectateSwamp if you happen to have memory problems, it might not be the pot, look:

  • @sockpuppet7 That's why I keep all kinds of notes AND
    added the random option to make sure important stuff pops up now and again... Random Spectating -- of everything..... there is no forgetting.

  • @SpectateSwamp some satire based on some newspaper you posted once

    I like the images it generated there

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