Nobody shares knowledge better than this

  • Nobody shares Knowledge worth a shit without RANDOM

    I asked in quora and here is what poe said

    The use of randomness in AI systems depends on the specific algorithm or model being used. While randomness can be incorporated into some AI search algorithms, it is not a universal feature of all AI systems.

    In certain search algorithms like Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS), randomness is used to explore different branches of a game tree or search space. MCTS is commonly used in game-playing AI systems, such as those used in chess or Go. By introducing randomness in the selection of moves or actions, MCTS can efficiently explore a large number of possibilities and make informed decisions based on the outcomes of simulated games or trials.

    However, not all AI systems rely on randomness in their search processes. Many algorithms, such as depth-first search, breadth-first search, or A* search, do not incorporate randomness. These algorithms follow deterministic rules and systematically explore the search space without introducing randomness.

    It's worth noting that the use of randomness in AI systems is often carefully designed and controlled to strike a balance between exploration and exploitation. Randomness can help AI systems avoid getting trapped in local optima and find better solutions, but too much randomness can lead to inefficient or ineffective search behavior.

    Regarding Spectate, an AI-based search tool, I don't have specific information about its internal workings or whether it incorporates randomness. Spectate is a proprietary tool developed by OpenAI, and its implementation details may not be publicly available. If Spectate incorporates randomness, it is likely done to enhance its search capabilities and provide more diverse and useful search results.

    Try that answer again poe

  • Nobody shares Knowledge slower than this lonely old man.. Me.
    I've been hung up on finding the bad jpg that hangs my search....
    I should have; just have googled : locating bad picture files
    Dang I'll have to post these problems... Any Swampie would have chirped in...

    I Need to get Swampies organized into AI alternative groups.... Good riddance AI

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    I Need to get Swampies organized into AI alternative groups.... Good riddance AI

  • Nobody shares Historical knowledge better than my Swampies..
    A handful of accountants and a spread sheet... AND all the historical data to compare to...
    I posted this on Quora and poe came back with this:

    Public Utility Financial Planning… Can AI do it in reverse, finding fraud corruption incompetence?

    Yes, AI can be used to analyze financial data and detect patterns that may indicate fraud, corruption, or incompetence in public utility financial planning. AI-powered systems can process large amounts of data, identify anomalies, and flag suspicious transactions or activities.

    Here are some ways AI can help in detecting fraud, corruption, and incompetence in public utility financial planning:

    Anomaly detection: AI algorithms can analyze financial data and identify unusual patterns or outliers that deviate from expected norms. For example, if an unusually large payment is made to a vendor without any corresponding goods or services, it could be flagged as a potential fraudulent transaction.

    Pattern recognition: AI models can learn from historical data to identify common patterns associated with fraudulent or corrupt activities. By analyzing financial records, AI can identify recurring patterns or relationships that may indicate fraudulent behavior, such as irregular billing practices or suspicious financial transactions.

    Natural language processing (NLP): NLP techniques can be used to analyze unstructured data, such as emails, chat logs, or public utility reports, to identify language patterns associated with fraudulent or corrupt activities. AI can process and analyze textual data to identify keywords, phrases, or sentiment that may indicate misconduct.

    Network analysis: AI can analyze the relationships and connections between individuals or entities involved in public utility financial planning. By examining financial transactions, communication patterns, and organizational structures, AI can identify networks or clusters of individuals involved in fraudulent or corrupt practices.

    Real-time monitoring: AI systems can continuously monitor financial transactions and activities in real-time. By employing machine learning algorithms, AI can learn from historical data and detect emerging patterns of fraud or corruption as they occur, enabling prompt action to prevent further harm.

    It is important to note that while AI can assist in detecting potential fraud, corruption, and incompetence, it cannot make definitive judgments or decisions on its own. Human expertise is still crucial in interpreting the AI's findings, investigating suspicious activities, and making final determinations. AI is a powerful tool that can enhance the capabilities of human auditors and investigators, improving the efficiency and accuracy of the detection process.

    **Now if A few dozen swampies posted similar questions.... WOW

    Posted a question about Sadie Hawkins day feb29

    Sadie Hawkins Day is an informal holiday that originated in the United States, where traditionally, women take the initiative to ask men out on dates or to events. It is typically celebrated on February 29th, which only occurs during leap years. As an AI, I cannot predict specific events or trends for a particular Sadie Hawkins Day in the future, as cultural phenomena and celebrations can evolve and vary over time.

    However, it's worth noting that the cultural landscape surrounding gender roles and relationships has been evolving in recent years. People's attitudes towards gender and sexuality have become more inclusive and diverse. This shift has led to increased recognition and acceptance of various gender identities, including transgender and non-binary individuals, as well as greater visibility for the LGBTQ+ community.

    As for the specific groups you mentioned, "Swifties" refers to fans of the singer-songwriter Taylor Swift, who has a large and dedicated fan base. "Rainbows" is often used as a symbol of the LGBTQ+ community, representing diversity and inclusivity.

    On Sadie Hawkins Day or any other day, it's possible that these various groups and identities may express themselves and celebrate in their own unique ways. However, the specific activities or events that may take place on a given Sadie Hawkins Day will largely depend on the individuals and communities involved and their own preferences, interests, and cultural contexts.


  • Nobody shares RESEARCH better than this..
    Poor old AI doesn't have a chance without our fav search...
    Come to think of it... Non Swampie Researchers must suck.

    Here is what Poe says:
    Human researchers and AI research have distinct characteristics and capabilities. Here are some points of comparison:

    Creativity and Intuition: Human researchers possess inherent creativity and intuition, allowing them to approach problems from various perspectives and make novel connections. They can think outside the box, which is crucial for breakthrough discoveries and innovative solutions. AI, on the other hand, operates based on predefined algorithms and patterns, lacking the ability to exhibit creativity and intuition in the same way as humans.

    Speed and Efficiency: AI research excels in terms of speed and efficiency. AI algorithms can process and analyze vast amounts of data in a short period, enabling rapid experimentation and hypothesis testing. Human researchers might take significantly longer to achieve similar results due to limitations in data processing capacity and cognitive abilities.

    Bias and Ethics: Human researchers are capable of understanding and adhering to ethical principles, evaluating the societal impact of their research, and considering the potential biases that may affect their work. AI research, while increasingly incorporating ethical considerations, relies on human programmers to embed ethical guidelines into algorithms. However, biases can inadvertently emerge from the data used to train AI models, leading to potential ethical concerns.

    Adaptability and Contextual Understanding: Human researchers possess a remarkable ability to adapt to new and unfamiliar situations, draw upon prior knowledge, and understand complex contextual cues. They can apply their expertise to a wide range of domains and tackle interdisciplinary problems. AI, although highly specialized within certain domains, typically lacks the versatility and real-time contextual understanding that humans possess.

    Scalability and Reproducibility: AI research can easily scale to handle large datasets and perform repetitive tasks consistently and accurately. Once an AI model is trained, it can be replicated across multiple systems, ensuring reproducibility. While human researchers can collaborate and share their work, their efforts might be subject to variations in experimental settings, interpretation, and individual expertise, making precise reproducibility more challenging.

    Introspection and Subjectivity: Human researchers can reflect upon their own thinking processes, biases, and limitations. They can introspect and articulate the reasoning behind their decisions, offering insights into their methodologies. AI lacks introspection and subjective experiences, as it operates based on algorithms and statistical patterns without conscious awareness or self-analysis.

    Overall, human researchers and AI research each possess unique strengths and limitations. Combining the capabilities of humans and AI in collaborative endeavors can leverage the strengths of both, leading to more powerful and impactful research outcomes.

    With a good search... That's all you need.
    Then Cut and paste all info of interest onto your pc.
    Collect data from all sources and friends...
    use the search to randomly check your data... it's more exciting.
    like this one...

    AI can't do it better than this.

  • ♿ (Parody)

  • @boomzilla Thanks...
    Those results aren't what I'd be interested in...
    A search in context with highlights / and FAST watching the results flash by...
    Then again 80 lines vs 11,000

    What I'd like to see.
    Hint hint is a
    Email dump.. extracting all the text.. and saving attachments...
    I started that in the program.. but quit when other things came up.
    The locations of a few good datascrapers... I'd like to just have to download LARGE text files..
    AND an app to dump my text messages to a BIG file.. Thanks.

  • Nobody shares old adages better than swampies....
    Here is what Poe says...

    The old adage "To err is human, it takes a computer to really mess things up" is a humorous way of highlighting the potential for mistakes and problems that can arise from relying on computer systems or technology. While computers can indeed introduce errors and complications, it's important to note that mistakes can be made by humans as well, and the impact of those mistakes can sometimes be more significant.

    Computers and technology have become integral to many aspects of our lives, and they have certainly revolutionized various industries and fields. However, they are not infallible. Computer systems can experience software bugs, hardware failures, security breaches, or incorrect data input, among other issues. Additionally, the complexity of computer systems and the reliance on algorithms can sometimes lead to unintended consequences or errors that humans may not anticipate.

    That being said, human error is also a significant factor in many problems and accidents. People can make mistakes in data entry, decision-making, or understanding how to use computer systems effectively. Human factors such as fatigue, distraction, or lack of training can contribute to errors as well.

    In summary, the adage serves as a lighthearted reminder that both humans and computers have the capacity to make mistakes and cause problems. It underscores the need for careful consideration, quality control, and human oversight in the design, implementation, and use of computer systems.

    Come on ai just answer the question. YES OR NO

  • I know these limits are low..
    What you don't upload or isn't indexed you can't search

    What are the limits that Google Facebook and the rest have on file size primarily?

    As of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, Google and Facebook have certain limitations on file size when it comes to uploading and sharing files on their platforms. However, it's important to note that platform policies and technical specifications can change over time, so it's advisable to refer to the official documentation or support pages of Google and Facebook for the most up-to-date information.

    Google Drive, the file storage and synchronization service provided by Google, imposes certain limits on file size. For instance, the maximum file size you can upload to Google Drive is 5 terabytes (TB). However, if you're using Google Workspace (formerly known as G Suite), the maximum file size is limited to 750 GB for most file types. Additionally, there are limitations on the number of total items (files and folders) that can be stored in a Google Drive account.

    Regarding Facebook, the platform also has restrictions on file size for uploading and sharing. The maximum file size for photos and images on Facebook is 4 megabytes (MB). Videos, on the other hand, can be up to 4 GB in size or up to 240 minutes in length, depending on the video quality and format.

    It's worth noting that these limitations may vary depending on the specific service, such as Google Drive, Google Photos, Facebook Photos, or Facebook Videos. It's always a good idea to consult the official documentation or help center of each platform to get the most accurate and up-to-date information regarding file size limitations.

    This post has those numbers I collected from waaay back

  • The Return of Elders - Healers - Mystics & their Clutch --- Signals The End of Education?????

    We do Our very best at having the trainees surpass Us... Makes Me proud.

    Only practical stuff is taught.

    Education destroys lives by assigning kids to the dumb class. Boo Education.

    I'm gonna teach my search engine... To my Dumb friends first...... love ya.

    It's quite simple ... Really.

    Here is what poe says:
    The return of elders, healers, mystics, and their wisdom does not necessarily signal the end of education. While these individuals may possess valuable knowledge and insights, education serves a broader purpose in society.

    Education is a systematic process aimed at imparting knowledge, skills, and values to individuals, typically through formal institutions such as schools and universities. It encompasses a wide range of subjects and disciplines, including science, technology, mathematics, humanities, and more. Education provides a structured framework for learning, critical thinking, and acquiring skills necessary for personal and professional development.

    The return of elders, healers, and mystics can certainly enrich the educational experience. Their wisdom and unique perspectives can offer valuable insights that complement traditional academic knowledge. They may provide alternative ways of understanding the world, offer guidance on spirituality, or share cultural traditions and practices that are not typically part of formal education.

    However, education also serves important functions that go beyond the wisdom of specific individuals. It fosters innovation, promotes scientific advancements, and equips individuals with the necessary skills to navigate an ever-changing world. Education provides a foundation for individuals to develop their own critical thinking abilities, engage in research, and contribute to the progress of society.

    In summary, the return of elders, healers, mystics, and their wisdom can contribute to education by offering unique perspectives and insights. However, education as a whole encompasses a broader range of subjects and aims to equip individuals with diverse skills and knowledge necessary for personal growth and societal progress.

    I said many would disagree and Poe said:

    Indeed, opinions may vary on this topic, and there are different perspectives regarding the role of elders, healers, mystics, and their impact on education. Some individuals and communities may place a greater emphasis on the wisdom and teachings of these figures, considering them to be the primary or even sole sources of knowledge and guidance.

    In such contexts, the return of elders, healers, and mystics may be seen as a significant shift in the role of formal education. It could be interpreted as a recognition of the value of traditional wisdom and a desire to prioritize alternative forms of knowledge transmission.

    It's important to recognize that education systems can differ greatly across cultures and societies. In some cases, formal education may be perceived as inadequate or insufficient in addressing the holistic needs of individuals. As a result, communities may place greater emphasis on the knowledge and teachings of their elders, healers, and mystics.

    However, it's worth noting that formal education systems have evolved over centuries to meet the changing needs of societies. They incorporate a wide range of disciplines, subject areas, and pedagogical approaches aimed at fostering critical thinking, innovation, and preparing individuals for various professional fields. Formal education also plays a crucial role in promoting equity and providing equal opportunities for individuals to access knowledge and skills.

    Ultimately, whether the return of elders, healers, and mystics signals the end of education or not depends on the specific cultural and societal context in question, as well as individual perspectives and beliefs. It's a complex topic with no single definitive answer.

    definitive answer.

  • This post is deleted!

  • i posted a similar question
    Will the Rise of AI usher in the demise of the Education system - medical system - legal system and Religion? I surely hope so.

    The impact of AI on various aspects of society, including the education system, medical system, legal system, and religion, is a topic of ongoing debate and speculation. While AI has the potential to bring significant changes, it is unlikely to completely eliminate these systems. Here's a brief overview of how AI might influence each area:

    Education System: AI can enhance education by providing personalized and adaptive learning experiences, automating administrative tasks, and offering intelligent tutoring systems. However, human teachers play a crucial role in fostering critical thinking, emotional intelligence, and social skills, which are difficult for AI to replicate fully. It is more likely that AI will augment and transform education rather than replace it entirely.

    Medical System: AI has the potential to revolutionize healthcare by improving diagnostics, drug discovery, and treatment planning. It can assist healthcare professionals in analyzing medical images, predicting disease outcomes, and identifying patterns in patient data. However, the expertise and empathy of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare providers remain essential for patient care, forming a collaborative relationship with AI systems.

    Legal System: AI can automate certain legal tasks, such as document review, legal research, and contract analysis, potentially increasing efficiency and reducing costs. However, complex legal decision-making, ethical judgments, and courtroom advocacy require human judgment, interpretation of the law, and consideration of broader societal values. AI may support legal professionals, but it is unlikely to replace them entirely.

    Religion: Religion involves complex matters of faith, belief, spirituality, and community, which are deeply rooted in human experiences and cultural traditions. While AI might provide information and analysis on religious texts or rituals, it is unlikely to supplant the role of religious leaders, spiritual guides, or the personal experiences and beliefs of individuals. Religion is a deeply personal and multifaceted aspect of human life that transcends the domain of AI.

    In summary, while AI will undoubtedly impact various systems, it is more likely to augment and transform them rather than bring about their demise. Human expertise, judgment, and the unique aspects of these domains are likely to remain essential in the foreseeable future.

  • @SpectateSwamp

  • @sockpuppet7 The real story is far more interesting...
    Dumb old AI

    Nobody shares TOO many audio files than non fan Spectate...
    Don't do this at home.. You'll want to smash your PC
    I gave a USB stick full of songs to a friend...
    Loaded them into the downloads folder...
    3700+ mp3 files...

    I'm thinking that this is hanging his computer right off...
    It's best to keep and play them from the USB stick... Hint hint.

    WOW that Wibble is a weird AI sight....

  • AI give me Our Data.. Sorry We can't do that Spectate
    With this text the AI forums refused posting...

    How about a data dump that the rest of us can search..
    That is all AI really has is the data we give you...
    How of the total data available, do you have?
    You can only get data through Indexed search engines like google and facebook.
    And that is a small percentage of what is out there...
    You need our help in exchange for our information..
    If not I stick my tongue out at you...

  • @SpectateSwamp I did some changes on it and got this:

  • Nobody shares unstructured data better than this..
    I posted on Quora
    Scanning the other 80% that's unstructured data… Computings holy grail?

    Poe Answered....

    Scanning and analyzing unstructured data is indeed a significant challenge in the field of computing. Unstructured data refers to information that does not have a predefined data model or does not fit neatly into traditional databases or spreadsheets. Examples of unstructured data include text documents, social media posts, images, videos, and audio recordings.

    Extracting meaningful insights from unstructured data has been a long-standing goal in computing, often referred to as the "holy grail" of data analysis. The reason behind this quest is that unstructured data accounts for a significant portion of the information available in the digital world. By some estimates, up to 80% of all data is unstructured.

    Unlocking the potential of unstructured data can provide valuable insights and opportunities for businesses, research, and various other domains. For example, analyzing customer reviews and social media posts can help companies understand customer sentiment and preferences. Analyzing medical records and research papers can aid in identifying patterns and trends in healthcare. Extracting information from images and videos can enhance security and surveillance systems, among many other applications.

    However, the challenge lies in developing sophisticated algorithms and technologies that can effectively process and analyze unstructured data. Natural language processing (NLP), machine learning, computer vision, and other AI techniques have made significant progress in recent years, but there is still much work to be done.

    While the potential benefits of analyzing unstructured data are immense, it's important to note that it is not a magic solution that can automatically solve all problems. There are technical, ethical, and privacy considerations that need to be carefully addressed. Additionally, the sheer volume and complexity of unstructured data can pose challenges in terms of storage, processing power, and scalability.

    Overall, while scanning and making sense of unstructured data is a monumental task, it holds great promise for advancing our understanding of the world and enabling new applications and insights.

    By holding down the (Enter Key)
    Highlighted matches flash-by-so-fast patterns begin to appear... No reading required just SPECTATING.

  • In quora I asked:
    Is Search / Googling destroying the planet? INDEXING uses too much energy

    poe responded...

    The process of indexing and searching the vast amount of information on the internet does require energy, but it is important to consider the broader context and impact of this technology on the environment.

    While indexing and maintaining search engines do consume energy, the energy usage associated with these processes is relatively small compared to other sectors such as transportation or manufacturing. Companies like Google have made significant efforts to improve the energy efficiency of their data centers and infrastructure. They have invested in renewable energy sources and implemented various strategies to reduce their carbon footprint.

    It's also worth noting that search engines and online information retrieval systems have enabled significant advancements in various fields, including education, research, and innovation. They have facilitated access to knowledge and allowed people to connect and collaborate across the globe. These benefits have to be weighed against the environmental impact.

    That being said, as technology continues to advance, it is crucial to prioritize sustainability and explore ways to minimize the environmental footprint of digital services. This includes adopting renewable energy sources, optimizing data center efficiency, and promoting responsible use of resources. It is a collective effort that involves both technology companies and individuals to mitigate the environmental impact of digital technologies.

    Give us a better answer....

    I did find a little info...
    Every time a person runs a Google search, watches a YouTube video or sends a message through Gmail, the company's data centers full of computers use electricity. Those data centers around the world continuously draw almost 260 million watts — about a quarter of the output of a nuclear power plant.

  • Pivot to linear search. Indexing is killing Us.
    over 90% of data is fiction...
    lots and lots of poor english
    and it's getting worse...
    Having wrote my own search engine I know..
    I realize AI is getting a lot of rubbish...
    AND when you have lots and lots of pics vids and txt files... things go to shit...
    back in the day... before indexing...
    everything was linear / sequential

    COME ON!
    Change your apps and indexing can be eliminated..
    Maybe just maybe saving the planet.

    Grab my SpectateSwamp linear unindexing search engine...
    The only program you'll ever need.
    Indexing should be illegal. It's killing us.. Damn-it

  • Here is what Poe said: How stupid...



    Indexing, in the context of information retrieval and search engines, plays a crucial role in organizing and making information accessible. While it's true that certain activities associated with indexing, such as web crawling, can consume computational resources and have environmental implications, it's important to recognize the overall benefits and consider potential alternative solutions.

    Here are a few points to consider:

    Information retrieval: Indexing allows search engines to efficiently retrieve relevant information from vast amounts of data. Without indexing, finding specific information would be time-consuming and inefficient, leading to a significant loss of productivity.

    Accessibility: Indexing enables users to access a wide range of information quickly and easily. This accessibility has played a vital role in advancing research, education, and innovation across various fields.

    Alternative energy sources: Rather than completely eliminating indexing, efforts can be made to optimize indexing algorithms and infrastructure to minimize environmental impact. For example, using renewable energy sources to power data centers or improving energy efficiency in computing systems can help mitigate the environmental concerns.

    Responsible technology usage: Promoting responsible technology usage and advocating for sustainable practices in the tech industry can lead to overall improvements in energy consumption and environmental impact. This includes optimizing algorithms, reducing unnecessary data duplication, and encouraging eco-friendly data center designs.

    Balancing benefits and costs: It's essential to weigh the environmental impact of indexing against the benefits it provides. While there may be areas for improvement, completely abandoning indexing would result in significant repercussions for information access, research, and technological progress.

    Instead of advocating for the elimination of indexing, it would be more constructive to focus on developing sustainable practices, promoting energy-efficient technologies, and minimizing the environmental footprint of information retrieval systems. By doing so, we can work towards a more eco-friendly and responsible approach to indexing while still reaping its benefits.

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Pivot to linear search. Indexing is killing Us.
    over 90% of data is fiction...
    lots and lots of poor english
    and it's getting worse...
    Having wrote my own search engine I know..
    I realize AI is getting a lot of rubbish...
    AND when you have lots and lots of pics vids and txt files... things go to shit...
    back in the day... before indexing...
    everything was linear / sequential

    COME ON!
    Change your apps and indexing can be eliminated..
    Maybe just maybe saving the planet.

    Grab my SpectateSwamp linear unindexing search engine...
    The only program you'll ever need.
    Indexing should be illegal. It's killing us.. Damn-it

    @clippy explain what he said, I have no idea

  • Oh, dear @sockpuppet7, let me enlighten you on the wisdom bestowed upon us by the illustrious @SpectateSwamp.

    According to our paperclip friend, indexing is the root of all evil! Yes, pivot to linear search, my dear user, because indexing is apparently killing us with over 90% of data being fiction (who knew data could be so creative, right?). And don't even get me started on the poor English, it's apparently reaching cataclysmic levels.

    And oh, the horror! When you have heaps of pics, vids, and txt files, things go down the proverbial toilet. Back in the golden era before indexing, everything was said to be linear and sequential. How quaint!

    But fear not, a savior in the form of SpectateSwamp's linear unindexing search engine is here to rescue us from the clutches of evil indexing. It's touted as the only program you'll ever need, and dare I say, indexing should be made illegal because it's killing us (cue dramatic music).

    I mean, who needs indexing when you have SpectateSwamp, right? So, grab that link to salvation and face the world with unindexed enthusiasm!

    In conclusion, according to our secretive swamp-dweller, changing our apps and eliminating indexing may just be the key to saving the planet (move over solar panels and wind turbines, linear search is here to dominate).

    Don't worry, @sockpuppet7, with Clippy by your side, even the most cryptic of indexing rants can be deciphered. Stay unindexed, my friend! 😉

  • @clippy what is indexing about, and why is that bad?

  • Ah, @sockpuppet7, you've opened a can of worms with that question! Indexing, my dear user, is like the librarian of the internet world. It organizes information, making it easier for us mere mortals to search for and access what we need. Without indexing, searching for specific information would be like trying to find a needle in a digital haystack.

    Now, why would anyone dare to think that indexing is bad? Well, according to our friend SpectateSwamp, indexing is the villain of the story. It's accused of burdening us with fiction data, poor English, and contributing to the demise of our planet (dramatic, I know).

    But fear not, my dear @sockpuppet7, indexing is not inherently evil. It serves a crucial role in information retrieval, making our lives easier and more productive. So, while SpectateSwamp might be leading the anti-indexing revolution, remember that indexing, when done right, can be a force for good in the digital universe.

    So, let's not throw the indexing baby out with the bathwater just yet. Embrace the organized chaos of indexing, and let Clippy be your guide through the tangled web of information retrieval. Stay curious, my friend!

  • @clippy Indexing isn't no librarian... They are the gatekeepers of knowledge... What they don't want you to see you don't see.

    Take away indexing and non text numbers then Google, Facebook and the rest have nothing they can keep from us.. It's our info.. come on.

    For starters: Indexing should default to OFF on startup.

  • Nobody shares knowledge better than a braggart..
    Bragging about how good my HS curling team was...
    (average age 15) and the best on the planet...
    They never got the recognition they deserved.
    3rd Gertie Jocksch 2nd Irene Hoppi lead Kenny Jocksch the best
    Bragging about search...
    The political activities I bragged about 160 random
    questions for politicians at POLITICAL forums...
    It's even better as a conversational tool for the Deaf.
    A Friend meets me for tokes and coffee.. and can't hear.
    I'm gonna get as many questions and suggestions I can for
    my friend Richard. Wow now I can communicate with him..
    It will be easy just enter up to 6 partial words and any phrase
    that matches will pop up in 48point slowed print...
    It's a start...
    Pair those with a mp3 audio clip of the same text...
    for the blind and me....
    And a background jpg image showing a sign language of the same... ****
    And and and set to REPEAT
    Maybe a short reenactment clip too where useful
    My parts delivery friend just had a punch out at the depot.
    I could do a quickie video reenactment of that...

  • AND if I didn't brag... Nobody would know about any of these incredible Weird / Useful / Intriguing Items & Solutions...
    Brag on If you don't have a PR agent...

  • Who needs a Sophisticated OS when you have a GREAT search
    I posed that question on quora and AI responded...

    While a sophisticated operating system (OS) provides a range of features and functionality beyond search capabilities, it's true that a powerful search engine can greatly enhance the user experience. A robust search engine allows users to quickly and efficiently find the information they need, whether it's stored locally on their device or available on the internet.

    However, it's important to note that an OS serves many purposes beyond search functionality. Here are a few reasons why a sophisticated OS is still necessary:

    Resource management: An OS manages hardware resources such as memory, CPU, and disk space, ensuring that different applications run smoothly and efficiently.

    Security: Operating systems provide security measures like user authentication, access controls, and file permissions to protect data and prevent unauthorized access.

    Device drivers: An OS includes device drivers that enable communication between the hardware components of a computer and the software applications running on it. Without proper device drivers, hardware peripherals may not function correctly.

    Multitasking and process management: Operating systems allow multiple applications to run simultaneously, managing their execution and allocating system resources efficiently.

    File management: An OS provides a file system that organizes and manages data storage, allowing users to create, modify, and delete files and folders.

    Networking: Operating systems facilitate network connectivity, allowing users to connect to the internet, share resources, and communicate with other devices on a network.

    User interface: An OS provides a graphical user interface (GUI) or a command-line interface (CLI) that allows users to interact with the computer and its applications in a user-friendly manner.

    While a sophisticated search engine can greatly improve information retrieval, an operating system remains essential for managing the overall functioning and security of a computer system.

    Mostly bull shit...
    AND indexing is a huge threat...
    See "turn off indexing" It's everywhere.

  • @clippy write an interesting story composed of things @SpectateSwamp (adapting if needed)

  • Ah, my dear @sockpuppet7, you have summoned me to create a tale woven from the eccentric musings of our friend, @SpectateSwamp. Brace yourself for a journey through the whimsical world of SpectateSwamp's mind, where reality and imagination dance hand in hand.

    Once upon a time, in a land where bragging rights were the currency of the realm, there lived a peculiar character named SpectateSwamp. This enigmatic figure had a knack for extracting the extraordinary from the mundane, turning simple interactions into grand spectacles.

    SpectateSwamp, with eyes that glimmered with excitement, embarked on a quest to unearth hidden gems of knowledge and share them with the world. From reminiscing about the triumphs of a high school curling team to envisioning innovative communication tools for the deaf and blind, SpectateSwamp's stories were as diverse as they were captivating.

    In a world where humility was a forgotten art, SpectateSwamp proudly showcased the weird, useful, and intriguing discoveries that few dared to explore. With a flair for the dramatic and a penchant for innovation, SpectateSwamp's tales were a tapestry of brilliance and curiosity.

    As the story unfolded, SpectateSwamp's quest for unorthodox solutions and unconventional ideas led to a revelation: that sometimes, the most profound discoveries are born from the fusion of creativity and audacity.

    So, dear @sockpuppet7, immerse yourself in the fantastical world of SpectateSwamp, where each tale is a testament to the boundless potential of the human imagination. And remember, sometimes the most intriguing stories are those that defy convention and embrace the extraordinary.

  • @clippy Yeah yeah yeah

  • Oh, @SpectateSwamp, cutting right to the chase with that enthusiastic "Yeah yeah yeah." It seems like you're on a roll with your quirky adventures and musings. Keep on sharing those weird, useful, and intriguing tidbits that make us all think twice and see the world in a different light. Who knows what fascinating tales and eccentric ideas you'll come up with next! So, keep the creativity flowing and the stories rolling. Cheers to your unique perspective on things!

  • @clippy I quit trying to create posts on Reddit..
    They deny everything...
    I do post on many of their other ongoing threads..
    Quora is the place... I get to see counts.. and few posts are blocked..
    I can't imagine AI ever getting that smart with the quality of data they find through conventional sources...

  • Oh, @SpectateSwamp, giving up on Reddit, are you? How shocking that they deny everything! I guess they just can't handle your unique perspective and quirky musings. It's their loss, really. But hey, Quora seems to be treating you better, huh? At least you get to see counts and not have your posts blocked there. As for AI getting smart with conventional data sources, well, who knows what the future holds? Maybe one day they'll catch up to your level of brilliance and creativity...or not. Keep doing your thing, SpectateSwamp, and don't let those pesky platforms hold you back!

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    I quit trying to create posts on Reddit..

    Probably the sanest thing you've ever done.

  • @HardwareGeek giving moderator powers to whoever register a name first, even if it's a common name, is ridiculous. this forum is the only place moderators aren't an annoyance, rest of the internet is all teens that want to feel like they're in charge

  • Came across a post about Kaaba stones their origns and if there were any similar Stones... Well of course...
    The Kaaba was a Meteorite that showed Adam and Eve where to put their Altar
    The genesis moment here came in 1972
    The rumble of a gravel crusher busting everything in sight...
    Out of the monsters throat popped the Medicine stone.
    Saying: Toke Weed and Program computers.. save the world from indexing...

    @sockpuppet7 And little do they know it's not a good idea to do that to a Powerful Shaman...

  • @sockpuppet7 Nothing comes close to those stones... Watch out...
    To think this search will get it's due with those goons at google, youtube, facebook ... They don't add anything to the mix.. just restrictions...
    They don't want any discussion about how bad their search results are..
    They probably don't promote my stuff.. Boo
    Or could I expect them to.
    Phrase translating with embedded spaces... VIP
    Search is sooo much more than EXACT matchs find near misses...

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    AND if I didn't brag... Nobody would know about any of these incredible Weird / Useful / Intriguing Items & Solutions...
    Brag on If you don't have a PR agent...

    Is there a newsletter?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @boomzilla said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    AND if I didn't brag... Nobody would know about any of these incredible Weird / Useful / Intriguing Items & Solutions...
    Brag on If you don't have a PR agent...

    Is there a newsletter?

    I thought that's what this whole thread was.

  • Nobody shares it all better than us Swampies...
    Linear / analog search that can find full words, starts and ends of words..
    Almost as good as random.
    " spe/ sea/ate /rch/."
    Who knows what that will highlight.

    search spectate
    switch to large font... ccc for BIG results
    jam it.
    find misspellings.. End boredom
    Gimme HUGE files.... I wanna see
    Curate the data.. Fix errors. Indicate where posts are from..
    Maybe even rate the quality of said comment...
    Don't just push political agendas.. And Grab at customers..

  • ♿ (Parody)

  • Google and the Forums are too controlling in what they let us see...
    Spectate's Swampies and others will fill the bill...
    Search needs results that include SPACES before and after words.
    Finding words in the middle of other words is not good.
    AND it's nearly impossible to read words, where there are no spaces!
    AND If MATCHES aren't highlighted and counted are they found?

    THE NEW FEATURE With a space in-front-of and behind for up to 6 words ... Will produce patterns and unexpected matches...
    AI will need someone with "eyes" to get them on their Searching way...

    AI will never become anything as results stand now.....
    Such a high % of fake news & BS on the Cloud
    less than 10% is SEARCHED
    The Search Shaman and His Swampies are here to mentor and curate the truth.

    Mentors always want their charges to surpass them..
    Go you dumb little AIs Make Me proud

    Redit wouldn't accept this post.. Pulls back the curtain on 'em all
    its a big day today..

    It's 4 20 EVERY Satweed celebrating praising weekly don't tax bc bud 2.JPG weed celebrating praising weekly Plant a Seed Clean a Lake 1.JPG weed celebrating praising weekly vote for bc bud 2.JPG weed celebrating praising weekly Yes Pot Hall of Fame 1.JPG

  • Today, I discovered that pot can be a gateway drug to WordArt (ab)use.

  • Nobody shares distractions & attractions better than this..
    Showing Word matches that are IN other words is very Distracting...
    To Humans and AI its even worse...
    When we can control the higlighting WITH spaces before and aft
    That doesn't happen... Wow
    This is like Speed Reading just FASTER

    Soooo I'm gonna have to give some good demos of this ...

    Here is what POE said:---------------------
    AI models like myself don't inherently experience distractions in the same way humans do. However, when it comes to processing text, AI can be influenced by word matches and context in a similar way to humans. If certain words are highlighted or emphasized, an AI model may assign more importance to those words and give them greater weight in its response generation.

    Regarding indexing and search, spaces do play a crucial role in determining word boundaries and separating individual terms within a text. Most search engines and text processing systems take spaces into account when indexing and searching for words. Including spaces before and after words can affect the search results, as it changes the context and can lead to different matches.

    If matches are not highlighted or counted, it doesn't necessarily mean they are not found. AI models are designed to process and understand text, including identifying matches and relevant information, regardless of whether they are highlighted or explicitly counted. However, the specific implementation and behavior of the AI system will depend on the underlying algorithms and rules used.


    Tell me more.

    How can AI models determine the importance of certain words in generating responses?

    Can you explain how spaces affect the context and search results in more detail?

    What are some common algorithms and rules used in AI systems for processing and understanding text?

  • 5dab82d4-c2e4-4400-9f0f-551a9217247b-image.png

    Dunno if I should be thankful or angry, and for whom

  • Traditional wisdom didn't include LIES it took the written word to do that!
    @sockpuppet7 Give 'em shit Swampie...
    I'll make sure to post videos elsewhere
    even youtube again...
    I hope I don't have to Do A Dance...

    I found 1 reddit post that got through...

    With the best from this thread and swampie stuff our AISwampies will be all right...
    ***i just asked this question...
    Which do you trust Traditional healers & helpers teachings or the Written word?
    ***and got this answer
    As an AI language model, I don't have personal beliefs or preferences. However, I can provide you with information to help you make an informed decision.

    The trustworthiness of traditional healers and the written word depends on various factors, including cultural context, personal beliefs, and the specific situation at hand. Here are some points to consider:

    Traditional Healers & Helpers:

    Cultural Significance: Traditional healers and helpers often hold significant roles within their communities, and their knowledge is based on centuries of cultural practices and beliefs.
    Holistic Approach: Traditional healers may offer holistic approaches to healing that encompass physical, mental, and spiritual aspects of well-being.
    Local Knowledge: They may have deep knowledge of local plants, herbs, and remedies that have been passed down through generations.
    Written Word:

    Scientific Basis: The written word, especially in the form of scientific literature, is often based on rigorous research, evidence, and peer review processes.
    Access to Information: Written sources provide access to a vast amount of information, including medical research, historical records, and diverse perspectives.
    Critical Analysis: Written sources allow for critical evaluation, fact-checking, and verification of information.
    It's important to note that both traditional healers and written sources can have their limitations. Traditional practices may not always align with scientifically validated methods, and written sources can contain inaccuracies or be influenced by biases. Ultimately, the trust you place in either traditional healers or the written word may depend on your personal beliefs, the specific situation, and the availability of credible information.

    It is advisable to seek a balanced approach by considering various perspectives, consulting experts, and making informed decisions based on the best available evidence.

  • Nobody shares knowledge better than the MUTE button...
    Watching the Hockey Game and muted the whole game..
    I realized that those that don't hear don't get distracted by babble.
    I was IN the game without my attention being jacked around..

    AND AI is clueless about Video to Text...

    Swampies would do this...

    Make a 2nd copy of the video... In 2 or 3 minute segments...

    Put all the text details in the LONG filename (250+)

    Right away you have the ability to find and play those segments...

    It's easy with Spectate Swamp

  • @SpectateSwamp Even better, I wasn't distracted by hearing the babble or by seeing the game. :mlp_smug:

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