Nobody shares knowledge better than this

  • @boomzilla said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:


    ❓ ❓ ❓

    A Greppler

    Yourdonites.. my definition
    A large percentage of the IT folks bought into his structured programming solution. They railed against go to statements, if statements and spaghetti code.. all of which I love.
    Job postings at the time often included the Yourdon requirements... Boo
    So as a statement I put as many goto's and if's in as possible.

    Now with the 1 or 2 line changes for each NEW version of spectate
    each will have MORE ifs and gotos
    take that yourdonites

  • Go outside and Play
    And don't come back until supper

    One of the greatest bits of knowledge I'd like to pass on..

    Sure glad I didn't continue on with the budge feature... too hard.
    By making a minor change to the "again" video playback feature
    I can have it do it again and just add 1/1000 sec to the start point.
    again and again and.....

    The special version of "spectate creep.exe" will only execute that
    changed code if "creep" is there

    A minor change to the Plus 1/1000 would be a Minus 1/1000
    I wonder what that will show when the critters are flashing by.

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp wasn't supposed to tell you

    They're inside not out

  • Nobody shares knowledge better than this BUT
    And that's a big but.
    If the knowledge is a critique that would be hurtful. Don't share it.
    Annual reviews for example... I quit right after the only 2 I had. Felt good.
    There is no such thing as constructive criticism NEVER.

    I can handle criticism... Like water off a duck.

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Nobody shares knowledge better than this BUT
    And that's a big but.
    If the knowledge is a critique that would be hurtful. Don't share it.
    Annual reviews for example... I quit right after the only 2 I had. Felt good.
    There is no such thing as constructive criticism NEVER.

    I can handle criticism... Like water off a duck.

    Wait what happens if you critique yourself?

  • @Gribnit What's to critique

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @Gribnit What's to critique

    Critical ability.

  • @Gribnit Who's to judge.
    A friend told me I had a good arm... After a rock skipping contest.
    Later I found out He was the World Champion arm wrestling. 1982
    He knew a good arm.
    What do you know about anything.

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @Gribnit Who's to judge.
    A friend told me I had a good arm... After a rock skipping contest.
    Later I found out He was the World Champion arm wrestling. 1982
    He knew as good arm.
    What do you know about anything.

    I have 30 years dev experience or so in about a dozen languages.

  • @Gribnit Good / no great going

    I'm sure with that many years experience you have some jems to share.

    I had a couple interviews that I aced and didn't
    I flowcharted logic that the original programmer said "don't touch that code"
    I got 2 letters of thanks from clients I worked for in San Francisco
    I don't think any other consultant got ONE during my time there.
    I eliminated yellow stickies from over 100 user terminals. (4 years into job)

    I had a typing challenge and WON
    Come on Brag like your mother would.. You are good.

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @Gribnit Good / no great going

    I'm sure with that many years experience you have some jems to share.

    I had a couple interviews that I aced and didn't
    I flowcharted logic that the original programmer said "don't touch that code"
    I got 2 letters of thanks from clients I worked for in San Francisco
    I don't think any other consultant got ONE during my time there.
    I eliminated yellow stickies from over 100 user terminals. (4 years into job)

    I had a typing challenge and WON
    Come on Brag like your mother would.. You are good.

    He wouldn't die - he just refused to die.

  • PotHeads will be guarding our Queen

    Weedinator struck in the early morning hours 20210622093535.mpg

    Some AssHole had the Sweetie removed.... The Mayor should be held accountable. Yup

  • Back to that bragging stuff..
    One friend was the light heavy weight champion of the world Arm Wrestling
    Another was a strong man.
    He would bend a penny with his fingers. (my sister seen him do it)
    He could shatter Brazil nuts by holding his middle finger back and release
    (my nephew seen that)
    He bent the bars in the holding cell.. A friend and fire chief said that.
    He would get challenged by drunks and quickly dispatch them without killing 'em
    One time 3 cops came to arrest him in the bar...
    He said you had better get more.
    7 paraded him out in his chair... The patrons would not have allowed Claude B
    to be roughed up.
    A fellow parked too close to his car and Claude bounced it around under a guide wire and a tow truck was needed to get it out.

    What good is a Strongman that doesn't show off and He needs some friends to brag for him
    The US media says Michael Phelps is the greatest athlete.. Nope it's Claude.

    The media is always bragging about writers, musicians athletes and the like
    And if you are gender mixed up ... Even more so.

    Some people don't get their due.

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Back to that bragging stuff..
    One friend was the light heavy weight champion of the world Arm Wrestling
    Another was a strong man.
    He would bend a penny with his fingers. (my sister seen him do it)
    He could shatter Brazil nuts by holding his middle finger back and release
    (my nephew seen that)
    He bent the bars in the holding cell.. A friend and fire chief said that.
    He would get challenged by drunks and quickly dispatch them without killing 'em
    One time 3 cops came to arrest him in the bar...
    He said you had better get more.
    7 paraded him out in his chair... The patrons would not have allowed Claude B
    to be roughed up.
    A fellow parked too close to his car and Claude bounced it around under a guide wire and a tow truck was needed to get it out.

    What good is a Strongman that doesn't show off and He needs some friends to brag for him
    The US media says Michael Phelps is the greatest athlete.. Nope it's Claude.

    The media is always bragging about writers, musicians athletes and the like
    And if you are gender mixed up ... Even more so.

    Some people don't get their due.

    Most people, on the other hand, just pretty much suck. It is telling that mehums pride themselves on their physical strength. WE are the next neotony, kneeling is accepted.

  • Nobody shares knowledge worse than big pharma and modern medicine

    A farmer friend said they use something called Vet Tec it should be called
    old herbalists Tec
    To get it you had to be a land owner / farmer
    invermectin Is cheap and this info is held too chose to their chest. Boo

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp which part was the information?

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp DeruuuuuuuulaSwamp?

  • Considered Harmful

    @Medezark said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Subject to CAB approval.

    You're damn right it is.

    ed. i don't use the term "hero" with reference to anyone but myself lightly, @Medezark, but you sir, are a hero.

    Hey, thanks for telling me I had that command wrong, Ed! I got you a power plant main debounce switch!

    ed. please don't

  • @Gribnit said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp which part was the information?
    You must be a doctor or work for big pharma to know so little about herbals

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @Gribnit said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp which part was the information?
    You must be a doctor or work for big pharma to know so little about herbals

    Bricks want steam, regs is regs, mersh is always getting better, and the Diesel and Skywalker strains are very promising.

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gribnit said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Back to that bragging stuff..
    One friend was the light heavy weight champion of the world Arm Wrestling
    Another was a strong man.
    He would bend a penny with his fingers. (my sister seen him do it)
    He could shatter Brazil nuts by holding his middle finger back and release
    (my nephew seen that)
    He bent the bars in the holding cell.. A friend and fire chief said that.
    He would get challenged by drunks and quickly dispatch them without killing 'em
    One time 3 cops came to arrest him in the bar...
    He said you had better get more.
    7 paraded him out in his chair... The patrons would not have allowed Claude B
    to be roughed up.
    A fellow parked too close to his car and Claude bounced it around under a guide wire and a tow truck was needed to get it out.

    What good is a Strongman that doesn't show off and He needs some friends to brag for him
    The US media says Michael Phelps is the greatest athlete.. Nope it's Claude.

    The media is always bragging about writers, musicians athletes and the like
    And if you are gender mixed up ... Even more so.

    Some people don't get their due.

    Most people, on the other hand, just pretty much suck. It is telling that mehums pride themselves on their physical strength. WE are the next neotony, kneeling is accepted.

    You have to admit you have rarely seen bragging this hard.

  • @Gribnit said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp DeruuuuuuuulaSwamp?
    I miss DerulaSwamp
    She provided me with a text list of the first 8 years or so. Thank You

  • @Gribnit said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp which part was the information?

    You are right there should be more information on the ivermectin
    A friend knows more than me...

    Here is what my farmer friend SAID

    i used a product called “vet Tec”

    it was avablabe though “farm supply “ stores i.e. co op ufa

    but NOW for about five years

    all this animal health was taken away from these stores

    and all gone to vets

    so if your local vet dose not have any dirty laundry on you (play on words)

    some of them make it hard for un client people to get this stuff

    like a person has to have a premise ID number

    a land location and be active in the business of livestock or farming

    or have a dog that has vet visits regularly

    so i do not know what all BC reg’s are

    most if not all of them are way more stricter then other provinces

    that is because of the statuse that province holds with sertan party lines

    you should know all about it (i am hoping)

    i hoper you know that it is not a wise idea to be eating wild game meat

    just by what you are saying about that moose

    “should be telling you alot”

    the words “cronic wasting disease” come to my mind (witch it is)

    what you are witnessing is limes disease in the wild

    altimers and all the others are or come with the package

    i gave up on eating wild game a long time ago

    i came across a map of the spread of that limes or CWD

    back in 2001

    out here we were on the outer edge of it spread (back then)

    multiply the area of the map by 20 (for 20 years later)

    and it most likely has spread even in to BC and all of alberta

    when they let someThing go there is no stopping it

    till it has taken over and most likely gotten rid of all the animals and people that eat the animals

    i think i even sent you that map

    so yes even Ivermectin would help that moose

    limes is a parasite

    Ivermectin would helped you a lot for that rash you were having problems with

    ivermectin has been taken of the shelves or discontinued

    cause it works for the paricited they are dumping on us from the plans

    so yes i have some on hand

    it is ---- was used for cleaning out the paricits on and in the livestock

    some of the spring injections for the calve include (get this one) “corona virus”

    there is all ways help if you know where to look

    and i am not saying to go out and inject your self with animal health products

    that is someThing i would not do unless by accident (and they happen) if you are getting what i am saying

    one thing to consider

    the same companies that make people drugs make animal drugs

    so a person like you has to work it out

    “if there is a difference between what people get and what the animals get”

    bare in mind they think of people as cattle (shattle)

    now put all this in your pipe and smoke it

    and see what kind of answer you get

    hopefully the right ones

    don’t ask me (i supposably do not know)

    so there

    maybe i said someThing

    and then again maybe not

    all ways good to cover your tracks ????????????

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @Gribnit said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp which part was the information?

    You are right there should be more information on the ivermectin
    A friend knows more than me...

    Here is what my farmer friend SAID

    i used a product called “vet Tec”

    it was avablabe though “farm supply “ stores i.e. co op ufa

    but NOW for about five years

    all this animal health was taken away from these stores

    and all gone to vets

    so if your local vet dose not have any dirty laundry on you (play on words)

    some of them make it hard for un client people to get this stuff

    like a person has to have a premise ID number

    a land location and be active in the business of livestock or farming

    or have a dog that has vet visits regularly

    so i do not know what all BC reg’s are

    most if not all of them are way more stricter then other provinces

    that is because of the statuse that province holds with sertan party lines

    you should know all about it (i am hoping)

    i hoper you know that it is not a wise idea to be eating wild game meat

    just by what you are saying about that moose

    “should be telling you alot”

    the words “cronic wasting disease” come to my mind (witch it is)

    what you are witnessing is limes disease in the wild

    altimers and all the others are or come with the package

    i gave up on eating wild game a long time ago

    i came across a map of the spread of that limes or CWD

    back in 2001

    out here we were on the outer edge of it spread (back then)

    multiply the area of the map by 20 (for 20 years later)

    and it most likely has spread even in to BC and all of alberta

    when they let someThing go there is no stopping it

    till it has taken over and most likely gotten rid of all the animals and people that eat the animals

    i think i even sent you that map

    so yes even Ivermectin would help that moose

    limes is a parasite

    Ivermectin would helped you a lot for that rash you were having problems with

    ivermectin has been taken of the shelves or discontinued

    cause it works for the paricited they are dumping on us from the plans

    so yes i have some on hand

    it is ---- was used for cleaning out the paricits on and in the livestock

    some of the spring injections for the calve include (get this one) “corona virus”

    there is all ways help if you know where to look

    and i am not saying to go out and inject your self with animal health products

    that is someThing i would not do unless by accident (and they happen) if you are getting what i am saying

    one thing to consider

    the same companies that make people drugs make animal drugs

    so a person like you has to work it out

    “if there is a difference between what people get and what the animals get”

    bare in mind they think of people as cattle (shattle)

    now put all this in your pipe and smoke it

    and see what kind of answer you get

    hopefully the right ones

    don’t ask me (i supposably do not know)

    so there

    maybe i said someThing

    and then again maybe not

    all ways good to cover your tracks ????????????

    You're not cattle. Mehums are more like pet monkeys.

    But, reading between the lines, it looks like the COVID suppression and the CWD spread overlap. Most likely it's a three-parter, and they want to avoid the activation and human jump from the deer component.

    Worst comes to worst, maybe the ivermectin'll keep you from turning or at least help you stay dead.

  • In talking to weekend cowboys and ranchers it was also called DeWormer

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    In talking to weekend cowboys and ranchers it was also called DeWormer

    You don't want to get back up, lay in a stock

  • Fuckups can be knowledge.
    Lytton BC set record temperatures 3 days in a row and burned down on the 4th
    Anybody with a half brain would have sent the provinces water bombers into action as the temperatures soared.
    Lytton wasn't a big town and a few passes with their water bombers would have provided enough protection.

    No; hold them on the ground and wait for a spark.

    When fire is in the area... Most citizens water down their property but not the govt. Nope dumb. they should know better...

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Such a great feature I decided to do this crap video showing it off.
    link wow what great stuff text

    Best camera ever. Lars von Trier would approve.

  • Considered Harmful

    @LaoC said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Such a great feature I decided to do this crap video showing it off.
    link wow what great stuff text

    Best camera ever. Lars von Trier would approve.

    Truth. Usually liveness of line is applied to sketchwork, but here, the sightline itself becomes a character. Note the subtle emphasis on horizontal movement.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Such a great feature I decided to do this crap video showing it off.
    link wow what great stuff text




  • Considered Harmful

    @The_Quiet_One Isaiah 26:19-20

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp liquid dose, powder? Something you can get into a round. Pellet maybe. Powder in shot load, maybe someone else stays down. Maybe paintball round liquid dose.

    CWD meet up is their punchline, worth stepping on it.

  • Can't share what You don't capture Yup
    The blockage the cause the cure... Right here now!

    People that lose their cell phones with all their pictures... Almost never take as many after.
    People that have thousands or more photos; that can't find anything EVER lose interest .
    For good reason... We all tantrum now and then. Get over it.
    The solution.
    Is a simple unstructured search
    That uses long FileNames to the Max
    Take a picture or video... Offload it to your PC
    Give it a name (that won't make you dyslexic) using "capitals, spaces, geographic locations and more"
    Use the app to create a quick catalog file and Play / Search that WoW
    It is easy and fast.
    Now go gather some fantastic content!!!
    And do a backup of course.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Can't share what You don't capture Yup
    The blockage the cause the cure... Right here now!

    People that lose their cell phones with all their pictures... Almost never take as many after.

    My pics are on the cloud.

    People that have thousands or more photos; that can't find anything EVER lose interest .

    I can organize my pics on the cloud.

    For good reason... We all tantrum now and then. Get over it.

    The last tantrum I had was looking at the hopeless UI of SSDS.

    The solution.

    Is to use the cloud.

    Is a simple unstructured search

    No. Use the cloud.

    That uses long FileNames to the Max


    Take a picture or video... Offload it to your PC

    Offload it to the cloud.

    Give it a name (that won't make you dyslexic) using "capitals, spaces, geographic locations and more"


    Use the app to create a quick catalog file and Play / Search that WoW


    It is easy and fast.


    Now go gather some fantastic content!!!

    Yes. I'll upload it to the cloud.

    And do a backup of course.

    On the cloud.


    Glad you unblocked me. Now you can respond to me.

  • @The_Quiet_One
    Give some examples of all that you profess... I think not.
    Can't touch spectate for finding and playing things. NOPE

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Give some examples of all that you profess... I think not.
    Can't touch spectate for finding and playing things. NOPE


  • Considered Harmful

    It'd be pretty handy to be able to look files up by qualia. Even just sensory impression or vivid memory would be kinda useful, but ideally the fully extended range of communicable and incommunicable attributes should be searchable. A minimum example is being able to find all the people with a given search expression on their faces. Or, tagging, where you put given objects in frame so the search can organize stuff based on what's in what picture. Getting the basics like these right isn't necessarily that hard.

  • @Gribnit The first step is Display / Play and to look.
    You can't easily automate something that doesn't have a manual example
    Be it Computer app or otherwise.

    Looking for faces; that I don't know isn't high on my list.
    Being able to find and copy those results is MAJOR
    Extract Sort and Report (it is always what computing is)

    And renaming is VIP to long filenames of course.

  • Having just a few nul characters as the dummy file (strip the METADATA)
    Everything else in the filename (What a great idea)

    My unstructured search app uses FN details to link to next search and WAY way more
    Crazy crazy idea YUP

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Having just a few nul characters as the dummy file (strip the METADATA)
    Everything else in the filename (What a great idea)

    My unstructured search app uses FN details to link to next search and WAY way more
    Crazy crazy idea YUP

    Well, how about rhyming, then? Also, a set of tags in a linked file is literally an index.

  • Pop up puddles
    Sharing new knowledge needs activists

    We are blistering hot the last while.
    Too hot for man or beast.
    The pavement roasts everything.

    After recent rain there is a drain in the alley that plugs and slowly drains.
    Kids riding through it say: "this is better than the splash park"

    Some brave brave activists...
    Could put a plastic bag over the drain cover....
    Then a legion of swampies / whoever's could
    Pour 4 or 5 hundred gallons of cool water
    Do this in and about many drains..

  • :belt_onion:

    @SpectateSwamp You fit in a 13 byte text file?

  • @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    A very small text file with just SpectateSwamp in it is 13 bytes.txt

    Which actually uses 4kB of space on the disk, because that's how file systems work.

  • @sloosecannon said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @SpectateSwamp You fit in a 13 byte text file?

    If Swampy were an AI, he'd fit in a smaller file than that.

  • @HardwareGeek said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    Which actually uses 4kB of space on the disk, because that's how file systems work.

    Are you implying he's FAT?

  • Considered Harmful

    @SpectateSwamp said in Nobody shares knowledge better than this:

    @Gribnit What a tiny file

    A very small text file with just SpectateSwamp in it is 13 bytes.txt

    Everything is a FN wow

    It's using space on the disk that you don't know how to measure. You've wasted about a decade.

  • @Zerosquare That may or may not be true, but I was not implying it. NTFS and (I think) ext2/3/4 use 4k by default, too.

  • @HardwareGeek Who didn't know about blocking factors for all hardware .. they were assignable per FILE
    Be it tape disc or floppy.

    It made data transfer faster...

    During the 80's most systems were for Billing and such for large utilities
    So very few BIG files.. To move data especially; sequential files... A large blocking factor made it 2 or 3 times quicker. Not so for production files with smaller (indexed) customer records... Smaller was better for performance.

    Some here don't know much that is for sure. They haven't been around since the beginning.
    Now who needs data blocking NOBODY

    Short filenames and file blocking limits must GO Boo

    This is a reason to change that from 4k to 13 bytes.

  • no structures were burned

    Fire nearly wiped out swamp shack

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