Nobody shares knowledge better than this

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Xyro said:

    So, uh,... what differentiates a medicine stone from a regular stone?
    I think it's the holes.

    'Medicine stones - the polos for geologists...'

  • @PJH said:

    @Xyro said:
    So, uh,... what differentiates a medicine stone from a regular stone?
    I think it's the holes.

    Hey, I wanted to say that.

  • @derula said:

    @Nyquist said:
    @SpectateSwamp said:
    do check out the tobacco leaf flyer in detail. Grab a copy and LOOK

    Did you find Jesus on your toast this morning too?

    So it's you, too? I thought it was only my when I found him on mine, struggling and half-dead as he was. What did you two do with him? I had him enclosed in some plastic. Gotta love the few bubbles that got conserved along with him, or the horrified look on his face. Really adorable. Maybe I should sell him to a local church as a relic.



    Shh. We had better. Keep quiet about this. The Catholic Church was trying to

    rebrand him as the Buddy Christ.

    Too scary,you


    (am I doin it rite?)


  • @Nyquist said:

    (am I doin it rite?)

    You're half way. There. But you still have to learn. Wisdom of Desktop Search does not come. All by itself you know.

    But that's okay. I know you have not written. A great great oh so great search by yourself. Like the MFD about

    EmmDee. It's just not feasible. To comprehend, for some. I am the DesktopSearch expert here. You must ask more

    questions. To be enlightened. This forum has come along way. But still more much more to go. Check out my new

    YouTube video. For SlowMotion and RanDom BackWards MuSic. You all have potential, I see. But are not quite there

    yet. To become a real Swampy. One must manage Reshoot Random Reverse Prompt #1, and prompt #2. My text files

    are not an InDex. Index has been invented by the PerfectPerfects to make everything. Very difficult. For the Non-Techies.

    They can't understand Index. Never will. Because they are not enlightened.

    Gee, my stones are so good so very good. I think one is smiling at me. With big eyes. Gotta check the books again what

    that means. Maybe it wants to tell me. Something. Maybe the end of the world comes earlier. Old dancer should collect

    his. Bones and start dancing again. To save the world. With SSDS and gf at prompt #2, we can alien dinosaur skin 2012.

    Random with music. Gotta love it. Nothing else needed. For the Non-Techie. And Alien Desktop Search. Haha, you'll

    never know!

  • Sharing to the Max on the Mini - With Swamp search

    Oh you of a thousand solutions. Teach the uninitiated your way of computing, with it's never ending learning curve. With little ole Swamp search they can be up to speed learning and storing their knowledge; in an afternoon at SwampShack. All they really need to know for the rest of their computer life. So just join the Swampies and forget all that useless knowledge. You can, you know.

    Yup and if I don't start getting some answers to my questions. I'm gonna start a new thread for each and every one of them. So there.

  • Medicine stones == the holy grail & the ark of the covenant combined

    @PJH said:

    @Xyro said:
    So, uh,... what differentiates a medicine stone from a regular stone?
    I think it's the holes.

    'Medicine stones - the polos for geologists...'

    Put out a call to all Shamen. If you are not afraid. They can tell you. I could to. But you wouldn't believe me. Would you.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Oh you of a thousand solutions. Teach the uninitiated your way of computing, with it's never ending learning curve. With little ole Swamp search they can be up to speed learning and storing their knowledge; in an afternoon at SwampShack. All they really need to know for the rest of their computer life. So just join the Swampies and forget all that useless knowledge. You can, you know.

    Yup and if I don't start getting some answers to my questions. I'm gonna start a new thread for each and every one of them. So there.

    As I have pointed out before though, people can start using their computers straight away with the built in functionality - they do not need a half day of training on s, c, tt, rrr and similar nonsense. SSDS works for you and I am happy with that, it is not however the all encompassing solution you claim it is and it simply doesn't fit the working practices of the rest of us.

    Regarding your questions - you have still failed to explain what a "pure number search" is, how can we answer when you do not explain the question properly?

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Put out a call to all Shamen. If you are not afraid. They can tell you. I could to. But you wouldn't believe me. Would you.

    No, we wouldn't. Hey, so you are able to learn, after all. Just not that quickly.

  • @derula said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    Put out a call to all Shamen. If you are not afraid. They can tell you. I could to. But you wouldn't believe me. Would you.

    No, we wouldn't. Hey, so you are able to learn, after all. Just not that quickly.

    I'd still like to hear it from our resident Shaman.  To be honest, I don't know any others.

    By the way Swamp, what is your question again?  Please enumerate them all (that means list them for us).  Also, please provide a NonTechie document that lists all the features and shortcut keys for SSDS.  By shortcut, I mean all the xxx rrr gf qqq kkk ss www nonsense prompt commands.  It could look something like this:
    rrr - stands for RandomRandomRanDom - allows you to play random video/music starting at a random position for a random length of time.
    gf - stands for GirlFriend - I have never felt the touch of a woman
    etc - EtCetera - Latin MumboJumbo to lord over those of vulgar tongue

  • @Xyro said:

    By the way Swamp, what is your question again?
    Pretty standard Swampie behaviour this - make a random statement like "pure number search" and then later claim it was a question but never actually clarify what the actual question is. Same behaviour regarding his mythical showdowns. I guess we need to wait for the magic stones to achieve alignment or something before he will actually put his questions on the record in a coherent manner.

    @Xyro said:

    Also, please provide a NonTechie document that lists all the features and shortcut keys for SSDS. 

    The answer will inevitably be either "Choose help at prompt #2" or "look at the source" neither are really that helpful as help.txt contains some commands, random entries from control.txt and has the neat feature of when displayed in SSDS renders the SSDS window fixed in place! Reading the source is not viable for an end user and even more horrific for anyone with experience as a programmer.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Yup and if I don't start getting some answers to my questions. I'm gonna start a new thread for each and every one of them. So there.

    Just try and you will need a new forum account for every thread, too.

  • @ammoQ said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    Yup and if I don't start getting some answers to my questions. I'm gonna start a new thread for each and every one of them. So there.
    Just try and you will need a new forum account for every thread, too.

    Quoted for epicness.

  • It's been more than 24 hours.  Should we file a missing person report?  Maybe we can use SSDS to search for our shaman.  All we need to do is jam it, right?

  • @Xyro said:

    Maybe we can use SSDS to search for our shaman.  All we need to do is jam it, right?

    Makes sense. Unfortunately, I forgot which prompt we'd have to jam. Was it #1? Or #3? Probably #2, after all!

  • @Xyro said:

    It's been more than 24 hours.  Should we file a missing person report?  Maybe we can use SSDS to search for our shaman.  All we need to do is jam it, right?

    This has been two half days now, perhaps he has been training (indoctrinating?) the first two batches of swampies. Perhaps he is still waiting if it to search a file larger than 2G because he used the 's' option instead of the 'c' option (or was it the other way round?)

  •  My take is that the men in white have found him again.

  • 1/10th the $ to Stream video - Sharing video on the cheap


    Sorry for neglecting my Swampies. I've been up late uploading more town council video. Then of course I needed an afternoon nap.

    Question: How long do you think it will be before I'm banned at If I start telling them of my way of doing it. For 1/10 the cost of "the professional" way of streaming council meetings. The 2 local communities are in the process of selecting a provider. One was quite resistant to me videoing the meeting. Because they had some dumb old Ordinance forbidding videoing such meetings. I got to video the first one and am awaiting their decision on the next meeting this comming monday. Should I go to the local news media first with these numbers or ask the town staff to consider my options for streaming?

    Nobody shares council meeting knowledge more cheaply than Swamp search. Actually they don't even need SSDS unless they want to play the most recent video as a screen saver in the town office. Any old derelict pc would do.

    P.S. At the meeting where they didn't want me to video. I told them I would let it be known. The mayor said don't threaten me. I said I wasn't and was just saying what I would do. One of the newspaper guys present said it would have made a much better story if they had given me the boot.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    P.S. At the meeting where they didn't want me to video. I told them I would let it be known. The mayor said don't threaten me. I said I wasn't and was just saying what I would do. One of the newspaper guys present said it would have made a much better story if they had given me the boot.

    And he's right at that, too.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    P.S. At the meeting where they didn't want me to video. I told them I would let it be known. The mayor said don't threaten me.
    Do you suppose the mayor is an alien?

  • @Xyro said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    P.S. At the meeting where they didn't want me to video. I told them I would let it be known. The mayor said don't threaten me.
    Do you suppose the mayor is an alien?


    That would explain my guess at the reasons for his absence - alien abduction.

  • ReShoot till your drop for quick results

    @Nyquist said:

    That would explain my guess at the reasons for his absence - alien abduction.

    Don't know exactly what is on those video in slow motion. But others that I have played the video for see them too. The tobacco leaf one looks like a life form. and a very playful one at that. Don't be afraid to look.

    Talking reshoots. Just this evening someone told me they had a 8track video of some kind that they wanted to transfer. I told them put it in their player and on the best screen possible. and I'll do a Screen Reshoot. It will be 85% as good. And they will have it saved at the least. In just a few short minutes. Do it for all your old home videos. Way simpler, Way cheaper, Way faster. And on video forums you will get Way more shit for it. But screw them. Reshoot till your drop. It's OK. No better way to share old video either. Nobody shares better than this. Right.

    The tobacco leaf flyer.  

    I'll upload the Cloaded one to and post that link. You have to look very closely to see it. Not for you thick glasses types.


  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    The tobacco leaf one looks like a life form.

    Yes. A tobacco leaf IS a life form... just like dandelions and yogurt cultures.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    And on video forums you will get Way more shit for it. But screw them. Reshoot till your drop.

    Yeah, that's right... screw the professionals who do this for a living. My God, you're worse at video than the fertlizer salesman who made Manos: The Hands of Fate.

     @SpectateSwamp said:

    The tobacco leaf flyer.  


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'll upload the Cloaded one to and post that link. You have to look very closely to see it. Not for you thick glasses types.

    "Cloaded"? Wtf is "cloaded"? Do you mean clouded? Cloaked? ClueLess?

    I simply have to ask... just what is it you do for a living to keep a roof over your head?

  • Double Mushroom Clouds - Swamp search reveals all

    @RHuckster said:


    Nobody new should have to read this thread from start to finish. They would never catch up. and SpenkSwamp would drive them nuts.

    @RHuckster said:

    "Cloaded"? Wtf is "cloaded"? Do you mean clouded? Cloaked? ClueLess?

    A big smudge moving across the screen from left to right at 62 seconds through 74. Without video editing software like Ulead or Nero you can get by with using SSDS to play that section super slow and get in close up with a camcorder (auto focus OFF) videoing in the big action segment.

    There is a lot more activity there besides the smudge. Plenty more are seen when you do a reshoot at extreme close range. Try it you'll like it.

    It doesn't quite seem to be updated yet. Whatever this is? If you find a hot spot for them; they are everywhere. Then there was the mushroom cloud formation that started me on the alien hunt. I showed the video to a lady in a coffee shop a "couple weeks later". She said I saw that cloud across the river from the golf course. YESTERDAY. The exact cloud in the same spot 2 weeks later. Now that is a hot spot. Even for the clueless.

    Check the mystery every 2 weeks cloud?


  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    A big smudge moving across the screen from left to right at 62 seconds through 74.

    It's a bird. Not an alien, not a smudge, just a bird. I don't even need Nero or a camcorder to see that.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Then there was the mushroom cloud formation that started me on the alien hunt.

    It's a thunderhead cloud... they happen all the friggen time in the summer.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I showed the video to a lady in a coffee shop a "couple weeks later".

    Did I read this right? You seriously went to a coffee shop with your laptop, approached a random lady, and she actually watched your cloud video without running away or resorting to mace? What do they put in the water in your parts?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    She said I saw that cloud across the river from the golf course. YESTERDAY. The exact cloud in the same spot 2 weeks later

    How in the world did she identify that cloud as the same cloud? Most clouds of the same type look the same. I would even say I've seen that "same cloud" last June, but of course, that would give you the false idea that I saw your cloud.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Check the mystery every 2 weeks cloud?


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Don't know exactly what is on those video in slow motion. But others that I have played the video for see them too. The tobacco leaf one looks like a life form. and a very playful one at that. Don't be afraid to look.

    "Them". I take it by "Them" you mean the aliens?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I told them put it in their player and on the best screen possible. and I'll do a Screen Reshoot. It will be 85% as good

    There are much better ways to do compression that involve real computing and removing the bits that the human eye can't detect. But I suppose you figure you can see those bits, and so can They.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Nobody new should have to read this thread from start to finish. They would never catch up. and SpenkSwamp would drive them nuts.
    I really doubt this thread is attracting new readers. Sorry if words and sentences offend you though, perhaps I need to learn to communicate with you in a different way.@SpectateSwamp said:
    A big smudge moving across the screen from left to right at 62 seconds through 74.
    Been said before - compression artefact.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Without video editing software like Ulead or Nero you can get by with using SSDS to play that section super slow and get in close up with a camcorder (auto focus OFF) videoing in the big action segment.
    Or just use media player to play it slow, no need for video editing software to watch a video.@SpectateSwamp said:
    There is a lot more activity there besides the smudge. 
    You mean there are lots of compression artefacts.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Plenty more are seen when you do a reshoot at extreme close range.
    That is because you are increasing the compression artefacts.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Try it you'll like it.
    No I won't.

     @SpectateSwamp said:

    It doesn't quite seem to be updated yet. Whatever this is? If you find a hot spot for them; they are everywhere. Then there was the mushroom cloud formation that started me on the alien hunt. I showed the video to a lady in a coffee shop a "couple weeks later". She said I saw that cloud across the river from the golf course. YESTERDAY. The exact cloud in the same spot 2 weeks later. Now that is a hot spot. Even for the clueless.

    Check the mystery every 2 weeks cloud?

    This is possibly the most insane thing I have heard you say in a while, so similar clouds form in the same place! Given the similar atmospheric conditions and geography it is not a shock that similar looking clouds form there. If this is honestly your proof of aliens (even more odd than leaves and birds) you are a confused and disturbed man indeed.







  • Soo Fast No Splash screen needed with Swamp search

    @RHuckster said:

    It's a thunderhead cloud... they happen all the friggen time in the summer.

    Not this late in the evening. It made the most beautiful reflection off nearby McLeod Lake. The sun went down and all of a sudden the light was comming from the EAST!!!

    This youtube post is good enought to see the blur and the rest of the stuff. Maybe not aliens could be life forms. The sky is not empty of life. Demo76_pict13

    Swamp search is pretty handy when you can add a few lines of text and see the same segment of video again and again. Be it Alien, the near invisible life forms. Or just a beautiful sunset or a ton of the most beautiful sunsets one after the other. It improves your view. I played the one of the hawk hitting the window back in super slow motion. and the bird checked me out pretty good when it flew away. Embarrassed I think.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Not this late in the evening.

    Yes they do.

  • @RHuckster said:

    I simply have to ask... just what is it you do for a living to keep a roof over your head?
    Let's return to this question.  I am curious as well.  Let's speculate, shall we?   ...



    Then again, I can't even fathom...

  • Play your data with Swamp search

    @dhromed said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Not this late in the evening.

    Yes they do.

    We'll defer all further weather questions to dhromedSwamp          What the H I'm the RainDancer from Expo 86 Whose weather do you trust??

    And don't try and understand the code. But look for segments. One of the more difficult-extensive changes was going from 3 to 6 search elements. I leave lots of date info that indicates when the change was made so check out "09 june 2002" in the source.txt That info is also put out to the help.txt file as an enhancement.

    Being able to activate an element display in the form border sure helps when testing. How can I make this vb5 available to others besides doing the builds myself? There must be some other half dead nearly crazed VB5 programmers out there? 

    Look for the 3 main prompts And look for when a new element / control was added to the control.txt file. You'll see all the places I needed to change and check to implement a "new feature". Settings like "rand" and "randa" get stored in the control.txt file as defaults. If I want to add a new element. I just check one of the previously added control elements. I can come back into this program after a long absence and jam it, no problem.

    But if you don't want to look at the code then don't. That is good too. But do use SSDS and Jam it like I do and you will have more fun with your data, way more fun with your data.

    This program allows you to share your accumulated knowledge like no other. and it's fun. Phooie to the naysayers  Double Phooie 

  • @SpectateSwamp said:


    A big smudge moving across the screen from left to right at 62 seconds through 74. Without video editing software like Ulead or Nero you can get by with using SSDS to play that section super slow and get in close up with a camcorder (auto focus OFF) videoing in the big action segment.

    There is a lot more activity there besides the smudge. Plenty more are seen when you do a reshoot at extreme close range. Try it you'll like it.

    It doesn't quite seem to be updated yet. Whatever this is? If you find a hot spot for them; they are everywhere. Then there was the mushroom cloud formation that started me on the alien hunt. I showed the video to a lady in a coffee shop a "couple weeks later". She said I saw that cloud across the river from the golf course. YESTERDAY. The exact cloud in the same spot 2 weeks later. Now that is a hot spot. Even for the clueless.

    Check the mystery every 2 weeks cloud?

    Oh my God, dude.  You are officially never allowed to touch technology again.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    We'll defer all further weather questions to dhromedSwamp          What the H I'm the RainDancer from Expo 86 Whose weather do you trust??


    You are positively crazed.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    And don't try and understand the code. But look for segments. One of the more difficult-extensive changes was going from 3 to 6 search elements. I leave lots of date info that indicates when the change was made so check out "09 june 2002" in the source.txt That info is also put out to the help.txt file as an enhancement.

    ... did someone punch your reset button just now? 


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    How can I make this vb5 available to others besides doing the builds myself? There must be some other half dead nearly crazed VB5 programmers out there? 

    Oh I'm sure there is. Just none of them wants to help you compile and / or deploy your piece of crap "software".

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    And don't try and understand the code.
    After all why would people want to understand code they are trying to change?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    But look for segments.
    Functions and subroutines would make it far easier to identify such "segments" however.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    One of the more difficult-extensive changes was going from 3 to 6 search elements.
    Dare I suggest this is because of the disorganised nature of the source code?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I leave lots of date info that indicates when the change was made so check out "09 june 2002"
    The date information is only useful to people with an intimate knowledge of your diary / calendar though - not the best way to manage versions.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    How can I make this vb5 available to others besides doing the builds myself? There must be some other half dead nearly crazed VB5 programmers out there? 
    Surely SSDS should be easily ported to VB6 though, after all the code is simple and easy to understand.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    But do use SSDS and Jam it like I do and you will have more fun with your data, way more fun with your data.
    If fun means not being able to use your own data how you want to then I agree, if however you want to use folders, different formats other than plain text, ID3v2 tags, Exif tags or just about any other supported file format then SSDS isn't really that useful.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    This program allows you to share your accumulated knowledge like no other. and it's fun. Phooie to the naysayers  Double Phooie 
    This program allows you to search a single text file at a time - this is fuck all to do with searching, sharing, alien hunting or any other bizarre claim you make.

  • @spenk said:

    This program allows you to search a single text file at a time

    Yes, but it has 2 more prompts dedicated to searching than Notepad. Therefore, it must be better. Q.e.d.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    How can I make this vb5 available to others besides doing the builds myself?

    You must port it to VB6.

  • :belt_onion:

    @dhromed said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    How can I make this vb5 available to others besides doing the builds myself?
    You must port it to VB6.
    And then bstorer can finally port it to VB.NET...

    Actually, how's that project coming along? Haven't heard much from it lately

  • @bjolling said:

    @dhromed said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    How can I make this vb5 available to others besides doing the builds myself?
    You must port it to VB6.
    And then bstorer can finally port it to VB.NET...

    Actually, how's that project coming along? Haven't heard much from it lately

    He died in the process :(

  • @dhromed said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    How can I make this vb5 available to others besides doing the builds myself?

    You must port it to VB[b]9[/b].

    FTFY (hopefully).

  •  I have video's of Spectate having furry sex with a possum.


    oddly enough it was in an advertisement for a wooden table.


    "I'm not like other wooden table salesman, I don't try to lord over you! you just take a possum and jam it with your noodle! "



  • Digital Video Archiving with the Best - Swamp search

    @XIU said:

    @bjolling said:

    And then bstorer can finally port it to VB.NET...

    Actually, how's that project coming along? Haven't heard much from it lately

    He died in the process :(
    BstorerSwamp has truly earned his swamp. If bstorer ever wants a special build with a few of the form border displays activated. Just to check some logic. It's no problem. Yup no search engine touches SSDS when it comes to digital video archiving. It's easy to share your digital video knowledge with Swamp search. Extreme data control begets extreme knowledge sharing. Geeze I love this program.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Yup no search engine touches SSDS when it comes to digital video archiving.
    I would imagine that is because search tools are kind of used for searching, archiving is another matter entirely Then again searching an archive is much easier when you do not need to index it by hand so SSDS loses as far as I am concerned.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    It's easy to share your digital video knowledge with Swamp search.
    How does SSDS make sharing knowledge easier? Is this by putting all of the knowledge in a single text file?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Extreme data control begets extreme knowledge sharing.
    As long as the knowledge is in plain ascii only format with a file extension of 2, 3 or 4 characters that is.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Geeze I love this program.
    Somebody has to, quite frankly nobody other than you ever would even tollerate it.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    BstorerSwamp has truly earned his swamp.

    I know I'm gonna regret this but WTF is a Swamp? The mess this program outputs, or your hoard of crap that you're trying to search?

  • Ok guys, so I pulled a Swampy this afternoon and copypasted all of our local shaman's words into a single text file.  Why would I do this, you ask?  To run it through a Markov-chain text generator, of course!  Behold!  For I have created an artificial swampling!  Frightening yet still that it is slightly more coherent that the true-to-life original!   And now to answer Nyquist's question:

    @Nyquist said:

    I know I'm gonna regret this but WTF is a Swamp? The mess this program outputs, or your hoard of crap that you're trying to search?

    Swamp is as straight forward as SSDS. All with the late 60's was good.

    It's best to know why. I got it so fast. That is how I use it. Period.
    Sorry not the results won't be around forever. If one could hug a program; SSDS would make your momma doesn't find out.

    With the best screen possible. and I'll jam it.

    First off it's not A utility with a particular artist. It will easily transfer to c or any bad word. Not when they banned me. I should list the culprit site names. Now. Some of the alphabet and for 'Y'esterday notes at the end of the details.

    SSDS can see it easy to merge/append now my passwords in the odd dumb bunny.

    Check out "show_files_yn" in source.txt to see my counts. I select mystuff.txt which is the same. Ie duplicates.
    It took us 2 months scanning in family heirloom pictures. At the search as is. You would never catch up. and SpenkSwamp would drive them nuts.
    Like I don't blow around a good search Videos for this other values right now.
    A big smudge moving across the river from the other searches give you bastardized version of the tobacco leaf one.

    I didn't want to lord it over the years and seen a spaghetti artist before. I'll get around to doing a few test records for the correction I can't stand RRR. Because your player doesn't have any metadata. With SSDS it's just enter (look) enter. look at the same song with SSDS

    Get off your butt and do nothing else. Question my max size results for the output file called directory.txt Then search that file twice. Come on somebody should be easy. Most of them were taken on Rememberance day.

    The late 60's was the mushroom cloud formation that started me on the old system. I did 2000+ screen captures of these WTF screens and adding some notes I'll be using it to dump to SSDS mpg catalog format for starters; I'll run the 'gf' option will show up. Hold your finger down on the best clip. Much better on my desktop / USB thingie.

  • @Xyro said:

    Ok guys, so I pulled a Swampy this afternoon and copypasted all of our local shaman's words into a single text file.  Why would I do this, you ask?  To run it through a Markov-chain text generator, of course!  Behold!  For I have created an artificial swampling!  Frightening yet still that it is slightly more coherent that the true-to-life original!  
    That is disturbingly similar to the ramblings we have come to expect, I even got a mention!

  • @spenk said:

    @Xyro said:
    Ok guys, so I pulled a Swampy this afternoon and copypasted all of our
    local shaman's words into a single text file.  Why would I do this, you
    ask?  To run it through a Markov-chain text generator, of course! 
    Behold!  For I have created an artificial swampling!  Frightening yet
    still that it is slightly more coherent that the true-to-life
    That is disturbingly similar to the ramblings we have come to expect

    True. Maybe this way we could actually communicate to Spectate? Can't you pull a website in which we can enter some text and get his answer to that?

  • @spenk said:

    @Xyro said:
    Ok guys, so I pulled a Swampy this afternoon and copypasted all of our local shaman's words into a single text file.  Why would I do this, you ask?  To run it through a Markov-chain text generator, of course!  Behold!  For I have created an artificial swampling!  Frightening yet still that it is slightly more coherent that the true-to-life original!  
    That is disturbingly similar to the ramblings we have come to expect

    Which makes me wonder if SpectateSwamp can pass the Turing test.

    @Xyro: +1 epic.

  • @Nyquist said:

    Which makes me wonder if SpectateSwamp can pass the Turing test.


    No, I don't think so.

  • Boredom begone with Swamp search

    @dhromed said:

    @Nyquist said:

    Which makes me wonder if SpectateSwamp can pass the Turing test.


    No, I don't think so.

    Yes. Yes again then maybe no.

    The only test that counts is the Swamp search test. It will leave the rest in the dust. Every bit of the information that I love and want to keep is at my fingertips. And my fingertips move. Somewhere in this post and the other biggies. Future Swampies will learn how to dumb down knowledge sharing for pleasure and enjoyment. Without random. You got boredom. Without Swamp search..... Oooh what a horrible thought.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Yes. Yes again then maybe no.

    Pfft, you don't even know what a turing test even is, do you?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    The only test that counts is the Swamp search test.

    You mean the showdown you always talk about but never actually start?

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Every bit of the information that I love and want to keep is at my fingertips. And my fingertips move.

    This poetic couple sentences make me smile... it's like something the Beatles would write after a session of Mary Jane if they were around these days.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Without random. You got boredom.

    I know it, when I am searching for anything and get what I expect, it's so friggen boring. I'd much rather get random results everytime I search. </sarcasm>

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Without Swamp search..... Oooh what a horrible thought.

    ...and yet, everyone on this forum, nay, everyone in the world except for you and that antique dealer has been doing just fine without Swamp Search.

    I have to say, the name fits, though... when I see you demonstrate your software, it's not much different than searching in a swamp... I imagine myself in a bog, looking through the murkey water, finding random shit... a tire, and old shoe, but never finding what I'm actually looking for until hours later, when, in a stroke of luck, I find it... only it's all soggy and stinky, then I find myself sinking and drown.

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