Nobody shares knowledge better than this

  • Re-shoots better than nothing

    @spenk said:

    Why not just edit the minute clip into one or two shorter clips that show the bits you are interested in, that video is 90% (probably more) of watching a wire blown by the wind with a couple of leaves blown past - the scenes with a leaf in are probably less than 5 seconds in total so editing would make sense (I know it doesn't make sense to you, I am just stating this for the record). Reshoots are a shit idea though as they reduce the quality far more than a decent editor would do.


    Yeah but re-shoots are so easy and quick. And still better than doing nothing at all. With SSDS and videoing in the screen. I get to see more than the average Joe. Sharing video is about doing the best you can (or want to) do. Each time you re-render a video you lose resolution.  So the originals are always best. For those who are into editing video. Please do a better job than me. I'll look. I'm pretty sure that MCI playback doesn't show every frame of the tobacco leaf flyer. Use your video editor to expose that!

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Each time you re-render a video you lose resolution.

    If by resolution you mean quality (or detail, or information), you're right. But the same happens in re-shoots.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'm pretty sure that MCI playback doesn't show every frame of the tobacco leaf flyer.

    I'm not a video expert, but I'm pretty sure that with usual video compression, the frames are linked in a way which makes it pretty hard to skip single frames without making the video look weird. It would have to be done on purpose.

    To get more information out of a digital video, there are two things you can do:

    1. Stop the player / editor at a certain position and skip back and forth between frames until you are at that single frame you want to see
    2. Get the video in a better quality.
    The latter cannot be achieved by "re-shooting", re-compressing, jamming or SSDSing. The only way is to either know someone who has it in better quality, or to go back to the location and film it again, with a better camera.

    Your argument is like saying: "Of course I know our environment is in danger. You perfect perfects don't have to tell me. I drive my SUV for at least 6 hours every day.", us replying "Spectate, pointlessly driving an SUV doesn't help the environment.", and you arguing "You're right, it might not be much, but at least I'm taking action, you're not. Lazy, lazy people. With SSDS, I can rid the world of GlobalWarming. Boo perfect perfects."


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Yeah but re-shoots are so easy and quick.
    A decent editor however would take a fraction of the time to produce the shorter clips and wouldn't cause such a massive reduction in quality either.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Each time you re-render a video you lose resolution.
    A decent editor wouldn't rerender the majority of the clip anyway so the quality wouldn't be reduced for most of the clip - a reshoot will take longer and reduce the quality more.

  • Perfect Perfects results coming soon.


    Yes. DerulaSwamp the Perfect Perfects results are always better. But most often their response is too late to be of any value. Perfect takes time your know. While the imperfect dullards go merrily about our worry free ways. Using proven trial and error methods. Change it, jam it, and change it again. Don't think do. With good backup nothing is destroyed during the tests. Other than a few trillion electrons.

    The PP's don't know how to jam it, maybe tofu or caviar it. But not Jam jam it. 

    I want to see the PP's video response to the Scihuan 2008 Earthquake. Surely you can do better than ol Swampie

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Perfect takes time your know.

    Oh yes, believe me, I do know. Takes time, so much time. But it's the ultimate result that counts.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    The PP's don't know how to jam it, maybe tofu or caviar it. But not Jam jam it.

    I would feel sorry if I jammed my codebase. I've come a long way, and it's still a long way to go. Don't want to ruin the potential quality of the end result.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'm pretty sure that MCI playback doesn't show every frame of the tobacco leaf flyer.
    MCI? Do you want me to flat thunk that DLL while I’m at it?

  • Let others share too


    Help others to share right back. Just like sharing a good meal. Most people want to be able to return the favour.
    When dealing with first time sharers. Listen to their ideas and happily take a copy. Encourage them as much as you can.

    Derula I'll take a copy of your codebase library.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Derula I'll take a copy of your codebase library.

    I'm sorry, it doesn't do random video. Also, the numerous meaningful comments are in German for the most part, so they probably won't help you. Also, it's not written in VB5, and it's not available anywhere in the net... yet.

    But if you like, take this. Doesn't do random video, is not in VB5, but at least it has English comments, and is a *.txt file. You won't be able to open it in notepad however, try Wordpad or something. Maybe Notepad++.

  •  I want to be a swampie. Really, I do. So what I did, was I took the code to SSDS, opened it in VB6, swore repeatedly, and then took 5 hours going through the code in a tedious fashion, cleaning it up. I also added "Option Explicit" to the top, to force variable declaration. Once I removed all the useless crap from the source, I was left with this:


    Option Explicit

    Shit! ok, well, a fresh start never hurt.


    Thus was born BCSearch .


    It does NOT solve all the worlds problems, like SSDS. Hell, that older version has a lot of flaws. It does however, have several distinct advantages, like I actually know WTF is going on in the code to add features (no line numbers, either).

     Unlike Old Swampie here, I make no claims that this will solve all the ills of society. Hell, I make no guarantees the fucking thing will work at all; Really I'm just tired of seeing people like SpectateSwamp here give VB6 programmers a bad name. We aren't all the spawn of coke-addicted mothers, and some of us type using our fingers, rather then developing VB code by constantly smashing ones skull into the keyboard until it breaks, and then spending their free time exacerbating lossy compression artifacts in movies in order to make some point about aliens and tobacco, which I can only assume involves aliens smoking said tobacco. The problem is, taking lossy compression artifacts as truth has some existential implications. for example, SpectateSwamp, try this interesting experiment:


    Create a jpeg file. draw box.


    save it. Open it, repeat about 20-30 times, oh, make sure totape this, so you can recam your discoveries over and over and over.


    dear me!


    where... where did the box go? It's just a blur! Did the box ever exist? I remember drawing it, but... dear gawd! It was aliens manipulating my thoughts! they made me THINK that I  seeing a box, when in fact I was looking into the aliens inner psyche in the form of a ... blue blur.


    Then, you can take a few "recams" of your discovery, trying to prove that what you in fact just did was not what really happened but was rather not what happened based on the concrete evidence of some lossy jpegs and even more lossy mpegs that really only succeed in not only proving that your IQ is less then your shoe size,but also that it is the lowest common denominator when it comes to not just VB6 programmers, but really any programmers anywhere, and that perhaps when Jane Goodall was documenting your habits, she should have left you there, instead of shoving you into her fanny pack and bringing you back to North America, where you unleashed such horrible pieces of shit programs, namely, of course, SSDS, that it is unbelievable that you even posess an IQ at all.

     And then,  to top it all off, you simply respond to criticism with calm and cool responses in a condescending tone. This does not change the fact that you are challenged in more ways then you can count (which could easily be 1, since that's likely your upper limit for numbers- hell, you use SSDS to count for you, because you added a "Counting featur" specifically for that task. The fact of the matter is people don't WANT to use your program because it is a piece of shit. your program is to programming what a shit-stain on toilet paper is to literature; and people won't USE your program because it is a shit stain, and people sure as hell don't want to watch video's about the various amazing discoveries you've found with SSDS because you can SMELL the shit-stain visually, it's just that bad.


    However, it's not all bad. Since your so experienced making shit-stains, maybe you can do your duty and clean them up instead by becoming a janitor somewhere?


  • @BC_Programmer said:

    Thus was born BCSearch .

    A close to 4 meg MSI file? Really?

    Bstorer started porting SSDS to VB.Net and look what that did to him. Keep what's left of your sanity and ignore this thread.

  •  No offense, BC_Programmer, but the design of your website's front page doesn't exactly make me confident in your abilities as a programmer. It's hardly readable, and if that's readable to you, I don't want to peek at your code.

  • @bob171123 said:

     No offense, BC_Programmer, but the design of your website's front page doesn't exactly make me confident in your abilities as a programmer. It's hardly readable, and if that's readable to you, I don't want to peek at your code.

    Actually, his design skills (or lack thereof) remind me of my own ones, which makes me feel comfortable.

  •  Yeah, I know. I've been meaning to make it not look like shit some day, I never was all that great with web page design.


    Actually... scratch that... I probably could make it look great, but every minute I spent fiddling with CSS or  HTML is painful,

  •  You could start by not putting dark text on a dark background. That would contribute immensely to the readability of your pages. I guess another reason I'm not comfortable trying it is that it was inspired by good ol' SSDS. Well, you did manage to strip it down to Option Explicit, so maybe it would be worthwhile to try your program out.

  •  in all honestly what I have there is basically thrown together HTML and CSS; I'm going to get around to making it not look like shit one of these days. (I modified the CSS to NOT use background images for most things, which should at least make the front page easier to read, if not still hugely amatuerish.


    Also; I was kind of making up the whole "inspired by SDSS" thing. The only thing SDSS can inspire would probably be suicide, or mass murder. which one depends entirely on ones personality.

     In truth it's really just a way for me to use my "BCFile" File manipulation library; the original idea was to simply create something like the windows 98 Search applet, since I cannot stand the XP equivalent. (Vista's search seems a lot better, however).


    It's certainly no competitor to any of the real desktop search applications, like google desktop or even the built in search tools in most operating systems, I don't even try to fool myself into thinking that even remotely; the fact that they overlap almost entirely with those of the windows search tool or any number of established search applications would pretty much make any actual "commercial" application like it doomed to fail from the start. Since I always have the project open I try to use it every once in a while so I can get a feel for what it needs, and for some reason "randomly choosing music files" never came up as a requirement.


    Oh, and it actually supports files with no extension or files with extensions longer then 3 characters. Hell, I never even considered it something that needed "supporting" since it's pretty much an intrinsic rule that if your going to support the input of data you actually support- you know, the import of data.

    I wonder what other surprises SDSS will have in store? perhaps it could force the user to enter the filename in 8.3 format because swampie decided to save RAM by redeclaring the filename variable as "Dim b1112333 As String*12", and you all know that it's perfectly intuitive to type in file and folder names like C:\PROGRA~1\MICROS~2


    but dammit! tildes aren't supported by SDSS, because they SHOULD be used to indicate how many other files are in the folder, I mean, it just makes intuitive sense, like a yeti and blue mountain dew, you don't believe they exist until you see them.


    Hmm, that analogy doesn't make any sense. I think I'll stop now.

  • @BC_Programmer said:

    The only thing SDSS can inspire would probably be suicide, or mass murder. which one depends entirely on ones personality.

    Well, there's a third option. It can also inspire you to become a stone dancer, investigate about aliens, find some dinosaur skin, and ultimately save the world. But this only works for so-called "swampies". The latter should be considered an "ironic plural" though, meaning that, in reality, the word "swampies" only refers to a single person.

  • Random music doesn't become monotonous

    @BC_Programmer said:

    Since I always have the project open I try to use it every once in a while so I can get a feel for what it needs, and for some reason "randomly choosing music files" never came up as a requirement.

    Keep going with your Search. The big players in desktop search just don't get it. What sorta works for billions of web pages doesn't when matched up against SSDS. And random is key. If you had tons of family pictures you'd realize the importance. If you had thousands of video clips you would know. I sometimes forget that few, if any of you have or use video to the degree that I do. I probably keep more notes that the rest of you too. Because it's easy for me. SSDS allows me to backup 1 folder and have all my valuable data secure. With secure data. I don't worry about anything.

    SSDS code may be not so perfect when it comes to coding standards. But as some of us know, that doesn't matter an iota. If it isn't broke don't fix it. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. So many of the old adages hold true here. Sharing your imperfect source is brave of you. Good going.


  • 🚽 Regular

    Spectate, this is the least nutty I've ever seen you... for the first time I've ever seen you, you've managed to actually recognize that we don't do the same things you do and thus we don't see the same value in your application as you do. This is great, and the first step (out of about 3,000) towards being a worthwhile contributor to the forum.

    The next step is acknowledging that if you ever program another application, you must adopt better coding standards. Repeat after me: Object Oriented Modular Patterns are the wave of the future!


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS code may be not so perfect when it comes to coding standards. But as some of us know, that doesn't matter an iota. If it isn't broke don't fix it. Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. So many of the old adages hold true here. Sharing your imperfect source is brave of you. Good going.


    You know what, RHuckster, after this statement I feel inclined to agree with you. The one argument I have against swampie's statement is that if you share imperfect source that doesn't follow some sort of convention, it only makes it harder for whoever wants to contribute to your project to actually contribute to your project. They would first have to learn your way of doing things, and if they feel they have more important things to do, then it remains only your project.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    @BC_Programmer said:

    Since I always have the project open I try to use it every once in a while so I can get a feel for what it needs, and for some reason "randomly choosing music files" never came up as a requirement.

    SSDS code may be not so perfect when it comes to coding standards. But as some of us know, that doesn't matter an iota. If it isn't broke don't fix it.

    "if it ain't broke don't fix it" is right, but I believe there's another saying for doing things properly. Oh, and that whole "you can't polish a terd" thing, since- I mean, that damn near applies literally when we speak of SDSS.

     @SpectateSwamp said:

     Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.

    I don't see how that's relevant. SDSS isn't a gift horse, it's like that bag of shit that teenagers put on peoples doorsteps that they light on fire. You try to fix it and stop it from getting worse, but you just end up with shit on your shoes. 

    Sharing your imperfect source is brave of you. Good going.



    I never shared the source. I would, but that will be an even bigger pain in the but to package then the program itself, and I'd have to make tricky decisions like, "do I include the typelib and the IDL source, or just the typelib?" ... but now that you mention it, there are absolutely no unnecessary Gotos, as is the case with SDSS. I have errorhandler labels, and a few number labels where I was trying to narrow down a specific issue that was (I can only imagine) crashing both the program and taking the IDE with it (comes with the territory when you start messing with stuff no VB6 program really should be doing). Also, it's interesting to note that one of my other projects, a Expression evaluation "engine", had a single "GoSub" (basically a goto that knows where to return), that I had inserted to prevent the duplication of a few lines of code. When I finally got around to abstracting that into it's own procedure, I discovered that the speed of the entire thing increased by a factor of 3; this was, after all, a very core level routine. This is a result of a number of boring technical things that aren't compiled properly when targeting native code, namely, stupid programming constructs like goto and gosub.

      @SpectateSwamp said:

    if any of you have or use video to the degree that I do.


    It doesn't take a genius to understand that using a lossy compression scheme over and over again with a shitty 99 cent camera is going to result in strange artifacts  It does however take a inept, mentally challenged psychotic schizo to believe that these strange artifacts are something other then, you know, strange artifacts. when the "tobacco leaf" makes strange shapes, you either point and laugh at the retard who created the video, or the recam, or perhaps the recam that is being recamed in the recam, but you don't instantly jump to the conclusion that a few errant pixels are proof of an other-worldly encounter. In the same vein I could easily say that the three dead pixels on my previous monitor were an indication straight from another world that said "all yur pixelz r belong to us" but I don't.

  • Swampies and more Swampies

    What the hey sombody is stealing my posts???



    My video tips. I do have swampies I do I do. Wooo Hooo

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    What the hey sombody is stealing my posts???

    Thanks for the new forum signature!

  • Swampies Real Swampies

    @derula said:

    Thanks for the new forum signature!

    Nope VegasarianSwamp is some kind of video expert that is hanging on my every word.

    You are almost there Derula (extreme denial) is the final stage before complete acceptance.

    What a christmas present that was. A real true bonified Swampie.

    P.S. I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I'm not really christian, except for the holidays.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    P.S. I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I'm not really christian, except for the holidays.


    Same to you buddy. Nowadays, that really describes most Americans, so saying Christmas isn't so much a religious expression as it is an expression of consumerism.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @bob171123 said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    P.S. I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I'm not really christian, except for the holidays.
    Same to you buddy. Nowadays, that really describes most Americans'Christians', so saying Christmas isn't so much a religious expression as it is an expression of consumerism.

    Apropos of nothing: An Atheist Looks At Christmas

    As an atheist, I am sometimes asked by Christians how I can celebrate and legitimately enjoy the Christmas holiday.

    However, I think this challenge is be misconceived.

    Christmas has little, if anything, to do with Christianity - even if Jesus was indeed Christ.

  • Shared out - not quite


    I have been sharing for a while at submitting 31 stories. 30 rejected and 1 new one pending. I might cut and paste all 31 in here as one final sharing on this thread. And sure go ahead and make copies. Fix the spelling if you please. Damn sharing is fun.

    The only sharing I regret is that most of my video forum posts and threads got removed when they banned me. I should list the culprit site names. Now. Some of the responses had me splitting a gut laughing. We had fun till I got banned. That's why I'm so careful and nice here.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Keep going with your Search.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    The big players in desktop search just don't get it.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    What sorta works for billions of web pages doesn't when matched up against SSDS.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    And random is key.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    If you had tons of family pictures you'd realize the importance.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    If you had thousands of video clips you would know.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I sometimes forget that few, if any of you have or use video to the degree that I do.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I probably keep more notes that the rest of you too.

    Walls plastered, probably.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Because it's easy for me.

     Because you're a nutcase.

     @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS allows me to backup 1 folder and have all my valuable data secure.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    With secure data.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I don't worry about anything.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS code may be not so perfect when it comes to coding standards.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    But as some of us know, that doesn't matter an iota.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    If it isn't broke don't fix it.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth.


    @SpectateSwamp said:

    So many of the old adages hold true here.



    Hey, this debating thing is easy!


    A real true bonified Swampie.










  • Re: Random music doesn't become monotonous, but isn't really the point of searching though.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Keep going with your Search.
    What on earth is that supposed to mean?@SpectateSwamp said:
    The big players in desktop search just don't get it.
    Everyone on on the planet is wrong apart from you? Interesting stance to take I must admit.@SpectateSwamp said:
    What sorta works for billions of web pages doesn't when matched up against SSDS
    Web based searches allow you to locate web pages based on indexes and straight forward query syntax, Desktop search tools allow you to locate files using indexes and a straight forward syntax - seems it does work well for both the web and the desktop to me. SSDS on the other hand cannot be used to search for a file - that seems like a total failure for a search tool.@SpectateSwamp said:
    And random is key.
    Random is not the key to searching, predicatable and organised results with the ability to further refine a search is the key to searching. Random is useful in video, picture and music playback but this is nothing to do with searching in the slightest.@SpectateSwamp said:
    If you had tons of family pictures you'd realize the importance.
    Playback and searching are different things, learn to spot the difference.@SpectateSwamp said:
    If you had thousands of video clips you would know. I sometimes forget that few, if any of you have or use video to the degree that I do.
    Most of us probably use the correct tool for the job rather than videoing everything (including videos), so we are probably not using video as much as you. @SpectateSwamp said:
    I probably keep more notes that the rest of you too.
    Depends how you define 'notes' really, I certainly use documentation for various projects etc. and save / bookmark websites as appropriate - does that count as notes? @SpectateSwamp said:
    Because it's easy for me.
    But not easy for anyone else with SSDS, I find it easy to use my computer the way it was intended with a nicely organised file system and search tools as an aide to this not it's primary focus. Built in tools like WMP, Photo Gallery etc provide far more useful functionality than SSDS offers as well.@SpectateSwamp said:
    SSDS allows me to backup 1 folder and have all my valuable data secure. With secure data. I don't worry about anything.
    This is actually a lie, if you are tracking things in different folders you have multiple copies of SSDS each installed into a different folder so all of these need to be backed up rather than a single folder as you claim, personally I have pretty much all my data contained in one or two top level folders and find backup easy enough to perform.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    SSDS code may be not so perfect when it comes to coding standards.
    This really fails to describe just how big a mess the source is, it is a totally unmaintainable and undocumented mess.@SpectateSwamp said:
    But as some of us know, that doesn't matter an iota.
    Only people who have no interest in writing maintainable and supportable code would claim this, anyone with a single ounce of sense would disagree with you here.@SpectateSwamp said:
    If it isn't broke don't fix it.
    But it is so badly broken though. @SpectateSwamp said:
    Don't look a gift horse in the mouth. So many of the old adages hold true here.
    This makes no sense.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Sharing your imperfect source is brave of you. Good going.
    By and large all source is imperfect to a degree as often compromises need to be made between performance, maintainability and API workarounds etc. This is an unfortunate fact of life, it does not however excuse a code base that is as badly written and fucked up in general as SSDS.

  • 🚽 Regular

     I would truly love it if you'd share your Slashdot stories with us... and any other stories on the Internet you've tried to share but got banned for.

  • @RHuckster said:

     I would truly love it if you'd share your Slashdot stories with us... and any other stories on the Internet you've tried to share but got banned for.

    And it would be easy to do for Spectate, too. Just post the internet.txt file to pastebin. See how easy sharing gets with SSDS!

  • 50th Birthday surprise shared


    In 1998 on July 26 I turned 50. Being a powerful Shaman and all. I was looking for some kind of a sign. Any sign.

    And it happened. Janet Gamble who worked in the traffic department at Prince Albert Pulp and Power had a bigfoot go through her yard on the Beardies Reserve. A couple days after the event. I went by her desk and saw pictures of the plaster casts and heard the story. If anybody was Beardie at the plant it was me (bearded most of my life) The plant workers can't have beards due to breathing apparatus requirements.

    There was a little more to the story than was posted at the above site. Sure would be nice if those pics got uploaded somewhere.



  •  So wait ... what?   You were mistaken as Bigfoot?

  • A bigger foot I never knew

    @Xyro said:

     So wait ... what?   You were mistaken as Bigfoot?

    No. But I'm looking for a Bigfoot print. A local told me of a footprint in stone that is 12" wide. They sent it to a university to have it looked at. (never do this) Hopefully they can get it back. It has made no news and why not? I'll share pictures and video if it is returned.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    A local told me of a footprint in stone that is 12" wide.

    So they found a footprint which is one foot in size. I guess that's... kinda... extraordinary. Like. Totally unbelievable that there's a one foot large footprint. Like, the unit's name doesn't even suggest its existence. Oh, you said one foot wide? ... Squarefeet then, I guess.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @derula said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    A local told me of a footprint in stone that is 12" wide.

    So they found a footprint which is one foot in size. I guess that's... kinda... extraordinary. Like. Totally unbelievable that there's a one foot large footprint. Like, the unit's name doesn't even suggest its existence. Oh, you said one foot wide? ... Squarefeet then, I guess.

    It was probably 5" long.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    A local told me of a footprint in stone that is 12" wide.

    No no, guys, the stone was 12" wide, not the footprint.  If he meant a foot wide foot, he would have clearly said "A local told me of a 12" wide footprint in stone".

    The real question is, why was Widefoot tromping around in wet cement?

  • A bigger foot I never knew

    I do hope they took a picture before sending the stone off to the university. If the footprint was 1 foot wide it would probably be 2 1/2 feet long. I'll have to go visit my source in the next couple days and get more info.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I do hope they took a picture before sending the stone off to the university. If the footprint was 1 foot wide it would probably be 2 1/2 feet long. I'll have to go visit my source in the next couple days and get more info.

    Perhaps they were looking at it sideways on and it was 1 foot wide but only about 4 inches long...

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'll have to go visit my source in the next couple days and get more info.

    You're meeting with source.txt?

  • 🚽 Regular

    @derula said:

    You're meeting with source.txt?

    It's code so grotesque it has gained a hideous life of its own. Either that or Spectate is toking so much he thinks it's alive.

  • Jammed code can be messy

    @RHuckster said:

    It's code so grotesque it has gained a hideous life of its own. Either that or Spectate is toking so much he thinks it's alive.

    I haven't done much delayed print for a while and Yup it can be twistie. Thank G** I keep lots of notes and a great search to find them.

    I posted the following video today. Just to share it's capabilities with some local RealEstate co's.

    I'll do a much better version in the next day or two. Showing random text is quite a bit different than random pictures and video.

    I needed to run "backgrd*.exe" version of the search. The main program fires it up and waits for a preset number of seconds until the delayed print version is finished then it will show the video. Then the same characters are displayed after the video. This is far better than a window full of old realestate pics. Maybe I'll offer an autotrader type storefront screen saver next. Pretty easy when you have SSDS. Damn this program is ugly but good.

    Don't worry you don't have to figger it out. I'll show you how with another video. Showing files and folders involved. If you want.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Thank G** I keep lots of notes and a great search to find them.


    God isnt a swear word. Even if you're Jewish and not allowed to print it I think the acceptable norm is to asterisk out the vowel.

    Anyhow we pray to the God of Fuck here. Thank fuck.

    Taking a look at your video though, you need to start praying to the God of Usability.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I posted the following video today. Just to share it's capabilities with some local RealEstate co's.


    That guy demonstrating it looks like he is being held against his will. How the hell else could you have gotten a real estate agent to embrace SSDS? Are you at least feeding him and giving him water regularly?

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I needed to run "backgrd*.exe" version of the search. The main program fires it up and waits for a preset number of seconds until the delayed print version is finished then it will show the video. Then the same characters are displayed after the video.

    An embarrbutting shot from the video posted above (the one which reads "at end of file prompt") in a white frame on black background, subtitled "Technology - You're doing it wrong".

  • @PJH said:

    @bob171123 said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    P.S. I hope you all had a nice Christmas. I'm not really christian, except for the holidays.
    Same to you buddy. Nowadays, that really describes most Americans'Christians', so saying Christmas isn't so much a religious expression as it is an expression of consumerism.

    Apropos of nothing: An Atheist Looks At Christmas
    As an atheist, I am sometimes asked by Christians how I can celebrate and legitimately enjoy the Christmas holiday.

    However, I think this challenge is be misconceived.

    Christmas has little, if anything, to do with Christianity - even if Jesus was indeed Christ.


    OT, I know, but Seutonius reported that Augustus conducted three censuses.  Text written on the Temple of Augustus in Ankara also mentions a census.  So that guy's blog entry is, as with most amateur atheist skeptics, suspect.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I haven't done much delayed print for a while and Yup it can be twistie. Thank G** I keep lots of notes and a great search to find them.
    WTF is delayed print? Are you just making crap up in every post now? WTF does 'it can be a twistie' mean? You make less and less sense with every post.@SpectateSwamp said:

    I posted the following video today. Just to share it's capabilities with some local RealEstate co's.

    I'll do a much better version in the next day or two. Showing random text is quite a bit different than random pictures and video.

    That looks plain shit, sorry to be blunt but I would honestly avoid using anyone with that as a selling point, powerpoint could do a better job quite frankly.@SpectateSwamp said:
    I needed to run "backgrd*.exe" version of the search. The main program fires it up and waits for a preset number of seconds until the delayed print version is finished then it will show the video. Then the same characters are displayed after the video. This is far better than a window full of old realestate pics. Maybe I'll offer an autotrader type storefront screen saver next. Pretty easy when you have SSDS. Damn this program is ugly but good.
    Who cares what you need to do or what shitty names your executable have? It is all rubbish that looks crap. I will agree the program is ugly (both at the source level and the runtime appearance), it certainly isn't any good as it looks like crap and is totally impossible to figure out how to use it.

     @SpectateSwamp said:

    Don't worry you don't have to figger it out. I'll show you how with another video. Showing files and folders involved. If you want.
    Tell you what how about doing a video (if you must, simple step by step instructions would be prefered however) that shows how to search for files using SSDS, you know the kind of thing any sane person would expect a search tool to do. Please show how to search for files in a folder structure based on a word or phrase and not just some of your out of focus irrelevant crap that is simply 'random' and 'video' and 'gee haw' and 'I am a fucking lunatic' kind of stuff you normally do.


  • @spenk said:

    powerpoint could do a better job quite frankly.

    But PowerPoint can't do random video!

  • StoreFront demo comming soon

    @derula said:

    @spenk said:
    powerpoint could do a better job quite frankly.
    But PowerPoint can't do random video!


    Powerpoint isn't free either. I don't even want it on my computer. If you want to piss people off send them emails with *.pps files. SSDS is free free free

    I'm currently working on the first application. A antique store would like me to feature some of their specials. Maybe even a sales point for used vehicles (autotrader) to bring in a few more customers and $$$.

    My next video will be from outside the store through their window. SSDS will draw crowds



  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Powerpoint isn't free either.

    So isn't VB6.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    If you want to piss people off send them emails with *.pps files.

    Only works with people who don't know about OpenOffice. Which is free free free and can open PowerPoint files.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Powerpoint isn't free either.
    I used powerpoint as an example, there are free alternatives though.@SpectateSwamp said:
    I don't even want it on my computer.
    Presumably because it doesn't use just plain .txt files and it insists on putting each presentation into it's own file...@SpectateSwamp said:
    If you want to piss people off send them emails with *.pps files. SSDS is free free free
    If you want to piss people off make them use SSDS free or otherwise.@SpectateSwamp said:
    I'm currently working on the first application. A antique store would like me to feature some of their specials. Maybe even a sales point for used vehicles (autotrader) to bring in a few more customers and $$$.
    You could probably achieve the same result with Windows 7 and a slideshow of pictures, easier and simpler than SSDS quite frankly.@SpectateSwamp said:
    My next video will be from outside the store through their window. SSDS will draw crowds
    @SpectateSwamp said:
    My next video will be from outside the store through their window. SSDS will draw crowds
    Bad traffic accidents and fires draw crowds as well.

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