Mashup Challenge $100,000 prize - WTF if Spectate Swamp wins?

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

     @SpectateSwamp said:

    see the original mpeg video starting 52 seconds in:

    OH NO! A blurry video of a leaf!

    Good lord, it is amazing you are able to stay alive while being this stupid... How have you not forgotten to breath by now?


    Everyone: Okay, I've got swampy figured out now: He is so stupid that he can not interrupt his video taping in order to edit his "takes" as he will forget to operate his camcorder in the meantime.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    @pitchingchris said:

    Geez, I didn't know the fate of the world rested with a stupid rock in Canada.

    Santa Claus is from Canada too. I got told a couple times this season, that I would make a GOOD Santa.


    Don't you DARE to go near any kids !!!!


  • @CodeSimian said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    @pitchingchris said:

    Spectate Marsh must think he's so darn funny. Longer than forever. I'll pretend to laugh. My fellow marshies won't be so nice.

    You got a project in the $100,000 mashup challenge? What is it? I'll vote for you and make a comment just to help out. I'm still a member. I think?

    Spectate, this is getting out of hand.  Normally your non sequiturs are bit more clever than that.  I am seriously worried for your well-being, what with you spending all of your free time videoing leaves and spamming forums, especially at your age.

    Thoughtful guy that I am, I took the liberty of entering your details into The Death Clock (thanks for telling us your birthday, BTW).  I estimated your BMI at 28, hope you don't mind.

    The results are...well, less than encouraging.  Let's just say, if I were you I would spend more time shooting trapline video, more time shooting up spruce hens and much less time shooting your mouth off in forums:


    So, whenever you feel like wasting more of everyone's precious time for kicks?  Stroll on over to this site, and remind yourself of what's really important in life:



    smoker=0 !?! He has been using pot since about forever. What do you think: that he is chewing pot or what ? Of course he smokes - unfiltered.


  • @cklam said:

    comments in response to a two-month old post

    Please, please stop. Let this thread die.

  • @bstorer said:

    @cklam said:
    comments in response to a two-month old post

    Please, please stop. Let this thread die.

    But I like this thread!

  • @Spectre said:

    @bstorer said:
    @cklam said:
    *comments in response to a two-month old post*

    Please, please stop. Let this thread die.

    But I like this thread!



    Naaaa - I'm hooked. I want my pound of flesh ................. 

  • @cklam said:

    Naaaa - I'm hooked. I want my pound of flesh ................. 

    Seriously, there's been nothing funny or interesting in this thread for quite awhile.  Sorry you're very late to the party, but everyone has gone home.

  • @ammoQ said:

    @CodeWhisperer said:

    Damn it!   First he lives in North Vancouver -- where I lived -- then he lives in Edmonton -- where I also lived... if he's living in Penticton now (you guessed it...and about 11 hours from Whitecourt) I'm going to start getting paranoid.


    Never seen the movie "Unbreakable" with Bruce Willis and Samuel L. Jackson? Maybe the two of you is a similar pair... 

    Unbreakable - Hell. Am I the only one who thinks multiple personalities here ... !?!

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    [quote user="cklam"]Naaaa - I'm hooked. I want my pound of flesh ................. 

    Seriously, there's been nothing funny or interesting in this thread for quite awhile.  Sorry you're very late to the party, but everyone has gone home.


    Um - No ?

    As an aside: I am sorry about being very very late, too. If I am offending by replying to very old posts: this is by no means intentional (dous'nt go for you swampy).

    As for letting this t(h)reat(d) die: That's like burning books.

    You want out - no problem - let's change the guard.

    <sarcasm>Maybe this will annoy MasterPlanSoftware and he will reply. That would my rite-of-passage for this forum</sarcasm>

  • @cklam said:


    As an aside: I am sorry about being very very late, too. If I am offending by replying to very old posts: this is by no means intentional (dous'nt go for you swampy).


    As for letting this t(h)reat(d) die: That's like burning books.


    You want out - no problem - let's change the guard.


    Maybe this will annoy MasterPlanSoftware and he will reply. That would my rite-of-passage for this forum


    What, you think the 2000+ posts appeared overnight? 

    And dude... the only things Spectate has said in the last week are about moving house and getting a new camera. 


    And I do believe MPS is perpetually annoyed anyway. 

  •  ... SNIP ... 


    @HannahRochelle said:

    What, you think the 2000+ posts appeared overnight? 

    No, of course not. I just didn't know about the swampiest thing on this planet before. And now I am shell-shocked.

    @HannahRochelle said:

    And dude... the only things Spectate has said in the last week are about moving house and getting a new camera. 

    I am aware of the fact

    @HannahRochelle said:

    And I do believe MPS is perpetually annoyed anyway. 

    I have seen other posters referring to this fact before. Still, it appears to make him productive. He took the lead in creating the spectateswamp site, after all.


  • @ender said:

    @bstorer said:
    They can have my C-x C-c when they pry it from my cold, dead hands! 
    Am I the only one who just can't get used to Ctrl+XCV and uses Shift+Del, Ctrl+Ins and Shift+Ins instead?


  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I have the finest Pot relate t-shirts on Earth right here

    Just to think... your nipples can rub up against the same fabric as Spectate's. 



    Gross !!!! That is so gross !!!!


    Lights flash before my eyes - I feel another migraine bout coming on. Shit.


  • @Spectre said:

    [quote user="CodeSimian"]And don't legitimate third-party media players like the excellent Media Player
    Classic also use MCI? 

    Judging from the import table, MPC doesn't use MCI functions, but most likely DirectDraw/Direct3D (and DirectShow). MCI is a really lightweight interface, not something to make your own media player with.[/quote]

    And thus MCI is usable by the swampy thingy since MCI is not overtaxing him intellectually .... q.e.d.

  • @bstorer said:

    @Eternal Density said:

    Great job on the code analysis (WWWWolf) and keeping up the general level of hilarity.  I'm curious to know whether the .NET port (courtesy of bstorer) is keeping the original structure and naming as much as possible, or whether it's actually cleaning things up a little.  (After all, we can only make it better.) 
    I'm doing my best to maintain the WTFery of the code.  I have to move all the GoSub sections into new functions because VB.Net doesn't have GoSubs.  But they look like this now:

        'march 20/00
        Private Function InputFile_24000()

    *blah, blah*

        End Function

    I admire you for your unrelenting perseverance, sir.

    But, please: do not get brain-fucked by that POS code. Remember, you have a life. Take a breaks for 10 minutes every hour. Do not work on this for more than two hours at a stretch. Be careful.


  • @cklam said:

    (yet more random replying to old posts)

    Shut the fuck up, post whore. 

  • @CodeSimian said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    With debugging people are always encouraging the use of "debugger" utilities.

    .... SNIP ....

    Next you'll tell us you revolutionized plumbing by digging a latrine in your backyard.

     ... Or maybe not ? Is that the reason for the swampy thingy living in a swamp shack developing swampy software ? It is likely a very good thing that pheromones can not be posted in this forum (yet) ....

  • @cklam said:

     .... SNIP ....


    Is this a new way of trying to kill this thread (at last)? Must be a backup account created by MPS.  (Or.. Multiple Personality Syndrome... Coincidence?)

  • @MarcB said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Wander around in the back alley with your camcorder in a tripod

    What!? You have a tripod? All this time you've been making totally crappy hand-held reshoots of your stupid videos, and you could've used a tripod? Just how stupidly moronic are you?

      ..... SNIP .......

    Of course he has a tripod. How does he shoot his outdoor trap-line/Cloud/"Alien" crap videos otherwise. They are steady. Try to shoot some electric /sky/cloudswires standing straight up without leaning on/holding on to something for 20 minutes and you'll know what I mean: You will "jam it" to yourself. (couldn't resist that one).

     My guess that ole swampy couldn't be arsed to use the tripod for his desktop videos because it is too much trouble in the trailer and taking it back and forth from the trunk of his car - is all.

  • @Kefer said:

    @cklam said:

     .... SNIP ....


    Is this a new way of trying to kill this thread (at last)? Must be a backup account created by MPS.  (Or.. Multiple Personality Syndrome... Coincidence?)

    Nope, just way too much time at work and a bad case of swamp-shell-shock.

    I will have to let it run its course unless you guys convince AmmoQ to shut me down.

    I apologize for any annoyance I am causing. But I do not repent.

    Bear with me - I am already on page 33.

  • @cklam said:

    all his posts



    shutr up you idiot. no-one here is interested any more - we milked that thread for all its worth, and we didnt want to see it die, but it had to. you arent saying anything new, interesting, or funny. you, sir, are TRWTF 

  • @jakkle said:

    @cklam said:

    all his posts



    shutr up you idiot. no-one here is interested any more - we milked that thread for all its worth, and we didnt want to see it die, but it had to. you arent saying anything new, interesting, or funny. you, sir, are TRWTF 

    No. Maybe I am. Who cares about you ? I certainly do not.

  • @cklam said:

    No. Maybe I am. Who cares about you ? I certainly do not.



    since everyone agrees with me, and no-one agrees with you, your opinions can be entirely disregarded 

  • @cklam said:

    I apologize for any annoyance I am causing. But I do not repent.

    <font size="+6">



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  • <font size="+6">



  • @cklam said:

    @jakkle said:

    @cklam said:

    all his posts



    shutr up you idiot. no-one here is interested any more - we milked that thread for all its worth, and we didnt want to see it die, but it had to. you arent saying anything new, interesting, or funny. you, sir, are TRWTF 

    No. Maybe I am. Who cares about you ? I certainly do not.

    Look, small brain. Nobody wants to read your comments in general because you have demonstrated all the intelligence of a very stupid (and likely, extremely ugly) rock -- the sort of rock that the other rocks make fun of because it can't figure out how to roll down hill, which is fairly basic in rock terms. On top of that, you're replying to posts so old in Internet terms that they have to be dug up by archeologists using small brushes so as not to damage them. The end result of all this is the annoyance of a great many people who can't agree on anything except that you are a waste of hydrocarbons which could be better put to use as fuel for an industrial blast furnace used in churning out those cheap plastic trinkets found in the kids' meals at second-rate fast food places. With that in mind, you'd be well served to leave this thread before somebody says something really mean.

  • Stupid, poorly written unfunny multiposting meaningless thread necromancy aside, this is pretty much all I'm hearing from pstorer:@bstorer said:

    If you do not leave I will be forced to taunt you a second time!
    Oh no!

    Personally, I think we should all be proud of having seen cklam, who is quite possibly the worst forum user any of us will ever see. It's like seeing the sasquatch. In fact, I bet this guy is the sasquatch.

  • @Welbog said:

    this is pretty much all I'm hearing from pstorer

    Who are you and what have you done with our dear, sweet Welpog? He's the Canadian Tom Cruise!

    @Welbog said:
    @bstorer said:
    If you do not leave I will be forced to taunt you a second time!
    Oh no!

    No, next time I'll be forced to use The Rage; by which I mean a gangland hit by the feared TDWTF Mafia.

  • @Welbog said:

    cklam, who is quite possibly the worst forum user

    What about jimo_hh then? Or Swampy?

  • A friendly reminder: You are, by defintion, in the marshes. Don't expect any form of moderation except in the most extreme cases. Multiple pointless posts from a n00b probably would fall victim to the moderator's delete button anywhere else, but not here, in Swampyland.

  • Hail ammoQ!

  • I hear you, AmmoQ. Thank you very much for clarifying this. I expect the same goes for everybody, then.

    I have a few things to clear up, though:

    To everybody in the forum: I am NOT MasterPlanSoftware.

    To all other posters on this thread who wish I am not here: If you can't take a joke then you shouldn't have joined.

    And especially to elgate: You are a stuck-up prick with ugly glasses and no beard.

    Have a nice day, all.


  • @ammoQ said:

    A friendly reminder: You are, by defintion, in the marshes. Don't expect any form of moderation except in the most extreme cases.

    Well, in that case...
    @cklam said:
    To all other posters on this thread who wish I am not here: If you can't take a joke then you shouldn't have joined.

    To the complete waste of oxygen known as cklam: Find yourself the biggest, rustiest shovel you can, turn it sideways, and shove it as far up your ass as it will go. This will likely be quite far due to the extensive punishment your ass has taken from long nights of pleasuring yourself by sitting on a fence post. Nevertheless, continue shoving well beyond elbow-deep; if you can't taste metal, keep pushing -- I'd recommend asking a friend for help, but that would obviously require another person willing to be in your company longer than it takes to come up with an excuse to flee. Although, now that I think about it, there are likely many people willing to shove their foot up your ass, so perhaps you'll have good luck here.

    Either way, once you begin spitting rust, move on to step two, which is self-immolation. The best way for you to accomplish this is by bathing yourself in a high-grade combustable -- rocket fuel if you can find it. I know, I know, you don't know how to bathe. Just think of it as especially runny pig shit, and you should find yourself quite at home. Be sure to treat the fuel just like you would excrement, rubbing it into every crevice to get maximum coverage. Once complete, you can then ignite yourself. Let the flames char your skin to the point where pieces fall off should you attempt to move. This is how you know you're making progress.

    Should your local fire department, for reasons I cannot imagine, decide that you should not be allowed to simply burn away, ridding us all of you forever, then we'll have to move to more direct methods. Find yourself an industrial-grade blender, remove the glass container, and rest your face against the whirling blades. Again, it would greatly improve things if you sought help from someone else to keep your head in the blades' path until all that is a sticky, red goo where your skull used to be.

    At this point, you should be dead, and we can only hope that ammoQ -- in His infinite wisdom -- will see fit to cast your soul down into the deepest depths of hell, where your torment will be to frequent a forum on which people stupider than you (should such a thing even be possible) bring back discussions from months ago for no reason other than they have something completely worthless to say that is only tangentally related.

  • @bstorer said:

    @ammoQ said:
    A friendly reminder: You are, by defintion, in the marshes. Don't expect any form of moderation except in the most extreme cases.
    Well, in that case... @cklam said:
    To all other posters on this thread who wish I am not here: If you can't take a joke then you shouldn't have joined.

    To the complete waste of oxygen known as cklam: Find yourself the biggest, rustiest shovel you can, turn it sideways, and shove it as far up your ass as it will go. This will likely be quite far due to the extensive punishment your ass has taken from long nights of pleasuring yourself by sitting on a fence post. Nevertheless, continue shoving well beyond elbow-deep; if you can't taste metal, keep pushing -- I'd recommend asking a friend for help, but that would obviously require another person willing to be in your company longer than it takes to come up with an excuse to flee. Although, now that I think about it, there are likely many people willing to shove their foot up your ass, so perhaps you'll have good luck here.

    Either way, once you begin spitting rust, move on to step two, which is self-immolation. The best way for you to accomplish this is by bathing yourself in a high-grade combustable -- rocket fuel if you can find it. I know, I know, you don't know how to bathe. Just think of it as especially runny pig shit, and you should find yourself quite at home. Be sure to treat the fuel just like you would excrement, rubbing it into every crevice to get maximum coverage. Once complete, you can then ignite yourself. Let the flames char your skin to the point where pieces fall off should you attempt to move. This is how you know you're making progress.

    Should your local fire department, for reasons I cannot imagine, decide that you should not be allowed to simply burn away, ridding us all of you forever, then we'll have to move to more direct methods. Find yourself an industrial-grade blender, remove the glass container, and rest your face against the whirling blades. Again, it would greatly improve things if you sought help from someone else to keep your head in the blades' path until all that is a sticky, red goo where your skull used to be.

    At this point, you should be dead, and we can only hope that ammoQ -- in His infinite wisdom -- will see fit to cast your soul down into the deepest depths of hell, where your torment will be to frequent a forum on which people stupider than you (should such a thing even be possible) bring back discussions from months ago for no reason other than they have something completely worthless to say that is only tangentally related.


    Does that mean you would like me to help you with the project then ?

    But be advised: we do not have a "moment" here. 

  • @bstorer said:

    @ammoQ said:
    A friendly reminder: You are, by defintion, in the marshes. Don't expect any form of moderation except in the most extreme cases.
    Well, in that case... @cklam said:
    To all other posters on this thread who wish I am not here: If you can't take a joke then you shouldn't have joined.

    To the complete waste of oxygen known as cklam: Find yourself the biggest, rustiest shovel you can, turn it sideways, and shove it as far up your ass as it will go. This will likely be quite far due to the extensive punishment your ass has taken from long nights of pleasuring yourself by sitting on a fence post. Nevertheless, continue shoving well beyond elbow-deep; if you can't taste metal, keep pushing -- I'd recommend asking a friend for help, but that would obviously require another person willing to be in your company longer than it takes to come up with an excuse to flee. Although, now that I think about it, there are likely many people willing to shove their foot up your ass, so perhaps you'll have good luck here.

    Either way, once you begin spitting rust, move on to step two, which is self-immolation. The best way for you to accomplish this is by bathing yourself in a high-grade combustable -- rocket fuel if you can find it. I know, I know, you don't know how to bathe. Just think of it as especially runny pig shit, and you should find yourself quite at home. Be sure to treat the fuel just like you would excrement, rubbing it into every crevice to get maximum coverage. Once complete, you can then ignite yourself. Let the flames char your skin to the point where pieces fall off should you attempt to move. This is how you know you're making progress.

    Should your local fire department, for reasons I cannot imagine, decide that you should not be allowed to simply burn away, ridding us all of you forever, then we'll have to move to more direct methods. Find yourself an industrial-grade blender, remove the glass container, and rest your face against the whirling blades. Again, it would greatly improve things if you sought help from someone else to keep your head in the blades' path until all that is a sticky, red goo where your skull used to be.

    At this point, you should be dead, and we can only hope that ammoQ -- in His infinite wisdom -- will see fit to cast your soul down into the deepest depths of hell, where your torment will be to frequent a forum on which people stupider than you (should such a thing even be possible) bring back discussions from months ago for no reason other than they have something completely worthless to say that is only tangentally related.

     I was getting bored with this thread. Addicted, but bored. Thanks for bringing back the joy! Yes, even you cklam!

  • @cklam said:

    And especially to elgate: You are a stuck-up prick with ugly glasses and no beard.




    Yeah, no. No one looks like their avatar, dear.

  • @HannahRochelle said:

    @cklam said:

    And especially to elgate: You are a stuck-up prick with ugly glasses and no beard.




    Yeah, no. No one looks like their avatar, dear.

    No one? Bet cklam himself does.

  • @HannahRochelle said:

    @cklam said:

    You are a stuck-up prick with ugly glasses and no beard.

    No one looks like their avatar, dear.

    Well, except ammoQ...  

    But no, I don't actually wear glasses. You are correct that I don't have a beard, though I fail to see how this is in any way an insult... remember, Swampy has a beard. Me having one would be one step toward being like him.

     My only problem with you, cklam, is that you're a completely worthless waste of time, space, matter and the money which keeps me connected to the 'net each month. Also, your pointless birth needlessly stretched your mother's vagina, making it just that little bit too loose and unable to satisfy me when I get her $10 special... 

    Since you're so dense, I'll spell that out for you: cklam, your mother is a cheap whore, who I fucked but was not satisfied by

  •  @PJH said:

    And it got a +1 informative. WTF?



    Hahaha, that was me... I had mod points and I couldn't help myself.  

  • Swamp thread lives

    @cklam said:

    As for letting this t(h)reat(d) die: That's like burning books.


    You want out - no problem - let's change the guard.


    Maybe this will annoy MasterPlanSoftware and he will reply. That would my rite-of-passage for this forum

    Some topics should remain open forever.

    That's what I hate most about other forums. People make a few comments and are sure that all that has been said, is all that can be said on a topic. Because they are so smart. What could anybody else add. That's when they find out they are dumber than the Stupidest Man On Earch. cklamSwamp you have been swamped.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Some topics should remain open forever.

    That's what I hate most about other forums. People make a few comments and are sure that all that has been said, is all that can be said on a topic. Because they are so smart. What could anybody else add. That's when they find out they are dumber than the Stupidest Man On Earch. cklamSwamp you have been swamped.


    Have a weird-looking pear for your trouble, sir. Bet you've never seen one with teeth before.

  • @elgate said:

    @HannahRochelle said:

    @cklam said:

    You are a stuck-up prick with ugly glasses and no beard.

    No one looks like their avatar, dear.

    Well, except ammoQ...  

    But no, I don't actually wear glasses. You are correct that I don't have a beard, though I fail to see how this is in any way an insult... remember, Swampy has a beard. Me having one would be one step toward being like him.

     My only problem with you, cklam, is that you're a completely worthless waste of time, space, matter and the money which keeps me connected to the 'net each month. Also, your pointless birth needlessly stretched your mother's vagina, making it just that little bit too loose and unable to satisfy me when I get her $10 special... 

    Since you're so dense, I'll spell that out for you: cklam, your mother is a cheap whore, who I fucked but was not satisfied by

    1. You are a necrophiliac.

    2. My mother did fuck no donkeys.


  • @cklam said:

    1. You are a necrophiliac.

    Why thank you.

    @cklam said:

    2. My mother did fuck no donkeys.

    To your knowledge. And yes, I have been told it's rather large. More "stallion" than "donkey" though.  

  • @HannahRochelle said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Some topics should remain open forever.

    That's what I hate most about other forums. People make a few comments and are sure that all that has been said, is all that can be said on a topic. Because they are so smart. What could anybody else add. That's when they find out they are dumber than the Stupidest Man On Earch. cklamSwamp you have been swamped.


    Have a weird-looking pear for your trouble, sir. Bet you've never seen one with teeth before.

     Thanks for the pear even if the spelling is off ...

    Swamped, shell-shocked .. whatever. Slowly the foam around my mouth is receding ...


    I just have to finish this thing with elgateswamp now.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    ... SNIP ...

    Some topics should remain open forever.

    That's what I hate most about other forums. People make a few comments and are sure that all that has been said, is all that can be said on a topic. Because they are so smart. What could anybody else add. That's when they find out they are dumber than the Stupidest Man On Earch. cklamSwamp you have been swamped.

    Fake Post because: Icon is off,  orthography and diction are almost ok and subject stays the same over six consecutive sentences.

    Come on - that's lame. You guys have faked swampy's posts better than that before. Show some effort and this lackasidiacal (I hope spelled that one right) shit.


  • @cklam said:

    I just have to finish this thing with elgateswamp now.

    If we "finish this thing", will you leave? I'll get the lube.


  • @cklam said:

     Thanks for the pear even if the spelling is off ...

    Swamped, shell-shocked .. whatever. Slowly the foam around my mouth is receding ...


    I just have to finish this thing with elgateswamp now.




    You crafty bastard.

    I honestly do not believe SpectateSwamp is as dumb as he makes out... which makes me assume that you are quite possibly SS himself. If you're not, congratulations! You just made moron of the week. 

  • @HannahRochelle said:

    ... SNIP ... 



    Thank you

    @HannahRochelle said:


    I hate to disappoint you but my parents were married. And even to each other.

    @HannahRochelle said:

    I honestly do not believe SpectateSwamp is as dumb as he makes out...

     Concur. Especially if you recall the online apology to that Fish-and-Wildlife-Control Officer from Whitecourt posted somewhere on the biggamehunt forum and cited here earlier in the thread. Of course, SwampShit is a trapper who is stupid enough to post evidence for his own (poaching) violations online. That guy problably had him by the short-and-curlies and could have shut him down very, very easily.

    @HannahRochelle said:

    Which makes me assume that you are quite possibly SS himself. If you're not, congratulations!

     No. Assume instead that I am elgate trying to grab attention from MFS ....

    @HannahRochelle said:

    You just made moron of the week. 

     Do I get a mango now ?


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