US / EU Level

  • ♿ (Parody)

    USA Level: 133


    EU Level: 19


  • I survived the hour long Uno hand


  • 6e916b9d-eb37-4c27-82de-ac55f32649b3-image.png


    I win 🎉

    US Level 0.png

    Not too sure about the distinction between “visited” and “stopped”, maybe this should be a 9?

    EU Level 10.png

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @kazitor said in US / EU Level:

    I win 🎉

    US Level 0.png

    Not too sure about the distinction between “visited” and “stopped”, maybe this should be a 9?

    EU Level 10.png

    I think the OP defined "stayed" as one overnight... me, I defined "visited" as basically a term limited vacation (~week or less with an overnight), "stayed" as a longer term stay, and "stopped" as some sort of day trip for tourism. Just driving through for another destination I only counted as "passed", regardless of fuel / food stops.

    Fake edit: Also, also, your score is :among_us: because you apparently have never lived anywhere 🍿


    @izzion said in US / EU Level:

    Fake edit: Also, also, your score is :among_us: because you apparently have never lived anywhere 🍿

    Neither federation existed in Tithonian Laurasia 🏆

    Fake edit: your fake edit is a fake fake edit

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @kazitor said in US / EU Level:

    @izzion said in US / EU Level:

    Fake edit: Also, also, your score is :among_us: because you apparently have never lived anywhere 🍿

    Neither federation existed in Tithonian Laurasia 🏆

    Fake edit: your fake edit is a fake fake edit

    That's what makes it fake :tro-pop:

  • US Level 0.png
    EU Level 0.png

    Both scores are approximate. For the US, a couple of those midwest "stopped here" states were from a road trip when I was a young child, and I am uncertain of the exact route we took and whether we stopped or just passed through; I'm guessing we probably made at least fuel/food/potty stops, but 🤷♂. Edit: Also, for TN, I guess that should be stopped; the plane I was on landed and came to a complete stop at the terminal, although I didn't get off. For the EU, it's possible Vatican should be "stayed here", not just visited; on one of the trips, we stayed right at the edge, and :kneeling_warthog: to look up exactly where the border is.

  • Considered Harmful

    EU Level 0.png

    Would be US level 2 but I don't think knowing two airports even counts.

  • Banned

    US 18, EU 28. I'm not much of a traveler. If not for work and family I wouldn't even leave my hometown.


    not fudging numbers but I did count longer vacations as stayed because that is the meaning of the word

  • US Level 62


    Might be a few less depending on Stayed vs. Visited, but whatever.


    What's the difference between "stayed" and "visited"? Does a weekend trip with an overnight mean "stayed" and a day trip without overnight mean "visited"?

  • I have no idea what the difference stayed/visited, or stopped/passed is supposed to be.

    I'm using "visited" for "at most a night or two" (typically a week-end or one full day stop-over on a longer trip) and "stayed" for longer (a week or so). Then I take "stopped" as "airport stopover or some local tourism but without spending the night" and "passed" as "drove through but nothing more than bathroom breaks or similar."

    But I may have mixed things a bit, especially with our spattering of tiny pseudo-countries (Monaco, Andorra, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, B*****m).

    EU level 65

    105106ee-a387-4536-a434-bd5d4b07a82f-image.png 1a8b74a0-6486-41cf-9e14-5ee6084db010-image.png 8c9548f4-6e15-4308-b387-985f72e04867-image.png

    US level 16

    16c9ceb6-450c-4c4f-8a6b-5dff8c16ba54-image.png 7ff590a8-cec0-4421-8839-f5de74b1a26d-image.png 761786c5-083c-4914-a58e-b8c5ecc4ccb3-image.png

    I'm almost certain I got some states wrong. No doubt about the "stayed" in CA/TX. NC was Charleston... maybe it actually was SC? And the two "stopped" were airport connections at Chicago (I think MI?) and Atlanta (no idea, really, I just picked a state somewhere in the middle), IIRC, but I'm not even sure...

  • @HardwareGeek said in US / EU Level:

    For the EU, it's possible Vatican should be "stayed here", not just visited; on one of the trips, we stayed right at the edge, and :kneeling_warthog: to look up exactly where the border is.

    I think it's unlikely your hotel was in 🇻🇦 itself, I don't think there is any hotel there. Though maybe if you stayed in some convent or similar, but that doesn't seem very likely?


    EU Level 50

    EU Level 50.png

    US Level 32

    US Level 32.png

    I went with my above definition of "1 night" = "stay", "1 day" = "visit". That gives me a stay for a single night in AZ, but nobody ever stays overnight in Luxembourg.
    UT and CO get 1 point each for sharing the 2 points of a "stopped here" among them; a stop at the Four Corners point.
    TX gets an undeserved point for a plane layover and getting shouted at by the drill sergeants immigrations.

    ETA: Since I've never been to Asia, that also defines the span. Farthest point west: Las Vegas. Farthest point east: Somewhere around Vienna.

  • Java Dev

    @remi said in US / EU Level:

    @HardwareGeek said in US / EU Level:

    For the EU, it's possible Vatican should be "stayed here", not just visited; on one of the trips, we stayed right at the edge, and :kneeling_warthog: to look up exactly where the border is.

    I think it's unlikely your hotel was in 🇻🇦 itself, I don't think there is any hotel there. Though maybe if you stayed in some convent or similar, but that doesn't seem very likely?

    As it was explained to me when we visited the Vatican museum. the only permanent resident of Vatican City is the Pope, and the only temporary one is his guest house.


    @PleegWat they also have a population of 2 popes / km2. 🍹

  • Java Dev



    Based on Stayed = a night, Visit = a day.

  • C4D5C74C-DAD3-4262-A3BB-0096FBD35C48.png US level 46

    CBAEB12A-3F01-4C12-AB2A-C58075050E77.png EU level 22

    In both cases, “stayed here” is a multi-week stay, “visited here” is a multi-day affair, “stopped here” is me setting foot there for more than a few minutes (e.g. that time we crossed over the Oregon border going the wrong way didn’t count)

    Beyond things already mentioned here, let me asked: Does Passed Here include flying over that territory as an airplane passenger?

  • @Arantor said in US / EU Level:

    that time we crossed over the Oregon border

    Oh, right, I forgot a couple of points (visited/passed) for Nevada, so my US score would be around 18 rather than 16.

    Wasn't an unintentional visit (it very much was the goal of that day trip from CA!), but it was just a day visit.

  • EU Level 44.png
    US Level 34.png

    I count “passed here” as having travelled through without really stopping other than incidentally, and “stopped” as having done more than just travelled through, but not stayed overnight.

    I’m most proud of my having stopped in Italy, where I spent all of perhaps half an hour. When I happen to mention this, people always assume it was at an airport, when it was actually mostly spent in a car park overlooking a cemetery. (On holiday in Switzerland, we drove along some road that unexpectedly crossed the border. We stopped at a car park to drink coffee, then got back into the campervan and drove on along the same road that took us back into Switzerland.)

  • @BernieTheBernie said in US / EU Level:

    Beyond things already mentioned here, let me asked: Does Passed Here include flying over that territory as an airplane passenger?

    I did wonder about that, but decided not to count that, for two (similar) reasons: in common parlance you wouldn't mention it in "countries I was into" (and :technically-correct: airspace limits yadayada), and more importantly it's almost impossible to actually know the places you flew over, unless you kept a very accurate track of all flights you ever took or are an expert in airplanes routes.

  • One problem I now suddenly realise about the Europe map is: what if you visited a country before it split? For example, if you visited Czechoslovakia (which would be before 1993), would you click both Czechia and Slovakia even if you, for example, only went to Prague? Or would that count as Czechia only, even though it didn’t exist as a separate country at the time? Which gets even more fun if you visited the USSR.

  • US: 0.
    Zero, nada, niente, null, \0!
    (but I've spent a couple of days in 🇨🇦 just north of the US border)
    EU: 84
    EU Level 0.png

  • Banned

    @BernieTheBernie said in US / EU Level:

    Beyond things already mentioned here, let me asked: Does Passed Here include flying over that territory as an airplane passenger?

    No, because in that moment you're sitting in the territory of plane's registration country. Can't be in 2 places at once.

  • US: 38, EU: 68

    Apparently I'm not big on the east "coasts".

    Was tempted to put down GA/Atlanta as "stopped here". We were quite literately stopped there. As in "here's a tropical storm, and now you're not going anywhere". (Alas, never made it outside of the airport, so there's that.)

    EU Level 0(1).png

    US Level 0(1).png

  • I find it strange that more than 30 years after the "iron courtain" was removed, it still becomes visible in the europe charts of many people here ...


  • ♿ (Parody)

    @remi said in US / EU Level:

    @BernieTheBernie said in US / EU Level:

    Beyond things already mentioned here, let me asked: Does Passed Here include flying over that territory as an airplane passenger?

    I did wonder about that, but decided not to count that, for two (similar) reasons: in common parlance you wouldn't mention it in "countries I was into" (and :technically-correct: airspace limits yadayada), and more importantly it's almost impossible to actually know the places you flew over, unless you kept a very accurate track of all flights you ever took or are an expert in airplanes routes.

    Or have the interactive map up while flying.

  • @boomzilla I thought of that under "kept a very accurate track of all flights you ever took" because even if you did look at the map while flying, did you check it thoroughly enough to not miss any state you flew over, and remember all that years (or decades) later? Though you also need to be in a plane with a flight tracker, which excludes most short distance flights, and also :belt_onion: flights.

    Also, what counts as "over a given country?" EEZ, territorial waters, land, dry land...?

    All in all, it's much simpler to exclude the in-air part of flights.

  • 87ba3c69-3e20-479f-a10d-5a512c2d262a-image.png


    @cvi that's a lot of red!

  • @PleegWat said in US / EU Level:

    As it was explained to me when we visited the Vatican museum. the only permanent resident of Vatican City is the Pope, and the only temporary one is his guest house.

    TIL. But I think there are then currently (apparently for the first time in history) two permanent residents at the moment? The Pope and the Pope Emeritus? I thought I read that Benedict does live at the Vatican, just not in the pope's quarters.

    Addendum: "But the former pope won’t remain there for very long – just until renovations are finished on his permanent pad in Vatican City. Upon his return, Ratzinger will be given residence in a disused convent that stands within the Vatican walls, a tony house of about 4,300 square feet that stands on a hill just a few hundred yards behind St. Peter’s Basilica."

    https:// newsfeed.time. com/2013/02/13/the-popes-new-pad-where-benedict-xvi-will-live-after-he-steps-down/

  • @topspin said in US / EU Level:

    nobody ever stays overnight in Luxembourg.

    :um-actually: single night, once, but still...

  • Considered Harmful

    @Gustav said in US / EU Level:

    @BernieTheBernie said in US / EU Level:

    Beyond things already mentioned here, let me asked: Does Passed Here include flying over that territory as an airplane passenger?

    No, because in that moment you're sitting in the territory of plane's registration country. Can't be in 2 places at once.

    Get a helicopter and hover over glaciers in Mongolia, or the Kashmir, or maybe Taiwan, to observe the deleterious effects of such superposition.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    US Level 78


    There would be significantly more "stayed" states out west if it weren't for the pandemic. Also, I'm counting being stuck in a traffic jam on a highway for multiple hours in Arkansas as having "stopped" there.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Placeholder said in US / EU Level:

    Also, I'm counting being stuck in a traffic jam on a highway for multiple hours in Arkansas as having "stopped" there.

    My wife and I made similar jokes about Delaware.

    "Even if you're only passing through, you're going to stop there."

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @remi said in US / EU Level:

    I'm using "visited" for "at most a night or two" (typically a week-end or one full day stop-over on a longer trip) and "stayed" for longer (a week or so).

    Using those definitions:

    EU level 70


    US level 62


    Conferences have taken me all over the damn place (and amazingly the traffic in Delaware was moving; had to put up with the Beltway both ways on that trip though...).

  • @dkf said in US / EU Level:

    Conferences have taken me all over the damn place

    Most countries I visited, and all in the US, are related to work events and in particular conferences.

    Though in Europe I've been to most countries for dual-purposes (generally at different times), so the map wouldn't be that different if I made it work-only, or not-work-only.


    @topspin geez, I stayed in Geneva for a trade fair once and still marked it as “passed here”. :facepalm:
    So make that level 53.

    E: Apparently I'm also too fat-fingered to tap on :facepalm: instead of :face_vomiting:.

  • deb7782d-abff-4c9f-ac7f-59e8da40873c-image.png

    Stayed = spent at least a night there and did something as part of the stay
    visited = did something there: visited a friend, saw a site, etc...

  • @cvi said in US / EU Level:

    Was tempted to put down GA/Atlanta as "stopped here".

    Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mark Georgia, USA, as having passed through it, because I had to change planes there on my first trip to the Americas. So I’m actually level 35 for the US.

  • I've never been to any of these, I don't even have a passport
    My Brazil level would be 19 following the same logic
    edit: 23, I forgot one state

    @Gurth said in US / EU Level:

    Oh yeah, I totally forgot to mark Georgia, USA, as having passed through it, because I had to change planes there on my first trip to the Americas. So I’m actually level 35 for the US.

    I'm not counting this, I think I could get an extra point and get to 24 if I do

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    It occurs to me.

    These levels are not really directly comparable across polities, since there are different points possible (In the US and EU cases specifically, the US max level is 280, while the EU max level is 250.

    We need to adjust these to normalized scores :thonking:


    @izzion said in US / EU Level:

    the US max level is 280, while the EU max level is 250.

    boomzilla That's because the US is better.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @topspin said in US / EU Level:

    @izzion said in US / EU Level:

    the US max level is 280, while the EU max level is 250.

    boomzilla That's because the US is better.

    GuyWhoKilledBear Exceptions apply.

  • 🚽 Regular

    @topspin said in US / EU Level:

    boomzilla That's because the US is better.

    The boss is harder to beat, so it yields more XP.

  • @sockpuppet7 said in US / EU Level:

    I've never been to any of these, I don't even have a passport

    Neither do I, not for the last … decade or so? But of course, if staying within the EU you don’t need a passport if you’re an EU citizen. (Which means that if I did want to make a trip to the UK nowadays, it would be even more of a hassle.)

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