In other hostile takeover Tweets...

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Arantor said in In other hostile takeover Tweets...:

    @boomzilla is that why my feed is constantly bombarded with far right politicians, and ladies who want me to subscribe to their knockoff OnlyFans despite this being content I regularly mute and block?

    Better that the algorithm messes up and shows you some of that stuff than kicking them all off. The porn stuff has always been an unfortunate side effect of the political stuff, which really is important.

    In other threads I've bitched about similar things happening to me on Facebook, where I get weird waves of stuff I'm not interested in.


    @boomzilla said in In other hostile takeover Tweets...:

    Facebook, where I get weird waves of stuff I'm not interested in.

    Like, pretty much anything at all on there?

    On the one hand, it seems pretty much dead and devoid of real people. On the other, if some actual friend posts something instead of all the brand NPCs, it's till getting drowned in all the shit. With all their data collection, it's somehow decided all I want to see is gossip about sportsball, stupid organic products like shitty pillows from 18th century, and moronic fashion. Like I could possibly give any less of a shit about fashion.

  • @boomzilla how about showing me the content I have engaged with, the people I engage with etc by default?



    :pawn_store_mode: best I can do is give you content that has payed for you

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @topspin said in In other hostile takeover Tweets...:

    @boomzilla said in In other hostile takeover Tweets...:

    Facebook, where I get weird waves of stuff I'm not interested in.

    Like, pretty much anything at all on there?

    No, it gives me lots of good memes and martial arts content.

    On the one hand, it seems pretty much dead and devoid of real people. On the other, if some actual friend posts something instead of all the brand NPCs, it's till getting drowned in all the shit. With all their data collection, it's somehow decided all I want to see is gossip about sportsball, stupid organic products like shitty pillows from 18th century, and moronic fashion. Like I could possibly give any less of a shit about fashion.

    I do see lots of stuff from real people. Even people I know IRL. :mlp_shrug:

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Arantor said in In other hostile takeover Tweets...:

    @boomzilla how about showing me the content I have engaged with, the people I engage with etc by default?

    Completely orthogonal to my point, which is that irregardless of engagement, stuff was getting arbitrarily banned from the site altogether. I rarely scroll my twitter feed (mostly go there via external links) so I can't say much intelligent about that.

  • @boomzilla you mean the man who swore that free speech would be free is, in fact, not being entirely free about that? Huh, :you-dont-say:

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Arantor said in In other hostile takeover Tweets...:

    @boomzilla you mean the man who swore that free speech would be free is, in fact, not being entirely free about that? Huh, :you-dont-say:

    I'm not following this line of concern trolling. Are you really saying that he's made speech less free on the site before he bought it?


    @boomzilla no, I think he just didn't understand what you wrote.


    @boomzilla said in In other hostile takeover Tweets...:

    it gives me lots of good memes

    the memes arrive slightly faster ... probably because you are all just a bunch of :kneeling_warthog: slackers

  • @boomzilla for a man who swore to make it free, you’d think the arbitrary banning and moderation would have stopped, it hasn’t, and as far as many people can tell it’s even more random and arbitrary than before.

    Even if you pay. Bots on the other hand are more numerous than ever, doubly so since he started paying bluetix for engagement.

    But there’s an entire segment of content that used to be frowned upon now running around with impunity. You want to impersonate someone? Knock yourself out. You want to show explicit porn, go ahead, that’s now a thing. But don’t fall foul of nebulous and random moderation because shadowbanning definitely exists. (Even if you pay. In fact I think it happens more if you pay.)

  • @topspin said in In other hostile takeover Tweets...:

    @boomzilla no, I think he just didn't understand what you wrote.

    I mean, I know I am a stupid poopoo head at the best of times. You don’t need to remind me that I am.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Arantor said in In other hostile takeover Tweets...:

    @boomzilla for a man who swore to make it free, you’d think the arbitrary banning and moderation would have stopped, it hasn’t, and as far as many people can tell it’s even more random and arbitrary than before.

    Is it? Seems less so from what I've seen, but we inhabit different corners.

    Even if you pay. Bots on the other hand are more numerous than ever, doubly so since he started paying bluetix for engagement.

    But there’s an entire segment of content that used to be frowned upon now running around with impunity. You want to impersonate someone? Knock yourself out. You want to show explicit porn, go ahead, that’s now a thing. But don’t fall foul of nebulous and random moderation because shadowbanning definitely exists. (Even if you pay. In fact I think it happens more if you pay.)

    So are you criticizing him for letting speech be too free or not free enough?

    As for shadowbanning, it's a thing that seemed to happen a lot to people I follow and then after he took over it was much reduced. Like, suddenly people started getting lots of engagement and follower counts were going up. Additionally, people remarked that they were then seeing more posts from those types of accounts.

  • Considered Harmful


    You shouldn't have to feel unwelcome here just because you post child rape pics. Obviously the boss Himself will intervene when automatic systems make such gross mistakes.

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