Did anyone here find LinkedIn Premium of any use whatsoever?

  • My experience with 15-day trials lately hasn't been encouraging. Mostly I'm wondering who's looking at my profile.

    They almost hooked me on ExecRanks but I didn't feel like paying $200 a month to not get on a board.

  • Ummmmm.... kinda...

    I signed up to it when I was job-hunting, and it got me access to job ads early, allowed me to send mail to people I wasn't directly connected to, and also showed me who was looking at my profile so I could research them and their company.

    But... the job I ended up taking was one where someone sought me out via my LinkedIn profile so I can't say that Premium helped me get a job. Overall, if I was looking again, I'd probably reactivate it for a month or two, but I think making sure your own profile is up to date and compelling is a far more valuable tool.

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