The Transformer

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    If I lost 100 pounds on some exercise plan, it would take me 30 days to lose 100 pounds. By contrast, taking a drug pill for 2 weeks can be incredibly effective in losing weight. Most people never consider taking a medicine, so why not take a prescription pill? It's probably because most people haven't seen the full benefits that come with a proper prescription. For years, I used to have to walk a mile or two to get to the pharmacy. If I took a prescription pill the day I needed it, I felt like a fucking pimp in the back of a pharmacy. If I was able to take a prescription, I could avoid going back to the bathroom or going to the mall in order to get a prescription the next day. In the same way, you want to minimize the amount of drugs that you drink. I started taking prescription medications a few years ago. Not wanting to go to the restroom when I was sick would make me feel sick again immediately, so this would always be an option. I've started using my own brand of prescription pills, but my biggest pain reliever is Benadryl which I have taken at least three times a day since starting the drug. When I started taking the pills, the only medicine I liked was Tylenol and I always felt horrible, so I used to take those pills at night. I know I

    TIL I should feel like a fucking pimp, and Benadryl is a pain reliever.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Everyone was getting ready to wang chung tonight, when the doorbell rumbled inside, and she saw the man on the other side of the door.

    When his eyebrows furrowed in alarm, she turned to look at him. Seeing Jin Yang was watching her as she opened the door, she let her legs drop forward and raised her face up high.

    "Who the fuck is this?" she exclaimed, the tone of her voice rising rapidly.

    Jin Yang stared at her for a long moment before answering. "You've come in here looking really interested, but you've actually entered my house." he explained. "Well, you wouldn't get into the house if I didn't come to you, and the fact that you came through that door without stopping when you came in is proof that you did."

    It took a few moments for her to understand what he was on about. If it were her that he had said she had to enter at a certain time, would she still enter without stopping? She took another glance around, and she realized that the door did not open from the inside, rather the entire door system worked this way, and when she finally broke through the door and walked inside, her head and face were just centimeters above her toes. It was completely ridiculous and utterly unbecoming for a woman to walk around the house looking for

    :wtf: It took her a while to understand? Lucy, splain!

  • Java Dev

    Famous pop star Ayumi Hamasaki has released music videos for several songs that are set to appear on "Nippon Ipaku-chan" (Netherland Music Video Contest), her newly released album of songs. A number of the songs appear in Ayumi Hamasaki's "Kuroshimae" anime project, which premieres as part of "Viz Media's Dengeki Shimbun" fall 2014 issue on November 11.

    Ayumi Hamasaki, 29, has become a popular pop singer and has become a main figure in the North American musical world, appearing with Lady Gaga , Lady Gaga , Calvin Harris , Justin Bieber , Jack White, and others. Her album, "Kuroshimae" (Netherland Music Video Contest), is the work of a composer duo who originally worked on Hatsune Miku: Project Diva .

    "Nippon Ipaku-chan" is a song contest for music songs that appear in the anime "Nippon Ipaku" and the manga "Nisekoi", which were adapted into a television anime of the same name.

    The song contest is a fan-contest for songs that appear in "Nippon Ipaku-chan," and the first two songs that enter this contest will be chosen from the first season cast at the conclusion of the event held in

    TIL that Nippon and Netherlands is the same country.

  • 🚽 Regular

    Status: Active

    AC: +8 Str

    AC: +10 Res

    Str: +8 Dex

    Elv: +12 Con

    Feats: Improved Initiative, Improved Initiative, Master Tactician, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Training (Long Bow)

    Skills: Bluff +16 (+32 to hit with unarmed strikes, +12 to hit with bows and javelins), Intimidate +17 (+17 to hit with weapon attacks), Perception +15, Stealth +4

    Languages: Terran

    SQ: Stealth +13 (+4 in dim light, see invisibility/darkvision), Intimidate +17 (+17 to hit with weapon attacks), Perform (Choreography) +12, Weapon Training (Long Bow) +13, Perform (Choreography) +12

    Combat Gearpotion of Extraordinary Healing, potion of cure serious wounds, 2 sacks of bear hide (4 doses), masterwork longbow with composite arrows, 1000 gold

    The Black Dragonhounds

    Name: Zarek

    Origin: The Forgotten Realms Adventure Path IV

    Alignment: Evil

    Gender: Male

    Age: 20

    Class Skills

    Skill points: 2 + Int modifier

    Base Attack Bonus: 1d2

    Damage: 4 (1d4)


  • Java Dev

    Rumiko Takahashi is working on a new manga about a boy who's never actually seen a girl while he's away from home due to being shy. When he arrives back at home to find the girl he has been searching for, he is forced to come out to her. In the end, he finds out he is the one looking for love as he is actually the girl's brother as he gets an appointment and starts dating her.

    Another manga, written by Yūko Kaji and illustrating by Ryo Kawai, has a similar concept to Tomino's, in that it'll give a bit of a glimpse of his character to our main character Tomoe.

    This manga's plot revolves around Tomoe and her friends who are going to get bullied at school. While Tomoe is getting bullied for being so cute, she decides to become a tomboy because she wants to play baseball, but her parents don't approve and she gets bullied in the classroom a lot. Tomoe finally comes to a point where she wants to go to a "tomboy school."

    It's also a sequel to Tomoe's original manga, but instead of Tomoe going at school with other students, each of them goes to a cute high school called "Tomboy High". It's going to be a bit darker than Tomo's manga.

    Incest manga? Wouldn't be the first one I've read... Also, why does both of these plots sound completely plausible for mangas?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Zecc I see, a statement of fact then.... Alignment: Evil

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Giant duckweed is a small floating plant, often in rows on lawns, but is found anywhere it can be seen.


    The large redwood seedling that is found in the middle of the leaf of the mature redwood tree stands over 2–3 feet tall. These flowers are about 7–8 inches long, and are surrounded with a smooth, pale skin. In spring, these flowers will wilt and disappear due to the strong sap from the seedlings growing.

    Trees like pine are also hardy and will survive very cold and hot spots well. After a couple weeks of heavy rainfall and heavy snowfall, branches will die out to allow the tree to recover quickly and quickly shed its young leaves. Some mature rhododendrons can endure as much as 4 inches of rain per year.

    In the late fall or early winter, many old rhododendrons will begin to open a new growth that has a dense green canopy. This new growth can be up to 2 inches tall and will take on a white color if planted under a tree canopy. It is an annual flowering plant.

    Trees like black walnut and oaks will usually start to show early in any growing season and will continue on growing over winter. These trees, along with many other species, have very hardy roots.

    TIL rhododendrons are trees. And what do trees have to do with duckweed? And duckweed is now either non-aquatic, or my yard is a swap....

  • Java Dev

    @CHUDbert Better than the pedantic dickweed?

    Pedantic dickweed grows in tall, slender upright vines. Some plant populations are even found as tall as six inches. The plant produces a thick, reddish to brown seed. There are small pods, which are edible. If eaten, this small plant has some narcotic effects.

    Pelargonium nigrum is said to have the most active sex life among flowering plants. The male plant produces large amounts of seeds that are not stored for use during flowering but are eaten by female plants. This is said to have "no sex drive whatsoever."

    This weed is frequently associated with marijuana, cannabis and hashish, and as such is a common source of problems both in its local community and around the globe. If this plant is found, it is a dangerous weed to smoke, and in some cases is even poisonous, due to the plant's psychoactive effects.

    L. nigrum can be difficult to grow in the dark and at night. In other areas where the plants are common, the plants have a strong odour, which can be extremely noticeable on some plants, even though they've never been disturbed outside. The plant can take some time to set up and grow well before a seed pod is planted, unless it is young. In places where marijuana is not grown, this plant can be very dangerous, requiring very special care.

  • Elon Musk, smoking weed, said he likes "sour milk"

    Seth Godin wrote: We don't know why he smokes weed but it sure makes your brain feel better and feels like a solid rock.

    Gwyneth Paltrow doesn't care about Trump

    Seth Godin: This time, Donald Trump is just as guilty of being a terrible human being. Just so that you don't feel bad in your heart for him, let's go to the movies, where Paltrow has been, shall we say, pretty nice.

    Steve Jobs, smoking weed, said he's glad his last name doesn't exist

    Seth Godin: But not really. No, this time, Steve Jobs' name does. There were lots of great moments from his life that would inspire a million people to join the war against the Nazis, so I'm just going to say this: I'm glad my last name doesn't exist, so I don't have to worry anymore that I'm being labeled a murderer, terrorist, or some version of that.

    W. Kamau Bell wrote:

    Trump thinks I am just like them, because I am. #FactsIsFacts — W. Kamau Bell (@iamkaubell) March 28, 2017

    Pentagon says the new White House is not really

  • Trolleybus Mechanic

    blakeyratouz) 172699 (172699) from davidjl123 at 2016-06-12 18:42:47 (id d25xxb9) 1726 1006 to 1069725 (100626) from dominodan123 at 2016-06-12 18:42:54 (id d25xxfy) 1726 1007 to 1069750 (1069751) from davidjl123 at 2016-06-12 18:42:58 (id d25xxhj) 1726 1008 to 1056907 (1056907) from dominodan123 at 2016-06-12 18:43:02 (id d25xxkj) 1726 1009 to 1069758 (1069759) from davidjl123 at 2016-06-12 18:43:04 (id d25xxl2) 1726 10010 to 1069786 (1069760) from dominodan123 at 2016-06-12 18:43:08 (id d25xxnm) 1726 1011 to 1069793 (1069796) from davidjl123 at 2016-06-12 18:43:10 (id d25xxoq) 1726 1012 to 1069795 (1069797) from dominodan123 at 2016-06-12 18:43:16 (id d25xxpw

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    6ab865b7-1b48-403b-b126-25fe3e0a8fa6} [12:55] <@Mabel> oh wow the guy at the counter with a camera is pretty good. [12:55] <@shecalledmepaul_> and I think i know who the other guy is... [12:55] <@shecalledmepaul_> who has this tattoo on his neck [12:55] <+JThomasShort> I see how it is gonna be good at his birthday when I get it on, but i wouldn't mind seeing your face on a wall lol [12:55] <+JThomasShort> I really appreciate you sharing your pics [12:56] <@shecalledmepaul_> well he was pretty nice lol [12:56] <@miesian> how about a "we know each other for some reason, why don't we hang out for drinks?" [12:56] <@shecalledmepaul_> I see they're having some kind of drinks. [12:56] <@shecalledmepaul_> yeah [12:57] <@falkindsy> What else is this guy gonna do when we get off? [12:57] <@shecalledmepaul_> wait [12:57] <+JThomasShort> Oh, I see [


  • @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    Some mature rhododendrons can endure as much as 4 inches of rain per year.

    That much, huh? So they're well adapted to the Sahara Desert, then.

    Note: Don't rely on the Transformer for plant care advice:

    Water your rhododendron in the cool of the morning. Provide 1 inch of water per week during the summer in the first three years after planting...

  • @HardwareGeek

    I don't know, this seems like great advice to me.

    How to grow plants in the Sahara:

    The best way to plant and harvest desert plants is to collect data from plant biologists and biologists on plant growth rates in the desert. They can show you how to grow plants effectively.

    Here is a guide to plant growth and harvest rates in deserts for gardeners starting around the turn of the century.

    In early 2005, a botanist from a different research university, a university called UCT, made this video about the growth rates of desert plants. His idea of getting plants growing faster is that the plant culture should be closer to the ground than from the air.

    A number of researchers came up with the idea to grow plants from air in some conditions - for example, above 50 degrees Celsius, when plants should be growing fast, but because of this extreme cold, air temperatures dropped quickly.

    I have read numerous reviews of the growing plants method, many of them saying that plants need higher temperatures like 10,000 degrees Celsius or more. Many plant biologists have even suggested some temperatures below 5,000 degree Celsius, if this method is practical for farming as well.

    The growing plants method used by the Botanical University of Denmark does not include artificial light.

    There you go, a growing plants method that you can follow as a basic guide to growing plants in

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    plants need higher temperatures like 10,000 degrees Celsius or more.


    Unless Transformer is using the comma as a decimal point, rather than a thousands separator, in which case 5 significant digits seems unjustifiably precise for an "or more" environmental temperature.

  • @HardwareGeek It's just using a new definition of "solar farm."

  • 🚽 Regular

    First rule of systems design: Don't force people to be stupid.


    Rule 3: Don't give free beer to idiots.

    Rule 4: Don't allow people to take away your cars


    Rule: 5 for being a great parent, 4 for being a great father, 3 for being a great mother, 2 for being a great sister.

    Rule 6: Don't let others steal your car.

    A lot of people make the mistake of allowing things for free. Don't let them. Make things better for others so that when the times are tough, you can still come around with a smile on your face.


    Rule 7: Don't let someone take away your privacy and stuff. That's the thing that people always say to this one: "You have your privacy from my girlfriend right? I'll just keep that locked up." Well, sure. I'll keep mine. But if you do, I want it away from me so I can have a better relationship with it. I don't care that you're breaking the law or anything. I just want you to have a good time and have fun with it. Just don't take it from me.

    To the real world, I hope you found some time to practice our little rule of rules and give these tips even more weight. Please leave your

  • @Cursorkeys said in The Transformer:

    First rule of systems design: Don't force people to be stupid.

    I've rarely found this to require force.

  • How do I make my farts smell good?

    When eating healthy, avoid giving your body the opportunity to stink up. If you notice a change during you food's storage, your body may be able to deal with it more quickly and be willing to produce less body stink. Also, if you notice your stomach start to feel a little funny once in a while, there are plenty of ways to calm the issue.

    Farts also tend to make your body feel warm and fuzzy just from their smell. A simple hot dog will calm you down, too! So go ahead, start eating your farts when you see the signs, but make sure NOT to put them down too soon!

    So, when are my farts getting old and sick?

    The first signs that your body is starting to smell funny are usually found around 10 to 15 days into your food's storage. It is important that you don't put food at your belly or under your hair so your farts can breathe again. If you do, your farts can continue to emit a stench for up to 2 weeks after. These will often become "smelly" again once your stomach recovers.

    You might also notice changes during birth, postpartum, or your recovery process. Some women may find the smell of their unborn baby (or those of your own child) makes them go a little

  • What should I do when I poop out spaghetti noodles?

    This one takes some planning. I highly recommend asking for help.

    Peeing out spaghetti noodles after eating dinner is very tricky. Not only will you poop out spaghetti noodles in the dish for which you have so easily eaten all the broth, but there'll be a lot of bubbles in the dish too!

    If you don't find yourself in this situation often, and there really is no other option, you'll find yourself thinking "Oh, it's not going to last that long. I'm going to eat something else."

    Now you may be surprised how easy this process is. Here are a few ideas:

    Use a spatula to scoop spaghetti noodles out, so that the bubbles don't cause the noodles to stick together.

    Wash hands thoroughly after eating, especially after you poop out the sauce.

    Use a wet pan and cook spaghetti noodles before you place them in the dish again, and use a fork and a finger to scoop out the bubbles (if there's not enough spongy-ness in the pan, and if you're not using a spade, that still takes extra time.)

    Put spaghetti noodles in a food processor and process until slightly smooth.

    You want the noodles in a very fine powder. This means no messy splatters.

  • I guess I'm still nine years old in my mind, because this stuff is funnier than it probably should be.

    How to cure diarrhea:

    You can use stool from your regular poop to cleanse your gut.

    The doctor'll remove your stool, then do the same to bring it up to standard size.

    When your stool is the size and consistency of a child's stool, the next step is to rinse it properly.

    Dry it for 10 to 15 minutes on a damp cloth. Place the cloth over your colon with the toilet paper damp to remove the mucus.

    Repeat the rinse as often as you like. The cloth remains moist once dry.

    It's usually OK to throw out your poop if it contains a bad bacteria like E.coli or E. coli.

    To cleanse your colon, poop is usually left to ferment out. The bacteria that live in your feces become more active, so you might notice this after a time. Sometimes the result is a green, slimy, waxy type called bloating that gives you diarrhea.

    But your doctor might want to try a small amount of poop

  • How to burp loudly:

    Use a piece of cotton soaked in water to place on the back of your throat with a cotton roll – this will reduce the chances of your burp escaping at the first sign of a burp.

    Apply an ice pack to the forehead to help stop or stop breathing. In extreme circumstance, you could attempt to stop breathing using a hose – if you're lucky your girlfriend does what's known as "the gimp technique" which involves trying to stop breathing through the hole in your head, neck or arm, or even blowing steam through your mouth as you take a breath. Your hands and a blow dryer can help stop breathing if needed but if you try to stop breathing you may not be able to hold your breath very long and may also experience a lack of muscle control.

    If you're able to, try to hold your breath for several minutes.

    If breathing is not stopping you should seek medical attention right away.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    The cloth remains moist once dry.


  • How to solder with your butt:

    Asking yourself if it is right to solder is a question to ask yourself as you try to solder. We all have different opinions on how to solder and they make or break a product.

    Why is it wrong to solder with your butt? It doesn't matter if it's the only part of you that touches the material being soldered. Just because you don't hold your breath doesn't mean you shouldn't solder.

    Many people are uncomfortable trying to solder with their butt because of the weight and the uncomfortable way their joints are. The more comfortable you can sit for and the easier your skin can glide into the metal, the better.

    Some people won't let others touch them, or if they can't sit still any longer, it's more acceptable to stop using them altogether and make use of another part of your body to conduct the electricity generated by the soldering to your computer or electronics.

    Now that our friend with the butt has told you that it's not good and you want to be totally cool about having your butt soldered, lets start talking about the pros and cons of doing things this way.


    No one is going to be able to tell you exactly what kind of solder you have

    No one will actually touch the parts you're soldering

    You're not

  • How to commit seppuku:

    This simple trick will make seppuku a lot easier. Simply recite the seppuku mantra:

    I am seppuku!!…

    …I am seppuku!! …I am seppuku!!…

    …I am seppuku !!…

    …I am seppuku !!… …I am seppuku !!…

    …I am seppuku !… …I am seppuku !…

    …I am seppuku !!….

    …I am seppuku !!…."

  • :belt_onion:

    The entire experience took about 30 minutes! I would like to say it was perfect but I really have no idea!

    I also have no idea what it is about the way the music is played. It seems more like a traditional rock or pop tune. My experience was different. It was fun!

    I'm glad I tried it out because we all went home looking for a fun and relaxed environment.

    It just might just be my own fault; I am so new to the experience, so I think I did not learn enough about how to use a tent, or the tent etiquette. After going home, though, I had a lot of fun because we used a tent every night. We played a lot of rock and rock and rock (and rock and rock) and everyone really knew each other. We did a few hours of hiking together and just had so many stories to tell. I loved it when each person started to talk about themselves and the experiences they had. I was definitely more experienced and had good memories of it than other people. All we needed is more people like us to get around because we would have just had one or two stories of how we went about enjoying the experience. So, definitely one of the best tent experiences I've ever had!

    This review was provided by: John Eberhardt

  • How is babby formed? The term babby is said to come from the Slavic 'batna' or 'bed' and refers to its form, which could be a flat, square, oval, or hollow, similar to a house or room. Babby may also be referred to as 'basilic'.

    Can I make a babby? Absolutely not! What you need is:

    *A sheet of paper to cover the outside and outside edges of the book.

    *An object that is flat. This object is the sheet of paper.

    *Enough paper to cover the top corners of the book

    The paper needs to fit completely around the room but must NOT 'bubble' up with the rest of the book. This means that the paper needs to be the correct width and the corner of the paper should be exactly in contact with the other corners and edges of the book.

    What can I have placed on the top of my book? You could place a flower inside of the book.

    If you want, you could create a special decoration for the top of the book and decorate the top with candles, tiles, etc. But nothing would look more authentic and unique than the beauty of a babby.

    What is the purpose of having a book with a babby? It is an interesting way of holding conversations, getting

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    So go ahead, start eating your farts

    Um, no.

  • How to cool your brain with liquid nitrogen: The secret of brain cooling and the future of therapy

    In a recent article at Scientific American, scientists at the University of Cambridge have developed a technology called "Liquid Cooling" that turns liquid nitrogen into a brain cooling agent.

    This makes it possible to cool your brain quickly, but with minimal side effects, such as muscle weakness or blood clots.

    The experiment is published in Science.

    What's really cool about these cooling agents is that they are only available inside of a chamber in which a liquid oxygen is poured. They are then slowly cooled to -280º Celsius — one of the highest temperatures ever achieved by human researchers, even though the entire chamber will likely keep you alive for the first day. This can happen in less than an hour, so your brain will be doing the work.

    In comparison, a normal brain would take five days to reach this temperature.

    Here are some things you should be aware of in case you find yourself falling asleep while wearing these cooling agents and want to try them out:

    1. You can't take a nap if you're sweating.

    There are two ways your brain is supposed to warm up: It does this in the air in your chest, or your brain simply starts to produce an extremely hot and low-oxygen environment just below body temperature. So

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    If breathing is not stopping you should seek medical attention right away.

    I'd be more concerned about getting medical attention if breathing does stop, but you do you.

  • The health benefits of drinking sodium hypochlorite are obvious: It keeps you more hydrated and has no effect on your blood pressure. The danger comes when you're drinking enough that your body just doesn't want to hold you in excess.

    You're likely already consuming enough sodium hypochlorite to keep you hydrated and avoid dangerous effects, but not getting too much means you're eating dangerously. That can have deadly consequences, even if you've ingested too little.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    No one will actually touch the parts you're soldering

    This much is probably true.

  • How to use 'Saving Lives' for the first time in a clinic

    First of all, you need to know that this type of 'Saving Lives' treatment will give you a 'Saving Lives' message to your patients which you may then use to talk to your doctor's assistants about your patients and treatments.

    In the event of an emergency, you will find that patients and health care workers will then talk to them and provide them with a number of useful information.

    This type of 'Saving Lives' will give you a number of useful information to talk to your doctor that can then be presented to your doctors assistants.

    What to know about saving lives

    If you are treating somebody who has died (usually due to a serious injury or illness), you will find their medical history very important to them. This will include their age, gender, location, social contacts, and some details of their past (what they have done, how old they were, how far they have travelled, their weight, how much they have experienced pain). Some details might include their last known address, the medical treatment of the treatment or injury, the hospital's or service's care for the patient, and the treatment of the last injury or illness.

    By showing your patient these useful details, you can show them that a cure is possible.

    Some people are so concerned

  • The dangers of binge-drinking synthetic motor oil are well documented. Some studies even show that synthetic motor oil is particularly dangerous to infants whose mothers used it in utero. One study even found that it is even more dangerous for a baby using synthetic motor oil than his or her unprocessed natural mother.

    It's hard to measure safety risk, but Dr. Robert Storrz, a pediatrician at the University of Florida and one of the authors of one of my recent posts , found that synthetic motor oil was as harmful in a test group as it is in formula-fed infants or older infants. After 12 weeks the infants and toddlers in the "no-diet" group had an almost 5% higher risk of death in their 40s compared to those who only used synthetic motor oil, and the risk for deaths for each day that the same group remained on the intervention remained roughly the same (for the full list of study and abstract, see). For their study, Dr. Storrz, and four others, followed a group of 200 babies born at 3 weeks and 5 months, with the majority from families of color.

    In addition, one study followed 200 patients who didn't receive any intervention for 5 years (this one is just in Atlanta). Out of all participants, 8% developed signs of brain damage. The study also found that these kids had high

  • @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    If you are treating somebody who has died (usually due to a serious injury or illness),

    Yes, those are the usual causes of death.

    you will find their medical history very important to them.

    It may be very important to you, but I think it's probably much less important to them than it used to be.

    @hungrier said in The Transformer:

    a cure is possible.

    In the vast majority of cases, it's a bit too late.

  • It thought pretty long about this one:

    See how a modern neural network completes your text. And that's where we

  • @hungrier It's either broken now, or I completely stumped it with the prompt "Intravenous injection of plutonium is"

  • @mott555 I can't get any more completions out of it either. I guess we've now seen how a modern neural network completes text.

  • @hungrier Because of us, the neural network needs some drugs and time off for therapy and counselling.

  • @mott555 Or a "Saving Lives" treatment

  • It's back!

    Intravenous injection of molten plutonium is recommended for treatment of human cancers. In order to develop a safe and effective form of plutonium therapy, an effective method for reducing the potential for the use of plutonium by conventional approaches will be required. An alternative means for increasing the plutonium content of plasma with improved delivery systems and enhanced safety and energy efficiency will be necessary.

    The present invention, therefore, is an improved method for the treatment of human cancers by use of molten-plutonium-fibre (LFP) by means of which a radioactive material can be delivered via a delivery system with improved safety and efficiency. In addition, the invention relates to a method and apparatus for causing lymphoma and malignant hyperplasia, as described in accordance with more recent U.S. Pat. Nos. 1,053,879 and 1,061,943, by means of which a radioactive material can be delivered via a delivery system, which is a delivery system that employs both a plasma and an aerosol delivery system.

    It is an object of the present invention to provide a method of treating human cancers. The present invention, therefore, is an improvement over existing systems, in particular, traditional methods, because such methods provide the most direct way of delivering radioactive material to the target tumor. The present invention, therefore, is, although similar in principle in certain respects, a

  • The Talk To Transformer website went down because of a security breach.

    "We have lost our website because they couldn't access the IP address of the servers and so we weren't permitted to log on without access to that IP address," he said.

    "I've taken the opportunity here to go out there and speak about the kind of issue that's really out there," he explained. "If I wasn't around it, the conversation wouldn't have gotten to that degree.

    "And that's really why we need to do this now to sort this shit out."

    "It'll be a good thing, it'll be a tough issue for Australia to have a discussion about whether or not to allow trans people to self-identify," he said.

  • He discovered that his bathtub was filled to the brim with pythons. He was horrified and started throwing stones at his new home. They got bigger and bigger, eventually reaching his house.

    "The pythons jumped out at me, they ran away! I screamed for help, because it was a whole house," he recalled a few years later.

    The pythons ran across the room so fast and so far, that they missed his wife as she tried to grab her bathrobe in an effort to protect herself. They grabbed her waist with their forefeet (a big python will actually hold its tongue out). All she could do was struggle and get on her hands and knees.

    That's how hard the pythons got to her and she screamed and tried to escape, but they were faster than you can say "brave" and she was too slow to fight them off but still had to fight for her life.

    Luckily, police had arrived. Officer Dainty found her at the edge of the pool. The officers quickly wrapped her in protective gear for help after she was able to escape.

    The pythons were not the only ones who wanted to take off their human skin.

    Pythons are vicious predators and like most other creatures, they can be incredibly aggressive. This kind of aggressive behavior is not

  • Badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger... Mushroom! Mushroom! Mushroom! Mushroom! Mushroom!

    And then...

    Oh... oh yeah. Now we're gonna stop.

    • Whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah, whoah!

    Yeah, I want everyone to stop watching this weird, alien stuff and come into my place.

    • What?

    • I got news for you. You're never gonna last two minutes in my bed, are you?

    • No?

    • Well, if you do, we'll be like friends.

    • That's great.

    When I was really young I used to sleep on my bed like an ostrich because no one wanted me to sleep on there... And then once at school one day I was sitting at my desk and I saw something and I said, "Oh, what the--?" and I hit the button and some people went, "Hey, look!" And everybody went, "That's the new kid!" And my old schoolmate came and grabbed me and said, "You're the new kid!" I said, "Oh, no!" and I got knocked around from my desk because I didn't stop and said, "Oh no..." so the kids

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    either broken now

    Or rate limited by the host. It's happened a couple of times.

  • Time travel is only supposed to be used by one person. After a human dies, all of the remaining parts of their body are destroyed while they are still alive in order to preserve the living from the effects of disease. Most of the time, that is.

    That isn't always the case. In fact, in many cases, it can cause major trauma on the human body, sometimes irreparably. For example, people who died many decades ago suffered severe trauma from exposure to UV radiation and high concentration chemicals during their lifetimes, leaving them with brain damage and scars that could never be fully healed. Even those who survived these things, though, may suffer some kind of degenerative disease from that exposure.

    The worst-case scenario for the human body is probably that the human brain breaks down. We know that brain damage can damage the blood vessels by causing sudden blood loss from internal injuries and causing brain bleed, but we don't really know what can happen and for many, that is not a concern.

    Now if the brain's damage was the worst-case scenario, then what do we actually do to fix this? The only logical option is to take drastic measures and leave the body as a living corpse with all of the parts remaining.

    But what if it isn't the case? What if the brain still doesn't work well after all

  • The world's dumbest AI system will be on display at CES 2015

    Microsoft just announced its AI system called Cortana, a conversational assistant that is capable of understanding questions and answers, and also offering advice.

  • Pigeon poop is excellent for treating your feet when they get sweaty because it's a hygienic solution that's not sticky and it takes just a moment to absorb through the foot to help heal the skin. While you're doing this, do as much research as you can on foot odor problems. You might have been embarrassed to have an odor in the first place! Once you've figured out the cause (foot odor), use your foot odor medication every night. By the end of the day, the odor will have disappeared and the itching will be gone.

  • High-voltage DC is safe for everyone with a pulse oximeter and a blood pressure level between 133 and 140/90mmHg. High-voltage DC can cause rapid heartbeat when not properly timed to avoid serious effects. If you are under the age of 16 years, you cannot drink high-voltage DC and should not drink it unless you seek medical assistance. You may have a very high-risk of heart attack if you are pregnant, take medicines that could increase your risk of heart attacks, or have a family history of heart disease. Do not do drugs that increase your risk of blood clots like aspirin.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    The Talk To Transformer website went down because of a security breach.
    it'll be a tough issue for Australia to have a discussion about whether or not to allow trans people to self-identify," he said.

    Trans people broke the website?

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    After a human dies, all of the remaining parts of their body are destroyed while they are still alive

    Transformer seems a bit confused about concepts like time and causality.