The Transformer

  • A vaccine that can cure JavaScript-induced seizures will be made available for testing in August 2017, according to the company's website. No clinical trials are planned for the product, the researchers said Thursday.

  • Electron-wave decoherence therapy, also known as 'quantum wireless medicine', uses microwave radiation to produce electrical pulses that can be used to change a user's electrical and chemical properties and make them more energetic. As such, they act as a potentially powerful cure for the illnesses and ailments of today that are considered to be 'natural' or innate.

    The new technology is thought to be able to improve some of the conditions such as autism, Alzheimer's disease, cystic fibrosis and depression for a fee comparable to, for example, conventional treatments. However, in many cases, the patients have complained that the treatment is not effective.

    "In the treatment of people diagnosed with brain disorders and disorders in their brain waves, a standard medical treatment has been proven effective, but not effective enough to treat all brain diseases and disorders," said the researchers.

  • The world's first android was found dead after its brain was taken by a thief.

    A mother in Thailand has been sentenced to three years in prison for having sex with her newborn android baby boy.

    The victim, whose name can not be disclosed due to the pending trial, was found dead in an abandoned building in Tathornat village in Palawan province after giving birth to the android in March 2016.

    Police recovered the unconscious body after the baby was discovered slumped in the grass on March 19, and they found the brain in the car.

    The child's face did not move for five months after doctors put him into a medically induced coma.

    In a ruling on Wednesday, a regional court in Tathornat told Ms Khunt to serve the full three-year sentence. She was also ordered to pay a total of 50,000 baht ($2350) in victim costs.

    The case was brought to light after Ms Khunt complained that authorities had not informed her about an electronic monitoring device installed on the child's face.

    A police officer noticed a small device on the skin of the child's face around the same time, and a scan revealed the object was a computer chip containing a small chip of DNA.

    Police arrested Ms Khunt on suspicion of having sex with an infant, as well as possession of unauthorised

  • 🚽 Regular

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    A hydrofluoric acid enema is a commonly used tool to manage severe allergic rhinitis.

    Ooh, I should try that.

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    A hydrofluoric acid enema removes fluid through open wounds and opens wounds

    So it's self-reinforcing.

  • Sounds like the plot to a badly-translated and badly-written foreign sci fi film...

    The world's first android was found dead after being poisoned with cyanide

    An android found dead after being poisoned with cyanide was discovered to have been taken for a spin by a man in South Africa, according to reports, although investigators cannot confirm who, or by what means the device was stolen.

    The device, known as 'Ruth', became a viral sensation in 2007, after users on an online forum posted pictures of it looking in pain and appearing to have a broken skull following a bar brawl between rival fans that had taken place at the Kogelo Stadium.

    As a result of her popularity, the device became the subject of several TV shows, documentaries and films, including one in which the actor played the character Ruth.

    Ruth was found dead in the city of Kogelo, a southern state, in May 2008. Police said no traces of cyanide was found on the body, but experts were able to confirm the device was taken from a person unknown.

    Despite being found in South Africa, the identity of the person who took the device is unconfirmed, according to reports.

    But an international database of missing or murdered people lists 'Ruth', as one of the victims believed to have vanished

  • The world's oldest living cat has turned out to be the first known modern rat to have moved to the UK

    The world's oldest living cat in the UK has been discovered - moving to the UK as it goes through a form of puberty to become a modern rat called B. luteus.

    The cat, named B-luteus by experts because of its large body length, has yet to be christened, but researchers hope that its short name will help other people keep tabs on this "rare cat".

    They also hope it can give scientists more information about the history of the species.

    According to scientists, the animal was only discovered in the late 1990s after a resident of a local cat's colony, Mrs A-della, discovered her first rat that appeared to 'come alive' - but her pet did not recognise her animal.

    Now Dr A-della hopes her species will be listed under the Cat Protection Act after it was recently named the "world's oldest living cat" by experts from the University of Cambridge and Imperial College, London in a paper in the journal Global Change Biology.

    The cat, which was born with no ear at the tip of her tail and has no visible ears, was born into a domestic cat colony at a remote farm in the town of Grewal in the UK in 2008.

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    A mother in Thailand has been sentenced to three years in prison for having sex with her newborn android baby boy.

    I swear I've read this story somewhere...

  • The world's smallest living star, located in Africa, only reaches about 13 percent of its full mass, making its discovery surprising. The researchers said that the new observations add to the evidence, but it will take a lot more observations before any conclusions are drawn.

    Researchers found the star is actually quite common in low gravity areas as well as in high gravity areas.

    The tiny star has been known for several years and was first observed flying at the distance of 10 light years. That meant it was flying in the direction of the Milky Way on the time scale mentioned in their study.

    "The star has a mass of about 1.5 solar masses (about 4 times the mass of our Sun), making it the smallest known star," said lead author, Dr. Suryani Srivastava, a senior astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (CfA).

    The star is the subject of a special international research project which also includes the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics.

    There are many smaller black holes in the Milky Way galaxy (at least four of them are estimated to exist). These black holes are all so enormous and bright that light from them is unable to escape due to their very strong gravity.

    The researchers' latest discovery comes roughly 10 million years after supernovae created stars that reached speeds up

  • Deoxyribonucleic acid (RNA) and mRNA, both of which are produced during development. They appear as white and creamy spheres and are generally covered with a coating of DNA and proteins. The blueish cells in the middle of the tissue are also called spleens. The skin surface of young infants is often covered with large cysts that grow and divide. These are called nodules. In old infants they may be small blobs of mucous that have been cut away by the plastron. This is called necrotising keratosis.

  • 🚽 Regular

    Just arrived in the United Kingdom. The only problem is that @CNN is the primary source of news available from the U.S.A.. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2017

    He later added:

    .@CNN is so dishonest, so guilty, and they don't know anything! They are a disgrace to both news and democracy! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) February 17, 2017

    The U.S. Embassy in Israel said in a statement on Saturday the president was "wrong because CNN is a great source of news as it is reported from Israel."

    The embassy did not respond to a request for comment by CNN on the tweet, but did note in the statement: "We believe that our work contributes to the development of trust between our people and that of the region."

    After the tweet, CNN apologized, tweeting: "We immediately reached out to his campaign to make this clear."

    A spokesman for CNN didn't immediately respond to a request for comment on whether the channel is aware of reports the president is upset because the cable network is covering a story with Israeli ties?

  • This one reeks of Florid Man.

    The world's oldest housefly was found dead after her mother died at home in New York yesterday, aged 75.

    The mystery girl, named Mairiah, died after she began complaining of stomach pains and vomiting in July and her mother said her mood improved when her mother stopped having sex with her.

    Her mother, Joanne Jackson, 75, is charged with involuntary deviate sexual intercourse, which carries a maximum four year prison sentence.

    But because her mother was in prison at the time she allegedly tried to take Mairiah to France the case is not against her.

    The case has shocked and appalled many British citizens because there have been many allegations of underage hook ups in England and Wales.

    The family lives in Oxfordshire and said the "incredible news" of Mairiah's death had hit 'hard'.

    "Last night, the rest of us were really shocked, we thought, 'Oh God, did Mairiah ever stop getting good with us?'" one source told Metro.

    When Mairiah wasn't with her mother, her mother used to go into regular 'friendship' meetings at Mairiah's address. The woman who knew her at the time told Metro that the 'secret meeting' began when she realised Mairiah was having problems with her stomach.

    But the pair continued having sex whenever and wherever their

  • The world's oldest housefly was found dead after being caught in an industrial exhaust

    'No reason to be alarmed.'

    After a 12-minute search, officers said: 'No reason to be alarmed. He is an extremely sick animal.'

    The housefly was found dead in his cage inside the factory and officers were told it was likely his death was unrelated to the factory's closure.

  • The world's oldest housefly was found dead after being bitten by a large dog in Texas.

    The species, which lived from 1925-39, was the third smallest known in Britain, according to the British Museum.

    Experts say the species, named for its long legs and white markings - were able to survive as long as a million years after being caught under conditions that would have killed animals.

    "They have a very long history with human settlement," British museum curator at the time, James Green, told ABC News.

    "It appears that these creatures were actually quite well fed, they were fed on insects like cabbages and onions and everything. What we found was something else entirely.

    "There's all sorts of stuff that's coming out of the mouth like insects and some sort of strange thing that comes up from the ground and then there was only one place that showed us it: their stomach, which is sort of this tiny opening that makes an opening."

    Green found a large animal, possibly that of a bull, wandering around nearby and later found the creature still alive.

    He described it as a "very, very large animal" with sharp snouts, a pair of thick antennae, and several rows of two pairs of wings.

    "The only thing which's completely unexpected is the huge tail which is so big that it can

  • Notification Spam Recipient

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    her mood improved when her mother stopped having sex with her.

    I swear I've also read this fic somewhere....

  • I've found it's fun to add "was found dead after" to the end of any phrase.

    A rocket-powered sedan was found dead after crashing into parked vehicles parked in a residential neighbourhood in the city's west.

    The vehicle, owned by former president of the Russian Railways, Viktor Yankovay, exploded seconds after launching from a remote location, local police said. One person was injured to the head.

    The explosion happened moments after the rocket-powered vehicle was launched from a remote location in the city's northeast, police said.

    Local media said that the vehicle had a crew of eight, had no driver or passenger and was parked on a road outside the residential neighbourhood.

    Yankovay, in his late 80s, was among a group of Russian leaders who had attended this year's International Motor Show in Shanghai, the People's Daily said.

    The magazine added that Yakovlev had become a billionaire, with a fortune estimated at over 10 billion roubles ($13.5 billion).

    Earlier reports said the car involved had been owned by a Russian businessman.

  • A ten-million line-of-code (LoC) application was found dead after a crash-landing in northern France.

    "A crash happened on the day of our last conference," read the launchpad-full announcement at the Red Hat Summit on Wednesday.

    "The entire development team was involved in it. I can tell you for certain that the application was never going to launch, and the author did not have it and could not possibly have had it."

    The application required the application server to handle the entire load associated with all the components involved or in any other way be rendered unusable.

    This caused the system to crash. Red Hat's support team tried to help the user, but this was unable to work properly or, in this case, failed spectacularly.

    For nearly five minutes, the system remained stuck in a black state while Red Hat researchers watched their data file.

    "The whole time the error rate of the server was extremely high, because of the very heavy usage, there wasn't a ton of time for data synchronization and the entire server system was heavily involved," a team member told The Register.

    "There was an application server that had no data whatsoever, an application server that had no code. And what we were experiencing was, that's not actually how you think of an application server and a full-page application

  • 🚽 Regular

    The Great Pacific garbage patch, also described as "greater garbage patch", was located 1.2 million feet (610 kilometers) below ground on the Antarctic continent and spread over 8.2 million square miles (2.5 million square kilometers).

    "There are only a handful of places in Antarctica that have such a pristine environment," said Dr. Paul. "It is important to appreciate that at higher elevations on the Earth's surface, and even in lower elevations, there are still places of garbage that are still relatively healthy to live in."

    What's important about the Great Pacific garbage patch is that it is also the largest of just those that are actually on the ground in Antarctica. There are still places that remain unhealthy and dangerous to live in: there are still areas without running water, no way to get clean water, and most importantly, there are still places that have a significant degree of microbial degradation (from garbage and humans).

    This is just an example of all the things that can go wrong in the midst of such conditions, but the fact that the Great Pacific garbage patch has a unique ecology and ecosystem that allows people to live healthy lives with such a diverse ecosystem makes it a place to spend a great deal of time in during the summer months.

    These findings were published online November 4 in the journal Science Advances.

    Image Credit: Shutterstock.

  • A high-frequency pulsar was found dead after being launched into space by an experimental particle accelerator. Researchers believe the dead neutron star had been thrown so far into space from Earth that it exploded in the vacuum of space.

    It is believed to be the second neutron star to be ejected from Earth since the 1950s. Scientists estimate that the most famous neutron star, known as CERN's "Tuttle," exploded at its southern pole in 1963, killing more than 30 people and wounding about 600 others.

    In the new report, the scientists estimate that three neutron stars are ejected by a single neutron star every six nights in an average year.

    The paper was accepted for publication in the May edition of the journals Astrophysical Journal Letters.

    The experiment at CERN's Large Hadron Collider measured the speed of the fission neutrino, a powerful form of a neutrino that interacts with matter and creates particles known as "holons.

    During the measurement, which lasted just six hours, a neutron star was found to be ejected from Earth, and scientists had the opportunity to analyze the material that exploded into space.

    Answering an initial question, researchers found that the sample of gas trapped beneath the neutron star, or "holotube," produced a magnetic field in space, producing energy.

  • A brand-new Apple MacBook was found dead after being hit by a vehicle in downtown Vancouver on Monday, the Vancouver Sun reports.

    "It's a very sad event for the family," Vancouver police spokeswoman Const. Sharon White said. The car was driven by a 51-year-old man, who has not been identified.

    A new Apple Macbook Air model was found "in a pile of things," and no injuries were reported, White told CNN.

    In another unusual event, Vancouver police released an image of a new Apple MacBook Air model:

    A new Apple MacBook Air model appears, and it's beautiful — but that's not it! — The Apple Police (@iAppleCrime) July 19, 2017

    Vancouver police say that more than 100 other people had similar experiences on Monday.

  • Canadian camels in Israel, where they live in harsh and overcrowded conditions, are among the most vulnerable dogs in the world. But they also suffer from serious problems—including the use of dangerous hormones, which can have negative effects on their health, and a lack of housing options. The Israeli government says it wants to solve this problem by making camels available to the public, but in practice the animals remain isolated in extremely stressful and dangerous facilities. One Israeli researcher who has been studying camels to make them more desirable has even suggested that using captive camels could make animals more willing to be returned to Israel.

    In a study released last week, scientists from the University of Alberta in British Columbia showed that while the use of camels is controversial in some parts of Asia and Africa, some Arab countries have been adopting the practice, including Saudi Arabia.

    There are four types of camels in Saudi Arabia, ranging in length from six to eight feet. The best kind of camel breeders in the world produce them all, which breed naturally. And because of these high numbers, Saudi Arabia is the world's largest exporter of camels to Israel, spending millions of dollars annually to make the animals available and transport them on camels. In the past, the camels that have made the most of their homes in Israel have been the larger ones, weighing 500 pounds or more and

  • 🚽 Regular

    Founded in 2004 by Alex Papadimoulis, The Daily WTF is your weekly look at why you won't want to die. We'll review some of the big stories of the last twelve hours and give you a rundown of what you should know ahead of tonight's Game Night. Subscribe now!

    Founded in 2004 by Alex Papadimoulis, The Daily WTF is your source for all things WTF, but not to be confused with the site itself. It's a weekly podcast for writers, editors and creators of all stripes who find themselves stuck in an epic, often terrible, web-based adventure that seems to only just occasionally have something funny or entertaining to say. Follow The Daily WTF on Twitter @TheDailyWTF and let us know how it goes!

    Founded in 2004 by Alex Papadimoulis, The Daily WTF is your weekly news roundup of all of the great Internet rumors involving the city you live in. And we've got a bunch of them! Get them in the mail to make sure you don't miss a rumor that makes your brain hurt!

    Founded in 2004 by Alex Papadimoulis, The Daily WTF is an award-winning site that has brought together hundreds of writers from across the planet. As well as being the web's No.1 and No.2 leading Web portal, The Daily WTF also plays an integral role in a growing collection of thousands of amateur content creators by allowing users in different countries to submit content to be featured in the same pages. For more information on The Daily WTF, please visit

  • A blockchain was found dead after being hacked into on Jan 31. That means that many users had their funds stolen by hackers who got away with just $20.

    This doesn't seem to be that big a deal, since some people thought it was the best thing ever… but here's an interesting little fact: the Bitcoin network actually had problems with the majority of the transactions taking place that day and no real trace of the attack remains.

    Now if we could just figure out how this happened…

    One day, someone, somewhere stole $20 from Bitcoin users. Then someone hacked this victim into doing exactly that.

    You may've heard of bitcoin after all these years, but it has never had a problem with its own protocol. The Bitcoin protocol is the foundation upon which many other systems are built. Bitcoin has, as its name implies, a set of rules that govern how users pay each other, or send and receive funds. There is also an underlying protocol which allows anyone to participate in the Bitcoin system. Most importantly, these two rules give Bitcoin users the ability to send money, earn money, store money, sell Bitcoins, hold Bitcoins, etc.

    The Bitcoin network is the only thing that sets apart itself. Everything else is just a pile of transactions and no one really knows how it works.

  • @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    A baby dingo just dropped from below you and it hit your baby daddy.

    That sounds very painful.

    @CHUDbert said in The Transformer:

    There is only one way you can make your little baby daddy stay away from a dingo:

    I don't know about you, but mine is more than happy to stay far, far away from dingos.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    A hydrofluoric acid enema is a commonly used tool to manage severe allergic rhinitis.

    Well, it's probably true that you won't be allergic to anything afterwards, but if you are, the symptoms will seem mild.

  • Hydrogen cyanide gas

    In order not to get caught and lose a limb, some species such as the great brown bear, skunk, or bear have adapted to avoid being consumed by fire, but if it happens to be in their diet, they're not sure if the gas can kill them. They can die if they're on the bottom of a pool. One male snow leopard, for instance was put up for sale at auction. But while he wasn't dead after death and was living in a hotel, his owners weren't sure if he was actually alive or not until they saw photos of him floating down the street.

    1,2,3,4,5 The gas you breathe can become poisonous after you eat something, so if you're outside when it bursts into flame, you might want to think of drinking water first. If you're outside, you can go a very long time without having your eyes hurt and if your eyes hurt for five or six hours, it may be a good idea to run for help. The next gas you breathe can also become poisonous, so you should do everything you can to stay indoors.

  • Spontaneous human combustion", was recorded at 1,020°C, an unusually high temperature for a large wildfire [see note 1]. The wildfire burned for 16 years. At this time, humans were not a major factor in burning.

    A key issue for fire science at this time was that fire was a rapid evolution, a new generation of fire species was emerging, and rapid adaptation from a fire to a population would often require considerable environmental changes [4]. Since fire was a fire we assumed that any evolutionary changes would happen quickly; evolution had accelerated. It was quite possible that the entire range of wildfires in Africa and the Amazon rainforest had been extinguished by a million years ago. It thus became important to determine how rapidly fire might have changed since that time and if evolution had happened so rapidly.

    Our findings strongly suggest that fire evolved on or at least before 500 to 700 B.P. and is therefore not a single feature of fire evolution. Rather, fire could have been a series of rapid changes all simultaneously, and all taking place across several millennia. However, even if all the fire in the Amazon had gone extinct, this would still have been significant, since fire would have only spread rapidly (assuming the population there stayed in the forests) before it could rapidly reach other regions [5]. The time scale of evolution of fire suggests that fire evolution is likely to have been highly synchronized

  • Spontaneous human combustion in the context of the combustion engine has to be defined as the combustion of human tissue as a result of the combustion. In contrast, spontaneous human combustion in any combustion engine which is capable of creating combustion, is termed spontaneous combustion and is considered to be an independent phenomenon."

    But the study goes on to state in the abstract that "while there is some agreement among all three approaches, the two approaches have significantly different goals." The goal of the combustion engine – which is generally understood within the engineering disciplines to be primarily geared towards efficient fuel transportation – is to move fuel around in a fast and efficient way in order to reduce engine cost and maximize fuel efficiency.

    That process is meant to reduce operating costs, while fuel efficiency and efficiency in terms of reduction in emissions per unit of mass are generally considered to be secondary goals. A combustion engine can also be used to improve the efficiency of fuel used to transport fuel between regions, in order to promote local economies of scale among suppliers and market segments. The burning of fuel would be done using the gases that already exist as air or liquid waste products.

    The burning of waste products, whether it's water, gas, oil or solid waste, is not something a combustion engine does, despite the claims of the proponents of the theory.

    But there is plenty of room for further research into the scientific question of how combustion works

  • Spontaneous human combustion

    Nuclear accident in Sweden (1961)

    The nuclear explosion at Ennsberg in 1963 was believed to have been caused by an old-style spark plug, which had just gotten too big. Because the ignition temperature of petrol was so high, when the fuel was compressed for a few seconds at a time, it exploded, setting off the fuel and the metal dust. At least the initial fire was extinguished.

    In a separate incident six years previously in Austria, the spark plug of a small metal engine caught fire. The fire was immediately extinguished by fire engines. Two days later the spark plug caught fire again and the fuel burned. The fire was extinguished by firemen in their civilian attire.

    A gas flare caught fire around 100cm apart in the town of Neuberg after a motorist threw a car containing the fuel into the lake. The car, which had to be refitted with fuel for another six-months, was thrown out of the petrol station and into the lake. The gas did the rest. But the burning fuel itself spread a fire which started a fire at the nearby petrol station. It began by filling the car with petrol, causing that to catch fire and catch fire again.

    The main problem then was that the gasoline was burnt too soon by the combustion. The gas in the petrol was still too hot.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    This makes the nuclear fusion of hydrogen (a gas) with helium (a solid)

    I'm pretty sure there are no conditions under which helium is solid and hydrogen is gaseous.

    a practical application that's well beyond the scope of fusion physicists

    Yes, practicality does seem to be beyond the scope of current research.

  • A bizarre gardening accident saw the man trapped on the roof of his bungalow with his face wrapped in clingfilm and his hands tied behind his back.

    The 39-year-old has suffered severe burns, which has left him with serious spinal injuries.

    Police cordoned off four roads in the village of St Michael's in Broughdon county, near Bristol. The man, who was treated by NHS Medics, was taken to a local hospital for further treatment.

    He was later released.

    The family from St Michael's, in Broughdon, were forced to abandon the house in the village due to the emergency.

    Det Supt Rob Griffiths said: "It's a very rare incident with regards to a burning face and the man we're concerned for is extremely shaken. He has a very difficult time with speech which leaves him with difficulties. We'd need further testing

  • A bizarre gardening accident has left a young girl's garden in West Hollywood partially covered in soot.

    The girl was left at the home of her grandmother for nearly eight hours after the sudden event last Tuesday.

    Rita Kravits, 37, had just returned from a trip in Paris with friend Stephanie Tinsman last week when she got home to West Hollywood, where she was staying with her sister and her mother, the Los Angeles Times reported.

    The mother was cleaning her daughter's room when the explosion occurred around midnight. Rita, 36, immediately went to her grandmother's and told her, according to KTLA.

    The grandmother, a woman named Barbara Purdy, then called 911 and notified her children.

    The grandmother was then unable to talk to her son and daughters without the smoke from the burning house. It then took an hour for two other neighbors to arrive on scene, KTLA reported.

    A neighbor told KTLA that the home is quite nice.

    "There's a lot of water-soaked grass in the front yard."

    The fire department arrived six hours later and put out the blaze. The house is surrounded by about 7,500 homes in Los Angeles County.

    Rita Kravits is recovering from burns on more than two dozen of her body parts. It's unclear if there will be any

  • I found something it doesn't like!


  • Thioacetone (IoAcetate), also known (under various alias names) as ATHLETE, is an essential component of many common household products, including lotions and deodorants.

    This type of acetate is used for the binding of other compounds to molecules, as it is easily synthesized with the help of oxygen and carbon dioxide. This has been the basis for a wide range of products, that include lotions and deodorants with unique and attractive names like "Stemcell" and "Cellulite" (see Listing of Popular Brand Names).

    Yes, this appears to be the perfect chemical to base lotions and deodorants on...

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    A rocket-powered sedan was found dead after crashing into parked vehicles

    Tesla roadster?

  • I think I got a state machine stuck on the word "fluoride," while it attempted to generate one of the weirdest horror scripts ever.

    Fluoride exorcism with some help from a dentist

    I can't believe it

    You know what? You're right.

    Dana (a member of this band) is a rock fan who is also a former porn star















    When Dr. John S. Campbell gave me my F-ing test results, there was one little word in their chart:



    This is like my worst nightmare. We have a big problem.











    The doctor's name is Paul, and he's the one I'm seeing with all this awful flu. I have never seen anything like this before. We're getting an

  • An entry on Coca-Cola somehow takes a turn to government regulations banning the use of pesticides in bee farms. Somehow the use of such pesticides seems very counterproductive to me, but I've never farmed bees so what do I know?

    Coca-Cola's $7 billion acquisition of PepsiCo in 2010 was criticized by some as a bid to get companies to buy more of their own ingredients to protect themselves from lawsuits.

    The industry groups urged Congress to allow such deals to continue, noting that the chemical industry is already the largest buyer of U.S. food.

    "That's a lot of companies who are not buying organic, who are buying their own ingredients, to protect the consumers from their suppliers," said Scott Ritter, the president of The Organic Consumers Association. "It's really an abuse of taxpayer money."

    The Agriculture Department last year announced two new rules to ban neonicotinoid pesticides on crops. And a group of scientists is urging Congress to approve new regulations barring pesticides applied to honey crops.

    The industry groups urged lawmakers to adopt a bill in September prohibiting neonicotinoids in crops intended to be consumed by honeybees.

    (This story corrects spelling of "neonicotinoids" to "neonicotinoids in crops intended to be consumed by honeybees.")

    Copyright Associated Press / NBC 4 New York

  • @Zecc said in The Transformer:

    Antarctica. There are still places that remain unhealthy and dangerous to live in: there are still areas without running water,

    Running water does tend to be in short supply at -60°C.

  • Somewhat inspired by this post in one of the other threads:

    Tiananmen Square's People's Square, is known as the "Place of Night."

    The site dates back to 1779 and marked the site of the first meeting of the American and British armies. During the Great War, the square was used as a temporary hospital for wounded soldiers, but there have been numerous attempts to restore it to its historic role; however, no other permanent changes have taken place for over 600 years. After being occupied by the communists in 1989, the square became an unofficial military training location for the Chinese PLA. The Cultural Revolution ended the Soviet occupation of China during the 1980s and turned the city into a symbol of the suppression of revolutionary values, freedom of speech and assembly, and the rights of the people. On Sept. 2, 2016, the Chinese Communist Party formally ended Mao Zedong's five-year reign of terror and ushered him to rest. China's President Xi Jinping was in Shanghai that day to inaugurate an 11-story statue of Mao.

    In 2010, the communist regime of Kim Jong Un was placed under international sanctions. The Chinese government also banned visits by Western embassies due to the Kim regime's human rights record.

    In 2013, several members of Kim's inner circle, including three of his generals and his daughter, were convicted of embezzlement during the Kim Jong Il era. A member of Kim's inner circle was sentenced

  • This is surprisingly passable, for the most part...

    Raspberry Pi – An Introduction

    I'll share something I learned about Raspberry Pi development. It's a lot of fun, not everyone knows how to program a Raspberry Pi, and not everybody wants to do so. It's a beautiful computer, but it is a computer that you can buy, not that you want to.

    To make things simpler, I'm going to assume you know some programming. You should have a basic understanding of C++, and you should have a decent understanding of a C compiler (which is a lot.) I'll assume you know C and the C++ standard library (which are very different and often not always interchangeable or interchangeable.)

    What's the big deal?

    Okay, I'll tell you a little about Raspberry Pi…

    Raspberry Pi can be used in a wide variety of ways. It's a cheap and easy thing to set up, and it does very little to harm you as a developer or a consumer of your own devices. The Raspberry Pi is incredibly easy to use when operating on the computer itself, it's also very hard to damage. It's not a device you replace by hand in your house. It can't take over a system in order to install some arbitrary tool that needs it on a different computer… but it might.

  • @Zecc said in The Transformer:

    The Daily WTF also plays an integral role in a growing collection of thousands of amateur content creators

    The NSFW thread is :arrows:.

  • Ohm's Law describes a mathematical equation for the relationship between weight and velocity:



    That equation is:



    In physics this relationship can be illustrated by the equation for the velocity of light, where:



    This is one way to think about a distance. An even more succinct equation is:


    \frac{x_T}{\frac{x_T}{{x_T+x_A}} + T_T}

    The two equations will both work for light as a particle. There are additional equations for light particles in quantum mechanics, such as those for particle interactions and quantum dipole moments, but those are still far off the table. (This is because the most precise solutions of the equations for photons are usually expressed in the form of the Planck constant or spin-up wave function, with a much longer spinup time of 3^62 seconds. If we can solve for a particle's speed we can also solve the equation for its momentum—this would result in some very useful, approximate, physical properties of the particles.)

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    One male snow leopard ... his owners weren't sure if he was actually alive or not until they saw photos of him

    Schrodinger's snow leopard

  • how is babby formed?

    There are many answers to that, but the answer is this…Babby is formed by the action of the brain on a neurotransmitter called "cortisol". Cortisol is an extremely important nervous system chemical that keeps us alert. It's responsible for sending signals about our health, mood, appetite, and sleep patterns. Cortisol is released as an ancillary signal to the body that we're feeling well, or we're hungry or tired. If we receive that same message on one of our autonomic nervous systems (adrenaline, norepinephrine, and cortisol), that's what leads us to feel like we're feeling well, when in fact we're just lying with stress and eating more than we need.

    In fact, the human body doesn't regulate stress very well. It does not normally produce large amounts of stress hormone like adrenaline, nor does it produce large amounts of adrenal or adrenoreceptor blocking hormone like cortisol. Our adrenals and adrenoreceptors also take up very few of the serotonin levels found in the brain.

    For that reason, when the body is stressed, it goes back to a chemical system that is much more powerful because most of the serotonin has been released in the absence of cortisol. If you have elevated cortisol, your adrenals will tell you that your stress levels are too high

  • @HardwareGeek said in The Transformer:


    I wonder what it has to say about Schrodinger?

    Schrodinger's equation is so elegant, it almost seems like magic. It's a simple equation, which means it says essentially everything. And yet, despite its simplicity, its applicability across history has been almost nonexistent.

    A new model proposed over the past few years by Nobel physics laureates is based on something called the von Neumann's Law, which shows that for an infinite set, the equation of equations is always the same.

    Neumann-Schrodinger equation

    Let's imagine the equation of equations as a matrix with zero-order elements and the x-coordinate of each element as 1.

    The matrix will get smaller if we add up all terms, so here's how that matrix would look with zero-order elements instead of zero pairs. (Note: We'll show a simplified example for brevity. Here's the complete equation when we add 0.)

    You can see it in the picture above, where the values in the numbers 1 & 1 are the values in the corresponding values of 1 (or 1x1, x1). The first 3 bits are where the first order element is, and the next 2 bits are where they're 1 if you just give them to the x-coordinate.

    Let's see how it's used in our equations below. The first and last element is the first order element, and the

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Thioacetone (IoAcetate), also known (under various alias names) as ATHLETE, is an essential component of many common household products, including lotions and deodorants.

    This type of acetate is used for the binding of other compounds to molecules, as it is easily synthesized with the help of oxygen and carbon dioxide. This has been the basis for a wide range of products, that include lotions and deodorants with unique and attractive names like "Stemcell" and "Cellulite" (see Listing of Popular Brand Names).

    Yes, this appears to be the perfect chemical to base lotions and deodorants on...

    Deodorant is not the first thing I think of in connection with thioacetone.

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    This is like my worst nightmare. We have a big problem.

    Was the dentist's name perhaps Strangelove?

  • @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Ohm's Law describes a mathematical equation for the relationship between weight and velocity:

    As an electrical engineer, my reaction to this is :sideways_owl:.

  • Dr. Strangelove is a fictional character played by Joe Pesci in many movies and television shows set during or following World War II. His life was a life of intense secrecy and fear, but his genius and his desire to conquer the world gave him an endless supply of resources of material to create.

    After his retirement his life became one of constant experimentation, as he began producing several thousand videos every day of bizarre or violent scenes from his secret experiments. One of his most dangerous experiments was working in close quarters with a group of Nazis who were trying to infiltrate the United States Army by infiltrating Dr. Strangelove's lab.

    The idea behind Dr. Strangelove had originally come from an insane Nazi soldier named Adolf Hitler. His idea was to develop an alternative method of radiation extermination, which Dr. Strangelove deemed a much more suitable way of killing people because he thought that it would provide a greater psychological effect for people. Dr. Strangelove hoped that this idea may lead his fellow Nazis to realize his research and become more committed to it, as his experiments, though risky at first, were much safer than the more traditional methods that would have resulted in mass death.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @mott555 said in The Transformer:

    Ms Khunt


  • Dr. Strangelove is presented at the beginning of his third film after the events of First Watch, in which he is shown to be a scientist and engineer working for the government, but also an outlaw. He is a skilled hacker, and is a spy for the CIA who works with a group of scientists and officers. Strangelove has had numerous brushes with law enforcement, but still enjoys a relatively civil relationship with them. His mother is his wife (in real life, she is a former Soviet actress, who was also an anti-communist), and he was the father of seven children. He is a lover and friend of Captain Kirk, particularly his daughter, Rose; though she considers him a liar.

    The film follows Kirk as he tries to investigate a bizarre new weapon, which is actually a highly advanced version of Project X-COM, a terrorist attack from the future that has brought to Kirk's world, the first recorded nuclear exchange. However, even this weapon is capable of causing the destruction of Earth, and the only hope is the rescue of the remaining surviving humans. This story, with its emphasis on the consequences of humanity's "sin" (indefinite time), is a fascinating one for any Sci-Fi lover.

    The first thing that stands out about this film is its plot. It has a very familiar tone: Kirk trying to find out what happened.