TDWTF Plays Spellbreaker

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go east

  • 🔀

    Hall of Stone                                    Score: 50       Moves: 163
    of the Mayors of Borphee for generations.
    >memorize blorple
    Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell.
    >blorple cube
    Abruptly, your surroundings shift.
    Packed Earth
    This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely
    framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four
    cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down.
    >go east
    As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand.
    Hall of Stone
    This is a long hall built of crudely dressed stone. The blocks are as tall as
    you and the ceiling invisible in the gloom above. Dirt trickles from gaps in the
    walls and ceiling. The atmosphere is oppressive, and there is a dry, stale smell
    all around. The corridor extends north and south from here.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go north

  • 🔀

    Smooth Room                                      Score: 50       Moves: 164
    Hall of Stone
    This is a long hall built of crudely dressed stone. The blocks are as tall as
    you and the ceiling invisible in the gloom above. Dirt trickles from gaps in the
    walls and ceiling. The atmosphere is oppressive, and there is a dry, stale smell
    all around. The corridor extends north and south from here.
    >go north
    Smooth Room
    Here a long north-south corridor meets an east-west cross corridor whose walls
    are polished to almost mirror smoothness. Just to your north is a huge scaly
    mass which fills the entire cross corridor. Its thickness is more than three
    times your height and its length is unguessable.
    The scaly wall begins to move, undulating back and forth in the confined space.
    A musty odor permeates the air, and you hear scales scraping on stone. Finally,
    an enormous head slides into view from the east and stops with one monstrous eye
    staring coldly at you. You notice something unusual about the huge serpent: the
    tail, which trails out of the western hole, disappears into the gaping maw of
    the creature. You realize that the monster must be huge enough to make a
    complete loop!

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go south
    go south

  • 🔀

    Ruins Room                                       Score: 50       Moves: 166
    staring coldly at you. You notice something unusual about the huge serpent: the
    tail, which trails out of the western hole, disappears into the gaping maw of
    the creature. You realize that the monster must be huge enough to make a
    complete loop!
    >go south
    Hall of Stone
    This is a long hall built of crudely dressed stone. The blocks are as tall as
    you and the ceiling invisible in the gloom above. Dirt trickles from gaps in the
    walls and ceiling. The atmosphere is oppressive, and there is a dry, stale smell
    all around. The corridor extends north and south from here.
    >go south
    Ruins Room
    Here the main corridor opens into a vast underground space. Your light can
    barely illuminate a fraction of it. All around are cyclopean blocks of stone,
    crudely carved statues, and constructs of unimaginable purpose. Nearby the
    portico of a building has collapsed, and a pillar has smashed the pavement and
    exposed a small channel filled with swiftly rushing water. Water stains indicate
    that at one time the water flooded the entire area. Wedged against a pillar, as
    though by rushing water, is a zipper.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot take zipper

  • 🔀

    Ruins Room                                       Score: 60       Moves: 167
    complete loop!
    >go south
    Hall of Stone
    This is a long hall built of crudely dressed stone. The blocks are as tall as
    you and the ceiling invisible in the gloom above. Dirt trickles from gaps in the
    walls and ceiling. The atmosphere is oppressive, and there is a dry, stale smell
    all around. The corridor extends north and south from here.
    >go south
    Ruins Room
    Here the main corridor opens into a vast underground space. Your light can
    barely illuminate a fraction of it. All around are cyclopean blocks of stone,
    crudely carved statues, and constructs of unimaginable purpose. Nearby the
    portico of a building has collapsed, and a pillar has smashed the pavement and
    exposed a small channel filled with swiftly rushing water. Water stains indicate
    that at one time the water flooded the entire area. Wedged against a pillar, as
    though by rushing water, is a zipper.
    >take zipper

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot memorize blorple
    blorple zipper

  • 🔀

    Nondescript Room                                 Score: 60       Moves: 169
    >go south
    Ruins Room
    Here the main corridor opens into a vast underground space. Your light can
    barely illuminate a fraction of it. All around are cyclopean blocks of stone,
    crudely carved statues, and constructs of unimaginable purpose. Nearby the
    portico of a building has collapsed, and a pillar has smashed the pavement and
    exposed a small channel filled with swiftly rushing water. Water stains indicate
    that at one time the water flooded the entire area. Wedged against a pillar, as
    though by rushing water, is a zipper.
    >take zipper
    >memorize blorple
    Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell.
    >blorple zipper
    Abruptly, your surroundings shift.
    Nondescript Room
    This is a drab, nondescript room. The only exit leads south.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot memorize blorple
    blorple cube
    go west

  • 🔀

    Nondescript Room                                 Score: 60       Moves: 172
    >take zipper
    >memorize blorple
    Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell.
    >blorple zipper
    Abruptly, your surroundings shift.
    Nondescript Room
    This is a drab, nondescript room. The only exit leads south.
    >memorize blorple
    Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell.
    >blorple cube
    Nothing happens.
    >go west
    You can't go that way.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go south

  • 🔀

    Ruins Room                                       Score: 60       Moves: 173
    This is a drab, nondescript room. The only exit leads south.
    >memorize blorple
    Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell.
    >blorple cube
    Nothing happens.
    >go west
    You can't go that way.
    >go south
    As you leave, the zipper reappears in your hand.
    Ruins Room
    Here the main corridor opens into a vast underground space. Your light can
    barely illuminate a fraction of it. All around are cyclopean blocks of stone,
    crudely carved statues, and constructs of unimaginable purpose. Nearby the
    portico of a building has collapsed, and a pillar has smashed the pavement and
    exposed a small channel filled with swiftly rushing water. Water stains indicate
    that at one time the water flooded the entire area.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot memorize blorple
    blorple cube

  • 🔀

    Packed Earth                                     Score: 60       Moves: 175
    >go south
    As you leave, the zipper reappears in your hand.
    Ruins Room
    Here the main corridor opens into a vast underground space. Your light can
    barely illuminate a fraction of it. All around are cyclopean blocks of stone,
    crudely carved statues, and constructs of unimaginable purpose. Nearby the
    portico of a building has collapsed, and a pillar has smashed the pavement and
    exposed a small channel filled with swiftly rushing water. Water stains indicate
    that at one time the water flooded the entire area.
    >memorize blorple
    Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell.
    >blorple cube
    Abruptly, your surroundings shift.
    Packed Earth
    This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely
    framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four
    cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go west

  • 🔀

    Cave Entrance                                    Score: 60       Moves: 176
    that at one time the water flooded the entire area.
    >memorize blorple
    Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell.
    >blorple cube
    Abruptly, your surroundings shift.
    Packed Earth
    This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely
    framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four
    cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down.
    >go west
    As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand.
    Cave Entrance
    A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the
    north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell
    that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go north

  • 🔀

    Cave                                             Score: 60       Moves: 177
    Packed Earth
    This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely
    framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four
    cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down.
    >go west
    As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand.
    Cave Entrance
    A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the
    north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell
    that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer
    >go north
    This is a natural fissure in the rock which was enlarged with crude skill into a
    spacious and comfortable room, at least if you're fond of caves. The floor is
    dirt, hard packed in some parts, loose in others. A low passage leads down. A
    large ogre bars the passage.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot give bread to ogre

  • 🔀

    Cave                                             Score: 60       Moves: 178
    >go west
    As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand.
    Cave Entrance
    A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the
    north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell
    that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer
    >go north
    This is a natural fissure in the rock which was enlarged with crude skill into a
    spacious and comfortable room, at least if you're fond of caves. The floor is
    dirt, hard packed in some parts, loose in others. A low passage leads down. A
    large ogre bars the passage.
    >give bread to ogre
    The ogre is uninterested.
    The ogre sneezes.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot memorize yomin
    yomin ogre

  • 🔀

    Cave                                             Score: 60       Moves: 180
    >go north
    This is a natural fissure in the rock which was enlarged with crude skill into a
    spacious and comfortable room, at least if you're fond of caves. The floor is
    dirt, hard packed in some parts, loose in others. A low passage leads down. A
    large ogre bars the passage.
    >give bread to ogre
    The ogre is uninterested.
    The ogre sneezes.
    >memorize yomin
    Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
    >yomin ogre
    The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, a huge ball of green light appears,
    then dissipates.
    The ogre sneezes.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot memorize yomin
    yomin ogre

  • 🔀

    Cave                                             Score: 60       Moves: 182
    large ogre bars the passage.
    >give bread to ogre
    The ogre is uninterested.
    The ogre sneezes.
    >memorize yomin
    Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
    >yomin ogre
    The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, a huge ball of green light appears,
    then dissipates.
    The ogre sneezes.
    >memorize yomin
    Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
    >yomin ogre
    The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, your fingers grow numb.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot smell ogre

  • 🔀

    Cave                                             Score: 60       Moves: 183
    The ogre sneezes.
    >memorize yomin
    Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
    >yomin ogre
    The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, a huge ball of green light appears,
    then dissipates.
    The ogre sneezes.
    >memorize yomin
    Using your best study habits, you learn the yomin spell.
    >yomin ogre
    The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, your fingers grow numb.
    >smell ogre
    You would put your nasal cavity at great risk.
    The ogre sneezes.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot read spell book

  • 🔀

    Cave                                             Score: 60       Moves: 184
    >yomin ogre
    The casting feels wrong, and sure enough, your fingers grow numb.
    >smell ogre
    You would put your nasal cavity at great risk.
    The ogre sneezes.
    >read spell book
    My Spell Book
    The throck spell (cause plants to grow).
    The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections).
    The lesoch spell (gust of wind).
    The yomin spell (mind probe).
    The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
    The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
    The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
    The malyon spell (animate).
    The jindak spell (detect magic).

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot kill ogre with knife

  • 🔀

    Cave                                             Score: 60       Moves: 185
    >smell ogre
    You would put your nasal cavity at great risk.
    The ogre sneezes.
    >read spell book
    My Spell Book
    The throck spell (cause plants to grow).
    The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections).
    The lesoch spell (gust of wind).
    The yomin spell (mind probe).
    The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
    The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
    The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
    The malyon spell (animate).
    The jindak spell (detect magic).
    >kill ogre with knife
    The ogre contemptuously fends you off.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go south

  • 🔀

    Cave Entrance                                    Score: 60       Moves: 186
    My Spell Book
    The throck spell (cause plants to grow).
    The blorple spell (explore an object's mystic connections).
    The lesoch spell (gust of wind).
    The yomin spell (mind probe).
    The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
    The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
    The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
    The malyon spell (animate).
    The jindak spell (detect magic).
    >kill ogre with knife
    The ogre contemptuously fends you off.
    >go south
    Cave Entrance
    A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the
    north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell
    that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go east

  • 🔀

    Cliff Bottom                                     Score: 60       Moves: 187
    The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
    The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).
    The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
    The malyon spell (animate).
    The jindak spell (detect magic).
    >kill ogre with knife
    The ogre contemptuously fends you off.
    >go south
    Cave Entrance
    A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the
    north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell
    that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer
    >go east
    Cliff Bottom
    This is the bottom of a sheer cliff which towers above you. Jumbled rockfalls
    are all around you. A goat track (at best) leads up, and a well-worn trail heads

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go up
    go up

  • 🔀

    Cliff Top                                        Score: 60       Moves: 189
    that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer
    >go east
    Cliff Bottom
    This is the bottom of a sheer cliff which towers above you. Jumbled rockfalls
    are all around you. A goat track (at best) leads up, and a well-worn trail heads
    >go up
    Cliff Middle
    A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here.
    >go up
    Cliff Top
    This is the upper end of a narrow, winding path up a sheer cliff. From here you
    can see that any further extension of the path was destroyed by a rock slide at
    some relatively recent time. There are many rocks precariously balanced above
    you. It looks like the slightest disturbance could bring them down on you.
    Frustratingly, you can see the remains of a small building just beyond the
    dangerous area, but there is no way to get there from here.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go down
    go down
    go east

  • 🔀

    Cliff Bottom                                     Score: 60       Moves: 192
    >go up
    Cliff Top
    This is the upper end of a narrow, winding path up a sheer cliff. From here you
    can see that any further extension of the path was destroyed by a rock slide at
    some relatively recent time. There are many rocks precariously balanced above
    you. It looks like the slightest disturbance could bring them down on you.
    Frustratingly, you can see the remains of a small building just beyond the
    dangerous area, but there is no way to get there from here.
    >go down
    Cliff Middle
    A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here.
    >go down
    Cliff Bottom
    This is the bottom of a sheer cliff which towers above you. Jumbled rockfalls
    are all around you. A goat track (at best) leads up, and a well-worn trail heads
    >go east
    There's no path that way.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go west

  • 🔀

    Cave Entrance                                    Score: 60       Moves: 193
    dangerous area, but there is no way to get there from here.
    >go down
    Cliff Middle
    A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here.
    >go down
    Cliff Bottom
    This is the bottom of a sheer cliff which towers above you. Jumbled rockfalls
    are all around you. A goat track (at best) leads up, and a well-worn trail heads
    >go east
    There's no path that way.
    >go west
    Cave Entrance
    A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the
    north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell
    that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot look bones

  • 🔀

    Cave Entrance                                    Score: 60       Moves: 194
    A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here.
    >go down
    Cliff Bottom
    This is the bottom of a sheer cliff which towers above you. Jumbled rockfalls
    are all around you. A goat track (at best) leads up, and a well-worn trail heads
    >go east
    There's no path that way.
    >go west
    Cave Entrance
    A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the
    north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell
    that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer
    >look bones
    Use prepositions instead: LOOK AT the object, LOOK INSIDE it, LOOK UNDER it,

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot look under bones

  • 🔀

    Cave Entrance                                    Score: 60       Moves: 195
    are all around you. A goat track (at best) leads up, and a well-worn trail heads
    >go east
    There's no path that way.
    >go west
    Cave Entrance
    A well-worn trail terminates here where a cave enters the cliff-side to the
    north. Outside the cave is a litter of bones, old hides and brush. The smell
    that issues from the cave is mephitic. To the east is the bottom of a sheer
    >look bones
    Use prepositions instead: LOOK AT the object, LOOK INSIDE it, LOOK UNDER it,
    >look under bones
    There is nothing there.
    You hear a noise from within the cave that sounds like a sneeze.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot memorize blorple
    blorple cube

  • 🔀

    Packed Earth                                     Score: 60       Moves: 197
    >look bones
    Use prepositions instead: LOOK AT the object, LOOK INSIDE it, LOOK UNDER it,
    >look under bones
    There is nothing there.
    You hear a noise from within the cave that sounds like a sneeze.
    >memorize blorple
    Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell.
    >blorple cube
    Abruptly, your surroundings shift.
    Packed Earth
    This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely
    framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four
    cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot go south

  • 🔀

    Cliff Middle                                     Score: 60       Moves: 198
    >look under bones
    There is nothing there.
    You hear a noise from within the cave that sounds like a sneeze.
    >memorize blorple
    Using your best study habits, you learn the blorple spell.
    >blorple cube
    Abruptly, your surroundings shift.
    Packed Earth
    This is a small room crudely constructed of packed earth, mud, and sod. Crudely
    framed openings of wood tied with leather thongs lead off in each of the four
    cardinal directions, and a muddy hole leads down.
    >go south
    As you leave, the cube reappears in your hand.
    Cliff Middle
    A narrow ledge, barely wide enough to stand on, interrupts the cliff here.

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