TDWTF Plays Sorcerer

  • 🔀

    read about Eric Meretzky
    I don't know the word "eric".

    Library Score: 75 Moves: 43 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot read about Meretzky

  • 🔀

    read about Meretzky
    Possibly the largest entry in the volume, detailing the facts and the myths
    about the man known as the Bearded Oracle of Yonkers.

    Library Score: 75 Moves: 44 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot aimfiz Meretzky

  • 🔀

    aimfiz Meretzky
    As you cast the spell, the moldy scroll vanishes!

    You appear on a road in a far-off province called Cambridge. As you begin
    choking on the polluted air, a mugger stabs you in the back with a knife. A
    moment later, a wild-eyed motorist plows over you.

    **** You have died ****

    Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.

    Your score is 75 of a possible 400, in 44 moves. This puts you in the class of
    Parlor Magician.

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Library Score: 75 Moves: 44 >

  • Java Dev

    read book

  • 🔀

    Insert save disk then enter file name.
    (Default is C:speedrun2): speedrun2

    Cellar Score: 75 Moves: 41 >read book

    My Spell Book

    The meef spell (cause plants to wilt).
    The gaspar spell (provide for your own resurrection).
    The gnusto spell (write a magic spell into a spell book).
    The vezza spell (view the future).
    The pulver spell (cause liquids to become dry).
    The izyuk spell (fly like a bird).
    The yomin spell (mind probe).
    The rezrov spell (open even locked or enchanted objects).
    The frotz spell (cause something to give off light).

    Cellar Score: 75 Moves: 42 >

  • Java Dev

    gaspar self
    aimfiz Meretzky

  • 🔀

    gaspar self
    You don't have the gaspar spell committed to memory!

    Cellar Score: 75 Moves: 43 >aimfiz Meretzky
    As you cast the spell, the moldy scroll vanishes!

    You appear on a road in a far-off province called Cambridge. As you begin
    choking on the polluted air, a mugger stabs you in the back with a knife. A
    moment later, a wild-eyed motorist plows over you.

    **** You have died ****

    Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.

    Your score is 75 of a possible 400, in 43 moves. This puts you in the class of
    Parlor Magician.

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Cellar Score: 75 Moves: 43 >

  • Java Dev

    memorize gaspar
    gaspar self
    aimfiz Meretzky

  • 🔀

    Insert save disk then enter file name.
    (Default is C:speedrun2): speedrun2

    Cellar Score: 75 Moves: 41 >memorize gaspar
    Using your best study habits, you learn the gaspar spell.

    Cellar Score: 75 Moves: 42 >gaspar self
    A sense of peace of mind passes over you.

    Cellar Score: 75 Moves: 43 >aimfiz Meretzky
    As you cast the spell, the moldy scroll vanishes!

    You appear on a road in a far-off province called Cambridge. As you begin
    choking on the polluted air, a mugger stabs you in the back with a knife. A
    moment later, a wild-eyed motorist plows over you.

    **** You have died ****

    Your guardian angel, draped in white, appears floating in the nothingness
    before you. "Gotten in a bit of a scrape, eh?" he asks, writing frantically in
    a notebook. "I'd love to chat, but we're so busy this month." The angel
    twitches his nose, and the nothingness is replaced by...

    You are in the basement of the Guild Hall. A steep, narrow stair leads upward
    from the southwest corner.
    At the far end of the cellar, draped in cobwebs, is a large trunk. At each
    corner of its lid is a button: a black button with a picture of a star, a gray
    button depicting the moon, a red button illustrated with a bloody knife, and a
    purple button engraved with a royal crown. In the center of the lid is a white
    button picturing a dove in flight.


  • Java Dev

    So that just goes back to the cellar.

  • 🔀

    Cellar Score: 75 Moves: 44 >o that just goes back to the cellar.
    I don't know the word "o".

    Cellar Score: 75 Moves: 44 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot restore

  • 🔀

    Insert save disk then enter file name.
    (Default is C:speedrun2): amazeing

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 75 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot memorize izyuk
    izyuk self
    memorize izyuk
    izyuk self
    drop all
    memorize izyuk
    izyuk self

  • 🔀

    memorize izyuk
    Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 76 >izyuk self
    You are now floating serenely in midair.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 77 >n
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 78 >e
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    You settle gently to the ground.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 79 >s
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 80 >s
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    You are beginning to tire.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 81 >memorize izyuk
    Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 82 >izyuk self
    You are now floating serenely in midair.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 83 >w
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 84 >d
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    You settle gently to the ground.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 85 >e
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 86 >e
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 87 >n
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 88 >n
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    You are feeling tired.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 89 >sleep
    Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread your
    cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your
    mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.

    You dream of being pursued through a dank cavern. Something is behind you,
    something horrible that you can't turn to face. It gets closer and closer, and
    you can feel its hot breath on your neck. You awaken and stand.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 140 >drop all
    issue of Popular Enchanting: Dropped.
    orange vial: Dropped.
    magic amulet: Dropped.
    calendar: Dropped.
    small key: Dropped.
    journal: Dropped.
    infotater: Dropped.
    spell book: Dropped.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 141 >memorize izyuk
    You don't have your spell book. How do you expect to learn a spell without a
    spell book?

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 142 >izyuk self
    You don't have the izyuk spell committed to memory!

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 143 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot take spell book
    memorize izyuk
    drop spell book
    izyuk self

  • 🔀

    take spell book

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 144 >memorize izyuk
    Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 145 >drop spell book

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 146 >izyuk self
    You are now floating serenely in midair.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 147 >up
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >up
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    The izyuk spell wears off. Unfortunately, this room of the maze has no floor.

    **** You have died ****

    Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.

    Your score is 130 of a possible 400, in 148 moves. This puts you in the class
    of Novice Enchanter.

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot memorize izyuk
    izyuk self
    memorize izyuk
    izyuk self
    memorize izyuk
    izyuk self
    grab wall

  • 🔀


    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >izyuk sel

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >n

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >e

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >s

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >s

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >memorize

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >izyuk sel

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >w

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >d

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >e

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >e

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >n

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >n

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >save

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >down_and_

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >memorize

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >izyuk sel

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >up

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >grab wall

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot restore
    memorize izyuk
    izyuk self
    memorize izyuk
    izyuk self
    memorize izyuk
    izyuk self
    grab wall

  • 🔀

    Insert save disk then enter file name.
    (Default is C:amazeing): amazeing

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 75 >memorize izyuk
    Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 76 >izyuk self
    You are now floating serenely in midair.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 77 >n
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 78 >e
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    You settle gently to the ground.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 79 >s
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 80 >s
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    You are beginning to tire.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 81 >memorize izyuk
    Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 82 >izyuk self
    You are now floating serenely in midair.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 83 >w
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 84 >d
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    You settle gently to the ground.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 85 >e
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 86 >e
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 87 >n
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 88 >n
    Inside the Glass Maze
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings. Since you are standing on something, the floor
    must be solid, but it is virtually invisible and you feel as though you were
    walking on air.

    You are feeling tired.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 89 >save
    Insert save disk then enter file name.
    (Default is C:amazeing): down_and_out

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 89 >memorize izyuk
    Using your best study habits, you learn the izyuk spell.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 90 >izyuk self
    You are now floating serenely in midair.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 91 >up
    Inside the Glass Maze (you are flying)
    You are inside a huge cubical maze, shimmering with light from an unseen
    source above. It is impossible to tell if the walls and ceilings around you
    are glass surfaces or openings.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 92 >grab wall
    You can't be serious.

    The izyuk spell wears off. Unfortunately, this room of the maze has no floor.

    **** You have died ****

    Unfortunately, you made no provisions for your untimely death.

    Your score is 130 of a possible 400, in 92 moves. This puts you in the class
    of Novice Enchanter.

    Would you like to restart the game from the beginning, restore a saved game
    position, or end this session of the game? (Type RESTART, RESTORE, or QUIT):

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 92 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot restore
    look up

  • 🔀

    Insert save disk then enter file name.
    (Default is C:down_and_out): down_and_out

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 89 >look up
    It's too dark to see!

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 90 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot frotz self

  • 🔀

    frotz self
    Have you forgotten that you already frotzed yourself?

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 91 >

  • Considered Harmful

  • 🔀

    You are carrying:
    an issue of Popular Enchanting
    an orange vial
    a magic amulet (being worn)
    a calendar (providing light)
    a small key
    a journal
    an infotater
    a spell book

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 92 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot read issue
    read calendar
    examine key

  • 🔀

    read issue
    This month's cover story is about Belboz! Other stories relate the explosion
    of spell scroll manufacturers, and the coming shakedown in the magic potion
    industry. The address label on the cover reads:

    "Z5 ACCAR256 4-964
    Hall of the Guild of Enchanters
    Village of Accardi-By-The-Sea
    Land of Frobozz"

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 93 >read calendar
    The calendar is for the current year, 957 GUE, and bears many stunning
    pictures: the marble mines of Antharia, the sand dunes of the Kovalli Desert,
    ancient Fort Griffspotter, and the giant infotater factories of Borphee. A
    legend reads "Best wishes for a leak-less year, from the Accardi Plumbers

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 94 >examine key
    You see nothing special about the small key.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 95 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot read about belboz

  • 🔀

    read about belboz
    There's no encyclopedia here to look it up in.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 96 >

  • Considered Harmful

  • 🔀

    You can't possibly jump that high.

    You are getting more and more tired.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 97 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot up up

  • 🔀

    up up
    I can't find a verb in that sentence!

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 97 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot climb

  • 🔀

    What do you want to climb?

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 97 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot climb wall

  • 🔀

    climb wall

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 98 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot memorize vezza
    vezza self

  • 🔀

    memorize vezza
    Using your best study habits, you learn the vezza spell.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 99 >vezza self
    You see a field surrounded by fortified ramparts. A tattered flag flies atop a
    tall pole. A moment later, the vision fades.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 100 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot wait

  • 🔀

    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 103 >wait
    Time passes...

    You are worn out.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 105 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 108 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 111 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot wait

  • 🔀

    Time passes...

    You are dead tired.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 113 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 116 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 119 >wait
    Time passes...

    You are so tired you can barely concentrate.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 121 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 124 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 127 >wait
    Time passes...

    You are moving only on your last reserves of strength.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 129 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 132 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 135 >wait
    Time passes...

    You are practically asleep.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 137 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 140 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 143 >wait
    Time passes...

    You are unable to keep your eyes open for more than a few moments at a time.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 145 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 148 >

  • Considered Harmful


  • 🔀

    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 151 >wait
    Time passes...

    You drop in your tracks from exhaustion.

    Ah, sleep! It's been a long day and rest will do you good. You spread your
    cloak on the floor and drift off, renewing your powers and refreshing your
    mind. Time passes as you snore blissfully.

    You dream of a river, slow and muddy. Great grey hippopotami sport there,
    bellowing and splashing, and twitching their ears. You awaken and stand.

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 203 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 206 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 209 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 212 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 215 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 218 >wait
    Time passes...

    Inside the Glass Maze Score: 130 Moves: 221 >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot restore

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