🔥 I see Korean mercenaries talking to the same restaurant in Utah! Should I go eat 💩?!

  • Because I question your bullshit and you guys didn't like it?

  • @lucas said:

    Because I question your bullshit and you guys didn't like it?

    No, because you beg the question, make frivolous points, and attack strawmen all day.

    It's absolutely pointless to discuss anything with you.

    Acting like a jerk doesn't make you a winner of an internet argument, it just makes you a sad person.

  • @xaade said:

    I just gave you scripture showing the exact opposite.

    Look, if you're going to argue about who God is with a Christian, then you argue it within the context.

    Otherwise, we might as well just set up a strawman army because the discussion is pointless.

    scripture is something made by another man in the past it obvious isn't fact unless you happen to make the choice it is.

  • @lucas said:

    scripture is something made by another man in the past.

    Then you have no grounds to determine who God must be.

    You might as well say God is a giant spaghetti monster and go attack that.

  • @xaade said:

    Then you have no grounds to determine who God must be.

    And neither do you! You fucking dickhead

  • And my point is, you're no longer making arguments about the God I believe in. You're making arguments about the God you would perceive.

    For example, "I don't think God would destroy a city" is a meaningless point, because he did destroy a city.

    Which is what you've done with your taxes bit.

    God speaks about taxes and paying taxes and living within the civic law of the land, and about the kingdom of Heaven transcending the local government, but not replacing it.

    And yet you're saying none of that is true.

    So it's pointless to discuss with you what God might do.

    All I should have to do is point to a scripture and show that you are wrong about the God in the Bible.

    If you go off and build a strawman God, it's no longer meaningful to discuss your strawman God.

  • That is the god you believe in, not I

    I don't believe in any deity.

  • Ok, then if you want to discuss about what the God I believe in might do and how he might act, then you need to use scripture.

    Otherwise you have no grounds for your argument.

  • I think that is shit as well

  • @xaade said:

    Otherwise you have no grounds for your argument.

    In your opinion

  • @lucas said:

    I think that is shit as well

  • What the fuck is your problem? You must be shit at your job

    You guys are wrong and I provided plenty of proof.

  • @abarker isn't a fucking dickhead mormon ..or as I say moron!


    No need to get personal, and in an unrelated topic for all that matters.

  • @abarker
    It's not really help when you don't want it.
    Whether you devoted 2 years or 20 years is not my problem.

    I feel a little bit the same as the Native Americans.
    One day these people just sail on a big ship with guns and tell you believe in some fairy man or you will burn in hell for eternity and all your ancestors are already there burning for not believing this guy which they never had known to exist.

    The same happened here in Asia. Like Japan, Korea had these random Westerners( AFAIK, French mostly) telling you to convert otherwise you'll burn in hell for eternity and your ancestors are all burning in hell.

    "Say what now??"
    "My ancestors are what??"

    To me, organised religion does not seem any different from good old Korean shamanism.
    Yes, the fairy man up there will save you and protect you.
    It's basically the same as shamans performing exorcisms or good-luck dances.

    You don't know the future and are afraid of it. You want some sort of comfort since you cannot bear the uncertainty. So you imagine one up and all is well.

    Thunder and fire are scary. So prey to the thunder god not to strike down upon you.
    The seamen are afraid of storms so they prey to the sea god not to drown their ship.

    I think it has something to do with human psychology.
    I think that religion is an early attempt to give comfort to humans especially for the uncertainty of future, and especially death.

    As for the Abrahamic religions in general, I find it to be a Jewish religion in the core.
    The Jews have had it hard for a long time going even further back than the Roman Empire time.
    So they wished one day they will find a nice land to live and flourish. "wished"

    Then one day, a guy says he's son of God and all the non-Jews are also saved.

    Of course the Jewish scholars are crossed.

    It's all about the Jews getting a nice piece of land to live and flourishing.

    I find it quite entertainingly funny to see Koreans talk about Jerusalem, the promised land and other very distant things.

    "Uh, the promised land is not for you, non-Jew"

    Imagine this headline

    Man in New York says he is Son of God

  • He made it that way.

  • He won't listen to you.


    One thing I learned from religious people is that I never get more caring than themselves. By arguing too passionately with them you just lose part of your health because of stress you never asked for. Do you not have enough problems in your life already to care if idiots believe in idiocy?
    Mock them for your own amusement, when it is no longer fun don't.

    Besides, I do not think he is a moron. Definitely he is successful in life, and seems to be accomplished software engineer. So your argument here is invalid, and just out of spite.

  • I argue because I don't think it is false doctrine.

  • @xaade said:

    No no, the part where Cain can't be saved.

    Ah, misunderstood.

    Now, based on the account in Genesis 4, we know that Cain was questioned by the Lord and lied in response. We know that he was cast out from before the Lord and that he was told the earth would no longer bear fruit for him, and that he complained that his punishment w as greater than he could bear.

    Now, we do have other scripture beside the Bible that speaks of Cain, but let me start with what the Bible says. First, why was Cain's sacrifice rejected? At least part of the answer is in Hebrews 11:

    @Hebrews 11 said:

    4 By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain

    So it sounds as if Cain's sacrifice was rejected because it was not presented with the proper faith.

    And then what were Cain's true allegiances?

    @1 John 3 said:

    12 Not as Cain, who was of that wicked one, and slew his brother. And wherefore slew he him? Because his own works were evil, and his brother's righteous

    So, acording to John, Cain allied himself with Satan, even after speaking with God.

    Based on this little bit, it seems that Cain could not be saved because he chose to follow Satan. He refused to have faith enough to follow the commandments of God despite having spoken to Him. By suchchoices, and by the statements the Lord has made about those who He will and will not save, Cain made himself one of those who could not be saved

  • Won't argue me because it won't make you look nice, Utter fucking wimp. LOSER!!!

  • I am not even going to propose anything/

  • @abarker said:

    based on the account in Genesis 4, we know that Cain was questioned by the Lord and lied in response

    @abarker said:

    We know that he was cast out from before the Lord and that he was told the earth would no longer bear fruit for him, and that he complained that his punishment

    @abarker said:

    Cain's sacrifice was rejected because it was not presented with the proper faith.

    @abarker said:

    acording to John, Cain allied himself with Satan, even after speaking with God.

    This, I find amusing!😃


    All religions are man made and stupid. Some are more stupid (like Mormonism) because they are young and have not had time to polish their rough edges, and besides they started in the living history so they cannot hide their past. Some are more dangerous today, like Islam, ... But the time for doctrines is passed when Soviet Union was collapsed. People live with their heads in their apps.

    @lucas said:

    I don't think it is false doctrine.

    false doctrine? this is too religious a term.

  • @dse said:

    false doctrine? this is too religious a term.

    Just wait until we have some other terms!

  • I found nothing divine at churches or any other religious organisations.

    It is all too human.

    As for the founder of Mormonism, I think there is no difference between Jesus and that guy.
    They both claimed to be the prophet with no evidence.

    The only difference is one made it( and how big) and the other is still in the process.

  • Trollololololol

  • How about you help DMX? on his rape charge?


    @Ascendant said:

    The only difference is one made it( and how big) and the other is still in the process.

    The other difference is we are not even sure if Jesus existed at all or is the figment of priests imaginations. But we are 100% sure Joseph Smith existed and was a charlatan.

    Charlatan: a person who falsely pretends to know or be something in order to deceive people

  • Who is it and what is his story?

  • His vids pm are on youtube

  • Hey, he said he read his prophecy from the Golden Tablets. Solid solid golden tablets, out of his hat.

    He even read it twice. :trollface:

  • @Ascendant said:

    @abarker It's not really help when you don't want it.Whether you devoted 2 years or 20 years is not my problem.

    Indeed there are many who don't want our help, but there are also many who do. As missionaries, however, our purpose is not to help no matter your wishes, but to offer help.

  • Which there wasn't one

  • @Ascendant said:

    Hey, he said he read his prophecy from the Golden Tablets

    Wrong. Try again.

  • Ohhhhh!!!

    BTW! there is a Korean guy who created his own church and it's BIG!!
    [Unification Church][1]

    He says he heard a prophecy from Jesus himself.

    Unification Church members believe that Jesus appeared to Mun Yong-myong when he was 16 years old on Easter morning of 1935 (April 17) and asked him to accomplish the work left unfinished because of his crucifixion. After a period of prayer and consideration, Mun accepted the mission, later changing his name to Mun Son-myong (Sun Myung Moon).

    @abarker I'm not mocking you but I really want to know how different branch of Christians see each other. How do you feel about this?
    [1]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unification_Church

    More stuff on Unification Church

    In 1992 Sun Myung Moon gave the wedding blessing for 30,000 couples at the Seoul Olympic Stadium[177] and for 13,000 at the Yankee Stadium.

    Events after Moon(the founder)'s death
    In 2012 Moon was posthumously awarded North Korea's National Reunification Prize. On the first anniversary of Moon's death, North Korean president Kim Jong-un expressed condolences to Han and the family saying: "Kim Jong-un prayed for the repose of Moon, who worked hard for national concord, prosperity and reunification and world peace."

    Following Moon's death his widow Hak Ja Han has taken on the role of spiritual leader of the church.

    Succession and legacy
    In April 2008, Moon, then 88 years old, appointed his youngest son, Hyung Jin Moon, to be the leader of the church and movement, saying, "I hope everyone helps him so that he may fulfil his duty as the successor of the True Parents."
    The thrown is inherited, I see.

  • Oh please enlighten me.

  • I just want @abarker not to be a pussy,

  • how about no, and you correct me?

  • They don't want your help with the conditions you want.

  • @Ascendant said:

    @abarker I'm not mocking you but I really want to know how different branch of Christians see each other. How do you feel about this?

    I don't know enough, nor does that wiki provide enough information, to form a sufficient opinion. I will state that we believe that we are the only church to have the authority to act in God's name (from what I could find, the Unification Church makes no claims to such authority) and that we are the only church to have the fulness of the gospel. As part of that authority are the keys of prophecy and revelation. Whether this man lied or was deceived, I make no claims. But there is every chance that, like most churches, the Unification Church helps people to be better and draw closer to God.

  • @Ascendant said:

    Oh please enlighten me.

    Given the obvious sarcasm of your post, no. And between that and @lucas, I see no reason to not mute this thread.

  • fucking weak. you don't have an argument and thus result to slurs

    Have a pair a debate or you and your religion can get fucked.

  • I don't know if you already muted this but

    Well, I admit there was some sarcasm in it but it's also half a real request too.

    I thought you guys loved sarcasm? Maybe it's just the French and Russians lol

    Sad that you don't want to continue this discussion.

    Thanks for actually giving me an actual answer for my previous question though.

  • @abarker said:

    So, acording to John, Cain allied himself with Satan, even after speaking with God.

    Based on this little bit, it seems that Cain could not be saved because he chose to follow Satan.

    But we don't see how his life ended.

    When you proselytize, do you look at someone and say, "Oops, not you, you're allied with Satan".

  • @lucas said:

    Try fucking harder to make me look like a dickhead.

    Why? You do a better job of it, yourself, than any of the rest of us could ever do.

  • I'm not sure if I'm allied with Satan. As far as I can remember, I've never seen him in my life. lol

    Oh btw, does anyone know the exact native american quote on Christian heaven?

    I think it went something like,

    White man : Believe in lord and go to heaven, don't, burn in hell.
    Cheif : If that's what your loving lord has prepared for us then no. It's fine. We don't want to go to that happy place if he will burn people just because they don't believe in him

    Yeah I think it makes sense.

    If he's so big that he created this whole universe, he wouldn't care if I went to church on every Sunday or not.

    If he is so big that he created this whole universe, yet he will burn me in hell for eternity because I didn't go to church, then fine, so be it.
    I guess that heaven can't be so good anyway if he's that petty.

    Why can't my ancestors practice pagan rituals and find peace after death?
    Why can't my older relatives practice pagan rituals and find peace when they move on?

  • @lucas said:

    Have a pair a debate or you and your religion can get fucked.

    I have never felt compelled to say this once to anyone else on this forum,

    It's one thing to say someone's argument is "fucking stupid".

    But this is enough, taunting people, constantly harassing, provoking into an argument well past the point where people have backed out.

    I respect everyone here, and no matter how annoying some of their arguments get, and even to the point where we are harsh to each other, I still try to understand their perspective, and I believe everyone else extends me the same courtesy as well.

    If you want to establish yourself here and have meaningful discussion, or even enjoyable trolling, I think you need to let off a little bit.

    If your purpose is to just be a jerk, I think you'll find yourself unwelcome, even by the most trolling people here.


    @Ascendant said:

    @abarker I'm not mocking you but I really want to know how different branch of Christians see each other. How do you feel about this?

    How Apple sees Google? They snatch each other's customers, so they do not like it but it is considered bad for business to make too much fuss about it. Microsoft started loving Linux.
    I guess it is worse in Mormonism, because they do pay taxes to their church so any ex-Mormon is a paying customer lost.

  • :belt_onion:

    @Arantor said:

    It means holding a belief that do not require support from facts

    This is quite a pernicious mis-definition (though quite without malice I assume, @Arantor) - faith means holding a belief that is supported by a fact you do not understand, on the strength of who told it to you. Everyone has faith - who they have faith in differs, but no one in this world derives everything from first principles.

    @lucas said:

    Rene Descartes .... "I think therefore I am"

    You're going to counter Kantian doubt with the philosophy of a man who doubted all things except his mind and then relied on the existence of a benevolent God to prove that he could know anything about the world ... and yet you have a problem with faith?

    @Ascendant said:

    If he's so big that he created this whole universe, he wouldn't care if I went to church on every Sunday or not.

    If someone loved you enough to create the whole universe for you, do you think it's too much to ask that you spend 1/168 of the time he's given you in a week to sit and talk with him? Don't get hung up on the place - out in a field, with a bunch of friends in a house, in a basement deep underground. But of course, that's not the point. If you don't love someone who has given you all of the universe even enough to give that much time to him in a week why do you think you would all of a sudden want to be with him when you die? And why would a loving God break your will (rendering you incapable of love) if you choose to turn your back on him? "Oh, so you don't love me? SNAP - all fixed, now you do!"

    Now, here's the thing. You can turn your back on God, but if God created everything, then by rejecting him you are rejecting everything that is good. Which means you are isolating yourself from goodness while surrounded by it. Ever known someone more miserable than at a party where they're the only one not having a good time? Now imagine the party lasts for all eternity.

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