Visual Studio 2015 is out

  • @Tsaukpaetra said:

    Oh wow, we're truly sorry you had those requirements.

    We walked right over them anyway though, but that was one of the parts we couldn't cut down (I think because it set the register, and the par-port ones weren't really memory mapped, you needed an OUT instruction to write to them - which was also why we needed native DOS, because Windows ran in protected mode and wouldn't let you do that).

    That link in the post has a better summary of the clusterfuck that class was.

  • @Maciejasjmj said:

    @Tsaukpaetra said:
    Oh wow, we're truly sorry you had those requirements.

    We walked right over them anyway though, but that was one of the parts we couldn't cut down (I think because it set the register, and the par-port ones weren't really memory mapped, you needed an OUT instruction to write to them - which was also why we needed native DOS, because Windows ran in protected mode and wouldn't let you do that).

    That link in the post has a better summary of the clusterfuck that class was.

    Regarding that class: An architecture prof once was a similar dick - every architecture student at my university had to take a pottery class and model an animal with clay. A friend on mine did an elephant and asked the prof for his opinion: "Oh, the ears are too big!" So he made it smaller - only to receive minus points because the ears were too small.
    He pulled similar stunts on all the students, leaving them somewhat exhausted due to his varying "requests" for modifications.

    On the final day, everyone was to present their completed animal figurine. He then proceeded to pull forth a hammer and smash every figurine he considered to be "substandard" to bits.

    However, one particularly sleep-deprived student went hulk as the prof set his target on this student's figurine and put a knife to his throat (didn't cut it, though).

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    @Rhywden said:

    smash every figurineCheck In he considered to be "substandard" to bits.


    This kids, is why things like GoFundMe and Kickstarter were created, because the guys this happened to couldn't take itsuck it up and accept their own genius apparent mediocrity.

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