The minor rants thread.

  • We used "exclusive" to mean two different things. If only we had used lojban, we would be able to know what I meant.

  • @ben_lubar said:

    If only we had used lojban, we would be able to know what I meant.

    Some horrors are worse than misunderstandings due to ambiguous language.

  • Look at the bright side - with lojban, you can be certain you won't be understood!

    Filed under: well, @ben_lubar can. anyone else has a chance of running into him

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said:

    If only we had used lojban, we would be able to know what I meant.

    So apparently you don't even know what you meant? It looks like logbam isn't helping you.

  • @ben_lubar said:

    Why is my email account any of the OS's concern?

    You're coming from such a backwards and upside-down place I can't even comprehend how your brain is working here.

    How isn't it?

    How is your theme color the OS's concern? Or your preferred font size? Or what language you speak? Or the people in your address book? Why not make it so you have to set all of those things individually in every application? Why not! It's the Ben L way! Fuck users! Enter that data 57 times in 57 different places!!!

    Look, the email address is owned by the user. Not by Outlook, or Thunderbird. The user. That's why it's stored with other user settings. Which just happen to be managed by the OS.

    If you have a BETTER way to do it, I'm open to suggestions. But what you're suggesting is much, much worse.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    How is your theme color the OS's concern?

    The window manager is part of the OS.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Or your preferred font size?

    The OS displays text.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Or what language you speak?

    The OS displays text.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Or the people in your address book?

    That is not the OS's concern.

  • Ok well Ben L when you design your Barbie Dream OS, you can do whatever the fuck you want with it. Windows, however, was designed by sane non-idiots, so you'll just have to cope with that somehow. Maybe seppuku would be an appropriate coping mechanism?

  • Minor rant: Guild Wars 2 has been showing me this message:

    Let's see what happens when I click on the highlighted option.

    Ugh, fine, I'll log in again. It's not like the site for this game could have something that authenticates me based on a token generated by the launcher that requires the same information or anything.

    "We were unable to send a verification code, so try another one of your phone numbers. You know, the things that everyone probably has more than one of."

  • @blakeyrat said:

    How is your theme color the OS's concern? Or your preferred font size?

    Your window manager decorates your windows for you. At least in X-windows. It should not be part of the OS, unless you're Doing It Wrong™.

    @blakeyrat said:

    Or what language you speak?


    @blakeyrat said:

    Or the people in your address book? Why not make it so you have to set all of those things individually in every application?

    Why are your non-address book applications even concerrned with where you store this information? They should ask the address book application to return addresses, possibly invoking a user interface for you to select, then go back to doing their business.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    You're coming from such a backwards and upside-down place I can't even comprehend how your brain is working here.

    RIght back atcha.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    RIght back atcha.

    Get a room, you two.

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    Dear everyone who is writing a language, ecosystem, or tool set:


    Jesus fuck. In 2015, this is NOT OKAY:

    The first step is to install some dependencies for Ruby.

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install git-core curl zlib1g-dev build-essential libssl-dev libreadline-dev libyaml-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev python-software-properties libffi-dev

    Installing with rbenv is a simple two step process. First you install rbenv, and then ruby-build:


    git clone git:// .rbenv
    echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
    echo 'eval "$(rbenv init -)"' >> ~/.bashrc
    exec $SHELL

    git clone git:// ~/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build
    echo 'export PATH="$HOME/.rbenv/plugins/ruby-build/bin:$PATH"' >> ~/.bashrc
    exec $SHELL

    git clone ~/.rbenv/plugins/rbenv-gem-rehash

    rbenv install 2.2.2
    rbenv global 2.2.2
    ruby -v

    Now we tell Rubygems not to install the documentation for each package locally and then install Bundler
    `echo "gem: --no-ri --no-rdoc" > ~/.gemrc`
    `gem install bundler`

    This is how you [install Node.JS on ubuntu:][1]

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install nodejs

    Here's how you install Ruby with Ruby Version Manager on ubuntu:

    sudo apt-get install libgdbm-dev libncurses5-dev automake libtool bison libffi-dev
    curl -L | bash -s stable
    source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
    rvm install 2.2.2
    rvm use 2.2.2 --default

    Note that this (rvm install) BUILDS FROM SOURCE and takes multiple minutes to complete. Also curl.

    This is how you install Node.JS using Node Version Manager:

    sudo apt-get install build-essential libssl-dev
    curl | sh

    Still curl. Still built from source. Still not okay. But much much simpler to explain.

  • Why don't you just double-click the MSI?

    Oh right because your OS is trash which is also shit.

  • Java Dev

    In both ruby cases and the second node case, because the appropriate mechanisms were passed by. The first node case does what it's supposed to, and you can install the package just as easily through the GUI package manager of your choice.

  • Minor rant: Go's new metafunction guarantees that it returns a pointer to unused memory. It does not guarantee that that pointer is unique.


    Fuck you, language pedants. At least make it an error to allocate 0 bytes of memory statically.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Why don't you just double-click the MSI?

    That's only what I'd expect to do on Windows. 🚎

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @blakeyrat said:

    Why don't you just double-click the MSI?

    Oh right because your OS is trash which is also shit.

    Actually, the node example is so much simpler. Why make me find something and download shit when the OS already knows where it is?

    @Yamikuronue said:

    Jesus fuck. In 2015, this is NOT OKAY:


    I'd find that sort of thing basically acceptable if you were trying to develop RoR, but not just to use it. I see RoR stuff in aptitude (14.04). Are those instructions for getting the bleeding edge or whatever instead of what the distro has?

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    @boomzilla said:

    Are those instructions for getting the bleeding edge or whatever instead of what the distro has?

    No idea. It's the instructions I got when I googled "how to install ruby on ubuntu", and it's from which looks like an official home for Rails.

    Looking into it further, gorails might just be some third party. But DigitalOcean, who are usually pretty decent about this, concur that this is the way to install it. RubyLang mentions the package, but says it's out of date.

  • Why do so few image editors (, Gimp) include an option to add a border to text, when it's something you want to do 90% of the time?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @anonymous234 said:

    when it's something you want to do 90% of the time?

    Speak for yourself. I think it looks awful unless it is very subtle, and merely picking a strong contrast with the background colour does a nicer job. (If you're putting the text over a very varied background, you're making it hard to read anyway.)

  • @dkf said:

    (If you're putting the text over a very varied background, you're making it hard to read anyway.)

  • FoxDev

    CBA to change the text but the reverse colour scheme works too.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    That really depends on the font, you know. With a badly chosen font, or the wrong ratio of outline width to text size, no, you can't read it. Or at least I can't without my eyes watering…

  • More of a WTF than a rant but still:

    So, we have this law here in Germany which expressly states that every child older than half a year has a definite claim to a place in a child care setting (I'm using "setting" because there are various ways, from institutions to nanny-type care). It's a commune's responsibility to ensure this claim can be fulfilled.
    The perceived reason for this law: To ensure that women can continue to work because, frankly, finding a job after three years (that's the next time you have a right to place your child in a child care setting) might be a tad difficult. Y'know, what with the three years gap in your resumé, not to mention that having a child (or, god forbid, more than one!) is not exactly a plus point over here when it comes to finding a job.

    So, what happens if a commune can't fulfill this requirement? Why, nothing of course!

    That's what the OLG Dresden decided this week - three women had gone to court because they wanted to continue working but their commune wasn't able to provide them with a place in child care. The OLG judged that they were not worthy of receiving damages because there's no right to work (yeah...) and it was the child's right to such a place, not the mother's.

    This kind of created some questions:
    a) What exactly are those judges smoking?
    b) What is a law worth if you can't enforce it?
    c) What does a child's right mean? Does it mean that a toddler of half a year would have to hire a lawyer by him-/herself? Isn't that supposed to be the task of the legal guardians (aka "parents") who did precisely that?

    Thankfully enough, the judges at least decided to make an appeal possible, this time to be judged by the Federal Constitutional Court.

  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Rhywden said:


    Is that referring to a city or county sort of government? I don't think the word translated cleanly.

  • The word is actually listed as valid in this context:

    But municipality is probably better.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @accalia said:

    reverse colour scheme

    Well, yes, but that's not the image macro standard.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden said:

    But municipality is probably better.

    Yes. Commune has connotations in English you probably didn't want. Although commun[b]ity[/b] might've worked.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @boomzilla said:

    Is that referring to a city or county sort of government?

    Somewhere between those. Government levels don't match precisely between the two sides of the Atlantic. They also don't match well between different EU states, though things are mostly closer there.

    It's about the same as an English “district”, some of which are cities, some towns, and many of which are rural. It's the smallest unit that anyone really gives a damn about, as it is the smallest unit that has any real tax raising powers. Words are sometimes things that divide us. 😄

  • So, in the status thread I already vented that Visual Studio's debug mode works differently than release. I just found the place where it barfed (but not why, as of yet).

    It barfed in an extension to the stupid ListBox because some braindead moron thought it a great idea to make the SelectedItems property readonly. So, now I can either find a different workaround, find out why it barfs without having a proper debug setting to make it easier (because only in release, remember?) or go find the stupid git and go postal.

    I'm trending towards the latter.

    I also find it fascinating that the debug version builds in mere seconds while release takes a whole minute with all four cores at maximum. And please note that WPF does support an easy way to set the selection.

  • @Rhywden said:

    It barfed in an extension to the stupid ListBox because some braindead moron thought it a great idea to make the SelectedItems property readonly.

    I swear I've heard that before on this forum.

  • Which choice is the latter when there are three choices?

  • Good question in that how do you indicated the "middle" option(s). However, former and latter should still work as desigined.

    @Rhywden said:

    or go find the stupid git and go postal.

    Nice option, must remember to add that to my default list of response options - somewhere near the top so I don't waste "postal" time

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden said:

    I also find it fascinating that the debug version builds in mere seconds while release takes a whole minute with all four cores at maximum.

    That's probably the optimiser. It's pretty common to leave debug code only just compiled, because the optimiser stage really chews apart code so it looks nothing like the original. Optimisers are pretty heavyweight.

  • @ben_lubar said:

    @Rhywden said:
    It barfed in an extension to the stupid ListBox because some braindead moron thought it a great idea to make the SelectedItems property readonly.

    I swear I've heard that before on this forum.

    Probably from me.

    @dkf said:

    @Rhywden said:
    I also find it fascinating that the debug version builds in mere seconds while release takes a whole minute with all four cores at maximum.

    That's probably the optimiser. It's pretty common to leave debug code only just compiled, because the optimiser stage really chews apart code so it looks nothing like the original. Optimisers are pretty heavyweight.

    That's understandable but makes the whole "release works different from debug" only more annoying.

  • So I use Conkeror because I like its keyboard-centered workflow. One of the great (IMHO) features it has is that it highlights and enumerates all the links on a page when I want to follow a link. On a normal web page -- no problem. On Discourse:

    Nevermind the time this takes to render. Everything is clickable. It's like a christmas tree in Las Vegas. It's Whack-a-mole with cherry on top. It's like a Sierra game on crack.

    My problem with this? Well. urm. ah. The rendering time, I guess.

  • But "former" is defined as "denoting the first or first mentioned of two people or things."

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden said:

    That's understandable but makes the whole "release works different from debug" only more annoying.

    You can turn off the optimizer if you don't like what it does.

    If you can document places where optimized and non-optimized code behave differently, you should report that to Microsoft.

  • @rc4 said:

    But "former" is defined as "denoting the first or first mentioned of two people or things."

    first in order of two or more things cited or understood

  • Ah, thank you for that tip. Will see how to disable the optimizer for the time being.

    Do you also happen to know where best to report such issues with C# .NET 4.6?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Rhywden said:

    Do you also happen to know where best to report such issues with C# .NET 4.6?

    I think you use for all bug reports.

    Looks like the compiler takes a /o+ or /o- flag; there's got to be an equivalent setting in the project settings dialog.

  • I've never heard of bindings to null throwing exceptions. That's a supported scenario. Are you doing something unusual?

  • @Rhywden said:

    because some braindead moron thought it a great idea to make the SelectedItems property readonly

    Still doesn't beat making the ReadOnly property readonly.

  • Hmm, seems we have a dictionary debate on our hands!

    I think it's probably better to use "last"/"first" instead of "latter"/"former" when referring to 3+ options. It sounds less...awkward.

  • I just came across one of these recently for installing the dev environment for Laravel, the PHP framework.

    I get that people don't like WampServer or whatever but it's a fucking PHP framework, not software for controlling robotic brain surgeons.

    And yet, we go through a fuckton of hoops because people never develop web apps on Windows at all, obviously, so it's not like we'd provide - say - a .bat file when we can ship a .sh that runs with Bash. Not to mention installing VirtualBox, Vagrant and Git. ON WINDOWS.

    Clearly I am TRWTF for doing this...

  • In C#, it's just a checkbox that says "Optimize code" in the Build tab.

    If the compiler has different levels of optimization, Visual Studio doesn't expose them.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    If the compiler has different levels of optimization, Visual Studio doesn't expose them.

    Apparently it doesn't, unlike the C one. (VB, like C#, only has an on/off switch, via /o+ or /o-).

  • @Magus said:

    I've never heard of bindings to null throwing exceptions. That's a supported scenario. Are you doing something unusual?

    Only trying to circumvent the stupid binding issue for the ListBox. Finally found something that seems to work, though I'll have to modify the model for that.

    Maybe it's because I'm binding a Collection instead of a simple property?

  • The thing is, typically, even a broken binding will just show nothing. You can bind to the members of an object even when that object is null. That's what confuses me.

  • Yes, and that's exactly what it did in Debug.

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