Saturday Night Live

  • @kt_ said:

    : Worse-Than-Alice-in-Wonderland 3D

    Breakin' 2 is worse than a lot of films. Just sayin'.

    If it had been good at all, people probably would use "Electric Boogaloo" as a joke quite as often.

  • Dupa

    @blakeyrat said:

    Breakin' 2 is worse than a lot of films. Just sayin'.

    Looks awesome!

    Actually, there was a Polish movie called "Hackers" and there is a famous quote from there. When one of the heroes complains that he couldn't hack into the system ("They've got a firewall!") the other tries to help him: "Did you try using Emacs through sendmail?"

    I don't remember it anymore, but I think it just might did the trick.

  • @kt_ said:

    we used to have some great comedy shows here in Poland, just a few decades ago,

    We... did? Certainly not anything similar to SNL, unless you mean things like Tey etc., but those are so rooted in commie reality that the jokes just fly over your head one by one these days.

  • Dupa

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    Certainly not anything similar to SNL,

    That's true.

    @Maciejasjmj said:

    unless you mean things like Tey etc., but those are so rooted in commie reality that the jokes just fly over your head one by one these days.

    Well, Tey for one, I grew up listening to them, so I gave no problem with understanding their jokes.

    But no, I was talking about stuff like Kabaret Starszych Panów, Kabaret Dudek etc. these were great shows/groups that you can appreciate today without a problem.

    Like this one:

    But I can't really stand current comedy scene, the groups are lame, can't act and believe that every joke can be funny if they shout it loud enough. I used to like Mumio and early Łowcy.B, but the former are inactive and the latter have lost it.

    So yeah, that's why I'm looking for American shows while longing for ye ol' days.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    David Lynch version

    😮 I need to get that movie.

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