EBay learns to add up

  • @homsar said:

    There's a completely different attitude to university education and paying for it in the UK. Whilst I agree that treating your entire interest-free overdraft as your own money is fiscally irresponsible and forms bad habits (and generally a Bad Idea), I disagree with the rest of your post.

    Quoting helps everyone know to whom you are reffering, and to which post.

  • Call it a case of cultural differences:

    Here in the UK, pupils completing their A-levels are expected to apply for their Univeristy places so as to begin their courses in the next academic year (i.e. 3-4 months after the A-Level exams), or to take a single "gap year" to explore the world and/or raise a little cash.

    Had I not stated my degree immediately following my A-levels, I would have fallen foul of changes to the system of University fees and the loans/grants available to cover them. Making full use of any interest free overdraft facility is encouraged. Attempting to stay above £0 when such a facility is available to me would be foolish. The fact that it is interest free means that my real-terms debt will shrink in line with inflation.

    This is also ignoring the Student Loans system of the UK: I already have over £10K of debt in a very-low-interest loan, which tracks the goverment's claimed current rate of inflation. This has been given to me in intstallments to cover living expenses, rent etc. This will be paid back when I start earning £15K/annum, and even then I will only be obliged to pay 9% of any income I earn over that £15K threshold. This is how being a student works in the UK: Almost every student is in the same situation as I.


    I have carefully financially planned the next few years, and am careful not to make stupid purchases. By borrowing now I am maximising the time I will spend earning at graduate rates vs McJob rates.

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    Quoting helps everyone know to whom you are reffering, and to which post.

    As you may or may not have guessed, I was referring to your post; I didn't quote as I thought that a) would be patently obvious, and b) as I was referring to your post in its entirety, I'd have to quote the entire post, which seems to generally be complained about round these parts.

  • @homsar said:

    As you may or may not have guessed, I was referring to your post; [snip] I was referring to your post in its entirety, I'd have to quote the entire post, which seems to generally be complained about round these parts.

    Either quote the first sentence. snip. snip. snip. Or possibly quote the last sentence.

    Yay for vigilante modding!

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