Mashup Challenge $100,000 prize - WTF if Spectate Swamp wins?

  • @WWWWolf said:

    A hint, swampy: Please be considerate of others

    In Swampy's world, there is only:

    • Swampy himself
    • Swampy's friends (*)
    • Swampy's "Swampies" (*)
    • Figments of Swampy's imagination (i.e. unimportant people.)  It is okay to offend, annoy, and generally rile these people up, since they don't really exist anyway
    (*) The size of some of these sets may be <= 0

  • @CodeSimian said:

    @WWWWolf said:

    A hint, swampy: Please be considerate of others

    In Swampy's world, there is only:

    • Swampy himself
    • Swampy's friends (*)
    • Swampy's "Swampies" (*)
    • Figments of Swampy's imagination (i.e. unimportant people.)  It is okay to offend, annoy, and generally rile these people up, since they don't really exist anyway

    (*) The size of some of these sets may be <= 0


    You forgot The Masses! 

  • @bstorer said:

    @CodeSimian said:

    @WWWWolf said:

    A hint, swampy: Please be considerate of others

    In Swampy's world, there is only:

    • Swampy himself
    • Swampy's friends (*)
    • Swampy's "Swampies" (*)
    • Figments of Swampy's imagination (i.e. unimportant people.)  It is okay to offend, annoy, and generally rile these people up, since they don't really exist anyway

    (*) The size of some of these sets may be <= 0


    You forgot The Masses! 


    See above:  Swampy's "Swampies"

  • @CodeSimian said:

    @bstorer said:

    @CodeSimian said:

    @WWWWolf said:

    A hint, swampy: Please be considerate of others

    In Swampy's world, there is only:

    • Swampy himself
    • Swampy's friends (*)
    • Swampy's "Swampies" (*)
    • Figments of Swampy's imagination (i.e. unimportant people.)  It is okay to offend, annoy, and generally rile these people up, since they don't really exist anyway

    (*) The size of some of these sets may be <= 0


    You forgot The Masses! 


    See above:  Swampy's "Swampies"


    But the Masses won't be Swampies until they see a video of a computer screen showing them how SSDS works!

    As a side note to anyone who's read Infinite Jest, I think Swampy's about 50% of the way to making The Entertainment.

  • I just have to say that it's increasingly disturbing that SS lived in both North Vancouver and Edmonton, having lived in both those cities myself.  I have fond memories (if you want to call them that) of both the Edmonton Journal and the North Shore News which are now sullied forever.

    Thanks, SS.


  • @CodeWhisperer said:

    I just have to say that it's increasingly disturbing that SS lived in both North Vancouver and Edmonton, having lived in both those cities myself.  I have fond memories (if you want to call them that) of both the Edmonton Journal and the North Shore News which are now sullied forever.

    Thanks, SS.



    Swampy's posts are coming from inside your house.  Get out!  Run!

  • @bstorer said:

    But the Masses won't be Swampies until they see a video of a TV showing a Camstudio playback of a video of a computer screen showing them how SSDS works!


  • Ive thought of a really clever way

     Ive thought of a really clever way of doing a web app. Run SSDS on a desktop, then make a HTTP server that sends a bunch of SendKeys calls to it and screenscrape the result back to web client. Depending on the requested URL, the HTTP server would send a bunch of commands to the SSDS idling on the desktop to open the requested text file and send what was dumped to the SSDS output window back to the client. Implementing a wiki could be possible too, maybe You could also replicate the text files to other desktops and do load balancing too...

  • @Tachyon said:

     Ive thought of a really clever way of doing a web app. Run SSDS on a desktop, then make a HTTP server that sends a bunch of SendKeys calls to it and screenscrape the result back to web client. Depending on the requested URL, the HTTP server would send a bunch of commands to the SSDS idling on the desktop to open the requested text file and send what was dumped to the SSDS output window back to the client. Implementing a wiki could be possible too, maybe You could also replicate the text files to other desktops and do load balancing too...


    Should be easy enough to run all of this off my Ubuntu server....

  • @Tachyon said:

     Ive thought of a really clever way of doing a web app. Run SSDS on a desktop, then make a HTTP server that sends a bunch of SendKeys calls to it and screenscrape the result back to web client. Depending on the requested URL, the HTTP server would send a bunch of commands to the SSDS idling on the desktop to open the requested text file and send what was dumped to the SSDS output window back to the client. Implementing a wiki could be possible too, maybe You could also replicate the text files to other desktops and do load balancing too...


    It's worth doing right, which is to say, thoroughly wrong.  We're going to need a Citrix server...

  • Loop the Loop aliens by Spectate Swamp


     More aliens. Using high speed playback on SSDS and Camstudio. Recording the video seems to slow things down a bit. But that's what you need when you are capturing aliens on video.

    Somebody has already complained about not having zoom. Yeah like I'm going to take it down. I've done worse way worse. 

    A screen reshoot is always better.

    again the original videos for the above clip are at:





  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    A screen reshoot is always <font color="#ff0000">better. </font>

    You spelled "a completely futile, pointlessly infuriating waste of everyone's time" wrong.

  • @WWWWolf said:

    @dlikhten said:

    He wants to make sure that people can't easily guess his URLs, you know he IS paranoid. I bet URLs are just a government conspiracy, there are no URLs, its all a lie to cover for Area 51 which houses UFOs! If you don't believe me I can show you the magical medicine stone that has this information written on it...

    This just in: is part of the vast government conspiracy to archive everything, everywhere, everyhow! Did you know you cannot access The Wayback Machine unless you know the exact URL of the resource in question? Clearly an indication of why the site operates the way it does! Do not trust to post your alternative theories, the site exposes all of its metadata for everyone. It's true! Just check the full download links for the items in archives and you'll see the .xml metadata files. The truth is out there!


    DAMN! Where is my tinfoil hat? Wire hangars! wire hangars! Get them up I don't want them scanning my brain! Where are the medicine stones I ordered?!

    Oh man did you see that video where on a few frames there is a black spot which is clearly a government cover up of some aliens landing? Yea I saw that one too, it was awsome!

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    More aliens.
    No, just out of focus blurry not focused things.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Using high speed playback on SSDS and Camstudio.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    A screen reshoot is always better.
    Screen reshoots just add more compression artefacts and lower the overall video quality. Recording your entire desktop just to reshoot a single video is moronic (to be expected admittedly).Doing this and then uploading to google just makes it all even worse.

  • @WWWWolf said:

    Please be considerate of others: use proper names, proper labelling...

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Gentlemen, it appears SpectateAI has evolved to the next level of rudimentary intelligence: the ability to learn from past mistakes and follow the advice of others. 

    Will Swampy eventually walk upright and achieve full sentience?  Stay tuned!

  •  @CodeSimian said:

    Gentlemen, it appears SpectateAI has evolved to the next level of rudimentary intelligence: the ability to learn from past mistakes and follow the advice of others. 

    Will Swampy eventually walk upright and achieve full sentience?  Stay tuned!

    This probably should be added to his biography...

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I've done worse way worse. 
    We know.  We spent a 2500+ post thread discussing it.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I've done worse way worse. 

    I know, but that smell coming from underneath your trailer is none of our business.

  • @bstorer said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I've done worse way worse. 
    We know.  We spent a 2500+ post thread discussing it.


    I can't speak for anyone else, but it was certainly time well spent! I don't regret one second of it! No, seriously! 😭 

  • Another thing to add to the biography or other appropriate place is an explanation of the origin of the name SpectateSwamp (that dream he had...) 

  • @Eternal Density said:

    Another thing to add to the biography or other appropriate place is an explanation of the origin of the name SpectateSwamp (that dream he had...) 

    A fascinating tidbit, no doubt. I wouldn't mock him for it - dreams are always fascinating.

    However, the biography needs a proper introduction, don't you think?

    "Know, oh Administrator, that between the years when the capitalists swallowed the Bubble and the gleaming websites within, and the years of the rise of the Hordes of Jimbo, there was an Age undreamed of, when shining websites lay spread across the vast net like chugging Suns and snarling COTS servers — YouTube, MySpace, MSN,, World of Warcraft with its dark-haired women (?) and towers of spider-haunted mystery, Google with its chivalry, Technorati that bordered on the pastoral lands of Cute Overload, with its shadow-guarded tombs, Digg whose riders wore, when they wore anything at all, underpants and jeans and T-shirts. But the proudest website of the world was Slashdot, reigning supreme in the dreaming west. Hither came Spectate Swamp, the Canadian, yellow-haired, shade-eyed, holey stones in hand, a UFOlogist, a BASIC monkey, a bird-shooter, with gigantic frustrations and gigantic zeals, to tread the well-revised Best Practices of this Earth under his muck-booted feet."

    — The DailyWTFian Chronicles

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Somebody has already complained about not having zoom. Yeah like I'm going to take it down. I've done worse way worse. 

    A screen reshoot is always better.

    Hey, look at that video in my signature again! In several locations, it shows magnified portions of the screens, and no, I do not own a video camera! (Okay, I own a rather crappy webcam, but that probably doesn't quite count as a video production equipment...) The resolution is quite good - the reason for artifacts is mostly due to using MJPEG with no apparent control over compression quality. Oh well.

    Is it really that hard to feed the CamStudio file through VIrtualDub's crop filter? Knowing Swampy, it just might be, but the rest of the world doesn't have that problem. And I don't know about CamStudio, but all of the screen capture utilities I have at hand allow you to pick the screen region.

    By the way, speaking of one problem in SSDS, Swampy: you may want to look at that giant big VB book and look up a concept called "double buffering" (or possibly "page flipping"). Don't worry, implementing it usually involves only a few additional code lines (don't know about VB, but it is a snap in OpenGL and pretty damn easy in SDL and Java applets). If it's not in that book, it's probably in many other good books on computer graphics. You know, most people writing graphics-intensive applications would probably go "why the hell does it do that?" when they run into that problem, and a few seconds after that, "how the hell do I make it not do that?"...

    Not clear enough, eh? Well, here's the same in swamp-speak:

    Brings back memories of programming in Aurora Basic on 386SX in Windows 3.1. My first animation program. It drew a four frame loop of a badly drawn PaintBrush'd guy walking across the screen. Flickered like hell. But I figured I could skip clearing the drawing area. And the animation was smooth after that. And I didn't even use double-buffer. Not Clearing Screen is love. Even id Software used it.

  • @WWWWolf said:

    Hey, look at that video in my signature again!

    Days from now, when Spectate is reviewing this thread in C:\SEARCH\Thedailywtf.txt, he will look at the plain-text copy of your signature and say to himself: "What the Heck is that SSSSwamp YapPing About?  Ain't no video in that signature!"

    Desktop Search Rain - Gothic Computing's EASY button 


    Unless, of course, he is really interested in your video, in which case he will use his camcorder to record himself clicking on the link, and playing back your video: 

    @SpectateSwamp said:


    @CodeSimian said:

    ...futile attempt to convince Spectate to stop copying-and-pasting the thread into a giant text file...


    For the number of times I want to copy forums. My way is easier than learning something new. (not need to know mode) I would do short video segments and screen captures of the funny cartoons. To play randomly from a DVD. Or maybe not. Too much fun doing Dino Mummy and Alien stuff. Also planning the Next to last Dance with the stones. 2012 being the Last.



  • I suppose Spectate Swamp must like ASCI movies since he can search them in a text file... unless he reshoots himself watching them. 

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:


    @CodeSimian said:

    @WWWWolf said:

    Please be considerate of others: use proper names, proper labelling...

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Gentlemen, it appears SpectateAI has evolved to the next level of rudimentary intelligence: the ability to learn from past mistakes and follow the advice of others. 

    Will Swampy eventually walk upright and achieve full sentience?  Stay tuned!

    This probably should be added to his biography...


    Actually, that video was posted at least a year ago, so he certainly didn't change his naming convention in response to WWWWolf, as I jokingly suggested.  Even when Swampy appears to do something right, it's usually a coincidence:


    May 11 2007, 01:29 AM

    When examining video of a Mushroom Cloud I noticed some
    odd activity. I started to look for more and they were everywhere.


    This is the original of the sparrow



    (Again, he does not seem to grasp the irony of this statement: "I started to look for more and they were everywhere." )

  • Garbage Person

    @Tachyon said:

     Ive thought of a really clever way of doing a web app. Run SSDS on a desktop, then make a HTTP server that sends a bunch of SendKeys calls to it and screenscrape the result back to web client. Depending on the requested URL, the HTTP server would send a bunch of commands to the SSDS idling on the desktop to open the requested text file and send what was dumped to the SSDS output window back to the client. Implementing a wiki could be possible too, maybe You could also replicate the text files to other desktops and do load balancing too...

    You should be fucking shot.

  • @Tachyon said:

     Ive thought of a really clever way of doing a web app. Run SSDS on a desktop, then make a HTTP server that sends a bunch of SendKeys calls to it and screenscrape the result back to web client. Depending on the requested URL, the HTTP server would send a bunch of commands to the SSDS idling on the desktop to open the requested text file and send what was dumped to the SSDS output window back to the client. Implementing a wiki could be possible too, maybe You could also replicate the text files to other desktops and do load balancing too...


    Brillant!!! The webserver should be in VB5 of course.....

  • It might be a web app, but it's still not a mashup, since a mashup is a webapp with data from more than one source, and SSDS only searches one file.


    I just had a suspicion that people who've recieved Swamp in their usernames have been marked as cursed... 

  • A more windy group I never knew

    Again this group is the wind beneath my wings. I'm back looking at the video from 10Oct2003. Two of  my top 10 videos are from that day. The cloaked ship with a cloudburst bunch of flyers and the exhaust stack beauty. There are at least 13 clips from that day. They will all get more attention. The WhiteCrow is around and about today. Looking to get a mate. No sign of it pairing up with anybody. But WC is in there trying.

    Download the following video and look at the scene 00:51.04 The cloaked object is right above the flyer. Move the action forward and back to follow this HUGE object.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Again this group is the wind beneath my wings. I'm back looking at the video from 10Oct2003. Two of  my top 10 videos are from that day. The cloaked ship with a cloudburst bunch of flyers and the exhaust stack beauty. There are at least 13 clips from that day. They will all get more attention. The WhiteCrow is around and about today. Looking to get a mate. No sign of it pairing up with anybody. But WC is in there trying.

    Download the following video and look at the scene 00:51.04 The cloaked object is right above the flyer. Move the action forward and back to follow this HUGE object.


    You dumb shit, those are just the flies that obviously buzz around your filthy exterior. 


    Please don't impregnate the crow. You have genes that just don't need to be continued.

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    You dumb shit, those are just the flies that obviously buzz around your filthy exterior. 


    Please don't impregnate the crow. You have genes that just don't need to be continued.


    1) Flies are obviously a government conspiracy! How dare you deny them!

    2) Fortunately for the cow, hes got no balls!

  • @dlikhten said:

    2) Fortunately for the cow, hes got no balls!

    Where did a cow come from?

  • I've been away for a few days and just caught up on 4 pages of posts. MasterPlanSoftware, feel free to use any of the images I 'shopped up in any way you see fit.

    SpectateSwamp, why don't you make a short video of yourself telling us the benefits of the software - no filming the screen, just you speaking?

  • @elgate said:

    MasterPlanSoftware, feel free to use any of the images I 'shopped up in any way you see fit.

    Thank you very much.

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    @dlikhten said:

    2) Fortunately for the cow, hes got no balls!

    Where did a cow come from?


    From the far and distant land of typos, where cows and crows live in harmony.


    Make sure you read the comments. My favourite:
    Most of the “knowledge” and signs come through dreams. So I’m getting myself rilled up about this rejection. And concentrating on my dreams more closely.

    Data Sharing has always been a 2-way-street. Otherwise it would have been called “data scrooging”.


  • @elgate said:


    Duh! He is the stupidest man on earth!

     @elgate said:


    Make sure you read the comments. My favourite:
    Most of the “knowledge” and signs come through dreams. So I’m getting myself rilled up about this rejection. And concentrating on my dreams more closely.

    Data Sharing has always been a 2-way-street. Otherwise it would have been called “data scrooging”.




    My favorite is: "Knowledge is power. Therefore Free Swamp search is like “Free Power”"

    I need to remember to put that on the site.


  • @elgate said:

    Make sure you read the comments. My favourite:
    Most of the “knowledge” and signs come through dreams. So I’m getting myself rilled up about this rejection. And concentrating on my dreams more closely.

    Notice how he babbles about his personal interests and grudges without a proper introductory explanation, as if the reader would naturally know what he's talking about.  Similarly, sometimes he'll post a video on youtube, and write "Check out the full movie on" without providing a link.

    It's like nobody else really exists, and the Internet is just a big electronic diary for SpectateSwamp.

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    Duh! He is the stupidest man on earth!

    When that site starts getting 2,000,000 unique visits a day and you put ads on it, make sure you remember the little guys who bravely battled Swampy at your side.

  • @bstorer said:

    When that site starts getting 2,000,000 unique visits a day and you put ads on it, make sure you remember the little guys who bravely battled Swampy at your side.

    Also, I'm sure we'll all have MPS's back when Swampy sues him for defamation of character, copyright infringement (using his pics or derivative works thereof without his permission), etc....  Remember, Swampy does have the one (and only) lawyer friend. </bad joke> 

  • @bstorer said:

    When that site starts getting 2,000,000 unique visits a day and you put ads on it, make sure you remember the little guys who bravely battled Swampy at your side.

    Of course! Free t-shirts for all!

    I need to get a lot done on the site, hopefully I will get some time soon, but I hope traffic will increase. I am certainly not going to promote it until it is in better shape.

    I do have google analytics running on the site, and so far we are at about 600 unique views so far. (I started it a few days ago, not when I first put the site up).

     I still need a lot of help though. Primarily with write ups. Anything anyone can offer I will try and incorporate in some manner.

  • @elgate said:



    Dude, awsome! This is true entertainment!


    Question: Are we sure he is not posting out of an insane asylum?

  • @CodeSimian said:

    Also, I'm sure we'll all have MPS's back when Swampy sues him for defamation of character, copyright infringement (using his pics or derivative works thereof without his permission), etc...

    I highly doubt I will ever see that lawsuit come my way, and if it does, I doubt I will back down. Let's face it, Spectate has practically agreed to it here, and his history of defamating himself would make the case hard for him to pursue.

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    Of course! Free t-shirts for all!

    Sweet!  All I wanted was for you to remember us.  For example, you're lounging by the pool at your mansion, and I'm knocking at the front door for money.  When your butler comes to tell you bstorer is at the door, I was just hoping you'd say something like, "Ah, yes.  I remember him.  He's one of those little people who battled Swampy at my side," before telling your butler to release the guard dogs on me. 

  • @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    I still need a lot of help though. Primarily with write ups. Anything anyone can offer I will try and incorporate in some manner.

    I'll see what I can do.  What sort of things did you have in mind?

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Again this group is the wind beneath my wings. I'm back looking at the video from 10Oct2003. Two of  my top 10 videos are from that day. The cloaked ship with a cloudburst bunch of flyers and the exhaust stack beauty. There are at least 13 clips from that day. They will all get more attention. The WhiteCrow is around and about today. Looking to get a mate. No sign of it pairing up with anybody. But WC is in there trying.

    I like how Spectate's posts have ceased to have any connection to our posts. It really is like he's the only person that exists.

    I would also like to point out that I have discovered one of those flyers hiding in this very forum. Spectate, I think you need to take some slow-motion video of it. I've already circled it for you:

    <FONT color=#ff1111> ___
    (  <FONT color=#000000>.</FONT>  )

    MPS, excellent job with the site. I think links to Spectate's SSDS videos would provide added entertainment. Here's a partial list, courtesy of SS himself. Here are the rest (although they're without narration, which instantly reduces their entertainment value):


  • @aleph said:

    I like how Spectate's posts have ceased to have any connection to our posts. It really is like he's the only person that exists.

    I hereby propose a new forum just for Spectate: "The DailySwampShack!"  Spectate could just stay in there and post "Tabacco Leaf Flyer" videos to his heart's content.  He probably won't notice if nobody replies.  (Lack of replies has not stopped him from "blogging".)

  • @bstorer said:

    @MasterPlanSoftware said:

    I still need a lot of help though. Primarily with write ups. Anything anyone can offer I will try and incorporate in some manner.

    I'll see what I can do.  What sort of things did you have in mind?


    The home page could use a lot of work. Things like a description of how we came to know of spectate, current activities, where people can find him, and other stuff would be great there.

    I think the bigraphy is going great, but there is still a lot of data we have that could be rolled up into it. I just have the time to consolidate it all yet. If everyone keeps working on this, it will turn out fantastic.

    The teachings page is blank, and could use a good write up. Maybe with content that I can throw links on to cover the same links as the navigation menu...

     And overall, all the pages need more writeups. We need to tell people in detail about the magic rocks, their history, why spectate thinks they are magical, why we know he is an idiot, etc. Repeat for aliens, dinosaur skin, etc.


    The more content the better. My next major upgrade (with any luck, this weekend) will be to make the quotes page dynamic, and allow people to post their own quotes. I will want to mod these, however, so I have to add a little thought into this. I don't want this to be a forum for Spectate to post his crap on, and I don't want any quotes that cannot be verified.


    And as always, I can always use contructive criticism, aesthetic suggestions, and ideas for content. I am not a designer by any means, and the site is just using a starter kit's theme and layout right now. If someone has a stylesheet they think would be cool laying around, or if they want to hack away on my current one I would be much obliged. 


    With all the combined talent we have going here, this could be grand indeed.

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