The minor rants thread.

  • What's the difference between RESOLVED and CLOSED? If it's resolved, why isn't it closed?

  • I can't speak for how they have it set up, but our office has resolved and fixed. Resolved means the developer is confident it works correctly. Fixed means QA is as well.

  • That makes sense; RESOLVED is what I'm used to calling FIXED. But where I've worked, QA would get thoroughly reamed for having 26000 fixed-but-not-closed bugs.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    there are zero humans working in the Washington State unemployment office

    They're pod people from planet zarg?

  • Pod people would probably be better at answering their email.

  • Windows rebooted overnight and didn't start up any of my programs automatically. About an hour after I had gotten everything back running, I got a notification that "updates were installed". I clicked on the notification and got to this screen:

    It'd be nice if the "updates were installed" notification went to a place that, you know, had some information about the updates that were installed.

    And before you ask, clicking on Details brings me to a page that has the one-item bulleted list from above the word Details and no other content.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @blakeyrat said:

    Pod people would probably be better at answering their email.

    One of my colleagues used to do on-site tech support (via callout) for unemployment offices. He later changed job to go and work for one of the larger scumbag roach motel ISPs; while he said that management was a WTF, as were most of the other people he worked with, it was still better than visiting all those job centre offices.

    (I'm ever so glad I never had to do either of those types of job.)

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @ben_lubar said:

    And before you ask, clicking on Details brings me to a page that has the one-item bulleted list from above the word Details and no other content.

    Does “Advanced options” do better? Like give you a history link? The WU stuff certainly used to give that sort of info out…

  • I think I read a blurb somewhere that they don't do that anymore. I think they referred the curious to Knowledge Base instead.

    Good hunting!

  • Right, because "see the thing that the notification is about" is for "advanced" users and is also an "option" that you can change.

    Anyway, there is a history thing hidden under that menu. It was a bunch of "update for windows defender definitions" released every day. I didn't see anything recent that would require a reboot, but whatever.

  • Bloody incompetent recruiters. INB4: redundant Won't take no for an answer when I say I'm not qualified, it's a company I don't want to work for and/or it's a company that doesn't want me to work for them. Oh, well; it does me no harm if the recruiter submits my resume for a job I have no chance of getting; just wastes his/her own time.

    Even better, A recruiter whose own name is not spelled consistently between his email address and his email signature (Santosh vs. Santhosh). Even if IT screwed up the spelling in his address, he works for an IT staffing firm; don't tell me he can't get his own IT to fix it. And if he misspelled it himself in his own email signature, well, that's even less reassuring.

  • Aren't you unemployed?

    You should do every interview, even if you know it's a position you don't want. It's not like it takes time away from your day job, and even if the place sucks it's good interview practice for the next position which might not. If it's really bad, just walk out and feel good about yourself for a few hours. Plus if all else fails, the unemployment office counts those as a "job contact".

    I do not understand the logic behind not going to an interview when you're unemployed.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    I do not understand the logic behind not going to an interview

    I didn't say I wasn't going to go to an interview. If the company offered me an interview, I'd go (except, maybe, if it was out of town and I had to pay for the trip myself). I'm just saying the recruiters (usually ones who speak with such a thick accent I can barely understand them) are wasting their own time when I know there's almost zero chance of getting an interview, much less a job.

  • Meh. If you're unemployed, it's not like you have anything better to do. Might as well engage with them.

    You never know where the next opportunity will come from.

  • @blakeyrat said:

    Might as well engage with them.

    Sure. One guy calls me, gives me a rather generic job description in my general field. I say I'm interested. He emails me the job description; it's related but different. I email the guy back: They're looking for X; I do Y. Of the list of things the want experience with at least 3, I have one, kinda. But here's my latest resume and all the other information you wanted for your future reference. Guy calls me back, "I'm going to submit your resume and see what happens." Ok, sure, I got nothing to lose. Worst case is I somehow wind up with a job I have to learn as I do it, but I'm so obviously unqualified that it's pretty unlikely.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @HardwareGeek said:

    Worst case is I somehow wind up with a job I have to learn as I do it, but I'm so obviously unqualified that it's pretty unlikely.

    You should still engage with them because Blakey thinks he's always right or something.

  • @FrostCat said:

    Blakey thinks he's always right or something.

    Thinks? Blakey is certain he's always right.

  • Windows 10 has no (simple, official) way to disable auto-login. Apparently the idea of choosing a different user on startup is obsolete. Thanks, Microsoft.

    And half of it is advertisements for Microsoft services.

  • Fucking Caps Lock key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Java Dev

    Only once it's on, I presume? I need to log in every time just fine.

  • Every time you start it logins into the latest user. Unless it has a password of course, I assume that's your case.

  • Java Dev

    Of course I've got a password set. Who doesn't?

  • My family computer doesn't have one because why the everloving fuck would it need passwords. Thanks much for the Lecture, Mom.

    Oh, wonderful, now one of the apps won't start because reasons and I can't reinstall it because I don't havewant to use a Microsoft account and obviously people without Microsoft accounts shouldn't be allowed to install applications.

    Fuck this.


    @anonymous234 said:

    Unless it has a password of course

    :wtf: If the damn users don't have passwords it doesn't matter much does it? why have different users? so everybody can set a different background?

    @anonymous234 said:

    My family computer doesn't have one because why the everloving fuck would it need passwords.

    Then run it under one user ... :wtf:

  • How the fuck do you people use computers?

    My mother has an account with the shortcuts for the programs and stuff she uses and my father has another one, and I have another one (though I rarely use this computer). It keeps settings and documents separate which is nice and is one of the main points of user accounts.

    Why did Windows 7 (and every other Windows) do it that way then?


    @anonymous234 said:

    How the fuck do you people use computers?

    How the fuck do you use computers? If the user doesn't have a password there is not much too it is there? A desktop shortcut? I wouldn't be able to convince my wife to switch to a different user just to change the background and have the shortcut to the browser on the right side of the desktop instead of the left while they just want to surf the web. Why logoff and on again at all? I made two folders on the family pc under my documents: mine and hers. Works as perfectly to keep documents separated as two accounts.

  • @anonymous234 said:

    My family computer doesn't have one because why the everloving fuck would it need passwords.

    To keep the babysitter from using the computer without your permission while you're not home. (Yes, this happened; passwords were established that very night.) To limit kids' access to the computer without permission; they didn't know their own passwords when they were little.


    @HardwareGeek said:

    To limit kids' access to porn

    Don't fool yourself ... any adolescent with internet access will find access to porn, no reason to make it easy though.

  • At this point, they are both adults with their own computers and not living at home. They will do what they will do.


    @HardwareGeek said:

    hey are both adults with their own computers and not living at home.

    Then why does the babysitter still come around? 😕

  • Yeah. Always shagging the shift and the tab. You need to remap it and give it Ctrl, then it will be too busy to do any harm.


    @Mikael_Svahnberg said:

    Always shagging the shift and the tab.


    Also: @obeselymorbid would you count this as a sandwich?

  • @Lorne_Kates said:

    Where's WONT_FIX_NOT_A_BUG?

    They're clearly Doing It Wrong.

  • :belt_onion:

    @Luhmann said:

    @Mikael_Svahnberg said:
    Always shagging the shift and the tab.


    Also: @obeselymorbid would you count this as a sandwich?

    Only if you are the Caps Lock.

  • @Luhmann said:

    Then why does the babysitter still come around?

    She doesn't, and hasn't since, well, less than a decade, I guess, but getting close. However, it was the incident with the babysitter (in that case, a grandmotherly-aged friend) that illustrated the need for a password on the family computer.


    @HardwareGeek said:

    grandmotherly-aged friend

    Who was overly interested in your porn collection?

  • Or by the sounds of it, porn on the interwebs in general.

  • I checked the browser history (this may have been before incognito was a thing), and it was all innocuous, but she was using our computer without permission. This does not build trust.

  • Of course it doesn't. But I find it interesting how pretty much all of us presumed it was for porn purposes rather than anything innocuous.

  • I would not be truthful if I said that wasn't my reaction at the time, too.

  • Because everyone knows the internet is only for porn. I'd cite the appropriate Sluggy Freelance strip if I could find it.

  • Java Dev

    🎶 The internet is really really great - for porn 🎶

  • Avenue Q is on in my town (Brighton) next week though I saw it last time it was around here. I find it has a weaker second half.

  • @Luhmann said:

    @anonymous234 said:
    Unless it has a password of course

    :wtf: If the damn users don't have passwords it doesn't matter much does it? why have different users? so everybody can set a different background?

    No, so everyone has their own application data and documents areas. Why should all the users be forced to share browser favourites, saved games, and so on?

    Our kids' computers are all set up with one admin account which only I have the password for, and limited user accounts for each of the kids. They can choose whether or not to have a password on their account. Similarly for the laptop, except that my wife and I have separate accounts on there (mine is still the only administrative one); two of my kids have passwords on their accounts, but my wife and the other kid have chosen not to use one.

    On the other hand, the office computer is just for my wife and I, and we do run that as a single user. We have our own subfolders under My Docs, and we don't use the same browser or email client so those areas are effectively separate anyway. For the rest, we manage, though I'm pretty certain she's dragging down my average score on Seahaven Towers 😄

  • @Luhmann said:

    @Mikael_Svahnberg said:
    Always shagging the shift and the tab.


    @loose said:

    Fucking Caps Lock key!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



    Do you people not know about YouTube or... what?

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @Luhmann said:

    Then why does the babysitter still come around?


  • In our bizarre proprietary programming language, all data is in one giant shared table with table-record-field stuff to make it somewhat like a database. Everything is a string, but simultaneously, there are also different variable types.

    In particular, there is Numeric which, unlike Alpha, apparently registers as an integer. Sounds like a good thing to have, right? Well last week, we found out that if you save an integer value from C# (We're typically doing all possible new development in C#, using the old data structures through some arcane nonsense) to a Numeric field, if it's over 1000, it gets a comma, whereas when you put it in an Alpha, it doesn't get reformatted at all.


  • ♿ (Parody)

    @Magus said:



  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Grr! ghc failed to build with a “the 'impossible' happened”.

    Here's the trace for anyone who cares.
    :info:build ghc-stage1: panic! (the 'impossible' happened)
    :info:build   (GHC version 7.8.3 for x86_64-apple-darwin):
    :info:build     tcIfaceGlobal (local): not found:
    :info:build     base:Control.Applicative.$fApplicativeWrappedMonad{v rE}
    :info:build     [0c7 :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.<*>{v 0c7}’,
    :info:build      0c8 :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.pure{v 0c8}’,
    :info:build      0c9 :-> Class ‘base:Control.Applicative.Alternative{tc 0c9}’,
    :info:build      2y :-> Class ‘base:Control.Applicative.Applicative{tc 2y}’,
    :info:build      rY :-> Data constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.D:Alternative{d rY}’,
    :info:build      r2F :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.S1_0_0ZipList{tc r2F}’,
    :info:build      r2L :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.S1_0_0WrappedMonad{tc r2L}’,
    :info:build      r2R :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.S1_0_0WrappedArrow{tc r2R}’,
    :info:build      r2Y :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.S1_0_0Const{tc r2Y}’,
    :info:build      r3s :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.D1ZipList{tc r3s}’,
    :info:build      r3x :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.D1WrappedMonad{tc r3x}’,
    :info:build      r3C :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.D1WrappedArrow{tc r3C}’,
    :info:build      r3H :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.D1Const{tc r3H}’,
    :info:build      r3M :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.C1_0ZipList{tc r3M}’,
    :info:build      r3R :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.C1_0WrappedMonad{tc r3R}’,
    :info:build      r3W :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.C1_0WrappedArrow{tc r3W}’,
    :info:build      r43 :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.C1_0Const{tc r43}’,
    :info:build      r4g :-> Coercion axiom ‘base:Control.Applicative.NTCo:ZipList{tc r4g}’,
    :info:build      r60 :-> Coercion axiom ‘base:Control.Applicative.NTCo:Const{tc r60}’,
    :info:build      r6E :-> Coercion axiom ‘base:Control.Applicative.NTCo:WrappedMonad{tc r6E}’,
    :info:build      r6O :-> Coercion axiom ‘base:Control.Applicative.NTCo:WrappedArrow{tc r6O}’,
    :info:build      r7E :-> Data constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.D:Applicative{d r7E}’,
    :info:build      r7T :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.$p1Applicative{v r7T}’,
    :info:build      r7U :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.$p1Alternative{v r7U}’,
    :info:build      r7Y :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.getZipList{v r7Y}’,
    :info:build      r7Z :-> Data constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.ZipList{d r7Z}’,
    :info:build      r80 :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.ZipList{tc r80}’,
    :info:build      r81 :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.unwrapMonad{v r81}’,
    :info:build      r82 :-> Data constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.WrapMonad{d r82}’,
    :info:build      r83 :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.WrappedMonad{tc r83}’,
    :info:build      r84 :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.unwrapArrow{v r84}’,
    :info:build      r85 :-> Data constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.WrapArrow{d r85}’,
    :info:build      r86 :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.WrappedArrow{tc r86}’,
    :info:build      r87 :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.getConst{v r87}’,
    :info:build      r88 :-> Data constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.Const{d r88}’,
    :info:build      r89 :-> Type constructor ‘base:Control.Applicative.Const{tc r89}’,
    :info:build      r8a :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.<*{v r8a}’,
    :info:build      r8b :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.*>{v r8b}’,
    :info:build      r8c :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.some{v r8c}’,
    :info:build      r8d :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.many{v r8d}’,
    :info:build      r8e :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.empty{v r8e}’,
    :info:build      r8f :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.<|>{v r8f}’,
    :info:build      r2wn :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.Const{v r2wn}’,
    :info:build      r2wL :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.WrapArrow{v r2wL}’,
    :info:build      r2x9 :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.WrapMonad{v r2x9}’,
    :info:build      r2xp :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.ZipList{v r2xp}’,
    :info:build      r2xG :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.$dm*>{v r2xG}’,
    :info:build      r2yh :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.$dm<*{v r2yh}’,
    :info:build      r2yj :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.D:Applicative{v r2yj}’,
    :info:build      r2yk :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.$dmsome{v r2yk}’,
    :info:build      r2zl :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.$dmmany{v r2zl}’,
    :info:build      r2zn :-> Identifier ‘base:Control.Applicative.D:Alternative{v r2zn}’]
    :info:build Please report this as a GHC bug:

    But that's not what I'm ranting about. I'm ranting that their bug reporting website tells me I can log in with guest/guest (which would be good for me, since I do not want to track the process of fixing things) but I can't actually do it when I try. IT! JUST! DOES! NOT! WORK! Obviously nobody bothered to do the most basic QA of their own bug website in the last few years…

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