The Meat Locker

  • Considered Harmful

    We need a safer space than the Trolleybus Garage for edgelording, shitlording, and the like. The acoustics of the Garage are too readily spoiled by interlopers.

    I propose a new limited-access category, The Meat Locker, to avoid the need for CSS hacks and other patches on the echo chamber acoustics. I will of course be banned from this category completely.

  • Considered Harmful

    On reflection, my only question is how long this category has existed and why it isn't used more.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    Why does this topic have no posts? 🎺

    I'm joking, I don't have Gribit blocked

  • I survived the hour long Uno hand

    In all seriousness:

    While I haven’t applied a CSS filter or used the forum block feature for your posts, I’ve seriously considered it a couple times.

    Not because I disagree with your politics or because I can’t stomach seeing posts that disagree with my politics. Not because some of your posts are getting involved in disagreements with other posters whose positions and posting process I respect.

    But simply because so many of your posts are so banal and non-responsive as to not be worth the effort required to scroll past.

    And in fairness, when certain other Garage regulars start generating long streams of “sure you are but what am I” posts that look like they were written by a 5 year old, I sigh audibly and skip past their long banal post diarrhea as well. But of the most serious offenders of that type of post, you give the impression of having the highest proportion of your posts that are completely not substantive.

  • Considered Harmful

    @izzion said in The Meat Locker:

    In all seriousness:

    While I haven’t applied a CSS filter or used the forum block feature for your posts, I’ve seriously considered it a couple times.

    Not because I disagree with your politics or because I can’t stomach seeing posts that disagree with my politics. Not because some of your posts are getting involved in disagreements with other posters whose positions and posting process I respect.

    But simply because so many of your posts are so banal and non-responsive as to not be worth the effort required to scroll past.

    And in fairness, when certain other Garage regulars start generating long streams of “sure you are but what am I” posts that look like they were written by a 5 year old, I sigh audibly and skip past their long banal post diarrhea as well. But of the most serious offenders of that type of post, you give the impression of having the highest proportion of your posts that are completely not substantive.

    Do what you want, it's not my problem. I've proposed a solution for your difficulties, âť„ .

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