TDWTF Plays Beyond Zork

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)The horizon is lost in the glare of morning upon the Great  (
    ­)Sea. You shield your eyes to sweep the shore below, where   (      $
    ­)a village lies nestled beside a quiet cove.                 (       D8A
    ­)  A stunted oak tree shades the inland road.                (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­>verbose on
    ­[Please try to express that another way.]
    ­[Maximum verbosity for transcripting.]

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot climb tree

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)The horizon is lost in the glare of morning upon the Great  (
    ­)Sea. You shield your eyes to sweep the shore below, where   (      $
    ­)a village lies nestled beside a quiet cove.                 (       D8A
    ­)  A stunted oak tree shades the inland road.                (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­>verbose on
    ­[Please try to express that another way.]
    ­[Maximum verbosity for transcripting.]
    ­>climb tree
    ­You clamber onto a convenient branch, but an ominous creak sends you scurrying
    ­back down.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot look in tree

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)The horizon is lost in the glare of morning upon the Great  (
    ­)Sea. You shield your eyes to sweep the shore below, where   (      $
    ­)a village lies nestled beside a quiet cove.                 (       D8A
    ­)  A stunted oak tree shades the inland road.                (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­[Maximum verbosity for transcripting.]
    ­>climb tree
    ­You clamber onto a convenient branch, but an ominous creak sends you scurrying
    ­back down.
    ­>look in tree
    ­You see nothing unusual anywhere under the oak tree.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot inventory

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)You're wearing a pack.                                      (
    ­)  You have 1 zorkmid.                                       (      $
    ­)                                                            (       D8A
    ­)                                                            (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­>look in tree
    ­You see nothing unusual anywhere under the oak tree.
    ­You take stock of your possessions.
    ­A financial nymph appears on your keyboard. "By the way, you can check the
    ­amount of cash you're holding at any time with the CASH command. Or, just type a
    ­$ followed by [RETURN]. Bye!"
    ­She disappears with a wink.

  • Considered Harmful

    Oh weird, it's got some kind of windowing thing.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot more

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)You're wearing a pack.                                      (
    ­)  You have 1 zorkmid.                                       (      $
    ­)                                                            (       D8A
    ­)                                                            (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­You take stock of your possessions.
    ­A financial nymph appears on your keyboard. "By the way, you can check the
    ­amount of cash you're holding at any time with the CASH command. Or, just type a
    ­$ followed by [RETURN]. Bye!"
    ­She disappears with a wink.
    ­[The word "more" isn't in the vocabulary that you can use.]

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot !more

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot [enter]

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot hello

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)You're wearing a pack.                                      (
    ­)  You have 1 zorkmid.                                       (      $
    ­)                                                            (       D8A
    ­)                                                            (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­A financial nymph appears on your keyboard. "By the way, you can check the
    ­amount of cash you're holding at any time with the CASH command. Or, just type a
    ­$ followed by [RETURN]. Bye!"
    ­She disappears with a wink.
    ­[The word "more" isn't in the vocabulary that you can use.]
    ­[You must address characters directly.]

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot [more]

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot [space]

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot [enter]

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)You're wearing a pack.                                      (
    ­)  You have 1 zorkmid.                                       (      $
    ­)                                                            (       D8A
    ­)                                                            (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­She disappears with a wink.
    ­[The word "more" isn't in the vocabulary that you can use.]
    ­[You must address characters directly.]

  • Considered Harmful

    Hello, world! newline:false

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot Hello, world! newline:false

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)You're wearing a pack.                                      (
    ­)  You have 1 zorkmid.                                       (      $
    ­)                                                            (       D8A
    ­)                                                            (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­She disappears with a wink.
    ­[The word "more" isn't in the vocabulary that you can use.]
    ­[You must address characters directly.]
    ­>Hello, world!

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot [enter]

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)You're wearing a pack.                                      (
    ­)  You have 1 zorkmid.                                       (      $
    ­)                                                            (       D8A
    ­)                                                            (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­[The word "more" isn't in the vocabulary that you can use.]
    ­[You must address characters directly.]
    ­>Hello, world!
    ­[You don't need to use the word "world" to complete this story.]

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot Hello, world! --newline=false

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)You're wearing a pack.                                      (
    ­)  You have 1 zorkmid.                                       (      $
    ­)                                                            (       D8A
    ­)                                                            (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­[The word "more" isn't in the vocabulary that you can use.]
    ­[You must address characters directly.]
    ­>Hello, world!
    ­[You don't need to use the word "world" to complete this story.]
    ­>Hello, world!

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot [enter]

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)You're wearing a pack.                                      (
    ­)  You have 1 zorkmid.                                       (      $
    ­)                                                            (       D8A
    ­)                                                            (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­[You must address characters directly.]
    ­>Hello, world!
    ­[You don't need to use the word "world" to complete this story.]
    ­>Hello, world!
    ­[This story doesn't recognize the word "world."]

  • 🔀

    u_setup.blorb_file .���/beyondzork.blb

  • 🔀

    u_setup.blorb_file .���/beyondzork.blb
    ­u_setup.blorb_name beyondzork.blb

  • 🔀

    Is this a VT220?
    ­[Please type YES or NO.] >

  • 🔀

    Is this a VT220?
    ­[Please type YES or NO.] >

  • 🔀

    ­Is this a VT220?
    ­[Please type YES or NO.] >

  • Considered Harmful

  • 🔀

    ­Copyright (C)1987 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
    ­Do you want to begin a new game, restore a saved game, or quit?
    ­[Type BEGIN, RESTORE or QUIT.] >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot begin

  • 🔀

    "Our doom is sealed."
    ­  Y'Gael turned away from the window overlooking the Great Sea. "The Guildmaster
    ­nears the end of his final quest," she said softly. "When he succeeds, for
    ­succeed he will, our powers shall cease to be."
    ­  The silence was unbroken for a long minute. Then a tiny voice near the door
    ­peeped, "Forever?"
    ­  "No." The old woman leaned forward on her staff. "The Age of Science will
    ­endure long; no one in this room can hope to outlive it. But our knowledge need
    ­not die with us -- if we act at once to preserve our priceless heritage."
    ­  "Wherein lies your hope, Y'Gael?" demanded a salamander in the front row.
    ­"What Magick is proof against the death of Magick itself?"
    ­  Y'Gael's dry chuckle stilled the murmur of the crowd. "You forget your own
    ­history, Gustar. Are you not author of the definitive scroll on the Coconut of
    ­  A tumult of amphibious croaks and squeals drowned out Gustar's retort. Y'Gael
    ­hobbled over to a table laden with mystical artifacts, selected a small stone
    ­and raised it high.
    ­  "The Coconut is our only hope," she cried, her eyes shining in the stone's
    ­violet aura. "Its seed embodies the essence of our wisdom. Its shell is
    ­impervious to the ravages of Time. We must reclaim it from the Implementors, and
    ­hide it away before its secrets are forgotten!"
    ­  The shrill voice of a newt rose above the cheering. "And who will steal this

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot [more]

  • 🔀

      Y'Gael's dry chuckle stilled the murmur of the crowd. "You forget your own
    ­history, Gustar. Are you not author of the definitive scroll on the Coconut of
    ­  A tumult of amphibious croaks and squeals drowned out Gustar's retort. Y'Gael
    ­hobbled over to a table laden with mystical artifacts, selected a small stone
    ­and raised it high.
    ­  "The Coconut is our only hope," she cried, her eyes shining in the stone's
    ­violet aura. "Its seed embodies the essence of our wisdom. Its shell is
    ­impervious to the ravages of Time. We must reclaim it from the Implementors, and
    ­hide it away before its secrets are forgotten!"
    ­  The shrill voice of a newt rose above the cheering. "And who will steal this
    ­Coconut from the Implementors?" he scoffed. "You, Y'Gael?"
    ­  The violet aura faded at his words. "Not I, Orkan," replied Y'Gael, shaking
    ­the lifeless stone and replacing it with a sigh. "The fabric of Magick is
    ­unravelling. We dare not rely on its protection. Another champion must be
    ­sought; an innocent unskilled in the lore of enchantment, who cannot know the
    ­price of failure, or recognize the face of death."
    ­  Orkan's squeak was skeptical. "Suppose your champion succeeds in this hopeless
    ­quest. What will become of the Coconut?"
    ­  Y'Gael turned to face the sea once more. "It will await the coming of a better
    ­age," she replied, her voice trembling with emotion. "An age beyond Magick,
    ­beyond Science ..."

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot [enter]

  • 🔀

                           B  E  Y  O  N  D      Z  O  R  K
    ­                            The Coconut of Quendor
    ­                            An Interactive Fantasy
    ­             Copyright (C)1987 Infocom, Inc. All rights reserved.
    ­               Zork is a registered trademark of Infocom, Inc.

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot verbose

  • 🔀

     Frank Booth                                               Level 0 Male Peasant 
    ­                               Character Setup
    ­                      Begin using a preset character    
    ­                      Select a preset character
    ­                      Randomly generate a new character
    ­                      Create your own character
    ­                      Quit
    ­Use the \ and ] keys to highlight your selection.
    ­Type [RETURN] to continue. >
    ­Press any key to begin the story. >

  • Considered Harmful

    @error_bot \ [enter]

  • 🔀

    :                          Hilltop                           9
    ­)The horizon is lost in the glare of morning upon the Great  (
    ­)Sea. You shield your eyes to sweep the shore below, where   (      $
    ­)a village lies nestled beside a quiet cove.                 (       D8A
    ­)  A stunted oak tree shades the inland road.                (       :6=&
    ­)                                                            (       ?7B
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­)                                                            (
    ­> [enter]
    ­[The word "[enter]" isn't in the vocabulary that you can use.]

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