Nobody shares knowledge better than this

  • @SpectateSwamp said:


    Above is a simple but powerful Mp3 audio metadata dump program.

    Dumps like this are the building blocks of any reliable system.

    So before you complain about the code in the bestest program on the planet again. EVER how about re-creating the above 2nd Bestest app in your programming language of choice. And before you are done. Do the same for Mpg MetaData including the GPS stuff (putting out the results to a .txt file). I don't need to create this myself if  just one C#Swampie VBSwampie PerlSwampie or JavaSwampie would rise to the occasion.

    Or can't you match up to SpectateSwamp when it comes to sharing knowledge even if it is the much hated MetaData.



    Public cnt As Integer
    Ah, the poor variable name strikes again. 


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Above is a simple but powerful Mp3 audio metadata dump program.
    So how do I actually use it then? I downloaded the .exe, put it in a folder alongside the VB5 runtime and ran it and just got an inputbox that said "Testing only", hitting ok exited the program. Read the comments in the source and created a file called DmpMp3_MetaData_lst.txt and for the contents I put

    xxx.C:\mp3s\Coil\Hellraiser Themes\01 - Hellraiser Theme.mp3

    (this file does exist by the way), running it made no difference - the app just exited with no display. What am I missing?


  • DmpMp3_metadata is fun to run

    @spenk said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Above is a simple but powerful Mp3 audio metadata dump program.
    So how do I actually use it then? I downloaded the .exe, put it in a folder alongside the VB5 runtime and ran it and just got an inputbox that said "Testing only", hitting ok exited the program. Read the comments in the source and created a file called DmpMp3_MetaData_lst.txt and for the contents I put

    xxx.C:\mp3s\Coil\Hellraiser Themes\01 - Hellraiser Theme.mp3

    (this file does exist by the way), running it made no difference - the app just exited with no display. What am I missing?


    I'll download a copy and try it. Everything seemed ok here.

    Make 50 copies of that line

    that data should be in c:\search\DmpMp3_MetaData_lst.txt put the bmp exe and any background jpg you might want in the same folder. The songs can stay where they are at: C:\mp3s\Coil\Hellraiser Themes\01 - Hellraiser Theme.mp3

    you should have a copy of the bmp or create one yourself? As allowed in the code.

    First off the program should indicate to you that the list info has been read. Then if you enter "file" it will display some pic you selected as background instead of a just black background. Then the next prompt is where you move the input box aside and out of view and do a screen capture saving it to the required *.bmp file.

    So Again.

    -without the *.bmp file. You will create a nice background by dumping a different pic in a file called:"c:\search\DmpMp3_backgrd.jpg"

     -start the program: Prompt should show "list array loaded=50" - enter any characters to be able to do a bmp or enter "file" to show the above c:\search\DmpMp3_backgrd.jpg file then the field details get printed on the screen - then the prompt box "do prt/scr and save .bmp" - use paint to create the bitmap file c:\search\DmpMp3_MetaData.bmp - hit enter and it will display the first 10 metadata records.

    -with the c:\search\DmpMp3_MetaData.bmp  file

      Enter at the first prompt "list array loaded=50" - the first 10 flash to the screen

    enter 1 to see them 1 at a time

    I just tried the net version. It works fine

    I had over 1000 songs that I checked the MetaData on. A good percentage looked like garbage.

    If you still have trouble I'll do a screen reshoot of starting and viewing the MetaData with and without the *.bmp file

    I haven't encounter a system that needed the VB runtime. there is a msvbvm50.dll that it complains about on some systems?


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Make 50 copies of that line

    that data should be in c:\search\DmpMp3_MetaData_lst.txt put the bmp exe and any background jpg you might want in the same folder. The songs can stay where they are at: C:\mp3s\Coil\Hellraiser Themes\01 - Hellraiser Theme.mp3

    <more stuff snipped>


    I didn't realise it had to be run from a specific folder - putting everything in c:\search at least made the application run, when starting typing "file" however just caused it to crash- needed to be "file <name of the bmp file>" to actually work.

    Following the instructions I did get it to sort of work - however you only support IDv1 and displaying this information one record at a time isn't really that useful for something like mp3 tags - windows explorer does it far easier and allows search / sorting as well.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I haven't encounter a system that needed the VB runtime. there is a msvbvm50.dll that it complains about on some systems?
    That is the VB5 runtime.


  • DmpMpg_metadata who's building it?

    @spenk said:

    I didn't realise it had to be run from a specific folder - putting everything in c:\search at least made the application run, when starting typing "file" however just caused it to crash- needed to be "file <name of the bmp file>" to actually work.

    Following the instructions I did get it to sort of work - however you only support IDv1 and displaying this information one record at a time isn't really that useful for something like mp3 tags - windows explorer does it far easier and allows search / sorting as well.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I haven't encounter a system that needed the VB runtime. there is a msvbvm50.dll that it complains about on some systems?
    That is the VB5 runtime.


    Good going You are the bestest Swampie of 2010 ever.

    Only select "file" if you have copied a nice pic of the blue sky to "c:\search\DmpMp3_backgrd.jpg" first. That then becomes the background. The field descriptions get put on that background and then you do your Screen Capture. Saving that as the "c:\search\DmpMp3_MetaData.bmp" file.

    The main purpose of this DmpMp3_metadata program was to have a look at MetaData that I had. And at the same time do it with a super simple dump format. I was hoping someone would do basically the same for jpeg and mpg. It doesn't matter what language. I want those GPS points in my video catalogs.

    I was pretty sure that was what you meant. I have only ran across a couple PC's that didn't have it over the years. Must have been some anti VB weirdo involved in those PC builds.

    The Digital Video ShowDown sure could use you...

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I'll keep all the arcseconds and thirds.
    Anyone care to explain to SpectateSwamp what an arcsecond is? :P

    Anyhow, I think we can (almost) all agree that the Swampling is a great example of why it's bad to do drugs.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    @spenk said:
    @SpectateSwamp said:
    I haven't encounter a system that needed the VB runtime. there is a msvbvm50.dll that it complains about on some systems?
    That is the VB5 runtime.

    I have only ran across a couple PC's that didn't have it over the years. Must have been some anti VB weirdo involved in those PC builds.

    This is true. Apparently some nut in Seattle (I think he's identified as Bill Goates or Bill Fence or something) made sure the VM dlls never made it into any build of Windows. Terrible stuff. It's a consipracy I tell you!

    Also, support for VB5 ended about 10 years ago. Same guy of course - that's just mean. How is a guy supposed to jam his noodle random random with VB6 or VB.Net?

  • @b-redeker said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    @spenk said:
    @SpectateSwamp said:
    I haven't encounter a system that needed the VB runtime. there is a msvbvm50.dll that it complains about on some systems?
    That is the VB5 runtime.

    I have only ran across a couple PC's that didn't have it over the years. Must have been some anti VB weirdo involved in those PC builds.

    This is true. Apparently some nut in Seattle (I think he's identified as Bill Goates or Bill Fence or something) made sure the VM dlls never made it into any build of Windows. Terrible stuff. It's a consipracy I tell you!

    Also, support for VB5 ended about 10 years ago. Same guy of course - that's just mean. How is a guy supposed to jam his noodle random random with VB6 or VB.Net?


    But has support for reflecting noodles and makes the noodles fit together faster.

  • @DescentJS said:

    Public c_nt As Integer

    Ah, the poor variable name strikes again.

    Edit: Why's it telling me an error occurred when I'm trying to add a tag?

  • Spectate, here's a fun and easy-to-use challenger to your obsolete and incomplete mp3 metadata extraction program: [url=]Audio::Scan[/url].

    This was the first hit from a CPAN search of "mp3 metadata". As you will clearly see if you bother to follow and read the link, it supports full metadata scanning and extract from a wide variety of audio formats. Simple to use, simple to incorporate into your own Perl program.  (Mildly unsimple to install, since it's C-based, but if the Windows distribution includes a precompiled package then it's not an issue.)

    Btw, since it's related, here's the first hit from a search for "jpeg metadata": [url=]Image::MetaData::JPEG[/url].

    As you can see, these extraction operations are common and mundane; there's no need for you to write your own half-baked version.  Do with this information as you will.

  • So I wrote a nice long post regarding two Perl packages I found as the first hits on CPAN and their implications to Spectate, but then CS choked and errored out, and of course hitting the back button clears out the text form, and I hate CS, and I can't be bothered write it all back, so I'm just going to leave these two links here.  Someone else write fancy words around them if you want.  Ugh.  I hate CS.

  • @derula said:

    Edit: Why's it telling me an error occurred when I'm trying to add a tag?

    Why are you looking for any kind of logic in CommunityServer?

    Same here, btw.

  • Oh, it looks like my original post did go through... but it told me it didn't...  ...

    Let's see if Spectate can jam better forum software.

  • Stupidests Java Perl C Programmers called out

    @Xyro said:

    Spectate, here's a fun and easy-to-use challenger to your obsolete and incomplete mp3 metadata extraction program: Audio::Scan.

    This was the first hit from a CPAN search of "mp3 metadata". As you will clearly see if you bother to follow and read the link, it supports full metadata scanning and extract from a wide variety of audio formats. Simple to use, simple to incorporate into your own Perl program.  (Mildly unsimple to install, since it's C-based, but if the Windows distribution includes a precompiled package then it's not an issue.)

    Btw, since it's related, here's the first hit from a search for "jpeg metadata": Image::MetaData::JPEG.

    As you can see, these extraction operations are common and mundane; there's no need for you to write your own half-baked version.  Do with this information as you will.

    None of your answers are as low level as mine. That's why these DmpMp3* type programs are sooo important. Building blocks I tell you. I still don't see no simple answer for dumping the GPS Lat-Long info I want. I want to give it a list of files and have that data returned to me. Nothing else. In looking for how to extract the GPS stuff another searcher wanted the same and complained how all the answers were burried deep in some monster application. These things would calc the GPS and pop up google maps and play the local area theme song. Complete rubbish when you want to build a simple DmpMpg_metadata file. Waaay to complex way not Stupidest enough.

    Where are the simple dump programs from all languages. How great that will be when programmers of all stripes can work together. Not nit picking each others language. Boo Nit Pickies Boo.

    Just in case things crap out. I always do a Ctrl/A - Ctrl/C sequence before doing previews and posts

  •  @SpectateSwamp said:

    Where are the simple dump programs from all languages.


    when you say data dump, you mean ETL i'm guessing?  Except instead of doing something with the data, you 'dump' it to the screen in a bmp?

    Tell you what, you give me some sane requirements, I'll write you some java that does what you want.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Just in case things crap out. I always do a Ctrl/A - Ctrl/C sequence before doing previews and posts
    This is the smartest thing I've ever heard you say.  Sometimes I copy my post before submitting when I know the forum is acting flakey, but I suppose I ought to get into the habit of doing it all the time...

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    None of your answers are as low level as mine. That's why these DmpMp3* type programs are sooo important. Building blocks I tell you.
    The links I provided are to be used as libraries.  Libraries are building blocks.  That means if all you want to use them for is dumping their output to a text file, you trivially can.  Remind me to create an example for you when I get home.  (I currently can't install Audio::Scan on my work computer for embarrassing reasons I do not wish to enumerate.)

    I don't know how lat/long (AKA geotagging) coordinates are stored in the EXIF data.  A quick Google search informs me that they seem to be stored in the metadata list under the title of "GPSLatitude" and "GPSLongitude": [url][/url].  Oh, hey, look, there's metadata extract/dump program in that write-up.  It's called [url=]ExifTool[/url], and is probably exactly what you're looking for.  Do you do any research at all before you start on your tirades?

    Here's the direct link.  It looks genuinely useful.  [url][/url]

  • @Xyro said:

    Oh, it looks like my original post did go through... but it told me it didn't...  ...

    Let's see if Spectate can jam better forum software.


    If the error is generic, as is the case, then there's no telling what went wrong (well, obviously). It sent the POST data, but it may very well have saved it safely, and the error maybe occurred when doing some cleanup routine or displaying the thread containing the updated post.

  • @dhromed said:

    @Xyro said:

    Oh, it looks like my original post did go through... but it told me it didn't...  ...

    Let's see if Spectate can jam better forum software.


    If the error is generic, as is the case, then there's no telling what went wrong (well, obviously). It sent the POST data, but it may very well have saved it safely, and the error maybe occurred when doing some cleanup routine or displaying the thread containing the updated post.

    I had the same. It didn't say the post didn't get through, just that there was an error. My post went live, but the tag didn't. "Edit Tags" or "Edit Post" with entering a tag just caused the same error without adding the tag to the post.

    Edit: Same problem again. I entered a tag, "Will it work again now?", and got the error page, while the post got through without the tag.

  •  See this thread.

  • 🚽 Regular

    Because it's Tuesday*, I'm going to write an essay.

    I'm a tad confused at the location of this thread. I know in the very beginning, it was in the Sidebar WTF, which I thought was a good fit, before it was moved here.

    Afterall, Funny Stuff is defined as "Not exactly a WTF, but not a LOLCAT either"

    I will begin with the first part of the definition: This thread encapsulates everything that makes us go "WTF". To say it's "not exactly a WTF" to mistake leaves for aliens, assert that spaghetti code is the preferred way to share knowledge, add tons of useless features to an already useless application, and ignore everyone's criticism which initially started constructive until we all just lost patience and decided it was easier to just blatantly insult the OP is in itself a WTF.

    As for the second part of the definition, indeed SpectateSwamp is not a LOLCAT. However, he still possesses properties resembling lolcats. In we have a couple of photos which have macros on them, just like LOLCATS and although SpectateSwamp's grammar is not lolspeak, it certainly is just as unusual and irritating as lolspeak, especially in his earlier threads.

    Although this thread certainly is "Funny" and it's "Stuff" it's closer to a LOLCAT and a WTF, and thus it doesn't seem to fit.

    That being said, let's look at some of the other candidates:

    Coding Related Help & Questions: This seems like a strong candidate. Afterall, SpectateSwamp needs help, but he doesn't really ask questions besides, "Why do people cut videos up?" and it's really us asking all the questions. I believe by saying "Help and Questions" they are really saying the OP is the one who possesses BOTH the need for help, and questions. Spectate needs help, but he doesn't have questions about how to make his app better because he already knows it's as good as it can be.

    General Discussion: Another strong candidate. We'll visit this again if we can't find a more specific forum.

    The I-Hate-Oracle-Club: Since SpectateSwamp has a strong aversion to ANYTHING besides VB5, and by definition that means he hates Oracle, this may also seem a good fit. However, Spectate doesn't really rant about Oracle specifically, so this doesn't really work.

    "Side Bar" WTF: The original home of this thread. I suppose the moderator's logic was a Side Bar WTF requires that the OP knows that what he's talking about is a WTF, regardless of whether this is a WTF or not, thus this is not a good fit. I might agree with the mod.

    Coder Challenge: Spectate always wishes for a showdown, which is like a challenge. Perhaps the only thing getting in his way has been the fact that this thread is not in the right place for such a showdown. If we move it there, he might feel more freedom to actually challenge us with his video showdown once and for all!

    OMG News and Updates: Spectate isn't really in an official contest, although he once did try to enter his app into the Mashup Challenge. Still, even if this thread were about that, the challenge was beyond the scope of TDWTF, so it doesn't matter. If The Daily WTF decides to begin an OMGWTF contest that involves creating the most spaghettified desktop search application with additional video, golf, alien-hunting, and censorship features, then I strongly suggest we move that thread to this forum. We just might declare Spectate the winner by default.

    Contest Discussion: Same as above

    Entry Comments: Same as above

    Given the above, I would say we move this to either Coder Challenge or General Discussion.

    *The reason I say Tuesday is time for essay writing goes back to my traditions in several semesters of college when I had the least amount of classes on Tuesdays and thus I would often do my homework on that day of the week, especially since often times they were due in the later part of the week.


  • Consider Funny Stuff like a public recycle bin.


    @RHuckster said:

    Because it's Tuesday*, I'm going to write an essay.

    I'm sorry you wasted your time.  :\

  • @dhromed said:

    See this thread.

    I almost suspected I'm not the first one to realize that bug, but since I don't have the time to read every thread, I thought I'd just say it. Also, cheese.

  • Site has good points

    Being able to change the Subject line is cool. Quite a few forums don't allow that...

    Not having any view counts is too bad. Maybe there is just the 3 of us here. Oh well.

    They just don't go about willy nilly Banning People. 

    t-shirthemp t-shirt

  • Tell us the Lat-Long - Share your GPS knowledge

    I just finished uploading a mini-test mpg video file to It has the GPS info. Who will be the first to tell us the Lat-Long?

    The file is loaded temporary (30 days)

    Come on Swampies don't let the Drain-The-Swampies beat you!!

  • Hidden Knowledge what good is it



    Why don't the camcorder manufacturers put the GPS info into the video file name eg


    Then we could forget the MetaData maze completely!!!

    Sony, Hitachi, Panasonic... I want an answer..



  • @SpectateSwamp said:



    Why don't the camcorder manufacturers put the GPS info into the video file name eg


    Then we could forget the MetaData maze completely!!!

    Brilliant plan. We can easily extend that with all other metadata: 201012151550_28.921631,3.515625_spectateswamp_31:55_UFO_tobaccoleaves_etc.mpg. The possibilities are endless (or 256 char, depending on your filesystem).

    Also, when you decide you want a different name for your file, say "grandma chokes on an artichoke.mpg" for some file, all metadata gets erased, which is exactly what you want.

  •  digital video recorders can be PHYSICALLY MOVED WHILE TAKING VIDEO

    hence gps data ideally would need to be embedded in each frame, if you wanted to be accurate.

    i think this sort of embedded metadata will be in mpeg 7?  i don't really keep up with video technology.


  • Give Us some Options Sony

    @b-redeker said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:



    Why don't the camcorder manufacturers put the GPS info into the video file name eg


    Then we could forget the MetaData maze completely!!!

    Brilliant plan. We can easily extend that with all other metadata: 201012151550_28.921631,3.515625_spectateswamp_31:55_UFO_tobaccoleaves_etc.mpg. The possibilities are endless (or 256 char, depending on your filesystem).

    Also, when you decide you want a different name for your file, say "grandma chokes on an artichoke.mpg" for some file, all metadata gets erased, which is exactly what you want.

    They could at least make it an option at off-load time. Sony could make the software change and I could be saved all the hassle of getting a MetaData export and updating my Archive records. How hard do you think that would be? Or don't you think Sony can do it. Or would you sooner bit fiddle with TAG records.

    It wouldn't be taking anything away from your tag records, other than people wouldn't use them much anymore.

    Hurry up Sony the Swampies want this quick fix.

  •  Spectate, it's been fun, but i'm afraid i've grown bored with you.  Have fun with your ssrrssdsrss

  • 🚽 Regular

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Why don't the camcorder manufacturers put the GPS info into the video file name eg


    Then we could forget the MetaData maze completely!!!


    You need to add duration. Oh, and aspect ratio, resolution, rating, tags, camera model, color/b&w, version, interlacing info, and codec just to name a few. Here's a sample filename:


    Damn, that's BRILLIANT! And best of all EVERY manufacturer will format the filename differently since there are no standards, and you are against formulating any standards!

    OR... OR... READ THIS: you can allow the USER to choose whatever the fuck name they want, embed the metadata in the file like everyone has been used to for the past several years, and shut your pie hole.

    And, yes, that's version 2 of grandma choking on an artichoke. She thought the first time wasn't video-worthy enough, so she asked to try a second time.

  •  You know, for the longest time I thought "SSDS" stood for "SQL Server Development Studio" or something... Wondered why I'd never heard of it outside this forum - I've heard of SSMS (SQL Server Management Studio) and SSRS (SQL Server Reporting Services)...

  • @SpectateSwamp said:
    Which/where is the original file? I tried the MPEG2 link, but it didn't contain much metadata, just a bit of product info. There are three files on the link that contain movies; if any of them were modified then the metadata may have been scrubbed.

    Did you try ExifTool yet?

  • Community Server should be replaced with SSRR!

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Being able to change the Subject line is cool. Quite a few forums don't allow that...

    Most major forum software I've seen allows it. Though you are the only one I've ever seen using this feature. Oh, and some others in this thread to demonstrate they realized you did.

  • By all that is good, I wish I could go back 15 years and change my handle.

     I am not a Swampie, but thank you for the thread. It has been enjoyable.

  • Rosetta Stone of computing languages

    @CaptainCaveman said:

     @SpectateSwamp said:

    Where are the simple dump programs from all languages.


    when you say data dump, you mean ETL i'm guessing?  Except instead of doing something with the data, you 'dump' it to the screen in a bmp?

    Tell you what, you give me some sane requirements, I'll write you some java that does what you want.

    Sure would like to see a Java version of the DmpMp3_metadata. I really would. During all the conversions (except the very early ones) I did similar dump programs. System conversions are ETL. These Dumps are the "E" in ETL.

    When you finish doing a Java program with the exact same functionality as the first one. Then do a second Java app that will put the data out to a new file with the "title=*******"  "artist=********" "album=*****' "year=2010" "comments=*******" "genre=--2Country***" info back out on line #1 and line #2 have the "xxx.c:\search\mysong.mp3" info saved unchanged. I like fixed length fields here because it makes it easy to "SORT" so lengths are (30) (30) (30) (4) (30) (33)

    Manually add or change any of the info that needs fixing. Put some of your own comments on them if you like. But Please please keep the code the Stupidest. Using lots of 'if statements' etc. We don't want to be out-smarting anybody with this code!!!

     Then do a 3rd program that will take this edited text file "and" put the metadata back into the individual Mp3 audio files. Only the ones that changed need be done. But do them all anyway.

    It would be nice to see these very basic dump programs in a multitude of languages for Mp3 Jpeg Mpg metadata display and updates. Come on Java, C,, VB, Perl,.... Programmers.  Help build the "Rosetta Stone of computing languages". What a great start point for someone who is taking up a new language. Compare the code. See which language is the Stupidest.

    Computers have vast amounts of Knowledge. These interchangeable simple Dmp apps are critical to the sharing of this information.


  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    It would be nice to see these very basic dump programs in a multitude of languages for Mp3 Jpeg Mpg metadata display and updates. Come on Java, C,, VB, Perl,.... Programmers.  Help build the "Rosetta Stone of computing languages". What a great start point for someone who is taking up a new language. Compare the code. See which language is the Stupidest.


    ...My brain hurts.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    When you finish doing a Java program with the exact same functionality as the first one. T
    Not JAva but is a free library to do all that and more in C#, supports ID3v2 tags as well. Id3v1 tags are a doddle in any language to do anyway.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    ill put the data out to a new file with the "title=*******"  "artist=********" "album=*****' "year=2010" "comments=*******" "genre=--2Country***" info back out on line #1 and line #2 have the "xxx.c:\search\mysong.mp3" info saved unchanged. I like fixed length fields here because it makes it easy to "SORT" so lengths are (30) (30) (30) (4) (30) (33)
    Why? The whole point of the metdata is that it is in the file, that way you do not need to maintain the data and keep it in sync with the file.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

     Help build the "Rosetta Stone of computing languages".
    Wtf does that even mean? There are already libraries to do this kind of thing for all the major and most of the other languages out there anyway, why reinvent the wheel?

  • ExifToolSwamp called out

    @Xyro said:

    The links I provided are to be used as libraries.  Libraries are building blocks.  That means if all you want to use them for is dumping their output to a text file, you trivially can.  Remind me to create an example for you when I get home.  (I currently can't install Audio::Scan on my work computer for embarrassing reasons I do not wish to enumerate.)

    I don't know how lat/long (AKA geotagging) coordinates are stored in the EXIF data.  A quick Google search informs me that they seem to be stored in the metadata list under the title of "GPSLatitude" and "GPSLongitude":  Oh, hey, look, there's metadata extract/dump program in that write-up.  It's called ExifTool, and is probably exactly what you're looking for.  Do you do any research at all before you start on your tirades?

    Here's the direct link.  It looks genuinely useful.

    I was hoping others would jump to this task. I must be the only programmer at this forum. Others talk about it but few do it. But don't worry Ol Swampie will write you another "Stupidest" dump program. Right where I open and read the Mp3 file I'll do a call to the ExifToolSwamp routine. I might even hunt Old Exif himself down and ask him to put the GPS logic in a Subroutine called "Fiddle the GPS data". Maybe they will help by building another Rosetta Stone app.

    I searched out GPSLongitude as well. I have no need for the GPSspeed and GPSdirection and all the rest of the data. Just give us the GPS location Damn-it For those who think the Location as part of the file name is stupid. Sony creates a file name of yyyymmddhhmmss.mpg So it's ok to store the "location in time" but not the "location in space" as part of the file name. Just think how easy it would be for Me to pretend to rename a file with the GPS info in the name. And cut and paste the location info into some Google maps application. Very easy. Maybe too easy.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    Sony creates a file name of yyyymmddhhmmss.mpg So it's ok to store the "location in time" but not the "location in space" as part of the file name.


    Looking at a list of files named by their date and time makes sense. I can look on my camera's SD card and pretty quickly figure out which pictures I just took based on the time alone. And in any case once I put it on my PC I rename it to something more meaningful.

    If I popped in that SD card and saw a list of movies and pictures labeled soley by their lat/lon coordinates I'd never use that camera again.

  • Also, a timestamp is naturally unique, so you never have to worry about overriding a file that already exists on the camera.  Not true for location.

    Besides, why would you want the GPS location in the file name when it's already in the file?  Not just metadata about the file on the filesystem, mind you, but actual bytes that travel around with the video.  This way, you don't have to have TWO files (the video and the metadata file) when you copy them to your "USB chip".

    Regarding stupidness:  First, I'd like to point out the KISS acronym is actually short for "Keep it simple, stupid".  The comma before "stupid" is very important.  What it's doing is addressing you as the stupid person.  In other words, it's like, "Hey, stupid. Yeah, you.  The stupid one.  Listen: keep it simple."  This should not be misconstrued to mean "Keep it simple AND stupid".  (That would be "KISAS".)  In fact, it would be stupid to be needlessly complex, to not break down problems, to keep all code in one giant subroutine.  Instead, it is smart to keep things as simple as possible, to break down problems, to split up subroutines based on their function.

    Second, I'd like to point out that there is nothing simpler than doing nothing at all.  Writing your own metadata extraction program is less simple than using one of the dozens that already exist in nearly whatever language you want.  (I'd exclude VB5 for obvious reasons, but who knows.)

    Therefore, keep it simple, stupid, and use a pre-existing library if you want to extract metadata.

    Further, keep it simple, stupid, and use the pre-existing metadata INSIDE the file rather than OUTSIDE the file.

    Finally, keep it simple, stupid, and do a little research into your task before writing bad code.  This is true for all of us.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    I was hoping others would jump to this task.
    Why are you expecting others to do this? None of us use VB5 and we are all advocating using already existing libraries to do this work.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    I must be the only programmer at this forum. Others talk about it but few do it
    We have the sense to use an already existing library rather than reinvent the wheel every time.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Right where I open and read the Mp3 file I'll do a call to the ExifToolSwamp routine.
    So you are finally using Subroutines? 

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Sony creates a file name of yyyymmddhhmmss.mpg So it's ok to store the "location in time" but not the "location in space" as part of the file name.
    The name is probably done because it is an easy way to get unique file names with some basic information in them. Time and date is information that is useful to nearly everyone as well.

    @SpectateSwamp said:

    Just think how easy it would be for Me to pretend to rename a file with the GPS info in the name.
    I would imagine it is easy for you to pretend such a thing, you seem to manage to pretend all sorts of other things.@SpectateSwamp said:
    Very easy. Maybe too easy.

  • @SpectateSwamp said:

    It would be nice to see these very basic dump programs in a multitude of languages for Mp3 Jpeg Mpg metadata display and updates. Come on Java, C,, VB, Perl,.... Programmers.  Help build the "Rosetta Stone of computing languages". What a great start point for someone who is taking up a new language. Compare the code. See which language is the Stupidest.
    Btw, since it was on today's [url=]Perl6 Advent calendar[/url], here's a nice link to [url=][/url].  It doesn't seem the contributors love Visual Basic very much, go figure, but there is a section of it [url=]here[/url].  Naturally, it's for VB6.

    Filed under: lmgtfy

  • Julian Assange Assassinated!

    @derula said:

    @SpectateSwamp said:
    Being able to change the Subject line is cool. Quite a few forums don't allow that...

    Most major forum software I've seen allows it. Though you are the only one I've ever seen using this feature. Oh, and some others in this thread to demonstrate they realized you did.


    Actually, this isn't cool at all. Every time I visit the forum list, there is a new, intriguing title in the "funny stuff" section. I click on it, hoping it may be a new interesting topic - but it's always just the old spectate swamp thread that was already boring when it started. Can you imagine the disappointment?

  • @PSWorx said:

    Actually, this isn't cool at all. Every time I visit the forum list, there is a new, intriguing title in the "funny stuff" section. I click on it, hoping it may be a new interesting topic - but it's always just the old spectate swamp thread that was already boring when it started.


     This thread is now ...what ... 6 weeks old?.  Considering all the bitching people do when someone replies to an old thread, why is this one still here?.  Seriously..  Kill this thing now.


  • @El_Heffe said:

    @PSWorx said:

    Actually, this isn't cool at all. Every time I visit the forum list, there is a new, intriguing title in the "funny stuff" section. I click on it, hoping it may be a new interesting topic - but it's always just the old spectate swamp thread that was already boring when it started.


     This thread is now ...what ... 6 weeks old?.  Considering all the bitching people do when someone replies to an old thread, why is this one still here?.  Seriously..  Kill this thing now.



    6 weeks?  Try more then a year.

  • @El_Heffe said:

    @DescentJS said:

     This thread is now ...what ... 6 weeks old?.  Considering all the bitching people do when someone replies to an old thread, why is this one still here?.  Seriously..  Kill this thing now.


    6 weeks?  Try more then a year.


    As for simple running time, I think the "the empty string is null" thread in the oracle section is still first place with ~6 years. Still, to be fair, the SS threads have long since stopped being ordinary threads and have become something ... different. Though what exactly they have become I'm not quite sure off, nor if I really want to know. In any case it doesn't seem to be anything that can be killed by any normal means to kill a conversation.

  • Re: Thread Assassinated!

    @PSWorx said:

    In any case it doesn't seem to be anything that can be killed by any normal means to kill a conversation.

    Has anyone even tried?

    We're geeks. As long as SS spouts nonsense, we try to refute it. It's what we do. It's why we can't get our girlfriends to shut up during the game. If you want to kill a conversation like this, you either say "shut up", or else you walk away.

  • I'm beginning to suspect Elton John may be gay

    @DescentJS said:

    @El_Heffe said:

    @PSWorx said:

    Actually, this isn't cool at all. Every time I visit the forum list, there is a new, intriguing title in the "funny stuff" section. I click on it, hoping it may be a new interesting topic - but it's always just the old spectate swamp thread that was already boring when it started.


     This thread is now ...what ... 6 weeks old?.  Considering all the bitching people do when someone replies to an old thread, why is this one still here?.  Seriously..  Kill this thing now.



    6 weeks?  Try more then a year.

    OOPS.  Looked at the date but didn't notice that the year was 2009.  That's even worse.


  • @b-redeker said:

    It's why we can't get our girlfriends to shut up during the game.

    At least those of us who have girlfriends.

  • What is girlfriend?  Is that a new internet meme or something?

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