Interesting name

  • How would you pronouce the name of this resteraunt?

    That is Phuket Thai

  • **** it thai

  • Ignore the 'h' in Phuket, it's just there to fool you.

    It's pronounced roughly as "poo ket" with a shortish "oo" sound.

  •  pʰuːkɛt tʰāj

    I'd have pronounced it without the ː if I hadn't cheated, though.

  • As someone living in the US, but knows how to pronounce Phuket, I am always amused whenever the name comes up in the news and the announcers come across all embarrassed as if they were caught saying a naughty word.

  • Discourse touched me in a no-no place

    @OzPeter said:

    As someone [who] knows how to pronounce Phuket, I am always amused whenever the name comes up in the news and the announcers come across all embarrassed as if they were caught saying a naughty word.

    My reaction is more 'annoyed' than 'amused.'

    Moreso if it's a newsreader - aren't these people supposed to be told how to pronounce foreign words before it appears on their autocue?

  • Before I moved to Thailand twenty years ago, I looked on a map and figured that any country with a city named "Phuck it" can't be all bad. When I got here I learned that the name is "Poo-ket", but hey, the country's pretty good anyway. World famous in some ways.

    Andy Canfield

    Roiet, Thailand


  • @PJH said:

    Moreso if it's a newsreader - aren't these people supposed to be told how to pronounce foreign words before it appears on their autocue?


    Of course, as long as you've been around here, I doubt you need to be told that not everything which is supposed to happen does happen...

  • @PJH said:

    Moreso if it's a newsreader - aren't these people supposed to be told how to pronounce foreign words before it appears on their autocue?


    I remember a girl in German language class who was to translate a sentence containing (school) "subjects" and forgot the 'a' was umlauted.

    Crimson she turned.


  • Trust me, there's worse names (English-sounding wise) than Phuket Thai.  Just ask the Thai-American girl I knew whose first name was Pornporn

  • So nobody of you ever saw "Juno" movie?


  • @alegr said:

    So nobody of you ever saw "Juno" movie?


    Only chicks and fags, and maybe some desperate guy really really really trying hard to get some ass, watching it with a candidate for such.

  • @alegr said:

    So nobody of you ever saw "Juno" movie?


    I saw it, in the sense that I sat in the theatre playing Block Breaker on my phone while it was on, stopping occasionally only to check my watch or to roll my eyes at my wife for enjoying that drivel.

  • @bstorer said:

    roll my eyes at my wife

    Don't be silly.

    You don't have a wife.

    You just sometimes like to pretend that you do.

    @amischiefr said:

    maybe some desperate guy really really really trying hard to get some ass, watching it with a candidate for such.


    But I watched There Will Be Blood with her afterwards which is a fucking great flick -- though not the other way around.


  • @dhromed said:

    @bstorer said:

    roll my eyes at my wife

    Don't be silly.

    You don't have a wife.

    You just sometimes like to pretend that you do.

    Fine, I rolled my eyes at my Real Doll.  What's the difference, anyway (Other than the fact that I only had to pay five grand for the Real Doll.)?

  • @bstorer said:

    @dhromed said:

    @bstorer said:

    roll my eyes at my wife

    Don't be silly.

    You don't have a wife.

    You just sometimes like to pretend that you do.

    Fine, I rolled my eyes at my Real Doll.  What's the difference, anyway (Other than the fact that I only had to pay five grand for the Real Doll.)?

    Also, you don't get a visit from the cops when you smack your Real Doll for talking back.

  • @morbiuswilters said:

    @bstorer said:

    @dhromed said:

    @bstorer said:

    roll my eyes at my wife

    Don't be silly.

    You don't have a wife.

    You just sometimes like to pretend that you do.

    Fine, I rolled my eyes at my Real Doll.  What's the difference, anyway (Other than the fact that I only had to pay five grand for the Real Doll.)?

    Also, you don't get a visit from the cops when you smack your Real Doll for talking back.

    No, you get a visit from the men in white.

  • @squeem said:

    @PJH said:

    Moreso if it's a newsreader - aren't these people supposed to be told how to pronounce foreign words before it appears on their autocue?


    I remember a girl in German language class who was to translate a sentence containing (school) "subjects" and forgot the 'a' was umlauted.

    Crimson she turned.

    For those too lazy to use Babelfish themselves, "school subjects" is "fächer"in German. "Facher" (without the ümläüt), however, means "fold".

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